German Nobel laureates

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This is Germany!, poster (Signal), 2024, with the pictures of several German Nobel Prize winners

This article deals with the German Nobel laureates. Due to eventful biographies, a clear assignment to a specific country is not always given and assignment to several countries makes sense. For example, Hermann Hesse (de) is only listed as Swiss by the Nobel Prize Committee, although he is usually listed as German and Swiss based on his biography. Albert Schweitzer (de) is listed as French, but has a German biography (born in the Imperial Territory of Alsace-Lorraine) and did not describe himself as French, but as German. Also normally not included are the many ethnical German laureates of Austria as well as German American, German Canadian, German French, German English, German Brazilian, German Mexican and so on laureates.


In 1901, the very first Nobel prizes in physics and in medicine went to the Germans Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, creator of the X-ray, and Emil von Behring, who developed a serum for the respiratory illness diphtheria. The following year also saw two of the Swedish awards bound for Germany. Theodor Mommsen won the literature prize for his writing on Roman history, making him one of the few non-fiction literature prize winners. Emil Fischer was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for research in purines and sugars. 1905 was an especially successful year for German sciences as Philipp Lenard, Robert Koch and Adolf von Baeyer won the Nobel awards in physics, medicine and chemistry. There three-time success was repeated in 1910 by Paul Heyse in literature, Albrecht Kossel in medicine and Otto Wallach in chemistry.

Max Planck (physics, 1918), Albert Einstein (physics, 1921), Werner Heisenberg (physics, 1932) and Otto Hahn (chemistry, 1944) were other German Nobel Prize winners known outside the ivory towers of academia. Three German Nobel Laureates, Richard Kuhn (chemistry, 1938), Adolf Butenandt (chemistry 1939) and Gerhard Domagk (medicine, 1939), were forbidden by Adolf Hitler from accepting their Nobel prizes. Later, however, all three of them received the the Nobel Prize Diploma and Medal, but not the prize money.


Nobel Prize in Physics

  • Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen 1901
  • Philipp Lenard 1905
  • Ferdinand Braun 1909
  • Wilhelm Wien 1911
  • Max von Laue 1914
  • Max Planck 1918
  • Johannes Stark 1919
  • Albert Einstein 1921
  • James Franck 1925
  • Gustav Hertz 1925
  • Werner Heisenberg 1932
  • Max Born 1954
  • Walther Bothe 1954
  • Rudolf Mößbauer 1961
  • Johannes Hans Daniel Jensen 1963
  • Maria Goeppert-Mayer 1963
  • Klaus von Klitzing 1985
  • Gerd Binnig 1986
  • Ernst Ruska 1986
  • Johannes Georg Bednorz 1987
  • Jack Steinberger 1988
  • Wolfgang Paul 1989
  • Hans Georg Dehmelt 1989
  • Horst Ludwig Störmer 1998
  • Herbert Kroemer 2000
  • Wolfgang Ketterle 2001
  • Theodor Wolfgang Hänsch 2005
  • Peter Grünberg 2007
  • Reinhard Genzel 2020
  • Klaus Hasselmann 2021

Nobel Prize in Chemistry

  • Emil Fischer 1902
  • Adolf von Baeyer 1905
  • Eduard Buchner 1907
  • Wilhelm Ostwald 1909
  • Otto Wallach 1910
  • Richard Willstätter 1915
  • Fritz Haber 1918
  • Walther Hermann Nernst 1920
  • Richard Adolf Zsigmondy 1925
  • Heinrich Otto Wieland 1927
  • Adolf Windaus 1928
  • Hans von Euler-Chelpin 1929
  • Hans Fischer 1930
  • Friedrich Bergius 1931
  • Carl Bosch 1931
  • Richard Kuhn 1938
  • Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt 1939
  • Otto Hahn 1944
  • Otto Paul Hermann Diels 1950
  • Kurt Alder 1950
  • Hermann Staudinger 1953
  • Karl Ziegler 1963
  • Manfred Eigen 1967
  • Gerhard Herzberg 1971
  • Ernst Otto Fischer 1973
  • Georg Wittig 1979
  • Johann Deisenhofer 1988
  • Robert Huber 1988
  • Hartmut Michel 1988
  • Gerhard Ertl 2007
  • Stefan Hell 2014
  • Joachim Frank 2017
  • Benjamin List 2021

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

  • Emil von Behring 1901
  • Robert Koch 1905
  • Paul Ehrlich 1908
  • Albrecht Kossel 1910
  • Otto Fritz Meyerhof 1922
  • Otto Warburg 1931
  • Hans Spemann 1935
  • Otto Loewi 1936
  • Gerhard Domagk 1939
  • Ernst Boris Chain 1945
  • Hans Adolf Krebs 1953
  • Werner Forßmann 1956
  • Feodor Lynen 1964
  • Konrad Bloch 1964
  • Max Delbrück 1969
  • Bernard Katz 1970
  • Karl von Frisch 1973
  • Georges Jean Franz Köhler 1984
  • Erwin Neher 1991
  • Bert Sakmann 1991
  • Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard 1995
  • Günter Blobel 1999
  • Harald zur Hausen 2008
  • Thomas Südhof 2013

Nobel Prize in Literature

  • Theodor Mommsen 1902
  • Rudolf Eucken 1908
  • Paul Heyse 1910
  • Gerhart Hauptmann 1912
  • Thomas Mann 1929
  • Hermann Hesse 1946
  • Nelly Sachs 1966
  • Heinrich Böll 1972
  • Günter Grass 1999
  • Herta Müller 2009

Nobel Peace Prize (peace efforts)

  • Gustav Stresemann 1926
  • Ludwig Quidde 1927
  • Carl von Ossietzky 1935
  • Albert Schweitzer 1952
  • Willy Brandt 1971
  • Henry Kissinger 1973

Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel

  • Reinhard Selten 1994

See also