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Evening round up on a ranch in Oregon.

A Cowboy, in the United States, is a skilled horseman who herds and tends cattle or horses and has been made a part of American folklore, represented in movies (Westerns) and novels. The modern mounted cattle-ranch hand can also be a rodeo performer.


The term sometimes refers to a man having qualities (such as recklessness, aggressiveness, or independence) popularly associated with cowboys (impulsive, living on the edge) but also a business or businessman operating in an uncontrolled or unregulated independent manner. In Texas and Oklahoma the intransitive verbs "cowboyed" or "cowboying" means to work like a cowboy.


"Cowboys and Indians" is a ​a children's game in which some children pretend to be cowboys and others pretend to be Amerindians. They chase each other and have imaginary fights, imitating the historical skirmishes and battles between the two parties mainly in to the west of the former 13 Colonies.

See also

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