National Socialist Motor Corps

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Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrkorps (NSKK).jpg

The National Socialist Motor Corps (German: Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrkorps, NSKK) was a paramilitary organization of the NSDAP that officially existed from May 1931 to 1945. The group was a successor organisation to the older National Socialist Automobile Corps (German: Nationalsozialistisches Automobilkorps, NSAK), which had existed since April 1930. Korpsführer were Adolf Hühnlein (1931–1942) and Erwin Kraus (1942–1945).

SCHLAG NACH! Universallexikon 1939 (German reference encyclopedia) 211 NSDAP (Nazi Party) (Reich leaders) Abzeichen SA NSKK SS HJ NSDS DF NSBO DF NSV NSKOV RLB (emblems) Ehrenzeichen (Honour bad.jpg


Crown Prince Wilhelm von Prussia in the uniform of the NSKK Motor Brigade (MB) Berlin-Brandenburg

The NSKK was founded in 1931 with the aim of attracting motoring enthusiasts and people involved with motor vehicles to the NSDAP. After the incorporation of the Motor SA in 1934, the NSKK became the third major party organization alongside the SA and SS. Its director. NSKK-Koprsführer Adolf Hühnlein, was appointed Reichsleiter; the headquarters of the Motor Corps leadership was in Munich (Brienner Straße 41, today 40). NSKK membership subsequently increased to over half a million.

The NSKK had a key role to play in the motorized mobilization of the Volksgemeinschaft. It took on responsibility for motor vehicle training of young people (Motor-HJ) and of prospective Wehrmacht soldiers. In addition, controlled and managed Germany’s motor sports activities and automobile clubs, which were combined to form a single association. During WWII, the NSKK provided logistical support for German troops.

NSKK service ranking (descending)

  • Korpsführer (General der Waffengattung)
  • Obergruppenführer (Lieutenant General)
  • Gruppenführer (Major General)
  • Brigadeführer (Brigadier General)
  • Oberführer (senior Colonel; no equivalent in the German army)
  • Standartenführer (Colonel)
  • Oberstaffelführer (Lieutenant Colonel; equivalent SA-/SS-Obersturmbannführer)
  • Staffelführer (Major; equivalent SA-/SS-Sturmbannführer)
  • Hauptsturmführer (Captain)
  • Obersturmführer (1st Lieutenant)
  • Sturmführer (2nd Lieutenant)
  • Haupttruppführer (Command Sergeant Major)
  • Obertruppführer (Sergeant Major)
  • Truppführer (Staff Sergeant)
  • Oberscharführer (Senior NCO / Sergeant)
  • Scharführer (NCO)
  • Rottenführer (Corporal / Lance corporal)
  • Obersturmmann (Senior Private or Private First Class)
  • Sturmmann (Private; before November 1939 NSKK-Mann)
  • Anwärter (Candidate)


See also

  • National Socialist Air Corps (NSFK)

External links
