Daniel Wretström

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Daniel Juhani Wretström (15 October 1983 - 9 December 2000) was a young Swedish boy who was brutally murdered in Salem, a suburb to Stockholm by a multicultural gang consisting of up to as many as 15 immigrants and at least one Swede. Swedish patriots have had yearly manifestations in his memory and against anti-Swedish violence.

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Wretström was born in 1983 in Salem Municipality in Stockholm County in east central Sweden. He played in the band "Vit legion" (White legion). When Daniel was still alive, he gave his surrounding laughter and joy. Family and friends described him as considerate, kind and very much liked.


Daniel was waiting for the bus at the bus stop on Säbytorgsvägen, he is on his way home from a party, suddenly a multicultural gang shows up and screams and is shouting "racist" as they approach Daniel, a Swedish girl with a foreign accent screams "Fucking racist! Do you dare to stay?! Are you scared!?" "Beat him to death".

The gang, encouraged by the knowledge that it is okay to assault Swedes who they suspect are racist. Only a few days earlier, the Swedish Prime minister Göran Persson stated in an article of one of Swedens largest newspapers that racism has to be crushed, the multicultural gang was determined to make these words reality.

As the gang approaches Daniel, he realizes his vulnerable position, alone against an entire mob of bloodthirsty immigrants armed with wooden sticks and anything they could find on the ground to be used as a weapon. After being hit with sticks and other objects, and kicked a dozen of times, a car comes passing by on the road, Daniel tries to escape the gang by throwing himself up on the cars hood. "Please, help me" he says, hoping that the driver will keep on driving and take him to safety, instead one of the gang members shouts to the driver that he is a racist, and the car driver starts driving back and forward to try to shake off Daniel. Finally, the gang comes and drags him off the cars hood, and whilst the car just drives away the battering continues.

The gang keeps on kicking and hitting him repeatedly with planks and sticks against Daniels head and body. The boy is now almost lifeless, lying in the ditch. One of the attackers grabs a 1.5 meter long plank and hits the boy in the head with it over and over again, he does not stop until a teenage girl who passed by screams hysterically at him and begs him to stop. One of the girls who are participating in the battering of the boy then shouts back to the protesting girl that "the racist deserves it" and the gang member who is holding the plank is raising it towards the witness in a threatening gesture.

At this stage, one gang member who had left to get his bigger brother returns. He starts to jump on the head and neck of the almost lifeless boy. The older brother had come to help to take care of one of these detestable racists who murder “small children” and are a threat against “democracy” and he now feels his hatred boiling over. "Out of my way, I have got a knife!" he shouts in excitement as he rushes forward towards the almost lifeless boy holding a carving knife.

The other gang members make room for Khaled Odeh who sits astride on the boys back. He raises and lowers the large carving knife again and again. After stabbing the boy at least four times in the back, the blade brakes in half. Khaled then takes the boys head with his left hand to pull it backwards. He feels a raging hatred for the mutilated young boy; a boy that he knows threatens democracy; a boy who murders small children, he knows that the boy must be crushed. So he decides what to do. “I will kill him”. The words go through his mind as he forces what is left of the knife into the throat of the boy.

Satisfied that he has liberated society from a racist he elatedly gets up on his feet. The blood which is covering his hands is still warm. He looks around and shouts to the people standing around him that no one has seen him. Then he runs away with his brother following him. The rest of the gang members walk their separate ways and disappear. “Crush racism”, someone shouts among the shadows.

But Khaled Odeh has been seen. The Swedish girl who witnessed the brutal assault approaches the boy with tears in her eyes. The boy is trying to raise his head but fails. His clothes are drowned with blood which is pumping out of his slashed neck artery. He is trying to gasp for breath, out of his mouth is heard a wheezing sound, when his head again falls to the ground in the cold ditch. The life runs out of Daniel Wretström as the girl desperately tries to save him. The flame in his eyes was put out when he was only seventeen years old and had a whole life ahead of him. His mother recounted:

"My son Daniel was a soft and delightful boy with a twinkle in his eye, he really brightened life with his humour and his pranks. It wasn’t always sunshine but everything we went through together made us closer to each other. He found relaxation and calm when fishing, and he could sit in the boat for hours, just pondering and enjoying the peace. I soon learned to avoid letting Daniel into a fishing shop since it would take a long time before he came out of there. He loved to fish, to meet girls, to play drums and his family. In my eyes he was a wonderful guy that I was very proud of. If we would ever fall out, the words 'I’m sorry' were very important. He often said 'mummy, I love you.' and his friends listening was not embarrassing to him at all. Daniel was a boy who made very large impression on people that he met, and he won a lot of people’s hearts. Every time I look out my kitchen window and on Daniels little house I see a dark window, the lights are put out, and I wonder, why did they take your life?"

Legal consequences

The legal consequences have been described as a farce, where judges and jurymen declared Swedish youth outlaws and with no legal rights. The killer, Khaled Odeh, was sentenced for manslaughter to psychiatric care since the court came to the conclusion that he suffered from temporary insanity when he committed the crime. When the verdict is formulated this way, it is not unusual that the convicted is declared healthy after about a year and is released. Only six of his companions were prosecuted. Three of them were sentenced to forty hours of community service and contact with the social services. Two of those remaining were ordered to pay 1800 Swedish crowns (about 200 Euros) in fines and the last one was released on parole and ordered to pay 1800 crowns in fines. A Swedish boy’s life is worth less than a speeding ticket.

Daniel Wretström memorial

To keep the memory of one of the Swedish young citizens whose blood has been spilled upon the sacrificial altar of the establishment, alive, there is an annual memorial march, around the anniversary of the murder. In the year of 2001, 1,400 demonstrators gathered to protest against the accelerating violence against Swedes. The least everyone can do is to participate in this memorial manifestation and boost detestation for the negative social change. Everyone who is opposed to the multicultural violence is welcome, as the organizers emphasize

New Swedish murderer (2019)

On December 9, 2000, Daniel Wretström, born in 1983 and 16 years old at the time, was murdered in Salem municipality, south of Stockholm. Wretström was waiting for a bus at the bus stop when 5-6 New Swedes arrived and started abusing the young man. The events ended when a New Swede named Khaled Odeh stabbed Wrestström with a knife several times first in the back and finally in the neck. Wrestström died from his injuries. Daniel Wrestström had some kind of connections with the Swedish Resistance, but many people think that due to his young age, he was not the kind of "Nazi" that the mainstream media has tried to create of him to justify the murder of the young man. Yes, over the years, the Swedish mainstream media has come up with various explanations why the murder was acceptable. Or at least not as objectionable as murder in general is now. The biggest reason is probably that the Swedish Resistance Movement holds a memorial service in Salem every December 9th. Naturally, there are hundreds of neo-Swedes and antifos, screaming with red faces. In any case, Khaled Odeh, who now goes by the name Joseph Propitious, was convicted of the act. Odeh was 18 years old at the time of the crime and was sentenced to forensic psychiatric treatment with insane papers.
After the treatment, Odeh has been involved in various Islamic organizations and hobby circles. Until now it has become clear that he has been hired as a "security worker" in Stockholm's local transport within the circles of an organization called Lugna Gatan. Lugna Gatan is an organization that, for example, patrols in the evenings in subways, at restless stops, etc. as if to calm down situations and talk to young people before anything happens. A bit like an older street patrol, but Lugna Gatan has a big organization behind it. Most of the scouts have an immigrant background. Maybe 30% are Swedes. The murderer Odeh was somehow hired for this as a "security person" for the organization. In 2017, it happened again . Write about it, e.g. New Tider. Odeh was participating in a security patrol when he assaulted a Belarusian man in front of several "security patrols". This matter was now presented in Södertörn district court and Odeh was sentenced to 100 hours of community service for assault. The entire security patrol of 4-5 people tried to claim that Odeh was attacked by a Belarusian, but it could be seen from the surveillance camera images that Odeh attacked a man he did not know for some reason. It is not clear whether Odeh is still a security officer of Stockholm's underground transport. Here we go again.[1]

In culture

See also

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