List of nationalist meetings and demonstrations in America
(Redirected from List of nationalist conferences in America)
Below is a list of nationalist meetings and demonstrations in America.
- November 27, 1922 - a Klonvokation is held Atlanta, Georgia where Imperial Wizard William Simmons is replaced by Hiram Evans.
- July 1923 - First annual meeting of the Grand Dragons of the Ku Klux Klan held in Ashville, North Carolina.
- September 1, 1924 (Labor Day) - a 10,000 strong Klonvocation is held in Hamilton, New Jersey with attendance from eleven states.[1]
- September 23-26, 1924 - the second national Klonvokation is held in Kansas City, Missouri and addressed by Imperial Wizard Hiram Evans. Proceddings of the Second Imperial Klonvocation
- October 15, 1924 - Ku Klux Klan open air meeting in Birmingham, Alabama attended by 7,000 Klansmen in protest of anti-Klan politician Oscar Underwood in a ceremonial political burial using a coffin.[2]
- October 17-18, 1925 - Fascist League of North America holds their second convention in Philadelphia.[3]
- May 30, 1927 – One thousand Ku Klux Klan marchers led by Paul M. Winter are attacked by New York police. During the riot Donald Trump’s father Fred Trump was arrested.
- September 1930 - Field day of 500 hooded and robed Klansmen assemble at Peekskill, New York.
- January 9, 1931 - First Anti-Communist Mass Meeting is held in Carnegie Hall, New York City. Seventy-six different organizations with a combined 300 chapters participated in the event. A second meeting was held the following year.[4]
- September 2-4, 1933 - Three day convention of the Ku Klux Klan in Freeport, Long Island, New York.
- May 17, 1934 - 20,000 German-Americans rally in support of DAWA at Madison Square Garden.
- Summer 1934 - Eleven nationalist leaders met in Lincoln-Turner Hall, Chicago. Those in attendance included Peter Gissibl, leader of the Chicago local of the German-American Bund; Harry A. Jung, director of the American Vigilant Intelligence Federation; and an Englishman by the name of Strath-Gordon. Two others believed to have attended were Colonel E. N. Sanctuary, head of the American Christian Defenders, and Colonel E. M. Hadley, national president of The Paul Reveres. The formation of a United Front was discussed but little came from the meeting.[5]
- July 1, 1934 - National convention of Friends of the New Germany
- August, 1935 - German American Bund National Convention in Philadelphia.
- March 29, 1936 - German American Bund National Convention in Buffalo, New York.[6]
- July 15, 1936 - the Union Party holds its national convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Rev. Gerald L.K. Smith is the main speaker.[7]
- August 1936 - Father Coughlin holds his national convention of the National Union for Social Justice. Francis Townsend, Father Coughlin, William Lemke, and Rev. Gerald L.K. Smith spoke to the 9,000 in attendance.[8]
- August 12-16, 1936 - Asheville Conference: American Forward Movement calls a meeting in Asheville, North Carolina of religious nationalists. Two rabbis were allowed to speak causing a split in the conference with Reverend Gerald Winrod being elected leader of the dissident group. The 45 member dissident group included Harry A. Jung, Robert E. Edmondson, James B. True, Michael Ahearn,[9] Colonel E. N. Sanctuary, George E. Deatherage, Howland Spencer, Nelson E. Hewitt (a Jung associate), and O. K. Chandler.[10]
- September 1936 - Three day outdoor Ku Klux Klan convention in Peekskill, New York.
- February 12, 1937 - German American Bund sponsored meeting held at the Hippodrome in New York City to expose communism in America. According to The New York Times four thousand were in attendance.[11] Reprentatives form White Russian, Italian and Spanish nationalist organizations participatedin the event. Speakers included were Bund leaders Fritz Kuhn, James Wheeler-Hill and Rudolph Markmann, Col. P. Kartacheff, representing the All Russia Fascist Party and the Russian National Organization; Nicholas Melnikoff, editor of the fascist Russian language newspaper Rosslya, Luigi Ciancagllni and John Finizio representatives of Italian fascist organizations, Russell J. Dunn of The Common-Cause League. [12] Also in attendance were Canadian fascist Adrien Arcand, British representative Henry Hamilton Beamish, New York anti-Jewish researcher Robert Edmondson, and Silver Shirt leader William Dudley Pelley.[13] Three of the attendees Beamish, Arcand, and Edmondson issued a joint manifesto: Greatest War in History Now On! Inter-national Jewish System against National Patriotism
- March 30, 1937 - German American Bund meeting at New York City's Turnhalle Center. James Wheeler-Hill, Fritz Kuhn, and Edward James Smythe were speakers.
- May 23, 1937 - Summer opening of German American Bund Camp Siegfried on Long Island
- July 3-4, 1937 - National convention of the German American Bund held at Biltmore Hotel in New York City
- July 19, 1937 - Six thousand German American Bund members and supporters dedicate a recreation Camp Nordland in Andover, New Jersey.[14]
- August 20, 1937 - American Nationalist Confederation organized by George Deatherage and Leslie Fry in Kansas City, Missouri.[15]
- October 30, 1937 - German American Bund meeting held at the Hippodrome in New York City. Henry Hamilton Beamish from Britain and Southern Rhodesia was guest speaker.
- February 24, 1938 - Robert Edward Edmondson addresses a German American Bund meeting in New York City[16]
- April 21, 1938 - "secret" German American Bund convention in New York[17]
- June 6, 1938 - First German American Bund meeting for the year at Camp Nordland in New Jersey.
- June 14, 1938 - English language rally of the German American Bund head at New York Turnhall.[18]
- August 6-8, 1938 - Western conference of the Anti-Communist Federation of America held in Los Angles, California and organized by Leslie Fry at the Deutsches Haus headquarters of the California branch of the German American Bund. Also in attendance were Kenneth Alexander, Southern California leader of the Silver Shirts, J. H. Peyton of the American Rangers, and Charles B. Hudson leader of America Awake.
- September 3-5, 1938 – German American Bund national convention held in New York City’s Turnhalle Center located at Broadway and 45th Street.[19]
- November 11, 1938 - General Moseley addresses a meeting of American Patriots hosted by Allen Zoll.
- December 16, 1938 - Testimonial dinner in honor of General Moseley at the Hotel Biltmore. Robert Caldwell Patton sponsored the dinner.
- January 27, 1939 - American Coalition of Patriotic Societies holds a meeting at the Carlton Hotel in Washington DC.
- February 20, 1939 - German American Bund rally held at Madison Square Garden.
- June 10, 1939 - Klonvocation of Klansmen meet in Atlanta with members attending from 30 states.
- November 29, 1939 - Mass Meeting for America at Madison Square Gardens, Congressman Martin Dies, Merwin K. Hart, and Col. George U. Harvey were speakers
- May 20, 1940 – Joe McWilliams holds a rally of the American Destiny Party at Franziskaner Hall in New York and predicts Hitler will win in Europe.[20]
- August 18, 1940 - Eight hundred German American Bund members and two hundred Ku Klux Klansmen hold a joint meeting at Camp Nordland.[21]
- September 1940 - German American Bund convention held in Chicago reaches its low mark with only 38 delegates in attendance.
- March 29, 1941 - America First Committee rally at Civic Auditorium in San Francisco.
- April 17, 1941 - America First Committee rally at the Chicago Arena.
- April 23, 1941 - Lindbergh speaks at America First meeting at the Mahattan Center.
- May 3, 1941 - America First Committee rally at the Arena in St. Louis. Charles Lindbergh featured speaker.
- May 9, 1941 - Lindbergh speaks in Minneapolis
- May 23, 1941 - Lindbergh speaks at the America First Committee rally in Madison Square Garden with twenty thousand in attendance. Senator Burton K. Wheeler , novelist Kathleen Norris and Socialist Party leader Norman Thomas also spoke.
- May 29, 1941 - Lindbergh speaks at the America First Committee rally at the Arena in Philadelphia. Other speakers were Massachusetts Senator David Walsh, novelist Kathleen Norris, and Lulu Wheeler, the wife of Senator Burton K. Wheeler. Sixteen thousand were in the Arena with several thousand outside listening in the pouring rain.[22]
- June 5-7, 1941 - Six hundred Ku Klux Klan members meet in Atlanta at their tenth biennial Klonvocation.
- June 20, 1941 - 20,000 people jam the Hollywood Bowl to listen to Charles Lindbergh give a speech on behalf of the America First Committee. Other speakers included Senator D. Worth Clark of Idaho, novelist Kathleen Norris, and actress Lillian Gish.[23] Noted nationalists in attendance at the rally were monitored and named in the News Research Service publication News Letter. [1]
- Someday, in the not distant future, the men who are responsible for this (the deliberate attempt to misinform and confuse our people) will be called to account by an aroused and enlightened nation. The attempt to involve our country in war by subterfuge and propaganda is not a crime to be passed over lightly. - Charles A. Lindbergh
- September 1941 - German American Bund convention in Chicago
- September 11, 1941 - Lindbergh gives his famous Des Moines, Iowa speech where he identifies the Jews as one group pushing for war.
- The three most important groups who have been pressing this country toward war are the British, the Jewish and the Roosevelt administration.
- October 3, 1941 - Lindbergh speaks at the America First Committee rally Fort Wayne, Indiana
- October 30, 1941 - Lindbergh speaks at the America First Committee rally to a crowd of nearly twenty thousand at Madison Square Garden.
- April 14, 1942 - Rev. Gerald L.K. Smith speaks in Cleavland before a meeting of United Mothers of America.
- May 20, 1943 - Organizational meeting of the Republican Nationalist Revival Committee in Chicago. Speakers included Senator Gerald P. Nye, Gerald L.K. Smith, and Rep. Stephen A. Day.
- December 16, 1943 - Gerald L.K. Smith’s America First Party meets in the Maccabees Building in Detroit, Michigan. Rev. Leland L. Marion was a speaker.
- January 31, 1944 a National Convention of Mothers organizations is held in Chicago and sponsored by Mrs. Lyrl Clark Van Hyning and her group We, The Mothers, Mobilize for America. Donald Shea, former head of the National Gentile League spoke at the meeting.
- March 2, 1944 - National Blue Star Mothers meeting in Philadelphia at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel with former America First Committee and Coughlinite members attending the 600 strong gathering. Catherine V. Brown, her husband John Brown (National Blue Star Mothers), and Mrs. Lillian Parks officiating. Gerald L.K. Smith spoke at the meeting.[24]
- March 15, 1944 – The Constitutional Americans meet at Kimball Hall in Chicago
- March 24, 1944 - Gerald L.K. Smith and 160 members of his America First Party rally in St, Louis at the Kiel Auditorium. The meeting was restricted to the party’s most active members. Mrs. Ernest Lundeen widow of the late Minnesota Senator addressed the meeting. [25] The FBI had Smith’s hotel room bugged recording his and his associate’s conversations.[26]
- April 23, 1944 - Klonvokation in Atlanta formerly dissolving the second Klan.
- May 15, 1944 - A five state regional meeting of the America First Party assembles at the Public Auditorium in Cleveland, Ohio with 1600 people in attendance. In addition to Gerald L.K. Smith, Mrs. David Stanley and Mrs. Philip Monreal of the United Mothers of America, Mrs. Ernest Lundeen widow of Senator Lundeen, Ruben Rindler secretary of the Farmer's Guild, Harry Romer America First Committee leader, and Rev. L. L. Marion participated at the meeting.[27]
- May 17, 1944 - America First Party holds a meeting in Buffalo, New York with approximately 500 in attendance. Gerald L.K. Smith and Mrs. Ernest Lundeen spoke at the meeting.
- May 18, 1944 – America First Party holds a meeting at Carnegie Hall in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. In addition to Gerald L.K. Smith, Mrs. Ernest Lundeen and Charles A. Madden spoke at the meeting. Over 400 were in attendance.
- May 22, 1944 – America First Party meeting at the Alcatraz Ballroom in Baltimore, Maryland with 300 in attendance.
- May 25, 1944 – The America First Party holds a rally at the Mercantile Auditorium in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- June 2, 1944 – America First Party meeting at the Secor Hotel Ballroom in Toledo, Ohio. Gerald L.K. Smith and Congressman Charles G. Binderup of Nebraska were speakers.
- June 4, 1944 - National Farmers' Guild holds a rally in Greenville, Ohio with 1500 to 2000 farmers in attendance. Speakers included were Gerald L.K. Smith, Mrs. Ernest Lundeen and Congressman Charles Binderup.
- June 7, 1944 – America First Party meeting at the Saint Louis Opera House in St. Louis, Missouri with up to one thousand people attending.
- June 12-14, 1944 - Women's National Peace Conference in Chicago attended by 125 women and men from twenty states meet at the Hotel Hamilton. Sponsored by Women's Voice to unite the Mothers' Movement. George T. Foster leader of the group Constitutional Americans attendee the conference.
- August 1, 1944 - America First Party holds a state convention in Michigan.
- August 17, 1944 - Post War Recovery Commission holds a monetary "congress" in Detroit. Gerald L.K. Smith, Homer Maertz, Catherine Brown, Lyrl Van Hyning, Ernest Elmhurst, and Eugene Sanctuary are in attendance.
- August 29-30, 1944 - the America First Party holds its national convention in Detroit, Michigan and nominates Gerald L. K. Smith to be President and Harry A. Romer to be Vice President. Delegates included Carl H. Mote, George T. Foster, Homer Maertz, Mrs. Catherine Brown, Charles J. Anderson, George Vose, S. O. Sanderson, and Joseph Stoffel.
- September 17-19, 1944 - A series of meetings are held by Gerald L.K. Smith at the Truth and Liberty Temple in Minneapolis, Minnesota. C. O. Stadsklev was the pastor who introduced Smith.
- September 24, 1944 – America First Party holds a meeting in St. Henry, Ohio. Speakers included Gerald L.K. Smith, Harry A. Romer, and George Vose. Mrs. Elizabeth Dilling, Mrs. Lyrl Clark Van Hyning, and Court Asher appeared on the platform.[28]
- September 27, 1944 – America First Party holds a meeting in Cleveland, Ohio. Approximately 600 people assembled at the Cleveland Public Auditorium. Speakers included Gerald L.K. Smith, George Vose, and Mrs. David Stanley.[29]
- October 6, 1944 - Christian Front meeting in New York attended by Gerald L. K. Smith, Elizabeth Dilling and Catherine Brown.
- November 15, 1944 - Gerald L.K. Smith of the America First Party holds a meeting at the Book Cadillac Hotel in Detroit, Michigan. Guest speaker was Elizabeth Dilling. An estimated number of 700 people attended the meeting.[30]
- January 31, 1945 – The Constitutional Americans meet at Kimball Hall in Chicago.
- February 13-14, 1945 - San Francisco Conference to Abolish the United Nations, attended by 400 and sponsored by Gerald L. K. Smith.
- February 26, 1945 - Gerald L.K. Smith holds a meeting in Detroit, Michigan. Dean Smith former oil man was a speaker.
- March 15, 1945 - Gerald L.K. Smith holds a meeting in Chicago.
- April 6-8, 1945 - Eastern Monetary Congress, held at the Statler Hotel in Buffalo, New York. Present were Joseph H. Stoffel, Carl H. Mote, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. K. Smith. General Jacob S. Coxey of Coxey’s Army fame opened the conference.[31]
- April 22, 1945 - Gerald L.K. Smith holds a meeting at the La Salle Hotel in Chicago with 850 estimated in attendance. Fred Kister and Dean E. Smith addressed the meeting.
- April 24, 1945 - Gerald L.K. Smith holds his America First Party meeting in the Kiel Auditorium St. Louis, Missouri with about 800 in attendance.
- April 30, 1945 - Gerald L.K. Smith speaks at Rev. Harvey Springer's Englewood Baptist Tabernacle, in Englewood, Colorado.
- May 3, 1945 - Gerald L.K. Smith and the America First Party holds a meeting in Salt Lake City.
- May 6-26, 1945 – Gerald L.K. Smith and supporters of the America First Party holds several meetings to protest the formation of the United Nations in San Francisco, California.[32] On May 25, Smith issued a press release.[33]
- May 31, 1945 - 2,000 people attend a Gerald L.K. Smith rally at the Embassy Auditorium in Los Angeles.
- June 14-16, 1945 - Mothers' Movement convention La-Salle Hotel in Chicago held by Mrs. Lyrl Clark Van Hyning. Two hundred delegates from thirty-six states were in attendance. Col. Eugene Sanctuary and lawyer Henry H. Klein spoke at the meeting. Mrs. Freda Stanley of Cleveland offered a resolution that the war be stopped and government officials be tried for starting the war.
- June 25, 1945 - Gerald L.K. Smith speaks at the Philharmonic Auditorium in Los Angeles to an overflowed crowd of 3500.[34]
- June 30-31, 1945 - American Action Committee (later renamed American Action Inc.) is organized in Chicago from a nationalist conference organized by Salem Bader and Merwin K. Hart. Around 40 people attended including Upton Close, John T. Flynn, De Witt Emery, Maurice R. Franks, Congressman Sam Pettengill, William H. Regnery, Col. Charles Vincent, A. Dewight Nims, Rev. Norman Vincent Peale, George Washington Robnett, William A. Larner Jr., R. E. Minnis and Thomas N. Creigh.[35]
- July 20, 1945 - Gerald L.K. Smith holds a meeting at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. Councilman Meade McClanahan is also a speaker
- August 28, 1945 - American Action meets in Los Angeles at the Clark Hotel.
- September 1945 - a joint meeting between Senator Robert Reynolds’ Nationalist Party and the John G. Scott's Congress of Monetary Organizations was held at the Hotel Empire in New York City. Col. Eugene Sanctuary, Ernest Elmhurst, Hudson de Priest were in attendance.
- October 6, 1945 - first post-war meeting of the Christian Front is held by C. Daniel Kurts. Kurt Mertig spoke at the meeting.[36]
- February 7, 1946 - Father Arthur Terminiello, Reverend Gerald L.K. Smith, and Frederick Kister address a meeting of the Christian Veterans of America in Albany Park, a suburb of Chicago. Eight hundred people filled the auditorium. Several hundred Jews and communists outside begin to riot leading to arrests.
- March 4, 1946 - "Secret" nationalist banquet held in Chicago by Larry Asman; attended by Frederick Kister, Gerald L. K. Smith, Elizabeth Dilling, and Arthur Terminiello[37]
- May 17, 1946 - The Western Hemisphere Committee Against Communism is founded in Detroit, Michigan. Speakers included Gerald L. K. Smith, Larry Asman, Don Lohbeck, Lawrence Reilly and Canadian nationalist and Member of Parliament Hon. Norman Jaques.
- May 29, 1946 - Nationalist Congress held in St. Louis, Missouri organized by Gerald L.K. Smith. Those attending were Larry Asman of the Christian Veterans Intelligence Bureau, Frederick Kister, Kenneth Goff chairman of Christian Youth for America, Rev. Leland L. Marion candidate for governor for Michigan for the American First Party in 1944, Rev. Arthur Terminiello, Harry A. Romer, Elizabeth Dilling and her son Kirk, Gerald Winrod, Rev. Harvey Springer, and Jeremiah Stokes of the Pro-American Vigilantes of Salt Lake City.
- July 1946 - Chicago nationalist meeting of 500 participants. Speakers included Canadian Norman Jaques, Frederick Kister, Ellis O. Jones and Elizabeth Dilling.
- October 4-6, 1946 - Congress of Monetary Organizations holds a meeting in Chicago. John G. Scott a New York monetary reformer presided. Chicago attorney Theodore W. Miller, Elizabeth Dilling, Kenneth Goff, Earl Southard, Mrs.Lyrl Van Hyning, George Foster, Charles Anderson, Frederick Kister, Mrs. Grace Keefe and Eugene Flitcraft were in attendance.[38]
- December 12, 1946 - The Great Pyramid Club held a meeting at the North Star Auditorium in Los Angeles.
- August 1947 - Gerald L.K. Smith meeting in Washington DC. Kurt Mertig, Donald Lohbeck, W. Henry MacFarland, C. Daniel Kurts, Ellis Jones, and attorney Maximilian St.George attended and spoke at the meeting.[39]
- May 29, 1948 - A mass meeting of the Christian Nationalist Crusade is held in Chicago. John W. Hamilton assistant editor of Gerald L.K. Smith’s The Cross and The Flag sponsored the meeting. Kenneth Goff spoke at the meeting.
- August 21 to 23, 1948 - National convention of the Christian Nationalist Party held in St. Louis, Missouri where Gerald L. K. Smith was nominated to be President. Speakers included General George Van Horn Moseley, Wesley Swift, Catherine V. Brown, Joseph Stoeffel, Stephen Nenoff, Harry A. Romer, and Ernest Elmhurst.
- June 15 to 17, 1949 - Nationalist Unity Congress called by Andrew B. McAllister at Hinckley, Illinois. Salem Bader, Kenneth Goff, and Mrs.Lyrl Van Hyning were attendees.
- August 1949 - Klonvocation meets in Atlanta where Dr. Samuel Green is bestowed the title of Imperial Wizard. Two weeks later Dr. Green dies of a heart attack.
- September 28 to 30 1949 - Christian Nationalist Party national convention held in St. Louis by Gerald L. K. Smith and attended by General Van Horn Moseley and Peter L. Xavier.[40]
- July 20-23, 1950 - Christian Nationalist Party national convention held in Los Angelis by Gerald L.K. Smith. Marilyn Allen of Salt Lake City and Ron Gostick of Canada attended the convention.
- January 24, 1952 - Gerald L.K. Smith addresses an overflow crowd of 2200 people at the Embassy Auditorium in Los Angeles and declares General Eisenhower is a "Swedish Jew" who will likely be drafted for president by both political parties. The next day all Los Angeles newspapers refused to mention the Christian Nationalist Crusade rally, giving them the "Jewish silent treatment".[41]
- March 14-16, 1952 - Save America Meeting in Columbus, Georgia hosted by "Parson Jack" Johnston. Thomas L. Hamilton, Bill Hendrix, Joseph Beauharnais, Mrs. Jessie Jenkins, Frank Ohlquist, Rev. Charles Murdoch, Peter Xavier, and G. Seals Akien attended the meeting.[42]
- May 4, 1952 - "American-German Friendship Rally" Yorkville Casino in New York City: one of the first mass German-American gatherings in the New York area since World War II. Hosted by Edward Fleckenstein.[43] [44]
- July 4–6, 1952 - Three nationalist factions held their own conventions in Chicago the weekend before the opening of the Republican Party National Convention which nominated General Dwight Eisenhower to head their party's ticket.
- A Nationalist Convention meets in Chicago at the Atlantic Hotel sponsored by Conde McGinley of Common Sense and Lyrl Clark Van Hyning of Women’s Voice. Delegates numbered 179 representing 80 different organizations with various agendas..[45] Those in attendance included Elizabeth Dilling,[46] Col. Eugene Sanctuary, Myron Fagan,[47] F. C. Sammons, William J. O’Brian, Merwin K. Hart, Upton Close, Kenneth Goff, W. Henry MacFarland, Allen Zoll, Jessica Payne, Suzanna S. Stevenson, Cong. Ralph Gwinn, Cong. Howard Buffett, and George Foster who presided over all the sessions.[48]
- Gerald L.K. Smith and his associates were noticeably absent from the official Nationalist Convention. Across town Smith was holding a rival convention in the Gold Room of the Congress Hotel and drew a crowd of 500 people.[49] The Smith faction passed a series of resolutions but split as to whether or not to form a third party. A breakaway group of the Smith faction eventually decided to form the Constitution Party officially holding a meeting the next month in August.[50]
- A third faction--consisting of a little more than fifty people--also held their convention at the Como-Inn Restaurant and Hall in Chicago sponsored by Joseph Beauharnais of the White Circle League and John W. Hamilton of the Citizens Protective Association with the stated purpose of forming a new organization called the NAAWP: National Association for the Advancement of White People--basically a copy of the NAACP.[51] The new organization was to be formed by the consolidation of several existing groups. The proposed idea failed; however, the following year Bryant Bowles started a NAAWP group on his own in Washington DC. Those in attendance were Peter Xavier of the National Security League, George D. Higgins of the The Liberty Party, Mrs. Ed C. Alumbaugh of The Spider, Richard Hamel,[52] and Daniel Kurtz of New York Anti-Communist League. Other groups represented were the National Patrick Henry Organization, the Christian Civil League of America, and The White Party of America a Chicago-based group affiliated with the White Circle League.
- August 7-8, 1952 - The Constitution Party meets in Chicago and nominates General Douglas MacArthur for President and Harry F. Byrd for Vice-President. Key participants were Merwin K. Hart, Upton Close, George Foster, Kenneth Goff, Allen Zoll, and W. Henry MacFarland Jr.[53]
- August 20, 1952 - Christian Nationalist Party meets in Los Angles and nominates General Douglas MacArthur for President and California State Senator Jack B. Tenney for Vice President.[54]
- August 22, 1952 - Secret nationalist meeting held at the LaSalle Hotel in Chicago and attended by Peter Xavier, Joseph Beauharnais,[55] Ned Dupes of the NSRP and others.[56] Congressman John T. Woods of Idaho spoke at the meeting.[57]
- February 5-6, 1953 - Conference to Abolish the United Nations in San Francisco held by Gerald L. K. Smith, attended by 300 people with speakers including Wesley A. Swift and California State Senator Jack B. Tenney.
- April 18-19, 1953 - Conference meeting of the American Committee for the Advancement of Western Culture on a farm in Middletown, New York.[58]
- July 6, 1953 - Gerald L.K. Smith holds a meeting in Chicago with 500 in attendance.[59] Smith’s objective at the time was to pressure the Republican Party who were also was holding their national convention in Chicago to reject the movement to nominate General Eisenhower and replace him with General Douglas MacArthur.
- October 20-21, 1953 - Christian Nationalist Crusade West Coast Convention
- January 24, 1954 - National Citizens Protective Association holds a meeting in Chicago. John W. Hamilton National Organizer and George Sudbeck are speakers.
- August 16-17, 1954 - Six Atlanta delegates of the J. B. Stoner led Christian Anti-Jewish Party picketed the White House protesting the recent Supreme Court decision reversing segregation in the schools. Two of the protesters were brothers: Richard Bowling and Robert Bowling.
- November 29, 1954 - Ten Million Americans Mobilizing for Justice rally at Madison Square Garden in support of Senator Joseph McCarthy. An estimated 13,000 people attended the gathering.
- April 25-30, 1955 - The Congress of Freedom holds a five-day anti-United Nations event in San Francisco. Speakers included Merwin K. Hart, Westbrook Pegler, Robert Le Fevre, George S. Montgomery Jr., Myron Fagan, Corinne Griffith, Mrs. Suzanne Silvercruys Stevenson, George Todt, The Rev. Claude Bunzel, Miss Leora Baxter, Mrs. Alice Widener, Mrs. Jessica Payne, Florence Fowler Lyons, C. O. Garshwiler, Mrs. Mary D. Cain, Freda Utley, Joseph Zack Kornfeder, Thomas H. Werdel, and Willis Carto.[60]
- January 27, 1956 - A right-wing patriotic meeting is held in Chicago on cooperation and taking action together. Groups in attendance were, We, The People, For America, National Economic Council, Liberty and Property, Congress of Freedom, and "certain Southern groups." Harry Everingham was elected chairman. Col. John Hitchings of Florida was in attendance.[61]
- July 13-14, 1956 - Cross burnings in front of the homes of prominent Washington DC residents including Supreme Court justices.[62]
- August 28, 1956 = The Constitution Party nominates T. Coleman Andrews of Virginia and Thomas H. Werdel of California to be on their 1956 presidential ticket. Over 300 persons attended.[63]
- September 29, 1956 - U.S. Klans, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan led by Eldon Lee Edwards stages a 3,000 member rally at Stone Mountain, Georgia. The rally--with members from five southern states--was the largest gathering of Klansmen since World War II.
- April 19, 1957 - Willis Carto speaks to the Congress of Freedom conference.[64]
- November 10, 1957 - The United White Party is organized at a convention held in Knoxville, Tennessee.
- January 18, 1958 – 50 to 70 armed Klansmen from the North Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan stage a rally in Maxton, North Carolina. One thousand Lumbee Indians charge the Klansmen and a riot ensues.
- February 1, 1958 - Ultimatum Conference of Loyal Americans meet in Louisville, Kentucky. Attended by North Carolina Klan leader James W. Cole, Admiral John Crommelin and Millard D. Grubbs of the Kentucky White Citizens Council.
- July 27, 1958 - George Lincoln Rockwell stages his first public protest in front of the White House, representing The National Committee to Free America from Jewish Domination, with a sign which read "SAVE IKE FROM THE KIKES."[2] Similar protests occur in Atlanta outside the Constitution and Journal newspaper and in Louisville, Kentucky. In Atlanta, the protesters were arrested including Wallace Allen.
- August 30-31, 1958 - National convention of the National States Rights Party held in Liberty Hall, Louisville, Kentucky. Admiral John G. Crommelin is drafted as there candidate for President of the United States for the upcoming 1960 election. Millard Grubbs head of the Kentucky White Citizens Council is nominated for Governor of Kentucky. The meeting was attended by 100 delegates from 18 states with several representatives of other conservative third party groups in attendance. Noted activist John Kasper who was recently released from federal prison was the special guest speaker. Other important leaders were Dan Kurts, of the Christian Front of Queens County, N. Y.; Bill Hendrix, a Ku Klux Klan leader, John W. Hamilton, head of the National Citizens Protective Association and F. Allen Mann, publisher of The Revere. Also in attendance was Peter Xavier of Dayton, Ohio.[65]
- April 11-12, 1959, National convention of the National States Rights Party held in Knoxville, Tennessee.
- January 22, 1960 - Meeting of the Christian Patriots Crusade hosted by F. Allen Mann at the Atlantic Hotel in Chicago. Approximately 40 persons attended.[66]
- February 27-28, 1960 - Representatives from several Ku Klux Klan factions meet at the Henry Grady Hotel in Atlanta and formed the "National Klan Committee".
- March 19, 1960 - Convention of the National States Rights Party held in Miamisburg, Ohio (some say Dayton). Governor Orval Faubus of Arkansas is nominated for President of the United States and Retired Rear Admiral John G. Crommelin of Alabama for Vice President. George Lincoln Rockwell attended the event.[67]
- May 3, 1960 - State convention of the National States Rights Party held in Opeleika, Alabama.
- May 22, 1960 - National Grand Council of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan meet in Atlanta, Georgia to discuss the consolidation of smaller Klans into one large organization. The meeting was attended by Federation of the Ku Klux Klan, Alabama; Association of Arkansas Klans, Arkansas; Florida Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Florida; Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Florida; Association of Georgia Klans, Georgia; Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, North Carolina; Association of South Carolina Klans, South Carolina; Dixie Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Tennessee; and Hyksos Klan, Texas.
- July 3, 1960 - George Lincoln Rockwell and seventeen supporters of the American Nazi Party are arrested outside of the U.S. District Court building on the Mall in Washington DC.
- November 26-27, 1960 - National States Rights Party held a post-election convention in Chattanooga, attended by fifty delegates from ten states including George Michael Bright.
- February 11-12, 1961 - A National Klonklave (also Klonvocation) is held in Texarkana, Texas.
- April 3, 1961 - A meeting held by Max Nelsen at the Atlantic Hotel in Chicago. Dr. Edward Fields was the guest speaker. About 35 persons attended with representatives of Fighting American Nationalists and the American Nazi Party.[68]
- August 19, 1961 - NSRP of Illinois held at the LaSalle Hotel in Chicago. Max Nelsen hosted the event with 40 persons in attendance.[69]
- September 4, 1961 (Labor Day) - National convention of the National States Rights Party held in New Orleans.
- September 5, 1961 - NSRP rally at Anniston, Alabama, J. B.Stoner is feature speaker. At the rally Attorney General Robert Kennedy and F.B.I. Director J. Edgar Hoover were burned in effigy.
- September 2, 1962 - National convention of the National States Rights Party held in Montgomery, Alabama. Speakers included Admiral John G. Crommelin, Wally Butterworth, and Minuteman leader Robert DePugh. Months later the NSRP asked its members to dissociate with The Minutemen.
- August 31, 1963 - Grand Dragon Bob Jones holds a UKA sponsored Klan rally outside Salisbury, North Carolina, 2,000 people attend.
- October 18-20, 1963 - Constitution Party convention meets at the Marott Hotel in Indianapolis, Indiana, attended by William Gale of the Christian Defense League, Joseph A. Milteer of the NSRP, General Pedro Del Valle, Curtis Dall of the Liberty Lobby, Colonel Arch Roberts, Richard Cotten, editor of The Conservative Viewpoint, Kenneth Goff of the Soldiers of the Cross, and Klan leaders Jack Brown and James Venable.
- March 1-2, 1964 - Nominating convention of the National States Rights Party was held in Louisville, Kentucky, at the home of Millard Grubbs and attended by 200 people. The party nominated John Kasper as thier presidential candidate and J. B. Stoner as his running mate. Ned Dupes was the national chairman, Matt H. Murphy Jr. was the keynote speaker.
- July 4, 1964 - Committee of One Million Caucasians to March on Congress
- September 5-6, 1964 - National "Klonvokation" of the United Klans of America held at the Dinkler-Tutwiler Hotel in Birmingham, Alabama. Over 600 Klansmen from nine states attended the meeting.[70]
- November 28-29, 1964 - National convention of the National States Rights Party held in Mobile, Alabama. Around 30 people attended with speeches given by Ned Dupes, Ed Fields, and J. B. Stoner.
- January 16, 1965 - Annual Conference of the Citizens’ Councils of America held in Montgomery, Alabama.
- May 15, 1965 - 6,000 attend a UKA North Carolina Klan rally in support of the accused killers of Viola Liuzzo, a northern civil rights worker. CBS News films the event to be included in their documentary on the Klan.
- August 14, 1966 - UKA rally at Memorial Auditorium in Raleigh, North Carolina. 3,000 people attended protected by 300 policemen from across the state.
- October 30, 1966 - Robert DePugh of the Minutemen speaks at the Embassy Auditorium in Los Angeles addressing a 200-member meeting of the Patriotic Party.
- January 6-7, 1967 - Liberty Lobby's Board of Policy first national convention meets in Washington DC. at the Sheraton Park Hotel. Over 300 people attended.[71]
- December 10, 1967 - Grand Dragon James Spears of the United Klans of America holds a rally on the steps of the State Capitol in Montgomery Alabama.
- May 1968 - 3,500 Klansmen met at a United Klans of America gathering in Tuscaloosa, Alabama at the Ramada Inn.
- January 25 or 29, 1969 - National Youth Alliance meeting at Conley’s Motel near Monroeville Penneslavania where National Socialist supporters along with Willis Carto stage a coup and gain control of the group from the young conservatives.[72]
- February 1, 1969 - National Youth Alliance (anti-Carto faction) meet in Manhattan at the Taft Hotel. C.B. Baker editor of Statecraft and Dennis McMahon NYA National Vice-Chairman spoke at the meeting. Over twenty representatives from nearby colleges attended the meeting.[73] New York City media were present and covered the meeting.
- June 7-8, 1969 - National convention of the National States Rights Party held in Jacksonville, Florida
- June 27-28, 1970 - United Klans of America national convention held in Salisbury, North Carolina.
- July 3-4, 1971 - National Youth Alliance (dissident group) conference in Dearborn, Michigan, headed by Patrick Tifer attended by Willis Carto of Liberty Lobby.
- November 27-28, 1971 - United Klans of America, 10th Anniversary National Klonvocation in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
- February 19, 1972 - Ten individuals protest in Lafayette Park in front of the White House President Nixon’s decision to recognize Communist China. Dr. William Pierce of the National Youth Alliance, J.B. Stoner of the NSRP, and representatives from David Duke’s National Party participated in the protest. The NSRP sponsored the demonstration.
- April 1972 - Los Angeles meeting of the New Christian Crusade Church led by James K. Warner. Rev. William Gale was guest speaker.
- September 2, 1972 - Youth Action conducts a mock war crimes trial in Los Angeles for members of the CFR.
- December 8, 1974 - the first public meeting of the National Alliance is held in Alexandria, Virginia. Dr. William Pierce spoke on "Who Rules America". Associate editor of Attack! Dennis Nix spoke on the deteriorating racial situation in America. [74]
- February 24, 1975 - Dr. William Pierce and seven other members of the National Alliance protest outside the US Justice Department in Washington DC over the appointment of Edward Levi as Attorney General.[75]
- March 9, 1975 - Willis Carto delivers a speech to Liberty Lobby's Board of Policy[76]
- July 1975 - Patriots Leadership Conference held in Kansas City, Missouri organized by Robert B. DePugh of the Minutemen attended by General Pedro del Valle and others. Organizations represented were: Liberty Lobby, John Birch Society, National Rifle Association, National Alliance to Keep and Bear Arms, Committee to Restore the Constitution, National Socialist White People’s Party (formerly known as American Nazi Party), American Party, Posse Comitatus, American White Nationalist Party, Christian Crusade, Knights of the KKK, and United Klans of America.
- August 26-28, 1976 - American Independent Party Convention meets in Chicago and nominates Lester Maddox for President and Bill Dyke for Vice President for their party's ticket.
- September 8-10, 1976 - World Nationalist Congress also called the International Patriotic Conference was held in Metairie, Louisiana attended by David Duke, J. B. Stoner, James K. Warner, and Byron De La Beckwith.[77] Also in attendance were Western Guard Party members from Canada: John Ross Taylor, James Alexander McQuirter, and Wolfgang Droege. The congress had delegates from 35 countries. Others who attended were Rev. Buddy Tucker, Dan Gayman, Rick Norton, Richard Cotten, Jerry Dutton, Joseph Dilys, Alexi Erlanger, June Grem, Rear Admiral McMillian, Colonel Rene Lacoste, and Manfred Roeder from West Germany.[78]
- May 28-30, 1977 - Patriots Leadership Conference is held at the Continental Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri organized by Bob DePugh. Speakers included Ben Klassen, John R. Harrell, Ardie McBreary, and Gerda Koch. Others in attendance were Else Christensen, Robert M. Shelton, and June Grem[79]
- September 2-3, 1978 - First General Convention of the National Alliance, Arlington, Virginia. Assistant editor Mark Weber spoke on "The Cultural Crisis of Our Age" and "What Right does the National Alliance Have to Speak for America?" Ted O'Keefe spoke on "The Historical Inevitability of Our Revolution." Nick Camerota spoke on "The Challenge of Recruiting." Dr. William Pierce spoke on "Structural Guidelines for the National Alliance."
- The first National Alliance Convention, held here over Labor Day weekend (Sept 2-3), was a real success in building the NA as an organization. Intelligent, serious and dedicated participants came from as far away as California, Texas and Canada.
- The Convention program included reports by National Alliance activists, a feature film presentation, a closing banquet dinner, and seven speeches by NA staff members: Mark Weber examined the cultural crisis of our age, and discussed the right of the Alliance to speak for America. Ted O'Keefe analyzed historical lessons for our revolutionary era, and discussed the outlines of the new order the NA is working to build. Nick Camerota's spirited address on the challenge of recruiting was particularly well received.
- Dr. William Pierce, head of the Alliance, was greeted before he began his first speech with a standing ovation. The world view of the NA, he said, sees man as part of an organic whole acting in harmony with Nature by contributing to the development of his race. Only a self-consistent spiritual philosophical foundation rooted in natural law, he stressed, can insure that social political changes will be of lasting benefit.
- In his "State of the Alliance" address, Dr. Pierce explained why recruiting efforts for the present are aimed at capable and idealistic potential activists and not at "the masses." The Alliance is not yet large enough to reach and help Majority working class victims of the System seeking relief, he said.
- Before the Convention ended, many useful suggestions were discussed for recruiting new supporters and improving the monthly newspaper, National Vanguard.
(From Instauration November 1978, page 24)
- August 31, 1979 - September 2, 1979- First Historical Revisionist Convention hosted by Willis Carto and the Institute for Historical Review held in Los Angeles, California.[80]
- September 1-2, 1979 - Second General Convention of the National Alliance, Arlington, Virginia. Assistant editor Nick Camerota's talk was "A World to Win". Feature editor Ted O'Keefe's talk was "The Importance of Ideology". Office manage Rosemary Rickey's talk was entitled "How I Made My Life Count". Mark Weber spoke on "The Moral Challenge". Dr. William Pierce spoke on "The Fundamental Values of the National Alliance". Dr. Pierce’s banquet address was titled The Future Belongs to Us.
- April 19, 1980 - Frazier Glenn Miller Jr. holds a "Hitler Fest" on his farm in Benton, North Carolina in support of sixteen members of Ku Klux Klan and American National Socialist groups involved in the Greensboro shootings of five American communists. David Duke, Don Black, Ed Fields, and Robert Miles were featured speakers.[81]
- August 30-31, 1980 - Third General Conference of the National Alliance, Stouffer’s Hotel, Crystal City, Virginia. Masters of Ceremonies Nick Camerota gave the keynote address on the depths White America has fallen and charged the audience to take the White race to it greatest heights again. National Office manager Rosemary Rickey spoke on "The National Alliance Woman." Mike Kosmatka's talk was titled "A Decade of Determination." Feature editor Ted O'Keefe's address was titled "White America." Dr. William Pierce spoke on "The Uniqueness of the National Alliance."
- June 27-28, 1981 - about 600 members of the Christian-Patriots Defense League meet in Louisville, Illinois. Dr William Pierce of the National Alliance spoke at the rally.
- September 5-6, 1981 - Fourth General Convention of the National Alliance, Stouffer’s Hotel, Crystal City, Virginia.
- June 25-29, 1982 - over 1,000 attended the Christian-Patriots Defense League in Louisville, Illinois.
- July 9-11, 1982 - Second Annual Aryan Nations Congress. Robert Miles, J.B. Stoner, Don Black, and Louis Beam were in attendance. In addition at least 13 Ku Klux Klan and other White nationalist organizations were represented.
- September 4-5, 1982 - Fifth General Convention of the National Alliance held in Chicago, Illinois. Special guess speakers were Emory Burke and Fritz Berg. Emory Burke speech at the convention: [3]
- November 27, 1982 - 36 members of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, based in Tuscumbia, Alabama and led by Thom Robb gather in Washington DC to protest the government’s non-White and illegal immigration policies. [4]
- July 9-12, 1983 - Third Annual Congress of Aryan Nations held in Haden Lake, Idaho.
- September 4, 1983 - Sixth General Convention of the National Alliance, Stouffer’s Hotel, Crystal City, Virginia. Mike Kosmatka was Master of Ceremonies and gave a talk on George Orwell and the coming year 1984. Bob Mathews gives his historic speech "A Call to Arms". [5] Dr. Pierce's closing remarks to the convention was titled "Out of the Darkness." Audio [6], text [7]
- September 1984 - Seventh and final General Convention of the National Alliance, held at Stouffer’s Hotel, Crystal City, Virginia. Dr. William Pierce announces the move of the National Alliance to "The Land" in West Virginia.
- April 19-20, 1986 - Free Association Forum meets in Cohoctah, Michigan hosted by Robert Miles. Approximately 200 attended the meeting with Dr. William Pierce of the National Alliance and Glenn Miller of the White Patriot Party as speakers.[82]
- July 12, 1986 - Sixth Annual Congress of Aryan Nations held in Haden Lake, Idaho. More than 200 individuals attended the congress with over 50 reporters covering the event. Dr. William Pierce of the National Alliance was in attendance.[83]
- October 9, 1987 - Eighth International Revisionist Conference held at the Holiday Inn in Irvine, California. Speakers included 1930s German American Bund leader August Klapprott, H. Keith Thompson and special surprise guest General Otto Remer, the man who saved Germany in 1944 from the attempted July 20 coup.
- May 7-8, 1988 - Robert Miles holds a White separatist rally on his farm in Michigan attracting over 150 persons. Thom Robb, Stanley McCollum and Max French were in attendance.[84]
- October 13-15, 1990 - 10th International Revisionist Conference is held in the Washington DC area. John Toland was keynote speaker. Bradley R. Smith of the CODOH also attended.[85]
- September 18, 1993 - America First Party convention in Atlanta, Georgia. International speakers included Michael Faci and Guillaume Fabien of France.
- July 1994 - Aryan Nations Congress attended by Canadian John Ross Taylor and other National Socialist leaders.
- March 28, 1998 - Institute for Historical Review conference in Costa Mesa, California. Mark Weber and 130 others were in attendance. British historian David Irving was keynote speaker.
- January 26-27, 2002 - The First International Conference on Global Problems of World History, held in Moscow, Russia[86]
- June 22, 2002 - the 14th IHR Conference, in Irvine, California.
- August 24, 2002 - "Tax Payers Against Terrorism" (anti-Israel) sponsored by the National Alliance in cooperation with other White nationalist groups march on Washington.[87] The FBI estimated over one thousand activists participated in the demonstration.[88]
- March 13–14, 2004 - Willis A. Carto is the main speaker at the Health and Freedom Rally, Irvine, California[89]
- May 29, 2004 - New Orleans Protocol conference held in New Orleans, Louisiana
- May 20-22, 2005 - European American Conference in New Orleans [8]
- November 7-9, 2008 - International EURO Conference in Memphis [9]
- March 19, 2012 - American Renaissance Conference Held in Tennessee
- 2017 Unite the Right event
- ↑ 1924: Hatred wore a hood in Jersey
- ↑ The Ku Klux Klan in American Politics by Arnold S. Rice, page 64
- ↑ What Price Tolerance?, by Paul M. Winter
- ↑ Partners in Plunder, the Cost of Business, page 232
- ↑ Organized Anti-Semitism in America: The Rise of Group Prejudice during the Decade 1930-40, by Donald S. Strong, page 133
- ↑ Organized anti-Semitism in America by Donald S. Strong, page 23
- ↑ Gerald L. K. Smith a Political Force
- ↑ Gerald L. K. Smith a Political Force
- ↑ The Propaganda Battlefront December 1, 1943
- ↑ Organized Anti-Semitism in America: The Rise of Group Prejudice during the Decade 1930-40, by Donald S. Strong, page 133
- ↑ NAZI RALLY ASSAILS AIMS OF COMMUNISM; 4,000 Attend Meeting Called by German American Band to 'Expose Propaganda'
- ↑ "The Anti-Jewish Propaganda Front" (1937) American Jewish Committee
- ↑ The Canadian Fuhrer: The Life of Adrien Arcand, by Nadeau Jean-François, page 206
- ↑ The German American Bund in photos
- ↑ ADL Report
- ↑ I Testify Against the Jews by Robert Edward Edmondson, page 105
- ↑ Organized Anti-Semitism in America; The Rise of Group Prejudice by Donald S. Strong, page 33
- ↑ German American Bund flier
- ↑ Fritz Kuhn: The American Fuehrer and the Rise and Fall of the German American Bund, page 90 (95)
- ↑ American Jewish Committee smear on the Christian Mobilizers
- ↑ The Columbians, Inc.: a chapter of racial hatred from the post-World War II South
- ↑ Hoods and Shirts: The Extreme Right in Pennsylvania 1925-1950 by Philip Jenkins
- ↑ "Big Ovation: 20,000 Pack Holly Bowl for Speech By Noted Aviator", Reading Eagle, June 21, 1941
- ↑ GLK Smith FBI file
- ↑ GLK Smith FBI file
- ↑ FBI recording surveillance of Gerald L.K. Smith March 24-27, 1944
- ↑ GLK Smith FBI file
- ↑ GLK Smith FBI file
- ↑ GLK Smith FBI file
- ↑ GLK Smith FBI file
- ↑ GLK Smith FBI file
- ↑ GLK Smith FBI file
- ↑ Statement by Gerald L.K. Smith
- ↑ GLK Smith FBI file
- ↑ The Plotters, by John Roy Carlson, page 288-289
- ↑ Kurt Mertig FBI file
- ↑ The Plotters, by John Roy Carlson, page 139
- ↑ “Bigots Flock to Monetary Congress”, The Jewish Criterion, November 1, 1946
- ↑ Kurt Mertig FBI file
- ↑ The Canadian Jewish Chronicle February 5, 1954 "Heard in the Lobbies", page 11
- ↑ Cross-Currents by Arnold Forster and Benjamin R. Epstein, page 31
- ↑ "Anti-Minority Groups Gather in Macon" The Jewish Floridian March 28, 1952
- ↑ FBI file of HK Thompson
- ↑ FBI file on HK Thompson
- ↑ Cross-Currents by Arnold Forster and Benjamin R. Epstein, page 55
- ↑ "McArthur for President on Nationalist Ticket", Jewish Floridian, July 25, 1952, page 3
- ↑ FBI report on the White Circle League
- ↑ Cross-Currents by Arnold Forster and Benjamin R. Epstein, page 48
- ↑ "McArthur for President on Nationalist Ticket", Jewish Floridian, July 25, 1952, page 3
- ↑ Cross-Currents by Arnold Forster and Benjamin R. Epstein, page 56
- ↑ FBI file on the NAAWP (1952)
- ↑ FBI file on White Circle League
- ↑ Cross-Currents by Arnold Foster and Benjanin R. Epstein, page 55
- ↑ Cross-Currents by Arnold Foster and Benjanin R. Epstein, page 56
- ↑ FBI file
- ↑ FBI file
- ↑ FBI file
- ↑ H.K. Thompson FBI file
- ↑ Cross-Currents by Arnold Forster and Benjamin R. Epstein, page 50
- ↑ Cross-Currents by Arnold Foster and Benjamin R. Epstein, pages 160-168
- ↑ [ RIGHT newsletter, No. 5, February 1956
- ↑ FBI file
- ↑ [ RIGHT newsletter, No. 12, September 1956
- ↑ Where We Stand: An Address to the Congress of Freedom, 1957
- ↑ FBI file
- ↑ FBI file
- ↑ George Lincoln Rockwell: A Sketch Of His Life And Career (1960)
- ↑ FBI file on Realpolitical Institute
- ↑ FBI file on Realpolitical Institute
- ↑ Klan Organizations 1958-1964 (FBI publication)
- ↑ A History of Liberty Lobby
- ↑ Revolting Developments
- ↑ Statecraft February-March 1969, page 4
- ↑ ACTION No. 38, December 1974
- ↑ W.L. Pierce FBI file
- ↑ Speech to the Liberty Lobby Convention, March 9, 1975
- ↑ The Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi: A History by Michael Newton, page 186
- ↑ International Anti-Semitic Congress]
- ↑ Ben Klassen: Against The Evil Tide, Milestone Fifty-seven
- ↑ The First Revisionist Conference, 1979
- ↑ White Robes and Burning Crosses: A History of the Ku Klux Klan from 1866, by Michael Newton, page 193
- ↑ National Alliance Bullentin April-May 1986
- ↑ National Alliance Bullentin July 1986
- ↑ "Buoyed by acquittal, Miles rallies separatists", Detroit Free Press, May 9, 1988
- ↑ Smith's Report November 1990
- ↑ Revisionist History Conference in Russia
- ↑ Neo-Nazis Rally in Nation's Capital (ADL)
- ↑ White Nationalist Extremist Movement (FBI monograph, 2006)
- ↑ The Fight for a Free Press