American Independent Party

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The American Independent Party was a viable third party that contested the 1968 US presidential election. The party was established by former Alabama Governor George C. Wallace Sr. and appeared on all fifty state ballots. Wallace and his running mate, retired Air Force general Curtis E. LeMay, received 13.5 percent of the popular vote and 46 electoral votes from states in the deep South. The party adopted right-wing and conservative positions represented by a call for “law and order” in reaction to the turbulent 1960's.

In 1969, representatives from 40 states established the American Party as the successor to the American Independent Party. In 1972, the party nominated former Congressman John G. Schmitz of California for president. In 1976, the American Party split into the more moderate American Party, which included northern conservatives and Schmitz supporters, and the more extreme American Independent Party, which focused on the deep South. Both of the parties have nominated candidates for the presidency and other offices.

The American Independent Party has held ballot status in the state of California since 1968 and is still active there. It is the state affiliate for the national Constitution Party, formerly the U.S. Taxpayers Party.

Presidential Candidates

See also

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