Labour Party

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Official logo used by the radical left wing Labour Party

The Labour Party is a Marxist political party in the United Kingdom founded on February 15, 1906, which describes itself as socialist. The party anthem is We'll Keep the Red Flag Fying Here. It has been, since 1924, the principal parliamentary party of The Left in Britain, but today has lost that position in Scotland, and has never held it in Northern Ireland. It is today the largest party in the Welsh Assembly and the third largest party in the Scottish Parliament, where their leader until 6 May 2024 was a Pakistani Muslim. In July 2019 it had 485,000 members in the UK, making it the country's largest political party, by far.

In February 2022 Labour held 199 seats in the United Kingdom parliament, making it the official Opposition.[1]

At Westminster Labour's leader since 4 April 2020 has been Sir Keir Starmer, who has only been a Member of Parliament since 2015. He had previously practised as a Human Rights barrister.

Labour is widely predicted to win the United Kingdom General Election on 4 July 2024.[2]


in the 20th century the Labour Party and its "conscience", the Fabian Society, moved from forms of Humanism etc., to adopt Marxism and gradually surpassed the Liberal Party as the main Left-wing opposition to the Conservative Party in 1924. It had several spells in government, first as minority governments under Ramsay MacDonald in 1924 and 1929-31, then as a junior partner in the wartime coalition from 1940-1945, and then as a majority government, under Clement Attlee in 1945-51 and under Harold Wilson in 1964-70; and again in 1974-79 under Wilson and then James Callaghan, though with a precarious and declining majority.

So-called new Labour won a landslide 179 seat majority in the 1997 general election under the leadership of Tony Blair, its first general election victory since October 1974 and their largest vote since the general election of 1970 in which it had exceeded 40% of the vote. The Labour Party's large majority in the House of Commons was slightly reduced to 167 in the 2001 general election and more substantially reduced to 66 in the 2005 general election.

In the general election held on 7 May, 2015, the Labour Party emerged with just 232 seats (30.4% of the national vote),[3] and were wiped out in Scotland. Its Jewish leader, Ed Miliband resigned the following day. He was followed by the Far-Left Jeremy Corbyn who caused considerable controversy (as discussed in the article on him.) Labour again lost the general election, under him, in December 2019 and he subsequently stood down.


The Labour Party have a long history of predatory bloodlust and war-mongering, especially when it comes to causes which are not in the true interests of the British people; especially in modern times. They were amongst the most enthusiastic supporters of the Second World War through participating in the Focus Group and ramping up propaganda against Germany. At this time, many of their rivals wanted peace in Europe and worked for it feverishly (including both Lloyd-George and Neville Chamberlain) but Labour wanted war. They eventually worked with Winston Churchill in government, resulting in the destruction of Europe and incineration of over one million civilians, the brainwashing of the population of occupied Europe with Liberal-Socialist dogmas and ideologies, the loss of the British Empire and realistic British influence as a great power, furthering the aims of internationalism and globalism. They support Britain remaining a member of NATO despite the Cold War being over since 1992, and despite knowing that NATO is just a proxy force for the United States.

Jewish controversies

The Party has supported Zionism in foreign policy and in domestic affairs and has had a strong Jewish influence, especially since the 1970s with the infiltration of Trotskyist groups such as Militant. Under Zionist Tony Blair, they were the architects[4] of the very unpopular participation in the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War, which over a million people protested against, and in which hundreds of young British soldiers were killed, for no obvious benefit to Britain.

Under Jeremy Corbyn the party hierarchy adopted what was seen to be a more robust policy towards Israel and her genocide against the original Arab population of Palestine, who had lived there long before the advent of Mohammedism and possibly even before the arrival of any Jews in that region. Naturally the Jewish Lobby being immensely powerful all manner of execration was heaped upon Corbyn who was given the blanket label of "anti-semitic". For someone who had been in Parliament for so long he should have realised this was an untouchable subject. Ultimately it assisted in his downfall as leader.

The Far-Left Wikipedia has an entire page titled "Antisemitism in the UK Labour Party" as part of their series of pages dedicated to "Antisemitism". (Really, you couldn't make it up.)


There has long been a Zionist presence in the Labour Party. Poale Zion, linked with the Israeli Labour Party, affiliated in 1920, and the Labour Friends of Israel could count on a wide range of MPs and some union leaders for support. The Labour government's backing for Israel, extending as we now know to secret nuclear collaboration, was important in the 1967 war which led to the conquest of so much territory.
Charlie Pottins, 1 April 2006, Harold Wilson's Handler?[5]
The British Labour Party had been linked to the Evangelical movement since its beginnings and this usually involved sympathy for Zionism. Despite the fact that the influence of the Evangelicals in Britain was waning, the Labour Party still tended to voice a positive opinion on Zionism. In October 1938, the Labour Party reiterated its support for the ideal of the Balfour Declaration, declaring, "As early as 1917 British Labour declared its support of the Jewish desire to establish a Homeland in Palestine."
David W. Schmidt, 2011, Partners Together in This Great Enterprise
I do not believe much in the limited idea of an international police force which is to be merely a sort of super-force over a large number of national armies, navies and air forces. We believe that it is necessary to get rid of all national armies, navies and air forces and to substitute an international police force for it. You have to go the whole way. We ought to envisage the creation of an international police force as a deliberate attempt to build up a World State.
Clement Attlee, 13 December 1933, House of Commons.[6]
In an interview with Vanity Fair, Tam Dalyell named 'Lord' Levy (Tony Blair's personal envoy on the Middle East), Peter Mandelson (whose father was Jewish), and Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary (who has Jewish ancestry), as three of the leading figures who had influenced Blair's policies on the Middle East. He told The Daily Telegraph: "If it is a question of launching an assault on Syria or Iran… then one has to be candid." Blair, he said, was also indirectly influenced by Jewish people in the Bush administration, including Richard Perle, a Pentagon adviser, Paul Wolfowitz, the deputy defence secretary, and Ari Fleischer, the President's press secretary.
Stuart Littlewood, 29 June 2013.[7]

See also

External links


  • Udy, Giles, Labour and the Gulag - Russia and the seduction of the British Left, Biteback Publishing Ltd., London, 2017, ISBN: 978-1-78590-204-8.