Conservative Party
The British Conservative and Unionist Party is today a fake conservative liberal political party[1]. Once the largest party in terms of sitting Members of Parliament (MPs) they now have only 121 seats (92 men and 29 women) out of 650.[2] A Nigerian negress, Olukemi Olufunto Badenoch (née Adegoke), was elected Leader of a greatly truncated and withered Conservative Party in November 2024. A tribalist, she is on record as saying:
- I identify as Yoruba, not Nigerian, and I have nothing in common with Boko Haram haven of Northern Nigeria.
The Party's previous leader and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, from 25 October 2022 to 5 July 2024, was Rishi Sunak, an East African Asian and a Hindu whose family are originally from India. Sunak's Indian wife, also a Hindu, was under investigation in 2022 for massive tax fraud running into the tens of millions.[3]
Both Sunak and his predecessor (of 45 days only), Liz Truss[4], confirmed to Jewish lobbies that they would support the defacement of the Embankment Gardens alongside the House of Lords with a Holocaust Memorial [which had been turned down by the Westminster City Council].[5] Liz Truss in particular pledged to support Jewry in Britain[6] and backed calls for the Star of David to be displayed at UK airports to show support for Israel.
Conservative Party leadership candidate Robert Jenrick said he came close to securing a deal under the previous government to allow Israelis to enter the country through easy access E-gates.
At the end of 2022 the then Chairman of the Conservative Party, Nadhim Zahawi, an Iraqi Kurd, was fined by the British Inland Revenue over tax evasion.[7] The current Chairman of the Conservative Party is Nigel Huddleston, Member of Parliament for Droitwich and Evesham, who assumed the chair on 4 November 2024.
The Conservative Party are falling over themselves to encourage females[8] and aliens to become Members of Parliament for their party. Currently they have fifteen MPs from ethnic minorities (excluding Jews).[9] On top of this, in the past these minorities were slotted into cabinet positions despite 86% of the UK's population being White/Caucasian/indigenous. On 6 December 2023, Lucy Frazer, the fake Conservative Party Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, nominated Samir Shah to be the next Chairman of the BBC.[10] Shah was born in 1952 in Aurangabad, India. His half-brother is Controller of BBC Radio 4. Effectively this party has told ethnic Britons they are not as good as these aliens, a form of illegal positive discrimination.
In the United Kingdom General Election of 4 July 2024 the Conservative Party suffered the greatest electoral defeat in the party's history, coming third in many seats to Nigel Farage’s Reform UK.[11]
The Party's rarely used, but official name, is The Conservative and Unionist Party. The name has its origins in the 1912 merger with the handful of members in the breakaway Liberal Unionist Party and is an echo of the party's 1886-1921 policy of maintaining the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in opposition to Irish nationalist movements. Scotland's allied Unionist Party was independent of the Conservatives until 1965. Similarly the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) supported the Conservatives for many decades in the House of Commons and traditionally took the Conservative Whip. In contrast to Scotland this arrangement broke down in the aftermath of the Ulster Unionists' opposition to the 1973 Sunningdale Agreement. The Conservative Party has since tried to organise in Northern Ireland separately but without success. Following the 2019 General Election the UUP lost all its seats at Westminster. The Conservative Party has no Members of Parliament in Northern Ireland.
The Conservative Party has evolved from the Tory Party of the eighteenth century. Its members are still commonly, but wrongly, referred to as Tories and the party is still often referred to as, again wrongly, the Tory Party, in both cases usually by the Liberal-left-wing media or the parliamentary socialists. It is the oldest political party in the United Kingdom and is arguably the oldest organised political party in the world in that it can trace its evolution from early Tory parliamentary groupings of the eighteenth century, and possibly before that to the King's party, the informal group of parliamentarians who sided with the Government in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. For that reason, it is also the most successful political party in British history in terms of election victories.
The Conservative Party traces its origins back to the "Tories", who supported the Duke of York (later King James VII & II) during the Exclusion Bill crises of 1671-1681. After many years in opposition to the Whigs, the Tories more often than not formed the government from the accession of King George III in 1760 until the Reform Act 1832 of 1832. George Canning first used the term 'Conservative' in the 1820s and it was suggested as a title for the party by John Wilson Croker in the 1830s, and was later officially adopted under the aegis of Sir Robert Peel.
The widening of the franchise in the nineteenth century forced the Conservative Party to popularise its approach under Lord Derby and Benjamin Disraeli, who carried through their own expansion of the franchise with the Reform Act of 1867. In 1886 the party formed an alliance with Joseph Chamberlain's new Liberal Unionists, and under the statesmen the Marquess of Salisbury and Arthur Balfour the party held power for all but three of the following twenty years. However, the party suffered a landslide election defeat in the 1906 General Election, when it once again split over the issue of free trade and Ireland.
The Conservatives served with the Liberal Party in the national coalition government during World War I, and the coalition continued under Liberal PM David Lloyd George (with half of the Liberals) after the December 1918 General Election until 1922. Eventually, Bonar Law and Stanley Baldwin led the breakup of the Coalition and the Conservatives came again to dominate the political scene in the inter-war period, albeit from 1931 in another National Government coalition. It was this wartime coalition government firstly under the leadership Neville Chamberlain and then Winston Churchill that continued to govern the United Kingdom through World War II. However, the Conservative Party lost the 1945 General Election]] in a landslide victory to socialism represented by the resurgent Labour Party.
Upon their election victory in the 1951 General Election]], the Conservatives accepted the reality of Labour's 'welfare state' and tolerated for the time being its industry nationalisation programme, though Churchill, Anthony Eden, Harold Macmillan and Sir Alec Douglas-Home continued to promote liberal trade regulations and less State involvement throughout the 1950s and early 1960s. The party again lost the 1964 General Election to the socialists, defeating them in 1970.
The 1970-1974 conservative government was most noted for its General Election Manifesto pledge to halt immigration and encourage voluntary repatriation (something they ignored once re-elected), and for Prime Minister Edward Heath's attempt and failure in battling the increasingly militant trade unions. For a decade Heath had the party's task of trying to get Britain into the European Economic Community (ECC) which he now did without a consenting referendum; the earlier bid to join the EEC in early 1963 had been blocked by French President Charles de Gaulle. As an example of the Conservatives' divided stance on the issue, Churchill at one point had argued strongly for a United States of Europe,[12] although he was against British membership of any federal European state and specifically the EEC.[13] After accession to the EEC and the subsequent European Union, as it became, British membership was a major source of significant and heated debate over the decades within the Conservative party.
Stanley Baldwin, three times Conservative Prime Minister before World War II advised Members of Parliament: "Don't ever lose touch with your constituency; don't ever mistake the voice of the Press [media] in London for the voice of the country"[14].However, this is precisely what today's Conservative Party Members of parliament have done. For at least the past five or six decades, they have moved decisively to the Left. Most of its supporters are middle-class people across England who, because the party has continued using the title "conservative", imagine that it still stands for Toryism and traditional conservative values.[15] As far back as 1994 the question was being asked: "what is the future for the Conservative Party - a nationalist Party for the 21st century, or a watered-down version of the Liberal-Democrats?"[16] The Conservative Party has, across the board, today adopted a liberal-left political agenda which has made it indistinguishable from its rivals in parliament, apart from semantics.[17][18]
The internal organisation of the Conservative Party is today firmly centralised at Conservative Central Office in London, a far cry from the days when Stanley Baldwin wrote that the Party's greatest strength was its autonomous local associations. This transformation largely took place under Margaret Thatcher's government and has progressed steadily ever since. Where once a prospective parliamentary candidate could introduce himself to a local association, who may then adopt him on his merits, as they see them, this ended with Thatcher's "Approved Candidates' List". This took ultimate selection out of the hands of constituencies. Instead, prospective candidates must now apply to their local agents for a consideration and then go on a weekend evaluation course by Central Office. Once it is established or discovered that you are a traditional Tory who would oppose liberalism, your application is firmly declined. This means the List is literally approved people only, an almost Stalinist concept. It also means, ultimately, that the party is today packed with liberals. Constituencies may, of course, choose a prospective candidate from the Approved List for their final seal of approval but obviously this is fairly meaningless.
This was clearly demonstrated when the Jamaican negro John Taylor was selected by Conservative Party's Central Office to become the Conservative Party candidate for Cheltenham, in Gloucestershire, a virtually 100% White district, in the 1992 general election. The campaign was seen as having been influenced by race,[19] Members of the local Conservative Party constituency association were outraged and the association was completely split by the issue. Conservative Central Office then singled out opponents and had them expelled by the now non-autonomous association.[20] John Major, then Prime Minister, campaigned for Taylor in Cheltenham,[21] but he nevertheless lost the seat to Nigel Jones of the Liberal Democrats by 1,668 votes, the first time since 1950 Cheltenham had not voted for a Conservative candidate and the first time since December 1910 it had voted for a Liberal-aligned candidate. As a firm smack in the face to the Cheltenham electorate Major elevated Taylor, a complete non-entity, to the House of Lords with a Life Peerage. This was a clear sign that the Party would not tolerate a return to traditional conservatism.
The Party states that constituency associations "are involved at grassroots level in the elections of party leaders, and the members of the Conservative Campaign Headquarters lead in financing, the organizing of elections, and, notably, the drafting of policy". However, in the Conservative Party Conference Handbook for October 1991 there are 14 Notices of Motions from constituencies on immigration issues. Party officials would not permit any to be debated. The Chislehurst Constituency Association tabled the following motion at the same Conference: "We deplore the lack of direct consultation and communication by the Party with Constituency Associations. We believe that future issues concerning matters of major policy revision should be referred to the Associations for their prior consideration and advice." Of course it was deliberately not debated. Instead, Central Office and the leader of the Parliamentary party provide the core of daily political activity and form policy. Not the grassroots.
The electoral symbol of the Conservative party is a stylised oak tree, replacing the freedom torch. The present motto, adopted by the Party on 6 December 2005, is "Change to Win – Win for Britain". The official party colours are red, white and blue, though blue is most generally associated with the party, in contrast to the Red of the Labour Party. (In the Cumbrian constituencies of Penrith and the Border, and Westmorland and Lonsdale, the party adopts yellow as its colour after the coat of arms of the local Earls of Lonsdale).
At the end of 2022 the then Chairman of the Conservative Party, Nadhim Zahawi, an Iraqi Kurd, was fined by the British Inland Revenue over tax evasion.[22] Zahawi is an Iraqi-Kurd who served in various ministerial positions under fake conservative Prime Ministers Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, and Rishi Sunak from 2018 to 2023.[23] He was Chairman from 25 October 2022 until he was dismissed by Sunak on 29 January 2023.[24] He was Member of Parliament (MP) for Stratford-on-Avon from to 2024. (This traitor party has a habit of placing aliens in safe seats. Unfortunately for them this was not a safe seat by 2024.) Zahawi is perhaps most noted for being sacked as chairman for failing to adhere to the Ministerial Code, i.e. "to maintain high standards of behaviour and to behave in a way that upholds the highest standards of propriety".[25]
Egyptian billionaire Mohamed Mansour, appointed as senior Treasurer of the Conservative Party in December 2022, was awarded a knighthood for “Business, Charity and Political Service” in March 2024. He donated £5m to the party in January 2023, which at the time marked the biggest one-off donation to the Conservative Party in more than 20 years. Mansour said he had given the money to assist Mr Sunak. Sunak’s decision to award him a knighthood on Thursday March 28th will raise questions over the awards process, with his awards list landing without prior warning ahead of the Easter Bank Holiday weekend.[26] To most people it appears this is a classic example of 'buying honours'.
Membership has long been declining and despite an initial boost shortly after Cameron's election as leader, membership resumed its fall in 2006 (with some defections to the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP)). However, in October 2022 the Conservative Party still had about 172,000 members.[27] In 1953 the Conservative Party’s membership reportedly surpassed the 2.8 million mark.
Compare that to the Labour Party which had, in December 2021, around 432,000 registered members, one of the largest memberships of any party in Europe.[28]
The Liberal Democrats have around 74,000 members.[29]
It is worth noting that the membership of the Scottish National Party is down to around 72,000 members, as of March 2023 (reported by the BBC). This is down from around 104,000 members, as of December 2021 (Electoral Commission data)[30].
According to accounts filed with the Electoral Commission the Conservative Party had income in the year ending 31 December 2023 of £59,361,000 with expenditure of £41,469,000[31], leaving little surplus.
Jewish influence
- See also: Jewish politicians in Britain
- See also: Conservative Friends of Israel

The Conservative Party were largely anti-semitic before World War II. In 1829 the Roman Catholics of the United Kingdom were freed from all their civil disabilities, and serious agitation commenced for emancipation for Jews. It is even stated on Wikipedia that "The whole force of the Tory Party and the personal antagonism of King William IV was against the Jewish emancipation bill." The Whigs (Liberals) continued the pressure and in 1845 Jews were emancipated. The Conservative Party, however, were responsible for the passing of the Aliens Act in 1905, drawn up specifically to halt Jewish immigration into Britain.[33] Although the word alien means someone who does not belong it was a code-word for Jews in the UK until after WWII, when aliens became more usually identified (largely by Enoch Powell) with non-European immigration. In addition, the 1920s Conservative Party M.P. and Minister - including five years as Home Secretary - Sir William Joynson-Hicks, Bt., was firmly opposed to Jewish immigration stating that he wanted to stem "the flood of filth coming across the Channel". He had a great "distaste for all aliens, and for Jewish aliens in particular". Addressing a dinner held by the Maccabeans, a Jewish society, he stated "I could say that Jews were [my] delightful opponents [at the ballot box] and that I am your humble and obedient servant. I could say that, but it wouldn't be true in the slightest degree".[34]
Today, however, Jews have a more than significant influence in the Conservative Party (as also in the UK's Labour Party). Three former chairmen, Andrew Feldman and Grant Shapps (former youth leader of B'nai B'rith), and Norman Fowler are Jewish, as is former Chancellor, Nigel Lawson, and Oliver Letwin, M.P., both the latter also being employed by Rothchild's Bank in the City of London. Margaret Thatcher was surrounded by Jewish M.P.s and advisors including Sir Keith Joseph, David Young and Alfred Sherman, all of whom received honours from her. (Young later became the first President of 'Jewish Care', from 1990 to 1997) David Cameron, the former Prime Minister (and from 2023 the Foreign Minister), is part Jewish[35] as is, it is said, the former Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. Dan Rosenfield was Chief of Staff (1 January 2021[36]) - 4 Feb 2022) at No.10 Downing Street to Boris Johnson. Rosenfield was previously Managing Director at the Bank of America and is chairman of the World Jewish Relief. He describes Judaism as being "pretty central" to his life.[37]
Many Members of Parliament, not necessarily Jewish, belong to the Conservative Friends of Israel, a subversive Zionist lobby which works for the interests of a foreign state[38] whose leaders and their friends had been terrorists who murdered in cold blood British men women and children during the Palestine Mandate[39]. Membership of such a group is considered by real conservatives as a betrayal of Britain.
In February 2024 the UK's Conservative Government set aside 72 million pounds sterling to fund "security" for Jews.[40]
In early April 2024 former Cabinet Minister Alan Duncan named and attacked Parliamentarians who were members of Conservative Friends of Israel saying the CFI was being used to "exercise the interests of another country" by lobbying for Israel.[41]
Thatcher era
Margaret Thatcher had been Minister for Education in Edward Heath's new administration from 1970. She overnight gained the reputation for action when she attempted the repeal of Labour's Comprehensive Education Act. She is possibly better known as 'Thatcher the milk snatcher' when she abolished free milk for children aged 7–11 in 1971, notwithstanding that the Labour Party had done the same thing for older children in 1968. Thatcher also supported Lord Rothschild's 1971 proposal for market forces to affect government funding of research, which was opposed by scientists.

Having lost the 1974 General Election Heath resigned as party leader and after a selection process Thatcher won the Conservative Party leadership election on 11 February 1975. Following the party's victory in the May 1979 general election, the Conservatives pursued a liberal free trade and monetarist economic programme. More generally, the party also adopted an internal free-market approach to government services, and focused on the privatisation of industries and utilities nationalised under Labour in the 1940s and 1960s. Thatcher thereafter led the Conservatives to two further landslide election victories in 1983 and 1987.
However, she was also deeply unpopular in Liberal-Left sections of society, in part due to the high unemployment following her economic reforms, and also for what was seen as a heavy-handed response to issues such as the miners' strike (1984–1985). Yet it was Thatcher's introduction of the Community Charge (known by its opponents as the poll tax) to replace domestic rates which caused Far-Left riots in London and elsewhere and most contributed to her political downfall. Her increasing unpopularity and unwillingness to compromise on policies were perceived as vote losers, plus the continuing take-over and consolidation at Westminster and Conservative Central Office by liberals, who were now clearly excluding real conservatives wherever possible - including drawing up a constituency 'Black List' - saw internal party tensions lead to a leadership challenge by the fake Conservative MP Michael Heseltine, after which she was forced to stand down from the premiership on 28 November 1990.
For traditional conservatives Thatcher will be forever condemned for her government's sanctions on White-ruled Rhodesia and her imposed Lancaster House Agreement ending its independence, handing Rhodesia on a plate to murderous Marxist terrorists under Robert Mugabe, marking the social and economic destruction of that country and the ruination of almost all the Europeans who had their homes, businesses, farms and lives there. In the late 1970s some 300,000 Europeans lived in Rhodesia. Following independence, expulsions, land seizures, and dispossessions, saw the European population drop to under 30,000 by the end of the century. By 2023, the white population had slightly increased following the government easing restrictions regarding white ownership of farmland due to a chronic agricultural crisis. Many formerly dispossessed white farmers formed joint ventures with black landowners [notwithstanding this was land stolen by the latter].[42]
Party after Thatcher
Another liberal, John Major, immediately replaced Thatcher as Party leader and Prime Minister in December 1990, and also won a General Election unexpected victory in his own right in 1992. Major's government experienced only a brief honeymoon as the pound sterling was forced out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism on 16 September 1992, a day thereafter referred to as "Black Wednesday". Soon after, as a result, approximately one million householders faced repossession of their homes during a recession that saw a sharp rise in unemployment. The party subsequently lost much of its reputation for good financial stewardship despite the ensuing economic recovery, and was also increasingly accused in the media of political sleaze. An effective opposition campaign by the Labour Party culminated in a landslide defeat for the Conservatives in the general election of 1997. It was Labour's largest ever parliamentary victory.
Wilderness years
William Hague assumed the leadership after the party's electoral collapse in 1997. Though a strong debater in the House of Commons, a Gallup poll for the Daily Telegraph found that two-thirds of voters regarded him as "a bit of a wally",[43] mocked as he was for headlines such as his claim that he drank 14 pints of beer in a day in his youth. He was also criticised for attending the negro Notting Hill Carnival and for wearing a baseball cap in public, in what were seen as poor attempts to appeal to ethnic minority voters.[44] Shortly before the 2001 election, Hague was much maligned by some Labour and conservative supporters for a speech in which he predicted that a re-elected Labour government would turn Britain into a "foreign land".[45] The BBC also reported that the now convicted and gaoled Conservative life peer John Taylor, the negro in the 'Cheltenham affair', criticised Hague for not removing the whip from Tory MP John Townend after the latter made a speech in which he said the British risked becoming "a mongrel race", although Hague did say he did not share Townend's views.[46] The 2001 general election resulted in a net gain of just one single seat for the Conservative Party and William Hague resigned soon after, having privately set himself a target of 209 seats – Labour's performance in 1983 – a target which he missed by 43.
He was succeeded as Party leader (2001-2003) by Iain Duncan Smith (often known as IDS) a strong Eurosceptic. But that alone did not define Duncan Smith's leadership; indeed it was during his tenure that Europe ceased to be an issue of division in the party as it united behind calls for a referendum on the proposed treaty establishing a Constitution for the European Union. However, before ever facing the public at a general election, Duncan Smith lost a motion and vote of no confidence by Conservative Party M.P.s who felt he was unelectable. Romanian Jew Michael Howard (whose real surname was Hecht)[47] then stood for the leadership unopposed on 6 November 2003, meaning there was no requirement for a Conservative Party leadership election.
Under Howard in the General Election of 2005 the Conservative Party increased their total vote share by around 0.6% (up to 32.3%) and – more significantly – their number of parliamentary seats by 33. This gain accompanied a large fall in the Labour vote, and the election reduced Labour's majority from 167 to 66. (These swings are normal when a government has been in power for a number of years.) The Conservative party actually won the largest share of the vote in England, though not the largest number of seats, due to the archaic British electoral system. The day after the election, on May 6, Howard announced that he did not feel it was right to continue as leader after (another) defeat in the general election, also saying that he would be too old to lead the party into another campaign and would therefore step down, while first allowing time for the party to amend [rig] its leadership election rules.
David Cameron won the subsequent Party leadership campaign. Cameron beat his closest rival, David Davis, by a margin of more than two to one, taking 134,446 votes to 64,398. He announced his intention to reform (further liberalise) and realign the Conservative Party saying they needed to change the way they looked, felt, thought and behaved.[48] For most of 2006 and much of 2007, polls showed leads over Labour for the Conservative Party.[49] In May and June 2007, Cameron faced his first major policy challenge within his own Party, in a high-profile public debate on the future of the historic Grammar Schools.
General Elections
After Gordon Brown became Labour leader, the Conservative party began to fall behind in polls, with speculation (especially in the Daily Mail) that Cameron may resign becoming rife.[50] However on 6 May 2010 Cameron led the Conservative Party to victory in the general election (turnout 65%) but with insufficient seats for a majority. After negotiations he entered into a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats Party, with a combined majority of 78 seats, stating that the differences between the two parties were "cigarette-paper thin". However, despite the knowledge that the Liberal Democrats were pledged to a system of proportional representation, David Cameron openly and aggressively campaigned against this in the Alternative Vote referendum (also known as the UK-wide referendum on the Parliamentary voting system). As a result the proposal to introduce AV was rejected by 67.9% of voters but on a national turnout of only 42% (58% of the electorate not even voting).
With the rise in popularity of the United Kingdom Independence Party at the general election of 7th May 2015, attracting almost 4,000,000 votes, and his own party badly split on membership of the European Union, Cameron called a new national UK-wide referendum, in July 2016. 72.21% of the electorate voted and almost 52% voted to leave, a clear majority even given that 28% did not even bother to vote. Cameron, who was a "remainer" accepted the referendum's verdict, as he had promised, and resigned and left Parliament altogether. Another liberal, Theresa May, was appointed the new Leader and Prime Minister.
Boris Johnson
In August 2014 Boris Johnson was the Conservative Party candidate for the safe seat of Uxbridge and South Ruislip at the 2015 general election, which he won, returning him to Parliament. In February 2016, Johnson endorsed Vote Leave in the "Out" campaign for the 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum. After Theresa May became leader of the Conservative Party, and Prime Minister, she appointed Johnson Foreign Secretary in July 2016. In July 2018, three days after the cabinet had its meeting at Chequers to agree their Brexit strategy, Johnson, along with Brexit Secretary David Davis, resigned their posts in disagreement. Becoming increasingly unpopular, on 24 May 2019, Theresa May, who like her predecessor had been a "remainer", announced her resignation as party leader which took effect on 7 June. She stated that she would remain in office as Prime Minister until a successor was appointed.[51]
On 23 July 2019 the Conservative Party membership voted in Boris Johnson as their new leader, with 66% of the vote. After taking the United Kingdom out of the European Union following a popular referendum supporting this, and leading his country throughout the world-wide corona virus (Covid) crisis, he resigned on 7 July 2022. He continued as caretaker Prime Minister until September 5th when he was replaced by Liz Truss (who lasted a mere 45 days in office).
The Party was widely expected to dramatically lose the 2024 General Election[52][53][54][55][56][57] especially under its Indian leader[58]. In a Poll taken on 26 February 2024, 73% said they were dissatisfied with the Prime Minister.[59]
On 4 July 2024 the Conservative Party suffered the greatest electoral defeat in the party's history, losing 250 seats, being left with only 121 seats in Parliament.[60] Their East Asian-Indian Hindu leader, Rishi Sunak, gave his resignation as Prime Minister to the King the following day and the party left Government. A record number (11) of Cabinet Ministers lost their seats:
- Grant Shapps - Defence Secretary of State
- Simon Hart - Chief Whip
- Gillian Keegan - Education Secretary
- Alex Chalk - Justice Secretary
- Penny Mordaunt - Commons leader
- Lucy Frazer - Culture Secretary
- Johnny Mercer - Veterans Minister
- Michelle Donelan - Science, Innovation and Technology Secretary
- David Davies - Secretary for Wales
- Victoria Prentis - Attorney-General
- Mark Harper - Transport Secretary
Penny Mordaunt said the Party had thrown away the public's trust and lost sight of the public's values. Former Cabinet Minister Jacob Rees-Mogg, who also lost his seat, was among those who blamed the ousting of Boris Johnson for the party's electoral drubbing, while outgoing negro Home Secretary James Cleverly appeared to take aim at the Party's Rwanda deportation policy, saying his party had pursued "thin solutions to challenging and complex problems". The Conservative Party has taken a battering because it failed to honour the trust that people had placed in it.[61]
A negress, Olukemi Olufunto Badenoch (née Adegoke), only born in 1980, was elected Leader of a greatly truncated and withered Conservative Party in November 2024. She previously served in the Cabinet under Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak from 2022 to 2024[62] having been Member of Parliament (MP) for North West Essex, (previously Saffron Walden Parliament constituency), since 2017.[63].
- It won't be lost on a Nigerian migrant that a Nigerian is the current leader of the Conservative Party and that the previous leader was a Hindu Indian. Hindus swung to the Conservatives at the last election.[64]
According to polls the party had picked up a little by December 2024 with 26% of the electorate saying they would vote for them. They were then just 2% ahead the Reform Party.[65] However by the first week in February 2025 a YouGov poll of voting intentions had the Reform Party with 25% compared to Labour’s 24% and the Conservatives on 21%. Another pollster, Find Out Now, claimed on Thursday February 6th that Reform had a four-point lead over the other two main parties, on 29%, while Labour had 25% and the Conservatives lagged behind on 18%.[66]
Before World War II the Conservative Party were firmly protectionist and opposed to the liberal idea of free trade. A memorandum of the Foreign Office dated January 27, 1932, points out that "the principal object of every country at the present time is, in the economic sphere, to shut out the products and the persons of all other countries." [67] With the post-1945 Party adopting liberal economic theories this would change.
The Conservative Party's policies have since at least Harold Macmillan's government, sought to move the Party to The Left.[68] Tensions have more recently arisen between opposing factions within the party: the fast declining real Tories and the liberals with their differing values of individual liberty and cultural conformity, examples being via economic liberalism for the former group and post-2005 attitudes towards gay couples and tax incentives for co-habiting couples to marry and policies towards immigrant communities. Whichever way one approaches the Party's policies in the 21st century there is nothing actually conservative about them at all.
Many Members of Parliament were against any further EU integration although like all 'Clubs', "once you're in, you're in" and you cannot dictate your own terms of membership, which are the same for all members. Many commentators believe that the Party's failures in UK politics from 1997 were partly as a result of continued internal tension between Europhiles (such as Kenneth Clarke and Michael Heseltine) and Eurosceptics (such as John Redwood and William Hague), although there is no clear evidence to support this.
Following the election of David Cameron as leader, party policy was increasingly focused on such "quality of life" issues as the environment, the improvement of government services (most prominently the National Health Service and the Home Office), and schools. However, they failed utterly to halt mass immigration, and their announcement in 2014 to build half a million houses on the 'Green Belt' has been met with serious opposition.[69][70]
Conservatives hold a varying record of opposition and support on parliamentary devolution to the various regions of the UK. Whilst they opposed devolution to Wales and Scotland in 1997, John Major had previously encouraged Scottish nationalists by permitting parts of what were British Rail to be renamed ScotRail, and by sending to Scotland Jacob's Stone (which the Scots call the Stone of Scone) which had been encased under the coronation throne in Westminster Abbey for far more centuries than it had ever been in Scotland (after being brought there from Ireland).[71] They also opposed the Labour government's Northern England devolution referendums in 2004. However, once the 'New Labour' government introduced devolution in Wales and Scotland, the Conservatives pledged not to reverse this legislation - just as they failed to repeal other crucial socialist legislation. Recently the Conservatives have begun to take a stance on the so-called West Lothian Question, and support the idea that only English Members of Parliament should vote on policies which affect only England. The current devolution status quo allows House of Commons MPs from Scottish constituencies to vote on all matters, some of which only affect England, but does not allow English MPs to vote on matters affecting Scotland, since the new Scottish Parliament now controls almost all legislation affecting Scotland alone.[72]
The Conservative Party has no Members of Parliament in Northern Ireland. The leading party there is the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) which has eight seats in the Westminster parliament, closely followed by the terrorist IRA's front party Sinn Féin with seven seats[73] (which they decline to occupy as they oppose the Westminster Government). This division is closely mirrored at devolutionary and local council levels.
Opposition to Party liberals
Since the 1960s traditional conservatives, notably the Conservative Monday Club, have fought the 'progressives' in the party with some degree of vigour. The Club's then Chairman, former MP Paul Williams, writing to the Daily Telegraph in July 1968 stated that "the Conservative Shadow Cabinet is unrepresentative of rank-and-file Tory thought."[74] The Club's Gregory Lauder-Frost wrote in the Daily Telegraph in 1982 that "There is a great deal of reform needed to make certain that MPs represent their constituents’ views and not simply their own."[75] The editorial of Monday Club News in January 1991 said: "We seek nothing less than the total defeat of the vacillating liberal compromise that is making the Tory Party politically indistinguishable from its natural enemies", and on July 20 that year its chairman, Dr. Mark Mayall, Conservative Party Parliamentary candidate for Oxford East, in addressing a Club seminar at Westminster Central Hall, said: "We must work tirelessly for a change in the Conservative Party’s increasingly liberal ethos." In 1980 philosopher Roger Scruton produced his book The Meaning of Conservatism, and in 1985 he, Angela Ellis-Jones and Dennis O'Keefe produced Education and Indoctrination; in 2010 he renewed his appeal with Arguments for Conservatism.
Changes in official Conservative Party policy on very many issues have not been universally welcomed. In recent years the Traditional Britain Group has become a 'home' for what they describe as 'real Tories' and "radical conservatives"[76] and they rail against the Conservative Party's liberal agenda on their Facebook pages relentlessly. The prominent small-c conservative journalist Peter Hitchens has described the party as "useless", for what he sees as their persistent acquiescence to prevailing left-wing orthodoxy. He was also been critical of David Cameron.[77] Hitchen's book The Abolition of Britain (2008) caused a stir. Theodore Dalrymple too has been a severe critic of the Party's drift into liberalism[78].
Economic policies
Though Margaret Thatcher's post-1979 reforms are often credited with breaking Britain's cycle of long-term industrial decline, even while substantially increasing unemployment, the party's reputation for economic stewardship was dealt a blow by Black Wednesday in 1992, in which billions of pounds were spent in an effort to keep the pound within the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) system at an overvalued rate. Combined with the recession of the early 1990s 'Black Wednesday' allowed Tony Blair and Gordon Brown to attack the Conservatives mantle of economic competence. Many on both the left and right have since argued that New Labour's embracing of market forces and public sector modernisation amounted to little more than stealing the Conservative Party's economic clothes.[79][80]
Following Labour's victory in the 1997 General Election, the Conservative Party opposed Labour's decision to grant the Bank of England independent control of interest rates. Liberal economists had long advocated independent central banks as a means of de-politicising monetary policy and overcoming the problem of time inconsistency (a situation in 'game theory' which shows how a policymaker who cares about both low unemployment and low inflation will achieve neither). Moreover, in the 1990s a number of countries (e.g. New Zealand) pursued such reforms. However, the Conservatives initially opposed this banking independence on the grounds that it would be a prelude to the abolition of the pound sterling and acceptance of the European single currency, and they also expressed concern over the removal of monetary policy from democratic control. However, bank independence was naturally popular amongst the financial community who argued it would help to keep inflation low.[81] The Conservatives accepted Labour's policy in early 2000.[82]
The Conservative Party under David Cameron also redirected its position on taxation, still committed to the general principle of reducing direct taxation whilst arguing that the country needs a "dynamic and competitive economy", with the proceeds of any growth shared between both "tax reduction and extra public investment". They have nevertheless failed to abolish the hated and iniquitous Inheritance Taxes.[83]
Perhaps the most notable Conservative economic policy of recent years has been opposition to the European single currency. Anticipating the growing Euroscepticism within his party, John Major negotiated a British opt-out from the single currency in the 1992 Maastricht Treaty, although several members of Major's cabinet (Kenneth Clarke, Michael Heseltine and Stephen Dorrell) were personally supportive of EMU participation. Following Major's resignation after their 1997 defeat, each of the four successive Conservative leaders positioned the party firmly against the abolition of the pound and adoption of the EURO. This policy was in line and popular with the British electorate.
Social policy
Over the past 20 years, and more, liberal 'modernisers' in the party have claimed that the perceived historical association between social conservatism and the Conservatives (manifest in policies such as tax incentives for married couples, the removal of the link between pensions and earnings, and criticism of public financial support for those who do not work) have played a role in the electoral decline of the party in the 1990s and early 2000s. For example, the liberal-conservative David Willetts (whose wealth in 2009 was estimated at £1.9m,[84]) has criticised what he termed "the war on single parents (unmarried mothers)", whilst former Conservative Party Chairman Brian Mawhinney outrageously stated that the party had "created the impression that if you weren't in a traditional nuclear family, then we weren't interested in you". Since 1997 a debate has continued within the party between 'modernisers' such as Michael Portillo, who believe that the Conservatives should modify their public stances on traditional social issues, and 'traditionalists' such as William Hague and David Davis, who believe that the party should remain faithful to its traditional conservative platform. This may have resulted in William Hague's and Michael Howard's pre-election swings towards the Right in 2001 and 2005, as well as the election of the stop-Kenneth Clarke candidate Iain Duncan Smith in 2001. Theresa May famously remarked that the result of all this was that the Conservatives were perceived as "the nasty party". After the election of the liberal David Cameron the 'modernisers' appear to have been given a full voice on social policy.
The Party is no longer socially conservative, and nowhere is this more obvious than their open support for homosexuals, until 47 years ago an imprisonable offence. The party's championing of homosexual marriage has been the last straw for small armies of grass-roots members who have left the party in droves.[85] In 2018 the Government Equalities Office under Penny Mordaunt M.P., published their LGBT Action Plan for homosexuals, lesbians, bisexual and so-called transgender people[86], which normal real conservatives see as blatant degeneracy and an attack on normality.[87] The fake conservative government has announced a range of undemocratic plans to clamp down on such objectors (just as they have with those opposed to alien immigration).[88]
Foreign policy & USA
For much of the twentieth century the Conservative Party took a broadly Atlanticist stance in relations with the United States, favouring close ties with them and similarly aligned nations such as Canada, Australia and Japan. The Party have generally favoured a diverse range of international alliances, ranging from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), seen by many as an American proxy military force[89] to the Commonwealth of Nations, and were, before the Second World War reluctant adherents of 'International Law', a socialist term which first gained common usage with the League of Nations and after the war by the United Nations which was moved to New York at the behest of the USA.
Closer US-British relations have been an element of Conservative foreign policy since The Great War, despite the clear reluctance of the Americans to enter either of the World Wars in support of the UK. Winston Churchill, during his wartime and 1951-1955 premierships, built up a strong relationship with the Roosevelt and then the Eisenhower Administrations in the United States. However, the USA was opposed to European Empires, notably the British Empire, setting up the United Nations Decolonisation Committee to this end, and they betrayed Britain during the Suez intervention when, by threats, they were instrumental in forcing a humiliating withdrawal upon both Britain and France.[90] Harold Macmillan then carefully rebuilt the relationship with the USA, notably with the Democratic administration of J.F. Kennedy.
Though subsequently the US-British relationship in foreign affairs has often been termed a "Special Relationship" by the media, a term originally coined by Churchill, this has often been observed most clearly where leaders in each country are of a similar political persuasion. Margaret Thatcher built a close relationship with US President Ronald Reagan in his opposition to the former Soviet Union during the Cold War, but John Major was less successful in his personal contacts with former Presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton. While out of power during Tony Blair's terms of government, and perceived as largely irrelevant by American politicians, Conservative leaders Hague, Duncan-Smith, and Howard all struggled to forge personal relationships with presidents. That said, potential Republican 2008 presidential candidate John McCain spoke at the 2006 Conservative Party Conference.[91]
In 2007 David Cameron had sought to distance himself from President George W Bush and his neoconservative foreign policy, and called for a "rebalancing" of US-UK ties.[92] The degree to which Conservative Governments have supported interventionist Presidents in the US has often varied with the personal relations between a US President and the British Prime Minister. Beyond relations with the United States, the Commonwealth and the EU, the post-1945 Conservative Party has generally supported a pro-free-trade foreign policy in international affairs. David Cameron returned to UK politics as Foreign Minister in later 2023.
European Union
No subject has more divided the Conservative Party in recent history than the UK's relations with the European Union (EU). The principal architect of Britain's entry into the Common Market (later European Community and European Union) was Edward Heath under Harold MacMillan as Conservative Prime Minister, in 1970 Heath became leader and Prime Minister and subsequently took the UK into the EEC without a referendum. The bulk of contemporary Conservative opinion became opposed to closer economic and particularly political union with the EU, even though in the 1960s and 1970s the Conservatives were more pro-EEC than the Labour Party with many conservatives at grass-roots levels and in fringe organisations actively campaigning against it[93][94][95][96]. But the party was divided and divisions on Europe came to the fore in the later years of the premiership of Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990), who had campaigned in favour of the EEC/EU but became disillusioned and began to oppose it. Several Ministers resigned, including Deputy Prime Minister Geoffrey Howe, whose resignation triggered the Party's leadership election in 1990 which ended Thatcher's leadership, although other factors such as the Community Charge also played a role. Under Thatcher's successor (1990-97), the pro-EU John Major, the quickening process of integration within the EU forced party tensions to the surface. A core of Eurosceptic MPs under Major used the small Conservative majority in Parliament to oppose Government policy on the Maastricht Treaty[97] and the Conservative Monday Club published and widely distributed a well-researched booklet arguing against Maastricht[98], although the treaty itself was ultimately signed, by Douglas Hurd. The conservative Traditional Britain Group had from its founding in 2001 withdrawal from the European Union as one of its core objectives.
Entering the 21st century the Party became more and more Eurosceptic, as the Blair/Brown Labour Governments found itself unable to make a positive case for further integration, and Eurosceptic or pro-withdrawal parties such as the United Kingdom Independence Party made significant showings in UK elections which could no longer be ignored by the Conservative Party. Both William Hague and David Cameron stated their intention to renegotiate portions of key EU treaties and return a number of powers back to the UK, although it is difficult to see how this would have been possible. Opinion polls regularly identified the sceptical Conservative policies on the EU as more popular with the public than either the pro-EU Labour or Liberal Democrat parties. However, under EU practices, the degree to which any government could implement policy change regarding the EU would depend directly on the willingness of virtually all other EU member states to agree. This was extremely unlikely. Forced to act, in 2013 David Cameron promised a referendum on the EU if his party were to gain a clear majority in the 2015 General Election, which they did.
On Thursday 23 June 2016 the EU referendum took place and 51.9% (in England 53.4%) of the turnout voted for the UK to leave the European Union. (Turnouts of the respective electorates were: England, 73%; Scotland, 67.2%; Northern Ireland, 62.7%; Wales, 71.7%.[99])
Internal groupings
There are three main political groupings within the modern (post-1970) Conservative Party:
One Nation Conservatives
One Nation Conservatism was the party's dominant tradition until Ted Heath's government of the 1970s, and included in its ranks Conservative Prime Ministers such as Stanley Baldwin. The name itself comes from a famous phrase of Benjamin Disraeli. The basis of One-Nation Conservatism is a belief in social cohesion, and its adherents support social norms which maintain harmony between different interest groups and classes. More recently the liberals within the Party have extended this to include different races and alien religions. Some were also supporters of the European Union, and, in keeping with the party's current ethos, internationalists and globalists, stemming from the gradual takeover of the party by free-trading liberals. Prominent One-Nation Conservatives in the contemporary party include Kenneth Clarke, Malcolm Rifkind and Damian Green: they are often associated with the left-wing Tory Reform Group and the "pink miasma"[100] of the Bow Group. The intellectual basis of One Nation Conservatism can be found in the work of the Whig, Edmund Burke, and his emphasis on social institutions ("little platoons") as the foundations of society. Obviously the inclusion of immigrants to the UK since 1948 is a corruption of the original meaning of "One Nation" which referred to the indigenous British peoples.
Economic liberals achieved serious dominance in the Conservative Party after the election of Margaret Thatcher as party leader in 1975. They are commonly known as Thatcherites. Their political goal was to reduce the role of the government in the economy (and completely forgetting its social role), and to this end they supported cuts in direct taxation, the privatisation of public services, the ending of nationalised industries, all of which could only be described as classic liberalism. They also sought a reduction in the size and scope of the welfare state. Although Thatcher herself was arguably socially conservative and a practising Methodist Christian, her supporters held a range of social opinions from the libertarian views of Michael Portillo to the 'soft' conservatism of David Davis. Some were also Eurosceptic, since they viewed most EU regulations as an impingement on individual liberty, an unwelcome interference in their free markets, and, less so, a threat to British sovereignty. Many took inspiration from Thatcher's famous anti-EU Bruges speech in 1988, in which she declared that "we have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the state in Britain, only to see them reimposed at a European level". Thatcherites also tended to be Atlanticist, dating back to the close friendship between Thatcher and US President Ronald Reagan. Thatcher herself claimed philosophical inspiration from the works of Edmund Burke and Friedrich Hayek for their defence of liberal economics. Groups associated with this tradition included the No Turning Back Group and Conservative Way Forward. Thatcherite Europhiles included Leon Brittan whom she had appointed to the European Commission.
Safety valves
Today the Cornerstone Group (or Faith, Flag and Family), is a very small group active within the Conservative Party. The name stems from its support for three British social institutions: the Church of England, the unitary British state and the family. To this end, they emphasise the country's Anglican heritage, oppose any transfer of power away from the United Kingdom, either downwards to the nations and regions or to the European Union and seek to place greater emphasis on "traditional" family structures to repair what they see as a broken society in Britain. Most oppose high levels of immigration into the UK, (although not immigration per se), and some members have in the past professed controversial opinions on issues of race and ethnicity in modern Britain.[101][102] Some members also support capital punishment. MPs from this wing of the party include Nadine Dorries, Andrew Rosindell and Edward Leigh, notable in a faction marked out by its support for the Established Church of England. The homosexual MP Alan Duncan once referred to the group as a "Taliban tendency" within the party. The conservative English philosopher, the late Sir Roger Scruton, played a small role in the Cornerstone group: his writings rarely touch on economics and instead focus on conservative perspectives concerning political, social, cultural and moral issues.
Sometimes two groupings have united to oppose the third. Thatcherite and Cornerstone MPs rebelled over Europe (and in particular the Maastrict Treaty) during John Major's premiership; and Cornerstone and One Nation MPs united to inflict Margaret Thatcher's only defeat in parliament, over Sunday trading.
There remains The Bow Group, which has some MPs as members and supporters, and the small Cornerstone Group, which are seen as 'safety valves' within the Party to enable the liberal hierarchy to be able to still say it is a 'broad church'. If they made any seriously profound traditional Tory statements they would undoubtedly be closed down by the Party.
The most important traditional Tory pressure group closely associated with the Party (1961-2000) was the Conservative Monday Club, which at its height in 1972 had some 10,000 members including 35 Conservative Members of Parliament (including six in the government), and an equal number in the House of Lords. Harold Wilson referred to the Club as "the Guardian of the Tory Conscience".[103] Three major internal crises (1972/3; 1985; 1992/3), plus Margaret Thatcher's General Election victories (she was seen generally, but wrongly, as "Right-wing") resulted in a steady drain of members, and after 1993 it became largely irrelevant. The Conservative Party machinery began expelling and exiling traditional conservatives with actual Tory ideals from the mid-1980s, and in 2000 cut their links to the old and now dormant Monday Club. There remains the radical Tory Traditional Britain Group, whom the Party obviously wants nothing to do with.
The Great Betrayal
The Conservative Party have overall been soft on alien immigration. Following Enoch Powell's so-called 'Rivers of Blood' speech on 20 April 1968, to a meeting of the Conservative Political Centre in Birmingham, the Leader of the Party, Edward Heath, dismissed Powell, a former government minister, from the Opposition Front Bench. Nevertheless others, including the Conservative Monday Club, persuaded the party to take a more robust line on immigration, and in the Party Manifesto for the 1970 General Election the Party pledged to halt immigration and to encourage voluntary repatriation, with government assistance if necessary. In doing this they drew back to the Party a lot of traditional conservative voters who had defected to the National Front, thus defeating the NF and winning the elections. However, the government did nothing, and within a few years they scandalously agreed that the Asians who had gone to East Africa from the Indian subcontinent, and were now being expelled by the native African populations, could come, en masse, to tiny Britain, instead of insisting that they could not, and must return whence they came, to India.
Monday Club
The Party was also placed under a great deal of pressure from the anti-immigration Monday Club, a traditional Tory pressure-group, with some 10,000 members, including 35 MPs and over 40 peers in 1970. In early 1979 Margaret Thatcher made a sensational anti-immigration speech in which she said that native Britons felt that they were being "swamped" by immigrants and something had to be done. This was another straw man speech. When she was elected to government that year huge numbers of members in the Monday Club, who had left the Party in anger and disgust at their failure to reverse immigration, and not least to permit the East African mass immigration, now left the Club and rejoined the Party believing the party would act. They did act. They brought in the Public Order Act which went some way on the road to criminalizing those opposed to immigration. By the mid-1980s the liberal faction of the Party had the upper hand and all opposition within the party to alien immigration was silenced, despite a few Members of Parliament continuing to speak out. At the 1989 Conservative Party Conference in Blackpool, the Club held a large fringe meeting with their Jonathan Guinness (now Lord Moyne) in the chair on Tuesday, 10 October. The speakers were Tim Janman, M.P., and Nicholas Budgen, M.P., and the meeting was packed with standing room only. The subject: ‘The End of the English? - Immigration and Repatriation’. Tim Janman reminded the meeting that a Royal Commission in 1949 had warned of major problems if Britain adopted an open door policy on immigration, and was subsequently quoted in The Daily Telegraph as saying that “if you look at the lack of immigration control in the past, then yes, Britain has become the dustbin of the world”[104]. He added that there was a need to offer voluntary repatriation to members of ethnic minorities currently settled in the UK, which groups clearly did not wish to integrate with the indigenous population, nor the latter with them. The Club had very publicly opposed the proposal to allow thousands of Hong Kong Chinese to come to the UK. During the Parliamentary debate on 17 January 1990 two of the Club's Members of Parliament spoke. Sir John Stokes said:
- You have a duty to the people of England as well as to the people of Hong Kong. Is not your prime duty to maintain the social cohesion of this ancient and small island?
He was followed by Nicholas Budgen who stated:
- If mass immigration is not halted it will permanently and irreversibly change the nature of the British people.
The party had also publicly smeared the Western Goals Institute for its position on non-European immigration, which mirrored the Monday Club, with the then Party Chairman Norman Fowler stating on 6 October 1992 that the WGI's "aims and activities are incompatible with the Conservative Party." In 2000 the Party publicly distanced themselves from the old Monday Club stating they wanted nothing more to do with them because of their immigration position and ordered several members who were Members of Parliament to leave the Club. Today the Traditional Britain Group maintains the original Monday Club line on immigration and continues to support the Party's 1970 manifesto pledge, despite the quiet abandonment of it by the Party.
21st century
The Party failed to defend Britain's coasts from small-boat invasions in the 21st century. Since 2018, when figures were first recorded, more than 150,000 people have arrived in small boats. In 2024 as a whole, 36,816 were detected making the crossing.[105] To put this into context, the blueprints for the possible German invasion of England in 1940 estimated they would land 90,000 men.
And since 2021 the Conservative Government has admitted at least 125,000 Chinese aliens from Hong Kong to the UK[106]. Traditional Tories argue that Britain has no responsibility for any of these people, who should not be here.
Traditional conservatives feel that the Conservative Party has abandoned Toryism and betrayed the British Nation. The United Kingdom now has a 14% non-European alien population[107] , and growing rapidly, and further laws including various categories of so-called 'hate crimes' have been introduced to criminalize anyone who publicly speaks out against aliens in Britain. Obviously this is only aimed at the indigenous population. The London Daily Telegraph stated on Saturday 8 February 2025:
- Voters are not in a hurry to forgive the Conservative Party for promising one thing on immigration and doing another.
On a daily basis the broad UK media reports criminality on a previously unknown scale committed by aliens. Examples are below:
Kriss Donald was murdered by five Pakistanis in 2004, at age 15.[108]
Christina Edkins was stabbed to death by a black African in 2013, at age 16.[109]
Aaron Dugmore commited suicide at age 9 after racial bullying by Pakistanis in 2013.[110]
Charlene Downes was murdered and fed into a meat grinder by Muslim Jordanian at age 14.[111]
Ross Parker was murdered by Pakistanis in 2001, at age 17.[112][113]
Mary-Ann Leneghan was raped, tortured and murdered by a gang of aliens in 2005, at the age of 16.[114][115]
Danny O'Shea was murdered on his doorstep by black Africans in 2011, at age 18.[116]
Ben Kinsella was murdered by black Africans in 2008, at age 16.[117]
See also
- Tory
- List of Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom
- United Kingdom Independence Party
- Conservative Monday Club
- Traditional Britain Group
- Western Goals Institute
- ↑
- ↑ As at November 2024.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ fbclid=IwAR2xc6MTqhaCYvNO2CFTVCvi1kzHDAeO3f6WjiRe9oh4H80PZJm2mc9JucA
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ In 2024, 90 of the United Kingdom's 650 Members of Parliament were non-white, 66 of which were members of the Labour Party, while 15 were in the Conservative party, and five non-white MPs were members of the Liberal Democrats.
- ↑ Grierson, Jamie; Topping, Alexandra; Stacey, Kiran (2023-12-06). "Samir Shah to be appointed as next chair of BBC" (in en-GB). The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077.
- ↑
- ↑ "European Union" - Speech by Winston Churchill - Zürich - 19 September 1946: BMDF Synopsis. BMDF Library of speeches. British Management Data Foundation. Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑ Datelines. Sir Winston Churchill: Publications and Resources. The Churchill Centre. Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑ Baldwin, Stanley, M.P., On England, London, 1926, p.73.
- ↑
- ↑ Revolutionary Conservative Caucus journal, issue no.5, Winter 1994-5, cover.
- ↑ Wheatcroft, Geoffrey, The Strange Death of Tory England, London, 2005.
- ↑ Cater, Joseph, Titanic Britain - 50 years of the Left-wing Liberal Iceberg, London, 2016, ISBN:9781539323259
- ↑ Green, David Allen (25 January 2011). "The fall of John Taylor".
- ↑ Tories in Uproar Over Black Candidate (6 December 1990).
- ↑ 1992: John Major climbs onto his soapbox (30 March 1992).
- ↑
- ↑ "Nadhim Zahawi: Iraqi refugee to education secretary". 16 September 2021.
- ↑ Nadhim Zahawi sacked as Tory chairman over tax affairs row.
- ↑ "Zahawi sacking letters in full" (in en-GB). 2023-01-29.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Unexamined, Unquestioned, Unchallenged: Jewish Power in Brave New Britain
- ↑ Gainer, Bernard, The Alien Invasion: The Origins of the Aliens Act of 1905, London, Heinemann Educational books Ltd, 1972.
- ↑ Blythe, Ronald, The Age of Illusion: England 1919-1940, Faber & Faber, 2020. p.25-7, ISBN: 978-0-571-26035-5
- ↑
- ↑ "Boris Johnson appoints new chief of staff after Cummings exit". BBC News. 26 November 2020.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Mandate Days - British Lives in Palestine 1918-1948 by A. J. Sherman, London, 1997, ISBN 0-500-25116-9
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Farmer, Ben; Thornycroft, Peta (2023-09-04). "Hundreds of white farmers return to Zimbabwe in boost for agriculture" (in en-GB). The Telegraph. ISSN 0307-1235.
- ↑ David Cowling (2001-02-09). Poll monitor: Labour looks hard to beat. BBC News. Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑ Trying to be 'down with the kids'. BBC News (2003-03-07). Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑ Tory critics round on Hague. BBC News (2001-03-05). Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑ Tory peer attacks Hague over race. BBC News (2001-04-27). Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑
- ↑ Full text of David Cameron's victory speech. Guardian Unlimited (2005-06-12). Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑ Conservative or Labour preference (”forced choice”). UK Polling Report. YouGov. Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑ Current Voting Intention. UK Polling Report. YouGov. Retrieved on 2007-09-16.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Cecil, Nicholas (2 November 2024). Kemi Badenoch becomes Tory leader following win over Robert Jenrick (en).
- ↑ Coyle, Simon (4 July 2024). North West Essex general election 2024 results in full (en).
- ↑ The Daily Telegraph, London, Saturday 8 February 2025.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919-1939 edited by Rohan Butler, M.A., Douglas Dakin, M.A.,PhD., & M.E.Lambert, M.A., 2nd series, vol.ix, HMSO, London, 1965, p.36.
- ↑ Copping, Robert, The Story of the Monday Club, London, April 1972, p.5.
- ↑ "Rural Britain: the Heart of the Nation" in Western Goals Political Briefing Paper, January 1998, p.3.
- ↑ Millson, Stuart, "It's Goodbye England" inTraditional Britain newsletter, Summer edition, 2003, p.4.
- ↑ "The Glory of the British Monarchy - Coronation Legends" in The Monarchist League Newsletter, London, Spring 1991.
- ↑ Tory plan to restrict Scots MPs. BBC News (2006-07-02). Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑
- ↑ Daily Telegraph, July 18, 1968
- ↑ Daily Telegraph letters, 20th May 1982.
- ↑
- ↑ Peter Hitchens (2006-12-04). The Great Tory Hope. The American Conservative. Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑ Dalrymple, Theodore, Our Culture: What's Left of It? London, 2005; Not With a Bang but a Whimper, London, 2009.
- ↑ Blair stole our clothes - Howard. BBC News (2004-11-17). Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑ William Keegan (2005-10-30). It's the rich what gets the pleasure .... The Observer. Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑ Business: The Economy - Labour's economic record. BBC News (1999-07-26). Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑ Portillo springs surprise U-turns. BBC News (2000-02-03). Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑ Bracewell-Milnes, Dr.Barry (1932-2012),Euthanasia for Death Duties, IEA, London, 2002, ISBN:0-255-36513-6
- ↑ Samira Shackle; Stephanie Hegarty; George Eaton (1 October 2009). "The new ruling class". New Statesman.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Lauder-Frost, Gregory, "Time to Get Out of NATO" in Western Goals Political Briefing Paper, 1997 General Election Special Edition, p.3-4.
- ↑ Biggs-Davison, John, M.P.,The Uncertain Ally, London, 1957.
- ↑ Martin Kettle (2006-08-29). David Cameron's special relationship. Guardian Unlimited: Comment is Free. Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑ Matthew Tempest (2006-09-11). Cameron: I'm no neo-con. Guardian Unlimited. Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑ Gibbs, Peter, "Britain: Province or Nation?" in Western Goals Political Briefing Paper for Conservatives, 1997 General Election Special Edition, p.1 & 2.
- ↑ Gibbs, Peter, "NO to Blair, NO to the Euro" in Western Goals Political Briefing Paper for Conservatives February 1999, p.1.
- ↑ Lauder-Frost, Gregory, "Withdraw From the EU Now!" in Western Goals Political Briefing Paper for Conservatives, Winter 1999, p.3 & 4
- ↑ Millson, Stuart, "Calling All Patriots:Wake Up Britain" in Traditional Britain newsletter, Summer edition, 2003, p.1-2.
- ↑ Gorman, Teresa, M.P., The Bastards, London, 1993, ISBN:0-330-33511-1
- ↑ Mayall, Dr.Mark, Maastricht - The High Tide of European Federalism, Monday Club, 1992,(P/B)
- ↑
- ↑ Copping, 1972, p.11.
- ↑ Hague rebukes Tory MP over race. BBC News (2001-03-28). Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑ Senior Tory sacked over racist joke. BBC News (2002-05-05). Retrieved on 2007-04-20.
- ↑ Copping, 1972.
- ↑ also quoted in the Yorkshire Post, October 12th.
- ↑
- ↑,largest%20migrant%20waves%20modern%20Britain%20has%20ever%20seen.
- ↑,entering%20the%20UK%20is%20India%2C%20followed%20by%20Nigeria
- ↑ Guardian (4 December 2011). "Three jailed for life for race murder of schoolboy".
- ↑ Independent (7 March 2013). "Man arrested after 16-year-old girl Christina Edkins was stabbed to death on a Birmingham bus".
- ↑ Examiner (28 February 2013). "Britain: 9-yr-old boy 'bullied to death for being white'".
- ↑ Daily Mail (4 December 2011). "Police rapped for blunders in murder case of girl 'turned into kebab meat'".
- ↑ The Guardian (4 December 2011). "Three get life in jail for racist killing".
- ↑ BBC (4 December 2011). "The night terror came to town ".
- ↑ BBC (4 December 2011). "The six men who killed Mary-Ann".
- ↑ BBC (4 December 2011). "The night terror came to town ".
- ↑ Daily Mail (4 December 2011). "Teenager killed outside his mother's house 'had throat slashed by gang'".
- ↑ Ryan Parry. The killers of Ben Kinsella were gangster wannabes. Retrieved on 2011-11-06.
- A History of the Tory Party 1640-1714 by Keith Feiling, Clarendon Press, Oxford, U.K., 1924.
- The Conservatives from their Origins to 1965, by Norman Gash, Donald Southgate, David Dilks and John Ramsden, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London and Sydney, 1977, ISBN:0-04-9422157-3
- The Foundation of the Conservative Party 1830-1867 by Professor Robert Stewart, Longman, London, 1978. ISBN: 0-582-50712-X
- The Meaning of Conservatism by Roger Scruton, Penguin, London, 1980, ISBN: 0-14-02-2193-X
- The Scottish Tory Party - A History [meaning The Conservative Party in Scotland] by Gerald Warner, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1988, ISBN:0-297-79101-X
- Conservatism by Professor Ted Honderich, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1990, ISBN: 0-241-12999-0
- A History of Conservative Politics, 1900-1996 by Professor John Charmley, MacMillan, London, 1996, ISBN: 0-333-56293-3
- The Tories - Conservatives and the Nation State 1922-1997, by Alan Clark, M.P., Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1998, ISBN: 0-297-81849-X
- The History of British Political Parties by David Boothroyd, Politicos, London, 2001, ISBN: 1-902301-59-5
- The Strange Death of Tory England by Geoffrey Wheatcroft, London, 2005.
- Conservatism by Professor Roger Scruton, New York, 2017, ISBN: 978-1-250-17056-9
External links
- Conservatives
- Cameron’s ‘Torah’ government by Stuart Littlewood
- The Conservative Party at UK Lockdown