Peter L. Xavier

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Peter Laurentius Norberg Xavier born in Saude, Iowa[1] (November 12, 1901 - August 17, 1981)[2] was a career non-commissioned officer who served with General Patton’s Third Army in World War II. After the war he became involved with nationalist politics and wrote a book, Rise, America! supposedly praising Hitler and Mussolini. Xavier was attached to the OSS--a forerunner to the CIA--during and some would say after the war.[3]

Family background and education

Peter Xavier was of Norwegian (Saami) background. His father was Rev. Karl Xavier (1869-1924) and mother, Henrietta Randine (Larsen) Xavier (1865-1905). He obtained a degree from the University of Minnesota in 1923.

Xavier served in the United States Army from 1928 to 1935 and reenlisted in 1941.[4] He was a member of the Minnesota National Guard in the 1930s.

Nationalist politics

Peter Xavier was the author of the article "The Treason Behind U.N. and Internationalism". Xavier was associated with a group called the National Security League and spoke at their meetings. He was the former publisher of the anti-Jewish Dayton Independent of Dayton, Ohio. In Dayton Peter Xavier worked as a baker.[5]

National States Rights Party

Peter Xavier was associateed with the National States Rights Party (NSRP) and was the party's treasurer.[6] He and seven other white individuals who attended a NSRP rally were arrested for their involvement in a racial shooting incident that occurred in Berea, Kentucky in September, 1968 killing two individuals, one black and one white.[7] Xavier along with others were fined and sentenced to time in jail.

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This is a source text. Spelling and smaller errors in the content can be corrected. The source is given in the "Source" part.

Peter Laurentius Xavier. MN NG, non-commissioned officer; USA, career non-commissioned officer, served prior to, during, and after WWII. Prior to the declaration of war, "Pete" was a small arms instructor at West Point, NCO rank of Sargent. He was by 1940, after the Allied debacle of Dunkirk, secretly posted to Great Britain for weapons training of British and British Commonwealth soldiers. Later, he was attached to OSS, where he carried out underground missions in France and Belgium, before he was attached to Gen. Patton's Third Army. Following WWII, Pete continued in service and was officially retired as a Corporal. According to one school of thought, he went over to the wild side of right-wing and racist politics, including the white-supremacist (and designated public threat) National State's Rights Party. However, according to a second school of thought, evidence points to an on-going role as an informant of the U.S. Government, an informant against the right-wing and racist organizations where he was affiliated. This second school of thought cites the fact that Pete's name either does not appear or has been blacked out of Freedom of Information documents from the FBI.[8] Such factors usually indicated a government operative whose identity the FBI (Army Intelligence?) wished to keep classified.
Source: Extended Xavier Families in Military or Related Civilian Service [1]



See also

External links