Alliance of European National Movements

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The Alliance of European National Movements (AENM) is an organization of European nationalist political parties, created in 2009. It participates in elections to the European Parliament.


The AENM was formed in Budapest on the October 24, 2009 by a number of nationalist and patiotic parties from countries in the European Union.[1] The alliance's founding members being Jobbik, the Movement for a Better Hungary (at whose 6th party congress the Alliance was established), France's Front National, Italy's Tricolor Flame, Sweden's National Democrats and Belgium's National Front.[2]

Members and Objectives

The pre-existing members of the Alliance were joined by the British National Party on November 12, 2009.[3] There have also been expressions of interest in joining the AENM from political parties in Austria, Spain and Portugal.[4]

It was the Alliance's declared intention to form an european political party, which may afford it additional funding from 2011. However, iis was unable to meet the preconditions (25 MEPs from 7 EU states) necessary to form a political group in the European Parliament,[5] as they represented only eight MEPs at the time.

Member parties

Political Declaration


The common declaration of the members of the Alliance begins with the following preamble:[6]

  • Conscious of our common responsibility for the European peoples and the diversity of cultures and languages they represent,
  • Mindful of the inalienable values of Christianity, natural law, peace and freedom in Europe,
  • Bearing in mind the numerous threats that powerful forces of globalisation pose to this priceless heritage.
  • Representing the national parties and movements in Europe, we demand:

Demands set out in the declaration.

The declaration's body then goes on to make the following nine demands:[6]

The creation of a Europe of free, independent and equal nations in the framework of a confederation of sovereign nation states, refraining from taking decisions on matters properly taken by states themselves.
The rejection of any attempt to create a centralist European Super State.
The promotion of the freedom, dignity and equal rights of every citizen, and opposition to all forms of totalitarianism.
The primacy of direct votes by the people or their elected representatives over any administrative or bureaucratic body.
The effective protection of Europe against new threats, such as terrorism and religious, political, economic, or financial imperialism.
A peaceful and humane settlement of immigration problems through, among other measures, international cooperation aiming at development and self sufficiency of third world countries.
Strong policies in favour of families aiming at solving the demographic deficit in Europe and promoting traditional values throughout society.
The preservation of the diversity of Europe that results from the variety of our identities, traditions, languages and indigenous cultures.
A common fight of the European peoples against social dumping and the destructive effects of globalisation.

See also

External Links


  1. Far-right European parties forge alliance,, 2009-10-25,, "A handful of European nationalist political parties have formed an alliance to represent them in Brussels... ... Negotiations are underway with like-minded Austrian, British, Spanish and Portuguese parties." 
  2. European nationalist parties form alliance, Taiwan News (source: Associated Press), 2009-10-24,, "Hungary's Jobbik, France's National Front, Italy's Three-Color Flame, Sweden's National Democrats and Belgium's National Front formed the Alliance of European National Movements on Saturday and say they expect parties from Britain, Austria, Spain and Portugal to join them soon." 
  3. BNP in alliance with nationalists, BBC News, 2009-11-12, 
  4. Meade, Geoff (2009-11-12), Griffin announces alliance of EU nationalist parties, The Independent, 
  5. Phillips, Leigh (2009-11-12), Far-right alliance fails to get EU parliament cash, EUobserver,, "A grouping in the European Parliament requires a certain number of MEPs from seven EU member states; for a europarty, the rules are more relaxed and national MPs and regional representatives may also count towards the seven-country minimum." 
  6. 6.0 6.1 Avrupa’daki Aşırı Sağ Partilerin Siyasi Deklarasyonu’nu yayımlıyor (TURKISH: Extremist European parties make political declaration),, 2009-11-12,, "Article cites Declaration verbatim in English"