Knockout game

The knockout game is a hate crime in which a negro targets an innocent white person and attacks them with a sneak punch to knock them out, always havng a cell phone video rolling for the internet and as proof for like-minded "friends". It is mostly prevalent in the USA and began there in 2013 as a widespread fad, during the second term of partially Afro-American US President Barack Obama.
The knockout game frequently leaves its victims permanently injured and disfigured. Sometimes even death has resulted. The crimes are not politically correct and the politically correct media has been argued to ignore or misrepresent these crimes. There has been some Hispanic perpetrators reported.[2].
Before 2013, the trend was far less common and was called by other names such as polar bear hunting and knockout or even "happy slappy" in London of 2005. It is presented in the media as just a bit of fun, the blacks are "bored" with nothing to do and it's a "game", sure, some people have died from it, but its mostly whites and recently also Asians and sometimes even black-on-black. Victims say it is played in a flash: A man approaches and suddenly throws a punch, followed by more. Nearby, his friends film the attack. When the beating is done, the group scatters, taking no items of value. Some such attacks have been fatal.
- It’s called the “knockout game.” It’s violent, stupid and just plain wrong. It also has been wildly exaggerated. Of course, that last part brings cold comfort to those who have been brutally attacked. The so-called “game” is so simple and pointless that even its pinhead perpetrators understand it: Just casually walk up to unsuspecting passers-by on the street and, without warning, punch them so hard that they go down with one hit — a “one-hitter quitter,” as it is called on some streets. “Knockout” is neither new nor invented in America. It first caught media eyes in London’s South End in 2005; it was called “happy slappy.” It soon spread to other parts of Europe. Now it has landed here, where under such labels as “knockout game” and “pick ‘em out and knock ‘em out,” it has stirred a media frenzy. Cases are “piling up,” said a recent report on NBC. It is “catching the attention of law enforcement throughout the nation,” reports CNN. Conservative media, in particular, have taken a keen interest when the cases have involved blacks attacking whites. The “knockout game” reports play well in minds that already suspect “politically correct” media of deliberately downplaying black-on-white crimes.[3]
The knockout "game" (called king-hit in Australia) is a purely racially motivated attack and no black has ever been prosecuted for this as a hate crime, whereas the one and only time a white man did it to a negro, immediately Obama and his whole administration came down and filed "federal hate-crime charges" against the man, Conrad Alvin Barrett, for the incident on 24 November 2013.[4] This is the only time hate crime charges have been filed for this.[5]
On 11 November 2013, Philadelphian Mark Cumberland, who is white, reported being attacked by a group of black men. Shocked and degraded, he told CBS News:
- “There’s no reason at all [...] I mean, I didn’t get robbed, they didn’t take nothing from me. They just beat me up.”
In another incident in November 2013, Amrit Marajh saw a light-skinned man in the middle of the night and did the "game" on him. It turned out to his surprise the victim was Jewish. So a major manhunt was initiated, Marajh was found and arrested. Marajh denied being antisemitic and said, he believed he was "merely attacking a white person, not a Jew".[6] The government later decided to take the hate crime charges back and just filed misdemeanor assault, menacing, and harassment charges. He also had a mere $750 bail,[7][8] which is insignificant considering judges will add $5000 to a person's bail merely for a defendant saying "adios" as goodbye to the judge when both judge and defendant are hispanic.[9]
The zionist mainstream media covers up these attacks. Al Sharpton even used unrelated footage where a black woman was on the ground and a white man standing nearby to hide the fact that this is a black-on-white crime.[10] Another way the media covers up the true racist nature of these attacks is to claim they are are antisemitic to hide that they're europhobic. On 3 December 2013, newly elected New York City councilwoman Laurie Cumbo added a letter to her Facebook page saying:
- "The accomplishments of the Jewish community triggers feelings of resentment, and a sense that Jewish success is not also their success."
The ADL of B'nai B'rith reported:
- "Oh no, she accidentally let a truth out!"
The ADL then spoke against her post, saying it was "troubling" and that it evoked "classic anti-Semitic stereotypes" because she failed to bootlick in an eloquent way.[11] Cumbo supplicatingly apologised for her remarks to the powerful international jewry.[12][13]
Leftist media have been regularly trying to claim all the knockout "game" attacks have been directed toward Jews. Beyond the jewish control of the media, leaders of the black community and Jewish rabbis will hold public meetings to promote the lie saying The knockout "game" is merely a new form of "antisemitism".[14]
A 2013 article stated hundreds of reports of "knockout game". In addition, many such assaults, even if reported, may simply be classified as assaults or robberies.[15] A 2015 article stated that the first case was reported in 1992, but that in the past few years it had become much more widespread. At least seven people have been killed and hundreds, if not more, injured.[16]
See also
External links
- Young Couple Become Latest Victims of ‘Knockout Game’ (2014)
- Liberals and the Knockout Game
- Black Criminals, White Victims, and White Guilt
- ↑ 'The Knockout Game': An Old Phenomenon With Fresh Branding
- ↑ Police fear spike in ‘Knockout Game’ craze after thug floors stranger with sickening blow from behind
- ↑ KO the ‘knockout game’ (2013)
- ↑ Texas Man Sentenced for Hate Crime Involving the Assault of Elderly African-American Man
- ↑ While Blacks Riot in the Hundreds and Suffer No Consequences, White Man is Charged with Hate Crime for Doing What Blacks do Every Day
- ↑ 'Knockout Game' Suspect Charged With Hate Crime
- ↑ Amrit Marajh Arrested In Possible 'Knockout' Assault, Hate Crime Against Jewish Man
- ↑
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- ↑ NYC councilwoman's talk of black-Jewish resentment, 'knockouts' called racist. NY Daily News (2013-10-21). Retrieved on 2013-12-08.
- ↑ Cumbo Regrets Her Knockout. (2013-12-10). Retrieved on 2013-12-11.
- ↑ Councilwoman Apologizes for Insensitive Comments | – Chabad News, Crown Heights News, Lubavitch News. (2013-12-10). Retrieved on 2013-12-11.
- ↑ Jews Hijack Victim Status From Whites in Knockout Game Switcheroo
- ↑ Liberals and the Knockout Game
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