List of ranks, titles, and terms of the Ku Klux Klan

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The Ku Klux Klan had several different ranks, titles, and terms throughout its history.

The original post-Civil War Ku Klux Klan had a Grand Wizard as their national head, the first being General Nathan Bedford Forrest of Tennessee. Twentieth Century Klans changed the national title to Imperial Wizard. His reign was over the Invisible Empire which was the entire territory where the Klan had a presence.

First Era (1866-1877) Klan rank and titles

  • Grand Wizard - national head of the Invisible Empire
  • Grand Dragon - ruler over a state known as a "Realm."
  • Grand Titan - ruler of a "Dominion" within a state or Congressional District.
  • Grand Giant - head of a province or a county.
  • Grand Magi - second officer in authority of the Den.
  • Grand Monk - third officer in authority of the Den.
  • Grand Turk - the marshal, executive officer to the Grand Cyclops, and master of ceremonies of the Den.
  • Grand Sentinel - in charge of the Grand Guards
  • Grand Guards also Lictors - guards, usually two, for the Den.

Assorted titles for staff officers were: Genii, Hydra, Furie, Goblin, Night-hawk, Grand Magi, Grand Monk, Grand Scribe, Grand Exchequer, Grand Turk, and Grand Sentinel. Individual members were called Ghouls.

  • Genii - assistants to the Grand Wizard, usually ten.
  • Grand Scribe - the correspondence secretaries for the Grand Wizard, Grand Dragons, Grand Titans, Grand Giants, and Grand Cyclops.
  • Grand Exchequer - the treasurers for the Grand Wizard, Grand Dragons, Grand Titans, Grand Giants, and Grand Cyclops.
  • Hydras - assistants to the Grand Dragon, usually eight.
  • Furies - assistants to the Grand Titan, usually six.
  • Goblins - assistants to the Grand Giant, usually four.
  • Night-hawks - assistants to the Grand Cyclops, usually two.

Second Era (1915-1944) Klan rank and titles

  • Imperial Wizard - national head of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan often referred to in documents as president.
  • Imperial Klonsel - Supreme attorney
  • Imperial Kleagle - executive, receives reports from the Grand Goblins.
  • Grand Goblin - ruler over a "Dominion" which is now defined as a multi-state area.
  • King Kleagle - manager of state known as a "Realm."
  • Kleagle - field organizer over a certain territory or part of a "Realm."

Local "Dens" were replaced by "Klaverns" and had their own ranks and titles. The Ku Klux ritual was called the "Kloran." The investigative committee was called the "Klokann." National conventions were called "Klonvokations." A delegate to a Klonvokation was a Klepeer. The national council was called the "Imperial Kloncilium."

  • Exalted Cyclops - president of the Klavern
  • Terrors - officers of the Exalted Cyclops which consists of:
    • Klaliff - vice president of the Klavern
    • Klokard - lecturer
    • Kludd - the Chaplain
    • Kligrapp - secretary
    • Klabee - treasurer
    • Kladd - the conductor of ceremonies
    • Klarogo - inner guard- outer guard
    • Klokan - Head of the three-man Klokann Board which investigates prospective members.
    • Night-Hawk - Custodian of the fiery cross and person incharge of new candidates or "aliens"

Similar titles existed at the national, state, and local levels with "Imperial", "Grand", and "Great" prefaced respectively.

Third Era (1945-1974) Klan rank and titles

During the Third Era Klan period and thereafter the state leader title of Grand Dragon was reinstated.


  • "Dominion" or "Domain" - In the First Era Klan a Dominion corresponded to a congressional district. During the Second Era (1915-1944) a Dominion usually became a multi-state area. There were nine Dominions with headquarters in the cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Chicago, Atlanta, St. Louis, Houston, and Los Angeles.
    • "Domain of the East", New York state only
    • "Domain of the Mississippi Valley", seven states[1]
  • "Klannishness" - refers to loyalty to family, nation, race, and the Ku Klux Klan itself. This term was in common usage during the 1920s Klan period.
  • "Klonvocation", "Klonvokation" also" National Klonklave" - a national convention and legislature of the Ku Klux Klan. In June 1941 the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan held their Tenth Biennial Klonvocation in Atlanta.
  • "Kloncilium" - an advisory and judicial body appointed by the Imperial Wizard. It substitutes as a legislature when the Klonvocation is not in session.[2]
  • "Klectoken" - the $10 initiation fee (Second Era)
  • "Klavern" - local Klan group or organization, sometimes a separate building or meeting location.
  • "Klanton" - the jurisdiction of a klavern.
  • Kloran - Ku Klux Klan initiation document (1916)


  • "Ayak" - means "Are you a Klansman?"
  • "Akia"- means "A Klansman, I am."
  • "Kigy" - means "Klansman, I greet you."


  • Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, by Col. Winfield Jones, pages 24, 27, 28, 112, 116, 231, 232, 240, 252-260 (1921, 1941)
  • The Klan, by Patsy Sims pages 292-294 (1996) second edition revised

See also


  1. The Ku Klux Klan in American Politics, by Arnold S. Rice, page 3
  2. The Ku Klux Klan in American Politics, by Arnold S. Rice, page 3