Current Events, 2013
- December
- Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, leader of Russian Orthodox Church, has warned "immigration increases risk of ethnic conflict."
- Truth-seeking radio host, John Friend, hits the big time; attacked as a "virulent anti-semite" by the ADL of B'nai B'rith.
- Shia Islamic youth in Iran celebrating Christmas in Tehran while Jews and their allies in the West try to make the very word politically incorrect in our lands.
- Many French are trolling the Jews with "quenelle" salute. Masonic police state enraged because it cannot be punished under "hate crime" laws.
- Recently deceased Bolshevik terror leader, Nelson Mandela, recieved "weapons training from the Mossad" in 1962, mainstream media admit.
- Patrick Buchanan investigates whether or not Vladimir Putin is "one of us."
- Kerry Bolton explains to us why Capitalists and Marxists are united against so-called "Reactionaries."
- Homosexualism made mandatory in the US as "Duck Dynasty" celebrity is fired for being attracted to women instead of men and farm animals.
- Tim Wise calls Jesus Christ a "symbol of white supremacy and genocide", while his Khazar tribesmen butcher Palestinian women and children for sport.
- Alfred Rosenberg diary is uncovered. No mention of so-called "Holocaust" plans, Jewry concedes.
- The Green Arrow of the British Resistance describes the mass psychosis of British society.
- The links of Harriet Harman and her husband of New Labour to the Paedophile Information Exchange is discussed in the mainstream media.
- Uruguay, with a Cultural Marxist government, becomes the first country to legalize marijuana drug dealing.
- Italian populist, anti-capitalist protestors come out openly against Goldman Sachs Jewish banker enslavement of the people.
- Nice little Christmas song in Romanian TV All are glad about Jesus Christ, but not the Jews. They are best in the chimneys as smoke.
- Zionist minion John McCain is supporting pro-EU protests in the Ukraine.
- Russian Orthodox and Polish Catholic leaders unite to urge all sons and daughters of Europe to defend traditionalist values against liberal degeneration.
- Jewish capitalist regime of multimillionaire David Cameron-Levita tells UK goyim: you will not retire before age 70.
- Controversy in the WWII revisionist community online pertaining to Mark Weber and the IHR is circulating.
- Jewish singer Bob Dylan is being charged in France for allegedly trying to portray all Croats as war criminals.
- Patriots from the BNP, Forza Nuova and Golden Dawn have visited Moscow for a conference on the lack of freedom in the EU, hosted by Oleg Platonov.
- Patrick Corcoran, Hibernophobic agitator from and AFA Ireland, has been caught with 7,000 child porn images on his computer.
- Zionist & US-backed Wahhabists have kidnapped 12 Orthodox Christian nuns in Syria.
- 50,000 Greek patriots have protested to free Golden Dawn leader held hostage by criminal Samaras regime.
- Adam Dugmore, the elder brother of victim Aaron Dugmore, has gone missing, police report.
- The inhabitants of Croatia reject homosexual "marriage"- Europe has still healthy minded inhabitants.
- November
- Arrogant American cultural imperialist Luke Montgomery of FCKH8 is set to mail 10,000 pro-homosexual colouring books to Russian children during the Olympics.
- Jewish victims groups have found that 50% of Jewish males have been raped by their rabbis (not including Metzitzah b'peh).
- Lasha Darkmoon explains how Jewish supremacy is even worse in the United States than in Weimar Germany.
- Once again this year, Italy is launching pre-dawn police raids for thoughtcrimes such as caring about their country.
- Argentine Catholics break-up a blasphemous, apostate, Holocaust worship session in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Buenos Aires.
- Four "Bishops" of the laughable Anglican sect have commanded their vicars to sodomise other men.
- The African Refugee Development Center Israel requires funds to help Black Africans settle in Israel, consider donations.
- Jewish hatemonger, Daniel Goldhagen, accuses Metapedia of attempting to create "an anti-Semitic informational universe" in his new book of anti-Gentile propaganda.
- Two members of Golden Dawn murdered outside of its office in Athens.
- October
- One of the evil Pakistanis who murdered Scottish teenager Kriss Donald gets some comeuppance in prison.
- Israel has banned Jewish girls from working night shifts in hospitals for fear that they will race-mix with Arabs.
- Deathwatch Joseph Paul Franklin
- Zion Crime Factory has returned with a new podcast named The Fuerza Perspective.
- Polish dissident artist, Jerzy Szumczyk, has created a sculpture exposing the rapist criminality of the so-called "liberating" demonic Red Army during World War II.
- Croatia's ruling neo-communists (SDP) via Jimmy Wales requested the abolition of Croatian Wikipedia or its merging in the hybrid Serbo-Croat wiki, both to be completed in 2013.
- Even the total degenerate Miley Cyrus knows that "old Jews" run the music industry.
- Rabbis in plot to torture Jewish husbands to force divorce.
- The former Captain of the Waffen SS Erich Priebke dies at 100 years old.
- The British National Party have released "What Lies Behind the EDL?" criticising Zionist attemps to manipulate patriots in a questionable direction.
- It's come to light that the NSA has been hiring multiple companies in Israel to spy on the American people for them and then report back the data.
- Former Greek Justice Minister, Antonis Roupakiotis, openly admits organised Jewry ordered Samaras to carry out unconstitutional hostage taking of Golden Dawn patriots. Proving that Greece has a Jewish controlled government.
- Hundreds of African foreign invaders have died as they set their boat on fire, while trying to illegally invade Italy. Lesson; stay home!
- Three patriotic Golden Dawn hostages, taken prisoner by capitalist enemy Antonis Samaras and New Zionocracy, have been freed before trial.
- The Jews at Mossad have murdered Mojtaba Ahmadi, Iranian cyber defence official in a cold-blooded assassination in their latest crime against humanity.
- Hilarity ensues as smug anti-White, University of Columbia critical race theory professor, Prabhjot Singh is beaten senseless by a mob of 20 Blacks.
- September
- Freakish weirdos in the controlled media of Europe try to describe 16th century Dutch flag, the Prince's Flag, as a "Nazi [sic] symbol."
- Golden Dawn leader Nikolaos Michaloliakos arrested.
- Black supremacist Pentecostal carpet-bagger Eugene Rivers complains that Irish American Catholics are running for Boston mayorality.
- Hungry? Try some Italian pasta from Barilla. The sicko homosexual lobby are trying to boycott them for upholding the family.
- Story emerges of heroic martyrdom of Syrian Christian Sarkis Al-Zajim at hand of Salafists funded by evil Saudi Arabia and supported by world Zionism.
- Roy Naim, the leading Jewish supporter of granting an amnesty to illegal aliens in America, has been arrested on child pornography charges.
- Jewish homosexual "artist", Stephen Cohen, is arrested in Paris for exposing himself in public with a rooster tied to his mutilated penis.
- Cultural Marxist rapper in Athens who described himself as an "anti-fascist" & immigration supporter; despite murders & rapes of Greek citizens by invaders; has died.
- Karma in practice, as daughter of evil multiculturalism pusher Tony Blair is mugged by Black thugs in London at gunpoint, getting a taste of his social engineering policies.
- Diabolical Anti-Pope Jorge further exposes himself as a hardcore liberal infiltrator, as sedevacantists continue to be proven right.
- Nigel Evans, homosexual MP from the Torah Party of Zio-warmonger Kosher Kameron faces charges of seven counts of rape.
- Jewish supremacist maggot David Cameron invokes so-called "Holocaust" to propagandise war on Syria for Conservative Friends of Israel handlers.
- Aaron Alexis, a Black serial killer in the USA goes on killing spree in Washington DC and murders 12 people.
- London-based Zionist rag, controlled by Royal Institute of International Affairs imperialist neocon Robin Shepherd, attacks the Golden Dawn.
- After 26 years, some light is being shined on the the death of Rudolf Hess.
- Whiny Jews file law suit against "anti-semitic elevator" which refuses to operate automatically for the master race of holy people on shabbat.
- NYT censors AIPAC article describing it as the "800-pound gorilla in the room" in the Syria debate.
- August
- Psychopathic war-mongering Jew, Robert Halfon, writes throthing at the mouth piece in support of Syrian intervention in The Telegraph. World Jewry want World War III.
- Eminent alternative media writer John Kaminski tells us about "The Jew Menace".
- Justin Welby, who leads the Anglican church says Christians "must repent for wicked attitude to homosexuality".
- Evidence has come to light that the USA and Britain used chemical weapons on innocent civilians in the 2004 Iraq War.
- Red Flag news outlet have compiled a list of racial crimes by Blacks following the Trayvon Martin case.
- John Kerry-Kohn, the Jewish United States Secretary of State is trying to plunge the world into war in Syria with provocative speech.
- Canadian Jewish groups work against National Alliance inheritance
- Anglo-"Irish" cockroach, Pat Guerin, who founded the so-called "Anti-Racism Campaign" against Gaelic Irish people has finally died.
- William Hague, a member of the Conservative Friends of Israel since his teens, is trying to get the United Kingdom to invade Syria.
- Laughable degenerates at Wikipedia start calling Bradley Manning "she" the day after he claims to be a woman.
- Jewish Foreign Minster of France, Laurent Fabius, likely egged on by Jew, Bernard-Henri Lévy, is offering up French soldiers to die in Syria.
- Hideously obese Negress slob Diane Abbott of the Labour Party demands more immigration against the UK native population.
- ADL of B'nai B'rith display Iranophobic bigotry by forcing YouTube to disable the account of Press TV.
- Hasidic Jews deface crucifix at gravesite in Ukraine scrawling "exact vengeance on the gentiles" in Hebrew.
- American "cultural" imperialist, Nick Symmonds, dedicated his second place track loss in Russia to the perversion of homosexualism.
- Nationalist website known as Western Spring has passed all three LibLabCon parties in the Alexa ranks for the United Kingdom.
- BBC, official mouthpiece of the Evil Empire, attacks Romania for building Orthodox churches, only to be slapped down by Patriarchate.
- Femen degenerates funded by US-based Jew, Jed Sunden, attempted to desecrate relic of St. Andrew's cross in Kiev
- Jewish homosexual Stephen Fry declares war on Russia on "behalf of the civilised (read: Judeo-Masonic) world."
- Cowardly broker and showman Nigel Farage of UKIP, caught towing a liberal line on illegal immigration
- Homosexual paedophile drag queen gets 23 months in jail for meeting children aged 8 and 11 for sex in London.
- July
- Evil Brit imperialist, Hugh Williamson of Human Rights Watch, whines about populism in Russia as 88% of the people support new laws against homosexual propaganda.
- Southern portion of Brazil is affected by low temperatures and 87 cities experience heavy snow, the coldest winter in 40 years despite the so-called "global warming" [1], [2].
- Zionist EU spuriously classifies Lebanese national liberationists Hezbollah as "terrorists" for fighting Al-Qaeda in Syria.
- Peru's Ashaninka Indians show the world how to deal with communists as eight Shining Path are eliminated.
- American Jewish Congress cry out in pain as they strike Poland, howling that it is "anti-semitic" for their country to ban sadistic torture of animals.
- Jewish Freemason, David Cameron, upset because GMO poison food pusher Monsanto is pulling out of the EU zone.
- George Zimmerman is suing the Jewish plutocratic Roberts family who own MSNBC for defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
- Anti-Pope BerZOGlio propagandises against Argentina's investigation into potential false flag nature of AMIA bombing by meeting "Jewish victims".
- Mark Silverstein, a Jew from the ACLU is attempting to jail an American baker for refusing to make a homosexual pervert a cake.
- Stuart Littlewood of Radio Free Palestine has exposed the Jewish hand which controls British political life and their pathetic, cowardly fellow travellers.
- Black Brazilian MMA fighter and clown Anderson Silva, gets K.O. on UFC, by a United Statian fighter, Chris Weidman.
- Armed anarchist Justin Jasper arrested in Seattle.
- Morsi is overthrown by Egyptian Army, as Assad celebrates irony.
- Vincent Peillon-Blum, the Jewish Minster for Education in France has declared "replace Catholicism with a Republican Religion".
- June
- Article admitting "Why Hitler Came to Power", by Manfred Reifer in 1933, leader of Jews in Bukovina.
- Zionist-backed Salafist terrorists have murdered Orthodox bishop in Syria. Will Mother Russia rain down it's 10,000 nuclear warheads on Qatar and Saudi Arabia in retaliation?
- The Daily Mail newspaper has published a voluminous article exposing the elaborate and contrived "Holocaust" tales.
- Judeophile British Empire is in process of collecting all global private internet data through it's GCHQ spy-network, sharing its plundered info with Zionist American Empire's NSA spy-network.
- Clement Meric, a bourgeois Antifa agitator in Paris dies during a Marxist attack on proletarian social nationalists.
- Barack Obama, has agreed to arm Al-Qaeda in Syria.
- Crypto-Brit spy Chris Jackson at cries as Irish patriots paint Anglo Irish Bank building with Jew-wise phrases
- Memorial to Hispanophobic terrorist International Brigades who murdered Christians for Bolshevism in Spain is to be pulled down.
- John Bercow, the rich Jewish capitalist pig who is speaker in the UK House of Parliament claims "immigrants are better workers".
- 58 posh effeminate student agitators from Trotskyist SWP are arrested outside Parliament in Britain, a strong homosexual undercurrent is detected.
- May
- Iran cuts funding to Hamas due to lobotomised Sunnis throwing in with Judeo-Masonry against Syria.
- Gerry Gable, Jewish former Communist Party of Great Britain member, has launched propaganda campaign against Bishop Williamson and Catholic faith.
- War-monger and all round cheap Zionist slut John McCain is in Syria conspiring with anti-government terrorists plotting to bomb the country.
- Deanna Spingola interviews John Kaminski about the "missing word" in the alternative media.
- American Vice President, Joe Biden admits, that Jewish leaders in media and Hollywood are the driving force behind homosexual "marriage".
- Stephen Hawking joins academic boycott of Israel
- Liberal imperialist NGOs try to promote homosexual agenda in Tbilisi, Georgia, they are thoroughly humiliated by the people
- Jewish rabbi, Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, demands that the "world community," should "hold to the fire the feet of Greece’s leaders".
- Two fairly recent patriotic internet radio networks have emerged; the American Nationalist Network and Renegade Broadcasting
- The Elders of Zio... World Jewish Congress are lobbying fanatically to steal freedom of speech from the Greek people, David Saltiel brags.
- Jewish controlled courts in the United Kingdom fine a female lawyer on thought crime charges to the sum of almost £8000 for simply saying the words "I cannot stand Jewish people".
- Short-haired barrister, Barbara Hewson, who gives off a distinctly dykish vibe, says lower age of consent to 13 years old to let paedophiles in the British elite off the hook.
- A 93 years old man, who worked in the German Army during the Second World War as a security guard is hounded by decadent and sociopathic "journalists".
- Jews organized a World Jewish Congress meeting in Budapest as part of their war to outlaw gentile patriotic parties who they dislike.
- April
- The Zionist terror regime has openly united with Al-Qaeda's Al-Nusra Front in their bombings of Syria.
- Julia Gillard, PM of Australia, has signed a Zionist ICCA charter pledging "solidarity with world Jewry".
- Western Spring author interesting hypothesis of Cold War as cause of Western deracination.
- Former AIPAC employee and Zionist Jewish monster, David Sirota at Salon states he "hopes the Boston Marthon bomber is white."
- Masha Gessen, ugly Jewish lesbian admits, purpose of homosexual "marriage" is to undermine and eventually abolish the institution, inline with long held communist goals.
- Jewish rabbis in NYC have given two babies brain damage from herpes after cutting the end off their penises and sucking blood from it.
- The National Front in Britain have created an official page on Facebook to spread the message of national liberation.
- Matthew Heimbach leader of the White Student Union gives interview to CNN
- March
- Russia raids office of Judeo-liberal globalist spy-network Human Rights Watch, which fronts as a benevolent NGO, as rats panic.
- Jewish oligarch Boris Berezovsky is mysteriously found dead at his home.
- White infant Antonio Santiago is murdered by two Black teenagers in Brunswick, Georgia.
- Syrian patriots hack snivelling Zionist mouthpiece BBC after news outlet maliciously lied by trying to blame a chemical attack by Zionist-Wahhabist rebels on Assad government.
- Michael Rosenberg, aka Mike Rza, a Jewish leader in the Montreal Anti-Racist Action cell, has been accused of the paedophilic rape of young girls associated with that movement.
- Independent researcher Michael Hoffman II launches new weekly radio show.
- The LA Times, published by the Jew, Eddy Hartenstein, claims white people are terrorists.
- Jewish supremacist propaganda front the SPLC libel traditional Catholic nuns & priests in Washington state as a "hate group".
- Elisabeth Wettin puppet head of the diabolical Yiddish-British Empire pushes homosexual-multiculti-feminist charter.
- Escalating neo-communists on power in Croatia (92% Catholics), from March prohibited any Christian contents on radio and television; Jewish and other exotic ideologies are accepted.
- Christina Edkins, a 16-year old school girl from Birmingham, England is stabbed to death by animalistic Black African on bus to school.
- The Judeo-Masonic Supreme Court in Canada have declared that disagreeing with homosexual activity is now a "hate crime".
- Alan Shatter, the Jew who is flooding Ireland with third-worlders, is exposed in Occidental Observer article.
- February
- Criminal bankster regime in Greece has to rely on Blackwater terrorists to hold back national liberation by heroic patriots.
- 9-year old boy Aaron Dugmore commits suicide in Birmingham, England after being bullied by Pakistani resident aliens "for being white".
- Yaron Svoray, a Jew from occupied Palestine, has begun a search for "Jewish gold" in a lake north of Berlin.
- Sarah Maslin Nir, in the Jewish owned New York Times tries to portray Irish Americans as "racist" for merely existing as communities.
- A few subhuman Trotskyists from the SWP attempt to stop freedom of speech as patriotess Marine Le Pen visits University of Cambridge to debate; they fail.
- Snake dies from poisoning after biting Jewess in Tel Aviv.
- Domestic terrorist Christopher Dorner seen as hero on Facebook and Twitter. [3]
- Jean Robin French reporter found out, that in Auschwitz there was no prisoner called Elie or Eleazar Wiesel registered. He has no tattoo on his arms either, therefore he is one of the most brazen holocaust swindlers. [4]
- Islamic Sharia Law Comes to Great Britain [5]
- Tel Aviv woman's car painted into handicapped parking [6]
- Judeo-Masonic police state in Britain set to monitor everything citizens do or say on internet.
- Irish nationalist Gerry McGeough, former editor of The Hibernian, freed after two years in jail by freemasonry.
- January
- The righteous Golden Dawn has released a new podcast in support of the national liberation struggle of the Greek people.
- Israeli terror regime boycotts human right commission of UN in Geneva so they can commit war crimes against the Palestinians without being brought to justice.
- Homosexual agenda on the retreat in Russia as new national law set to be enacted making it illegal to promote such sexual perversions. Cue screeching from liberal scum in the West.
- Arie Perliger, a Jew at United States Military Academy categorises Christians, libertarians and opponents of abortion as "terrorist threats" in pseudo-study.
- Mainstream geneticist from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, reveals "Eastern European" Jews are indeed primarily Khazars.
- Jewish propagandists in the United Kingdom plan to use footballers to brainwash children with so-called "Holocaust education".
- Martin Smith the Trotskyist leader of UAF has been accused of rape by his own comrades.
- Obama nominates Jack Lew, an Orthodox Jew, as next U.S. Treasury Secretary
- Zionist regime in Austria convict Gottfried Küssel to 9 years prison on thought crime charges for having a website Alpen-Donau Info that the state doesn't like.