Michael A. Hoffman II

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Michael A. Hoffman II
Born Michael Anthony Hoffman II
2 January 1957
Geneva, New York, USA
Nationality American
Known for Revisionism
Occupation Journalist, author

Website https://www.revisionisthistory.org/

Michael Anthony Hoffman II (b. 2 January 1957) is an American author from New York writing on topics such as Jews, Freemasonry, occultism, esotericism, slavery, and Holocaust revisionism.


Michael Hoffman is an independent scholar and the author of ten books of history and literature, three of which have been published overseas in French and Japanese translation. He studied political science and history under Faiz Abu-Jaber at the State University of New York at Oswego, and at Hobart College under Francis J.M. O'Laughlin. A former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press, Hoffman is the editor of Revisionist History® newsletter.

He has researched the history of the Second World War, entering into discourses which contradict "official" version of events. He is a Christian and is perhaps the man who coined the term Holocaustianity to refer to the cult which emerged in the post-war world. Hoffman has delved into the history of freemasonry and the Kabbalo-Hermetic-Gnostic underworld more generally, especially in contexts which reveal their influence on the ideas of contemporary government and media social engineers. Michael Hoffman writes:

The gatekeepers are determined to demonize this writer with stigmas such as "holocaust denier" and "anti-semite." These scurrilous libels are devices for intimidating potential readers, colleagues and supporters, and limiting the exchange of knowledge between a scholar and fellow truth-seekers. My authentic views are as follows: Judaic people suffered severe and unconscionable persecution during World War II, including mass murder at the hands of the Nazis. I deplore these crimes and the criminal Nazi ideology which inspired and directed them. At the same time, it is necessary to have the courage to point out the many parallels between Nazi ideology and the Zionist ideology which is engaged in the on-going dispossession and killing of Palestinians. Concerning "anti-semitism": this phrase is supposed to denote racial loathing of Judaic persons, but is often employed to stigmatize those who dare to offer a narrative of Judaism which challenges rabbinic narratives, or who dissent from the received opinion concerning Israeli actions in Palestine. Judaic dissent from Talmudism and Zionism has largely been omitted from the controversy. Consider that Norman Finkelstein, author of "Gaza: An Inquest," Noam Chomsky, and other Judaic dissidents, have been accused of "anti-semitism." This phrase is employed in many cases merely in order to gain advantage over political rivals by silencing them. My work is based on love and not hatred. My targets are ideologies and theologies, not people.
I am opposed to every form of hate with every fibre of my being. The movement to ban this writer's books and cancel my presence online should be seen for what it is: a partisan political effort to repress a legitimate opposing viewpoint and curtail the contribution my scholarship makes to the advancement of human knowledge. My work transcends tribal atavisms and resentments. For example, in "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare" I sought to deconstruct the command ideology of the Cryptocracy, while exploring an epistemology capable of inspiring higher consciousness by decoding the esoteric manipulation of thought patterns and the 'group mind' which impede our ability to transcend humanity's perpetual squabbles and simian warfare. In the book "They Were White and They Were Slaves" I studied anew the circumstances surrounding so-called 'white indentured servitude' and discovered the prevalence of a far more onerous chattel enslavement of seventeenth century whites in America, and the dehumanized status of poor whites over the next two centuries. In "Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not," I argue that during the Renaissance, gentile usurers gained firm purchase inside the Roman Church by scapegoating rival Judaic usurers. I also demonstrate that early Puritans, far from being the stereotypical skinflints and shylocks of legend, denounced and opposed usury, even as Renaissance Catholic popes and prelates were granting permission for it and benefiting from its proceeds.
"The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome,” published in 2017, is a heavily documented revisionist history of the concealed Neoplatonic-Hermetic ideology of the popes of the early modern era. My latest book “Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People” (2019), is intended as an antidote to the Hitler hologram, and the attraction of Hitler's model of murderous dictatorship which, tragically, has become something of a template for young radicals on the Far Right. My non-conforming research and writing do not fit simplistic Left/Right political or denominational categories, and because I violate taboos enforced by hysterical ideologues, my name and reputation have been unfairly blackened. Those who question any significant aspect of the Establishment's holy dogma suffer the imputation of being an "irredeemable." The subsequent demonization is the penalty imposed for doubting the sacred orthodoxies of the ruling class. Political correctness is a dictatorship that disfigures and smothers nearly every truth it encounters. It ought to be defied. I will not be silenced. Truth-seekers with the curiosity and good will to look beyond the libelous opprobrium put forth by self-appointed thought police, will encounter in my books challenges to the consensus across a broad spectrum of revisionist history and Fortean epistemology.


Who then is the modern man? He is a mind-bombed patsy who gets his marching orders from “twilight language” key words sprinkled throughout “his” news and current events. Even as he dances to the tune of the elite managers of human behavior, he scoffs with great derision at the idea of the existence and operation of a technology of mass mind control emanating from the media and government. Modern man is the ideal hypnotic subject: puffed up on the idea that he is the crown of creation, he vehemently denies the power of the hypnotist’s control over him, even as his head bobs up and down on a string.
—Michael A. Hoffman II, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare


  • Blaspheming Against the Holy People's Holy Hoax (1985)
  • The Great Holocaust Trial: The Landmark Battle for the Right to Doubt the West's Most Sacred Relic
  • A Candidate for the Order (a novel, 1988)
  • Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People
  • They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America (4. Edition, 1992/93)
  • The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome
  • Twilight Language
  • Judaism's Strange Gods (2000)
  • Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (2001)
  • The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians (2002) with Moshe Lieberman
  • Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit (2008)
  • Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not (2012)

Hoffman has also written the introductions for modern reprints, which he also published, of:

Further reading

External links