I have been active since → 7 June 2010, although there have been some substantiell interruptions.
Articles as first or main contributor
- 164. leichte Afrika-Division
- 2009 Richmond High School gang rape
- 6th Army (Germany)
- 8 May 1945
- A Quarter-Century of Un-Americana, 1938–1963
- Academy of Social and Political Research
- Adalbert von Blanc
- Adam Kaus
- Adam Müller
- Adjutantenschnur
- Adolf
- Adolf Egeberg Jr.
- Adolf Ehrt
- Adolf Galland
- Adolf Martin Bormann
- Adolf Pirmann
- Adolf Strauß
- Adolf Thiele
- African National Congress
- Agnosticism
- Al Sharpton
- Albatros D.V
- Albert von Mutius
- Albert Westphal
- Albin Freiherr von Reitzenstein
- Albrecht Aschoff
- Albrecht Reinecke
- Albrecht von Boxberg
- Albrecht von Warburg
- Albrecht Wüstenhagen
- Aleksey Tolstoy
- Alexander Friedrich von Woldeck
- Alexander Leschke
- Alexander Petersen
- Alexander Polenz
- Alfons Rebane
- Alfred Arnold
- Alfred Dieterich
- Alfred Graf Eckbrecht von Dürckheim-Montmartin
- Alfred-Maurice de Zayas
- Alfred Müller (1915)
- Alfred Nobel
- Alfred Streccius
- Alix of Hesse
- Alois Lindmayr
- Alsace
- Alter Adler
- Alwin Brandt
- Alwin-Broder Albrecht
- Andreas Fischer
- Angelica Wiktor
- Anthony Hancock
- Anti-Christ
- Anti-German
- Anti-White
- Anton Hafner
- Arab world
- Arctic
- Arianism
- Arno Thiele
- Arnold Gehlen
- Arthur Charles Smith
- Arthur Kobus
- Arthur Seyß-Inquart
- Arthur Sigismund von Förster
- Artur Kutscher
- August-Albert Ploch
- August Heißmeyer
- August Hirt
- August Malotki von Trzebiatowski
- August von Heeringen
- August von Mackensen
- Austrian Army
- Autogenocide
- Baldur von Schirach
- Balkans campaign (World War II)
- Balkenkreuz
- Baltic Germans
- Baltimore
- Barbarian
- Battle of Crete
- Battle of Dunkirk
- Battle of Stalingrad
- Battle of Vienna
- Battlecry (album)
- Bavarian Army
- Bekenntnis der Professoren
- Ben Shapiro
- Benton L. Bradberry
- Bernhard Freiherr von Humboldt-Dachroeden
- Bernhard Josef Maria von Hartz
- Bernhard Rust
- Bernhard Siebken
- Bernhard von Lippe
- Bernhard Wilhelm Eugen Jesko von Puttkamer
- Berthold von Deimling
- Bill Clinton
- Black Sea
- Blitzkrieg
- Blue blood
- Blutzeugen
- Bodybuilding
- Bogislav Graf von Schwerin
- Bombing of Germany during World War II
- Bombing of Königsberg in World War II
- Boxer Rebellion
- Brandenburgers
- Brothers Grimm
- Brothers von Blücher
- Bruno Meineke
- Bruno Rothardt
- Bruno von François
- Bruno von Kayser
- Brunswick War Merit Cross
- Bundestag
- Bundeswehr
- California
- Camp Siegfried
- Canary Islands
- Carl Britt
- Carl Gronau
- Carl Gustav Jung
- Carl Hans Lungershausen
- Carl Johannes Maier
- Carl Oberg
- Carl Philipp August Graf von Schlieffen
- Carl Theodor Körner
- Carl Ziegler
- Carolingian dynasty
- Certificate of Recognition of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army
- Charles
- Charles III of West Francia
- Charles Murray
- Chiang Kai-shek
- Christian Anti-Defamation League
- Christian Schulze
- Christianity
- Christmas tree
- Christoph Steding
- Chronology of Austria
- Chronology of David Duke
- Claus von Stauffenberg
- Claus von Trotha
- Close Combat Clasp
- Colin Ross
- Colonial Badge
- Comet
- Commemorative badge for the campaign against the Soviet Union
- Commemorative Medal of 9 November 1923
- Condor Legion
- Congress
- Conquest of the Roman Empire
- Constant Freiherr von Quadt und Hüchtenbruck
- Corsica
- Crete
- Crime
- Croatian Medal for Bravery
- Cross of Merit for Women and Virgins
- Culm
- Curt Ehle
- Curt Liebmann
- Curt Wittje
- Dachau
- Daniel Wretström
- Deanna Spingola
- December
- Declarations of War during World War II
- Deity
- Der III. Weg
- Der letzte Patriot
- Deutsche Lufthansa
- Dieter Dengler
- Dieter Kesten
- Dieter Wisliceny
- Dieter Zinke
- Dietrich Eckart
- Dismemberment of Germany
- Dissertation
- Dissident
- Dönitz-Erlaß
- Drastamat Kanayan
- Eagle Shield of the German Reich
- Early history of the German Panzerwaffe
- East Berlin
- Eastern Germany
- Eberhard Heder
- Eckart-Wilhelm von Bonin
- Edel-Heinrich Zachariae von Lingenthal
- Edmund Francois
- Eduard Freiherr von Steinaecker
- Eduard von Knorr
- Edward Robert Cawthron
- Edwin Emerson
- Edwin Erich Dwinger
- Edwin von Stülpnagel
- Egloff Freiherr von Freyberg-Eisenberg-Allmendingen
- Ehrenpreis der Marineflieger
- Einheitsmensch
- El Cid
- Elmar Schäfer
- Elon Musk
- Elsa Brändström
- Elvis Presley
- Emil Maurice
- Emil Thuy
- Emmo von Roden
- Encyclopedia
- Erich Freiherr von Falkenstein
- Erich Freiherr von Seckendorff
- Erich Hartmann
- Erich Höcker
- Erich Kempka
- Erich Koch
- Erich Krebs
- Erich Krebs (1912–1993)
- Erich Ludendorff
- Erich Petersen
- Erich Priebke
- Erich Rothardt
- Erich von Bonin
- Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski
- Erich von Gündell
- Erich von Tschischwitz
- Erich von Warburg
- Erich Walther
- Erich Wollmar
- Ernst Benno von Studnitz
- Ernst Brandenburg
- Ernst Dewies
- Ernst Graf von Moy
- Ernst-Günther Baade
- Ernst Jüngling
- Ernst Kaltenbrunner
- Ernst Koschel
- Ernst Krämer
- Ernst Niekisch
- Ernst Otto von Trotha
- Ernst Ritter von Mann Edler von Tiechler
- Ernst Röhm
- Ernst Volckheim
- Ernst von Behr
- Ernst von Petersdorff
- Erwin Barends
- Erwin Fischer
- Erwin Rommel
- Ethnography
- Eugen Fischer
- Eugen Flad
- Ewald Stier
- Fedor von Bock
- Felix Dahn
- Felix Graf von Bothmer
- Felix von Bendemann
- Felix Weil
- Ferdinand Ritter von Mann Edler von Tiechler
- Ferdinand von Zeppelin
- Flak
- Flakhelfer
- Flower War medals
- Flügeladjutant
- Flying ace
- Fokker D.VII
- Fourth Reich Farmers’ Rally 1936
- Franco-German War
- Franco’s International Brigades
- Frank Collin
- Frankfurt School
- Frankish Empire
- Franz Dörr
- Franz Juschkat
- Franz Mattenklott
- Franz Ritter von Hipper
- Freiherr von Watter
- Freiwilliger Arbeitsdienst
- Friedrich III, German Emperor
- Friedrich August Medal
- Friedrich August von Trotha
- Friedrich-Carl Cranz
- Friedrich Franz IV (Mecklenburg-Schwerin)
- Friedrich Franz von Huth
- Friedrich Grade
- Friedrich Lebrecht von Trotha
- Friedrich List
- Friedrich Max Müller
- Friedrich Meyer
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Friedrich Paulus
- Friedrich Ruge
- Friedrich von Both
- Friedrich von Marschall
- Friedrich von Scholtz
- Friedrich Wiese
- Friedrich Wilhelm Dernen
- Friedrich Wilhelm von Lindeiner genannt von Wildau
- Fritz Burmeister
- Fritz Freitag
- Fritz Goecke
- Fritz Knöchlein
- Fritz Krause (General)
- Fritz Poske
- Fritz Rumey
- Fritz Tegtmeier
- Fritz Thiele
- Fritz Todt
- Fritz von Below
- Fritz von Scholz
- Fritz Weitzel
- Front Flying Clasp
- Front National
- Front National (South Africa)
- Führerhauptquartier
- Fürst
- Garlic
- Garlic (contra)
- General der Flieger
- General der Panzertruppe
- General der Pioniere
- Generalfeldmarschall
- Generaloberst
- Gentilophobia
- Georg Alexander von Müller
- Georg Brandt
- Georg Bruchmüller
- Georg Ernst Karl Ludwig von Priem
- Georg Heinrich von Priem
- Georg Pohlmann
- Georg Ritter von Hengl
- Georg Seegers
- Georg Stumme
- Georg von Bismarck
- Georg von Rabenau
- Georg von Unold
- Georg Wilhelm von Cölln
- Georg von Wodtke
- George W. Bush
- Georges Theil
- Gerd von Brauchitsch
- Gerd von Rundstedt
- Gerhard Bremer
- Gerhard Franz
- Gerhard Frey (politician)
- Gerhard-Georg Ziegler
- Gerhard Grenzel
- Gerhard Hauck
- Gerhard Hubrich
- Gerhard Schöpfel
- German Air Force (Imperial German Air Service)
- German Americans
- German Army
- German Brazilian
- German colonies
- German Confederation
- German Cross
- German Expellees
- German inventors and discoverers
- German Mexican
- German Navy
- German Nobel laureates
- German nobility
- German Order (decoration)
- German salute
- German Shepherd dog
- German states
- German Texans
- German War of Brothers
- German women
- Germania
- Germania (Tacitus)
- Germanic languages
- Germanic SS
- Germanophilia
- Germanophobia
- Golden HJ Honour Badge
- Golden Military Merit Cross (Prussia)
- Golden Party Badge
- Gotha G.IV
- Gottfried von Massow
- Gotthard Eßbach
- Gottlob Berger
- Gottschalk von Loewenich
- Goyim Defense League (Arch.)
- Graeme Theo Royce
- Grand Imperial Order of the Red Arrows
- Gregor Straßer
- Großadmiral
- Guido von List
- Günther Freiherr von Hammerstein-Equord
- Günther Orgell
- Günther Tlotzek
- Günther von Drabich-Waechter
- Günther Wisliceny
- Gustav Adolf Graf von Götzen
- Gustav Adolf von Deines
- Gustav Boehringer
- Gustav Feller
- Gustav Freiherr von Senden und Bibran
- Gustav Kleikamp
- Gustav Mahler
- Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
- Gustav Schmidt
- Gustav von Kessel
- Guthmannshausen Memorial
- Gymnasium (school)
- Halberstadt
- Hannes Trautloft
- Hanover
- Hans-Adalbert von Stockhausen
- Hans Adalbert von Stockhausen
- Hans-Adolf Prützmann
- Hans Baumann (Waffen-SS)
- Hans Bertsch
- Hans Boetticher
- Hans Eberhard Sigismund von Förster
- Hans Ernst Golden
- Hans Freiherr von Boineburg-Lengsfeld
- Hans Fritzsche
- Hans Gaede
- Hans Gandert
- Hans-Georg Schmidt von Altenstadt
- Hans-Georg von Seidel
- Hans Gerrit von Stockhausen
- Hans Graf
- Hans Graf von Sponeck
- Hans Hasse
- Hans-Heinrich Lammers
- Hans Hugo Dickmann
- Hans-Joachim Marseille
- Hans Krebs (SS general)
- Hans-Kurt Höcker
- Hans-Peter Jacob
- Hans Ritter
- Hans Röttiger
- Hans Schmidt (General der Infanterie)
- Hans Schmidt (Generalleutnant)
- Hans Schroedter
- Hans Siburg
- Hans von Euler-Chelpin
- Hans von Gronau
- Hans von Hößlin
- Hans von Seeckt
- Hans Wolfgang Reinhard
- Hans Zenker
- Hanseatic Cross
- Hanns Ferdinand Maßmann
- Harald Nugiseks
- Harald Riipalu
- Hardo Rodler von Roithberg
- Harold Hohne
- Harrison Ford
- Harry S. Truman
- Harry von Kirchbach
- Heerespersonalamt
- Heil (German greeting)
- Heinkel He 111
- Heinkel He 176
- Heinrich Anton Wilhelm von Wodtke
- Heinrich Anton Wilhelm Johannes von Behr
- Heinrich Baron von Behr
- Heinrich Ehrler
- Heinrich Hogrebe
- Heinrich Menu von Minutoli
- Heinrich Ochs
- Heinrich Petersen
- Heinrich Scheüch
- Heinrich Schlake
- Heinrich Strack (General)
- Heinrich Wiese
- Heinrich Wilhelm Büsing
- Heinrich Wosch
- Heinrich Zachariae
- Heinz-Eduard Menche
- Heinz Furbach
- Heinz Gaedcke
- Heinz-Georg Lemm
- Heinz Guderian
- Heinz-Joachim Werner-Ehrenfeucht
- Heinz Linge
- Heinz Rafoth
- Heinz Rothhardt
- Heinz Spanknöbel
- Heinz Werner (1914)
- Heinz Werner (1917)
- Hellmut von Rabenau
- Hellmuth Bieneck
- Hellmuth Prieß
- Helmut Bechler
- Helmut Kohl
- Helmut Lipfert
- Helmut Mahlke
- Helmut Poppendick
- Helmut Staedke
- Helmut Wieselhuber
- Helmut Zollenkopf
- Helmuth Beukemann
- Helmuth Brinkmann
- Helmuth Hufenbach
- Helmuth Huffmann
- Helmuth Wilberg
- Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd
- Henry Louis Mencken
- Herbert Bellschan von Mildenburg
- Herbert Hoover
- Herbert Kaminski
- Herbert Röhler
- Herbert Sewing
- Herbert Wehnelt
- Herero (Hottentot War)
- Herman Lehmann
- Hermann Becker
- Hermann Buchner (Luftwaffe)
- Hermann Buchner (Waffen-SS)
- Hermann Dahlmann
- Hermann Esser
- Hermann Fischer (1913)
- Hermann Foertsch
- Hermann Grothe
- Hermann Julius Fischer
- Hermann Keil
- Hermann Ritter von Mann Edler von Tiechler
- Hermann von Alvensleben
- Hermann von Fischel
- Hermann von François
- Hermann von Rantzau
- Heros von Borcke
- Hesse-Kassel Army
- Heterophobia
- Heterosexuality
- Hjalmar Schacht
- Holger Apfel
- Holm Levin von Metzsch
- Honour Cross of the World War 1914/1918
- Honour Ring of the SS
- Honour Sword of the Reichsführers-SS
- Horst Carganico
- Horst von Schroeter
- Horst von Usedom
- House of Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov
- Hubert Strauß
- Hugo Heinkel
- Hugo von Freytag-Loringhoven
- Hugo von Winterfeld
- Hyazinth Graf Strachwitz
- Ian Richard Olson
- Imperial Territory of Alsace-Lorraine
- Imre Kertész
- Ingrid Weckert
- Ingvar Kamprad
- International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust
- Iron Front
- Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
- Isoroku Yamamoto
- Italy
- Jagdgeschwader 5
- Jagdgeschwader 52
- Jäger (German military)
- Jakob Fick
- Jakob Norz
- James A. Garfield
- Japanese language
- Jean-Marie Le Pen
- Jeff Hanneman
- Jens Peter Petersen
- Jesse Owens
- Jimmy Schepers
- Joachim Degener
- Joachim Friedrich Huth
- Joachim-Friedrich Lang
- Joachim Müncheberg
- Joachim von Ribbentrop
- Johann Albert von Viebahn
- Johann Andreas Eisenmenger
- Johann Georg Adolf Ritter von Deines
- Johann Heinrich Friedrich Wiese
- Johann Jakob Astor
- Johann Oekenpöhler
- Johann Pohlmann
- Johann von Leers
- Johannes Bachmann
- Johannes Blaskowitz
- Johannes Hahn
- Johannes Lohs
- Johannes Stark
- Johannes von Hahn
- Johnny Rebel
- Jonathan Pollard
- Josef Bischoff
- Josef Folttmann
- Josef Jacobs
- Josef Mai
- Joseph Haydn
- Julius Ferdinand Schulz
- Julius von Bergmann
- Julleuchter
- Juneteenth
- Junkers Ju 88
- Jürgen Rieger
- Jürgen Stroop
- Jurist
- Justin von Obernitz
- Kaffir
- Kaiserliche Schutztruppe
- Kamau Kambon
- Kamerun
- Kampfgeschwader 27
- Karl
- Karl Albrecht
- Karl August Nerger
- Karl-August Petersen
- Karl Brandt
- Karl Decker
- Karl Euler
- Karl Freiherr von Forstner
- Karl Graf von Horn
- Karl-Heinz Dietrich
- Karl Hermann Arndt
- Karl Hermann Freiherr von Trotha
- Karl Kapp
- Karl Leib
- Karl Maaß
- Karl Maria Wiligut
- Karl May
- Karl Moyses
- Karl Mühleck
- Karl Pflaum
- Karl Prager
- Karl Ritter von Prager
- Karl Sauter
- Karl Schönberg
- Karl von Graffen
- Karl von Helmschwerdt
- Karl Walther
- Karl Wilhelm Maier
- Karl Wolff
- Karlsruhe
- Kevin Alfred Strom
- Killed in action
- Kingdom of Germany
- Kingdom of Portugal
- King's German Legion
- Kinzel
- Kitty Genovese
- Klaus-Degenhard Schmidt
- Klaus-Henning von Schmeling-Diringshofen
- Klaus Scholtz
- Klaus Schwab
- Knockout game
- Kommandant
- Königsberg
- Konrad Geisler
- Konstantin Freiherr von Gebsattel
- Konstantin von Neurath
- Kreuzritter für Deutschland
- Kurt Albrecht (1887)
- Kurt Albrecht (1889)
- Kurt Albrecht (1895)
- Kurt Florentin Hildebrandt
- Kurt Himer
- Kurt Kuhlmey
- Kurt Plenzat
- Kurt Rüdiger
- Kurt Treuhaupt
- Kurt von Manteuffel
- Kurt von Obernitz
- Kurt von Schuschnigg
- Kurt Zeitzler
- Landser
- Left
- Legion
- Leo Amery
- Leo Stettin
- Leo Strauss
- Leonard Young
- Leonhard Graf von Blumenthal
- Leopold von Ranke
- London Cage
- Lord of the manor
- Lorenz Neumayr
- Lothar Wieland
- Louis Agassiz
- Louis Karl Emil von Blanc
- Louis Otto Ernst Georg Friedrich von Hesberg
- Ludewig von Bastineller
- Ludwig Freiherr von Falkenhausen
- Ludwig Hanstein
- Ludwig Häusser
- Ludwig Streil
- Ludwig von der Leyen
- Luftstreitkräfte
- Luftwaffe (Wehrmacht)
- Made in Russia: The Holocaust
- Magical negro
- Maginot Line
- Magyars
- Maji Maji War
- Männerbund
- March
- March (music)
- Mark Weber
- Mars
- Martin Heidegger
- Martin Mitschke
- Martyrdom of Michael of Sappenfeld (1540)
- Massacre
- Mathilde Ludendorff
- Max Dennerlein
- Max Friese
- Max Hansen
- Max Ibel
- Max Lindig
- Max Planck
- Max Schimmelpfennig
- Max von Gallwitz
- Max von Viebahn
- Maximilian Freiherr Schacky von Schönfeld
- Maximilian Graf von Montgelas
- Maximilian von Mutius
- Medal for the Italian-German campaign in Africa
- Mel Gibson
- Messerschmitt Bf 109
- Messerschmitt Bf 110
- Metaphysics
- Michael Connor Verkerke
- Michael Wittmann
- Military Order of Max Joseph
- Moon
- Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom
- Nachtjagd
- Napoleonic Wars
- National Socialist Equestrian Corps
- National Socialist German Workers' Party
- National Socialist Party of Australia
- Natzmer
- Netherlands
- New Reich Chancellery
- New Swabia
- Nicolaus von Below
- Northern Hemisphere
- Northern League for Pan-Nordic Friendship
- NS-Frauen-Warte
- Oberbefehlshaber West
- Oberkommando der Luftwaffe
- Odal Sieg (band)
- Odalism
- Odilo Globotschnigg
- Old Style and New Style dates
- Oldenburg in Holstein
- Olympia (1938 film)
- Operation Gomorrah
- Operation Greif
- Operation Hannibal
- Operation Rösselsprung
- Operation Weserübung
- Operation Zeppelin
- Oprah Winfrey
- Order of Mehdauia
- Order of the German Eagle
- Oskar Heinecke
- Oskar Schimpf
- Oskar Schindler
- Oskar von Gais
- Oskar von Hutier
- Oskar von Lindequist
- Oskar von Miller
- Oswald Pohl
- Othmar Kreuzinger
- Othmar Pollmann
- Otto Benzin
- Otto Büsing
- Otto Creutzmann
- Otto Dietrich
- Otto Fönnekold
- Otto Georg Thierack
- Otto Graf zu Castell-Castell
- Otto Hansen
- Otto Helmut Lebrecht von Trotha
- Otto Lasch
- Otto Lilienthal
- Otto Rahn (1881)
- Otto Reinhold Föll
- Otto Straßer
- Otto Vincon
- Otto von Below
- Otto von der Decken
- Otto von Diederichs
- Otto von Lossow
- Otto von Stülpnagel
- Otto von Wegerer
- Ottonian dynasty
- Palau
- Paris
- Patrick J. Buchanan
- Patriotism
- Paul Bahr
- Paul Bieß
- Paul Deichmann
- Paul Drekmann
- Paul Gerhardt
- Paul Guhl
- Paul Hermann Wagner
- Paul Maitla
- Paul Scheuermann
- Paul von Hase
- Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck
- Paul Wülfing von Ditten
- Peace of Westphalia
- Percy Baron von Ascheberg
- Peru
- Peter Düttmann
- Peter the Great
- Peter Ingenhoven
- Peter Ottmar Grau
- Peter Raabe
- Peter Schägger
- Philipp Müller-Gebhard
- Philipp Kleffel
- Pioneer (German military)
- Positive manipulation
- Pour le Mérite
- Privilege
- Proclamation of the German Empire
- Province of Pomerania
- Prussian Army
- Pulitzer Prize
- Pyramid Prophecy
- Quanah Parker
- Queen Victoria
- Race war
- Racial awareness
- Racial hoax
- Racial hygiene
- Racial thinking
- Radio
- Rainer Stahel
- Ranks (Wehrmacht)
- Ray P. Chase
- Rebecca Wood
- Recipients of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
- Recipients of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
- Red Terror
- Reichel incident (1942)
- Reichsarbeitsdienst
- Reichskanzler
- Reichsmarschall
- Reichspräsident
- Reichswehr
- Reimar Constantin von Alvensleben
- Reinhard Gehlen
- Reinhard Heydrich
- Reinhart von Rabenau
- Reinhold Dahlmann
- Reinhold Elstner
- Reinhold Saltzwedel
- Remi Schrijnen
- Remigration
- Reverse discrimination
- Rheinwiesenlager
- Rhine
- Richard Baer
- Richard Heinrich Glücks
- Richard Hildebrandt
- Richard Ruoff
- Richard Schulze-Kossens
- Richard von Conta
- Richard von Winterfeld
- Richard Walther Darré
- Riesengebirge
- Riga
- Rittmeister
- Robert Alber
- Robert Heuer
- Robert Koch
- Robert M. Citino
- Robert S. Hartman
- Robey Leibbrandt
- Rochus Misch
- Roger Pearson
- Roland Freisler
- Rolf-Heinz Höppner
- Rolf Jung
- Rolf Kosiek
- Rolf Scherenberg
- Romanian Commemorative Medal for the Crusade Against Communism
- Rosika Schwimmer
- Rotterdam Blitz
- Rudi Peuckert
- Rudolf Heß
- Rudolf Junker
- Rudolf Sintzenich
- Rudolf Veiel
- Rudolf Werner
- Rudolf Zölk
- Rolf Wuthmann
- Rulers of Saxony
- Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria
- Rwanda
- SA-Feldjäger-Korps
- SA ranks
- SA-Wehrabzeichen für Kriegsversehrte
- Saint George's Medal
- Salman Rushdie
- Sarajevo
- Saxe-Meiningen Cross for Merit in War
- Saxon Army
- Saxony
- Scalping
- Schloß-Garde-Kompanie
- Scranton Wochenblatt
- Seven Years' War
- Sicherheitsdienst
- Sicherheitspolizei
- Siege of Kolberg (1807)
- Siegfried Borchardt
- Siegfried Maßmann
- Sigismund Freiherr von Falkenstein
- Sigrid Hunke
- Sigrun
- Sigurd von Ilsemann
- Skull and Bones
- Sinking of the RMS Lusitania
- Social justice warrior
- Sociobiology
- Solar System
- Soldbuch
- Song of the South
- South African farm attacks
- Spanish War Cross
- Sports
- SS-Ehrendegen
- SS-Ehrendolch
- SS-Hauptamt
- SS-Jagdverband Mitte
- SS-Junkerschule
- SS-Standarte Kurt Eggers
- SS-Totenkopfverbände
- SS-Zivilabzeichen
- Stahlhelm
- Stefan Fröhlich
- Steuben
- Stille Hilfe
- Sturm-Bataillon Nr. 5
- Submarine
- Sun
- Swastika-armlet
- Tanya Chamberlain
- Tehran Conference
- Teutonia
- Teutons
- The Man in the High Castle
- The Revisionist – Journal for Critical Historical Inquiry
- The Truth Seeker (publication)
- Theo Morell
- Theocracy
- Theodor Eicke
- Theodor Eschenburg
- Theodor Herzl
- Theodor von Wernitz
- Thierenberg massacre
- Thomas Anderson
- Thule
- Tina Turner
- Totenkopf
- Tradwife
- Tulsa race riot
- Ulrich Greifelt
- Ulrich Kleemann
- Ulrich von Barner
- Unification of Germany
- Uniform
- United States Army Air Forces
- Unno von Fischel
- Ursula Haverbeck-Wetzel
- Uto Gallwitz
- V-2 rocket
- Valaree Schwab
- Valhalla
- Vandals
- Vaterland
- Vice President of the United States
- Victor Valois
- Viet Cong
- Viktor Lutze
- Viktor Orbán
- Viktor von Drabich-Waechter
- Virginia Abernethy
- Volcano
- Volksdeutsche
- Volksgemeinschaft
- Volkssturm
- Waffen-SS
- SS Parachute Battalion 500/600
- Waffen-SS divisions
- 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler
- 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich
- 3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf
- 5th SS Panzer Division Wiking
- 9th SS Panzer Division Hohenstaufen
- 11th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division Nordland
- 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend
- 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian)
- 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Ukrainian)
- 20th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Estonian)
- 23rd SS Volunteer Panzer Grenadier Division Nederland
- 27th SS Volunteer Division Langemarck
- 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Charlemagne (1st French)
- 34th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Landstorm Nederland
- Waffen-SS foreign volunteers and conscripts
- Wagner
- Wake Up or Die
- Waldemar Henrici
- Walter Freiherr von Freyberg-Eisenberg-Allmendingen
- Walter Frentz
- Walter Georg Lohmann
- Walter Gerlach
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- Walter Harzer
- Walter Krüger (colonel)
- Walter Krüger (general)
- Walter Lichtschlag
- Walter Lohmann
- Walter Model
- Walter Petzel
- Walter Poppe
- Walter Riedel (1919)
- Walter Schimana
- Walter Voigt
- Walter von Bergmann
- Walter von Brauchitsch
- Walter von Lossow
- Walter von Reichenau
- Walter von Schönberg
- Walter von Wietersheim
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- Walther August Georg Franz
- Walther Franz
- Walther Graf von Königsmarck
- Walther Schwieger
- War
- War Merit Cross (1939)
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- Wars of Liberation
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- Warsaw Uprising
- Wartburg (Tennessee)
- Wehrmachtbeamter
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- Werner Reißmann
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- Werner von Fritsch
- Werner von Gallwitz
- Wernher von Braun
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- Wilhelm Dipberger
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- Wilhelm Hunt Diederich
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- Wilhelm Kment
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- Wilhelm Mueller
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- Wilhelm Ritter von Haasy
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- Wilhelm von Thümen
- Wilhelm von Trotha
- Wilhelm Weiß (1867)
- Wilhelm Zinsser
- Willem-Alexander van Amsberg, King of the Netherlands
- Willi Hardieck
- Willi Harmjanz
- Willi Hund
- William Michaelis
- Willy Hammerich
- Willy Johannmeyer
- Winter Battle in the East 1941–42 Medal
- Witu
- Wokeness
- Wolf von Trotha
- Wolfgang Bersch
- Wolfgang Lührs
- Wolfgang von Gronau
- Wolfgang Wahl
- Wolfgang Ziegler
- Women of the Ku Klux Klan
- World Capital Germania
- Wound Badge
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- X
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Articles substantially expanded
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- 2011 England riots
- Aachen
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- Afrikaners
- Afrocentrism
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- Albrecht Dürer
- Alfred P. Schultz
- Alger Hiss
- Algiz
- Allah (Islam)
- Alliance of European National Movements
- Altmark incident
- Amelia Earhart
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- Anti-Fascist Action
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- Anton Graf von Arco auf Valley
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- Battle of the Blue Hills
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- Bellamy salute
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- Germany
- Germany’s Third Empire
- Germar Rudolf
- Gestapo
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- Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross
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- Kurt Meyer
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- Martin Kerr
- Martin Luther
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- Michael A. Hoffman II
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- Migration Period
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- Mongolia
- Mongols
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- MS-13
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- Mumia Abu-Jamal
- Munich Putsch
- Mythology
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- Nathan Mayer Rothschild
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- National Socialist Front
- National Socialist League of the Reich for Physical Exercise
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- Nigger
- Night of the Long Knives
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- Nordicism
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- Operation Oak
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- Otto Ernst Remer
- Otto Fürst von Bismarck
- Otto Günsche
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- Pope Paul VI
- Pope Pius XII
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- United States Declaration of Independence
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- Vril
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- Wilhelm Gustloff
- Wilhelm Landig
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- Willis Carto
- Wir fahren gegen Engeland
- Wolfgang Ebell
- Wolfsangel
- World War II
- Wunderwaffe
- Yellow badge
- Yule
- Zionism
Interesting articles in German
- 10 Gebote für die Gattenwahl
- 10 Gebote für die Kriegsführung des deutschen Soldaten
- Abtreibung
- Albert-Schweitzer-Kreis
- Anthony McQewn Hervey
- Arterhaltung
- Björn Clemens
- Café Germania (Berlin)
- Claus Graf von Stauffenberg
- Der Tod kam vom Himmel (Margit Alm)
- Deutsche Uniformen im Zweiten Weltkrieg (Bildergalerie)
- Deutschherrenklub
- Einheitsmensch
- Erb-Erinnern
- Ewiger Wald – Ewiges Volk
- Familie
- G20-Gipfel und linker Terror in Hamburg 2017
- Gedächtnisstätte Guthmannshausen
- Gefallene
- Gerhard Gottfried Wagner (1950–2011)
- Germanisch-deutsche Vornamen für Kinder edlen Blutes
- Geschlechtergleichschaltung
- Geschlechtsleugnung
- Gesinnungshaft
- Harri Glowania
- Günter Deckert (1940–2022)
- Herrschaft durch Sprache
- Holger Apfel
- Homo-Bolschewismus
- Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Agitation & Nationalpatriotismus
- Jürgen Rieger
- Kampfzeit
- Lügenpresse
- Manuel Ochsenreiter
- Margarete Dierks
- Minusseele
- Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalt
- Neue Gemeinschaft von Philosophen
- Nazi-Darsteller
- Peter Hild
- Proud Boys
- Ralph Gunther Küchle
- Rassebewußtsein
- Rassenreinheit
- Reinhold Elstner
- Rüdiger Hoffmann (1967)
- Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner
- Schandnacht zum Jahreswechsel 2015/2016
- Skinhead & Skinhead-Girl
- SS-Siggi
- Steffen Kotré
- Unternehmen „Weserübung“
- Verhausschweinung
- Viertes Reich
- Widerstand2020 (Partei)
- Wilhelm Franz Canaris
- Wilhelm Stäglich

"How he stands there! Not retreating from the spot, but stepping forward! The time he lives in is one of turmoil, but nothing can shatter his core. He has no knowledge of inner suffering, mental divisions, distortions and discord. He remains steadfast. His gaze is focused forwards. He doesn't look around and count how many may be on his side. Even when he's standing alone, and most of the time it is like that, he looks straight into the eye of the storm that may be coming. He doesn't deviate a millimeter, does not withdraw, but grabs his weapon. Calm, not horrified, not hasty and panicky, but bold and proud. He is of steel and not of brittle iron. He may be alone, but he knows that a single small torch can light a large barn full of hay. That is the readiness: the readiness not to give up your point of view. The willingness to speak, write and act against a thousand voices. The willingness to resist, no matter what the cost and to the last consequence. The readiness to defend yourself and yours. The willingness to endure the headwind, even if it becomes a storm wind." – Andreas J. Voigt

The Metapedia signet shows a section of the sculpture “Youthful Figure” (Jünglingsgestalt) by the German sculptor Arno Breker.
Crusader is a Metapedia user.
Hermann bids farewell to his love Thusnelda before the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest.
Germanic family (Wilhelm Petersen)
The last sentence in Das dritte Reich: "The animal in man crawls forwards. Africa's darkness approaches Europe. We must be the guardians on the threshold of values."
Image symbolising detestion of garlic
General Thaddeus Kosciusko, General George Washington and General Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben as commanders in the American Revolution
"Deutschland – August 1914" (battle-ready German Empire) after the painting by Professor Fritz August von Kaulbach (de)
German Luftwaffe against bombers (Terrorflieger) of the USAAF (Terror Bombing of Hamburg, Dresden, and other cities of Germany during World War II)
German paratroopers after their victory of the Battle of Fort Eben-Emael (1940)
German infantrymen in Normandy defending the French State (État français) against the Anglo-American invasion of northwest Europe
Rittmeister von Richthofen of the Luftstreitkräfte, known before 1916 as the "Imperial German Flying Troops", the over-land air arm of the German military during WW I (1914–1918).
"From the Hitler Youth to Officer of the Army – your path!"
Reichsdienstflagge of the Kaiserliche Marine
"Our honor is loyalty", Norwegian Waffen-SS recruitment poster from Harald Damsleth
Of personal importance
Further reading (important)
- Akif Pirincci: Das Schlachten hat begonnen, 2013
- Hyperboreer (MP-Deutsch): Russischer Überfall auf die Ukraine 2022 mit Stand vom 18. März 2022 (Archive II)
- Hyperboreer (MP-Deutsch): Reaktionen auf den russischen Überfall auf die Ukraine 2022 mit Stand vom 18. März 2022 (Archive II)
- Andreas J. Voigt
German words of wisdom
- "Vieles kann ich ertragen. Die meisten beschwerlichen Dinge / Duld' ich mit ruhigem Mut, wie es ein Gott mir gebeut. / Wenige sind mir jedoch wie Gift und Schlange zuwider; / Viere: Rauch des Tabaks, Wanzen und Knoblauch und †." (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
- "I want to teach men the meaning of their existence: which is the Suprahuman (German: Übermensch), the lightning out of the dark cloud [which is] mankind. But still, am I far from them, and my meaning speaks not to their mind." (Nietzsche)
18 simple grammar rules
- 1. Use active voice. Active sentences have this formula: S (subject) + V (verb) + O (object): Thomas walks a dog. In this sentence, Thomas is the subject, walks is the verb (what Thomas does), and his dog is the object (the receiver of Thomas’s action).
- 2. Link ideas with a conjunction. You can combine two S+V+O sentences with these coordinating conjunctions: but, or, so, and, yet, for, nor. For instance: Anna likes coffee, but her brother prefers tea.
- 3. Use a comma to connect two ideas. When writing, don’t forget to add a comma before the coordinating conjunction: He’s seventy, yet he still swims regularly.
- 4. Use, if you like, a serial or Oxford comma in a list. The serial comma is the last in the list, so make sure not to forget it when writing. It comes before and: Hardy has a dog, a cat, and a goldfish. But note: The sentence is correct with or without the comma before and. There are a few exceptions that require you to use the Oxford comma in a list, but they are pretty rare. Just be consistent. Don’t switch back and forth in the same document between using the Oxford comma and not using it.
- 5. When writing, use a semicolon to join two ideas (in this case, you don’t need coordinating conjunction). Let’s look at an example: Mary's dog is hyperactive; it won't stop barking or sit still.
- 6. Use the Simple Present Tense for habitual actions. These are activities you do regularly (always, often, sometimes, usually, etc.): Lily dances every day. [Don’t forget to add (e)s for the third person singular.]
- 7. Use the Present Continuous Tense for current actions: Tania is talking with her friend now.
- 8. When talking about past actions, don’t forget that there are regular and irregular verbs. Add (e)d to regular verbs: Marcus watched a movie last night. When it comes to irregular verbs, there is a list you need to memorize. Here is an example: I met my wife in 2014.
- 9. Use the Present Perfect Tense with words or expressions of unfinished time: I have drunk three cups of coffee this morning (it is still morning).
- 10. Use the Present Perfect Continuous Tense when the action has not finished as well: I have been drinking coffee all day. (It is still the same day, and I haven’t stopped drinking coffee.)
- 11. When talking about two actions in the past, use the Past Perfect Tense for the older action. For example: The train left at 9 am. We arrived at 9:15 am. When we arrived, the train had left.
- 12. Should there be a space before a percent sign? The brochure of the International System of Units declares in chapter 5: "a space separates the number and the symbol %". The ISO 31-0 standard also specifies a space, and the TeX typesetting system encourages using one. This is in accordance with the general rule of adding a non-breaking space between a numerical value and its corresponding unit of measurement.
- 13. The numerical value always precedes the unit, and a space is always used to separate the unit from the number. […] The only exceptions to this rule are for the unit symbols for degree, minute, and second for plane angle, °, ′, and ″, respectively, for which no space is left between the numerical value and the unit symbol. Please note: 5 cm or 5-cm not 5cm; 45 kg or 45-kg not 45kg; but: 32°C not 32° C or 32 °C.
- 14. If the time phrase comes before an independent clause or sentence, use a comma after the time phrase. If the time phrase comes after an independent clause or sentence, no comma is necessary. Correct: Last week, my wife and I went to the movies; Incorrect: Last week my wife and I went to the movies.
- 15. In British English, the first letter after a colon is capitalized only if it's a proper noun or an acronym; in American English, the first word after a colon is often capitalized if it begins a complete sentence (as done in the German language).
- 16. Capitalize races, nationalities, languages: Germanic, Germans, German, African American, Catholic, Lutherist, Jewish, French, British, US-American, and so on. (Most writers and scholars do not capitalize whites, blacks; Source)
- 17. Prefixes should not be considered as a separate unit. Ignore variations in spacing, punctuation or capitalization. Common prefixes and particles are d’, D’, Da, de, De, Del, Dela, Des, Di, Du, Fitz, la, La, le, Le, M’, Mac, Mc, O’, St., van, Van, Van de, Van der, von, Von, Von der. Alphabetize the prefix St. as though it were spelled out – Saint. Either St. or St (British); the British rule: If the abbreviation includes both the first and last letter of the abbreviated word, as in mister, saint and doctor, a full stop is not used (Oxford A–Z of Grammar and Punctuation by John Seely). If an institution is named after a saint, spell out the word Saint unless you have some reason to save space — Saint Francis Hospital, Saint Joseph College, Saint Joseph's University and so on.
- 18. Space between name initials? The periods in the initials stand for truncations, so you would put a space after each one. Names such as W. B. Yeats, J. C. L. Prillwitz, F. Scott Fitzgerald or J. K. Rowling need at least hair spaces (U+200A) , thin spaces. Some acronyms (Ph.D., e.g., i.e.) do not require spaces. The abbreviation "i.e." is from the Latin id est, meaning "that is." Loosely, "i.e." is used to mean "therefore" or "in other words." On the other hand, the phrase "et al."—from the Latin et alii, which literally means "and others"—must always be typed with a space between the two words and with a period after the "l" (since the "al." is an abbreviation). A comma does not follow the abbreviation unless the sentence’s grammar requires it.