A government is a body that has the power to make and the authority to enforce rules and laws (administer and regulate) within a civil, corporate, religious, academic, or other organization or group.
Depending on closeness to those who are governed and their holds all the power, a government or ruling power in a political society consists of different levels including: local governments, regional governments and national governments. This category includes absolute monarchies, as well as dictatorships.
- Democracies are governments where the people as a whole, hold the power, at least in theory. It may be exercised by them (direct democracy), or through representatives chosen by them (representative democracy).
- In political science, autocracy or self-rule is a form of rule in which an individual or group of people exercises political power unchecked and is not subject to any constitutional restrictions: a rule legitimized by the sole holder of power out of his own perfection.
- In oligarchies power is held by a small group of people who share the same interests.
- Anarchy is a lack of government or imposed rule.