Tradwife (plural: Tradwives) is a neologism (newly formed word, term, or phrase) for a traditional wife or traditional housewife.

A tradwife is an intelligent, self-confident woman who consciously chooses a life at the side of her husband and family and resists the feminist, woke terror of the left-wing Zeitgeist. To be a traditional wife is the norm in Eastern and Southern Europe, East as well as Southeast Asia and others regions. However, in the late 20th century and early 21st century, the desire for tradwifery has been demonized and oppressed in the USA, Canada, Central as well as Northern Europe and so on.
Women who strive for such a noble social position were and are denounced as "enemies of female freedom". Since around 2018, however, there has been a proud counter-movement of educated women, especially on social media (e.g., TikTok and so on), who want nothing more than to be loving and caring housewives.
This movement frightens leftist do-gooders so much that they can't think of anything other than to call these women "white racists" and a "threat to the humanistic future", the term "tradwife" is a commonly used as a hateful slur by them. These family-phobic agitators overlook the fact that a significant proportion of current or future tradwives are non-white. Tradwife activists also make it clear that it is a free choice of female empowerment and not a coercion, as in Islam, for example.
However, such stigmatization and hostility are now ineffective. The more cultural Marxists try to oppress and blackmail women in this way, the more self-confident these strong women pursue their goals and defend their beliefs. Tradwives want to see their small children more than just a few minutes after work. Neither do they want to waste their valuable, natural energy on a external job benefiting only the rich owners nor do they seek an artificial, often unfulfilling career, which can seldomly provide true happiness or satisfaction.
These are the potential benefits to being a traditional wife maintaining balance between tradition and modernity:
- A sense of fulfillment and purpose in their role as a homemaker
- Stronger family relationships and more quality time spent with children
- Reduced stress from juggling multiple roles (career, household duties, etc.)
- Potential for a more traditional and stable family dynamic
- Living within means and avoiding the potential costs of a dual-income household (e.g. childcare, transportation, etc.)
- The German media are criticizing the #tradwife and telling us how dangerous it is. But only if you're a white German woman working and paying taxes. If you're a migrant woman with 10 children, staying at home and living off the German welfare system, that's somehow not far-right. – Sylwie Schlepp, X (formerly Twitter), 16 September 2024