Vow of allegiance of the Professors of the German Universities and High-Schools to Adolf Hitler and the National Socialistic State
(Redirected from Bekenntnis der Professoren)

This call (Ruf) promised a “folk-based cultivation of science”, from which alone the people-uniting power of science could grow. It went on to say: "Based on this conviction, German science appeals to the educated people of the whole world to show the same understanding for the struggle for freedom, honor, justice and peace of the through Adolf Hitler united German people that they expect for their own people."
The Bekenntnis der Professoren an den Universitäten und Hochschulen zu Adolf Hitler und dem nationalsozialistischen Staat (English: Vow [avowal] of allegiance of the Professors of the German Universities and High-Schools to Adolf Hitler and the National Socialistic State) was a document presented on 11 November 1933 at the Albert Hall in Leipzig. It had statements in German, English, Italian, and Spanish by selected German academics and included an appendix of 900 signatories.
Alternativ titles (journalism)
- Mit Adolf Hitler für des deutschen Volkes Ehre, Freiheit und Recht! (With Adolf Hitler for the honor, freedom and justice of the German people)
- Kundgebung der deutschen Wissenschaft (Declaration of German science)
- Bekenntnis der Professoren (Avowals of the professors)
- Ruf an die Gebildeten der Welt (Call to the educated of the world)
Signatories (selection)
There were c. 900 signatories to the document from professors, academics and some independent scholars, among them:
- Eugen Fischer (physical anthropologist )
- Hans Freyer (Leipzig sociologist)
- Arnold Gehlen (Leipzig sociologist)
- Martin Heidegger (Leipzig philosopher, Führer of the university as of October 1933)
- Wilhelm Pfannenstiel (Marburg eugenicist)