Gregory Lauder-Frost

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Gregory Lauder-Frost in 2016

Gregory MacLennan Scholey Lauder-Frost, (commonly referred to as GLF) is a British traditional High Tory[1] and former Conservative Party member (1976-1995), constituency officer and patron. He was a leading member (1976-1992) and officer of the Conservative Monday Club. From 1977 - 1992 he was a member of the conservative Primrose League[2] and from 1989 - 2001 was a Vice-President of the Western Goals Institute. He founded the Traditional Britain Group in 2001, of which he remains a Vice-President[3], and was a founding committee member of the now defunct Conservative Democratic Alliance. He is a Life Member, past Secretary-General and Publications Editor, of the International Monarchist League[4], being described in the New Statesman as “Britain's Staunchest Monarchist”.[5] He is also a well-known professional genealogist and has contributed many essays in The Scottish Genealogist, the Borders Family History Society magazine and other journals.

He is a descendant of the Lauder of the Bass feudal Barons in East Lothian, Scotland[6] (proven by DNA results in 2019), and great-nephew of Sir Harry Lauder.[7][8].

His book Campaigning with the Scots 1054-1654 was published in November 2019.[9]

Family etc

GLF's pre-EU passport issued a month after his 21st birthday confirming his citizenship, currently under attack elsewhere by the Far-Left. (Thanks to him for affording us this.)

Lauder-Frost's family are 100% British stock according to on-line sources and DNA results.[10]. The son of the late Wallace Frost (1924-2005), businessman and sometime General Manager of Gilbey's Ltd., the famous English distillers[11] and his spouse, the late Cecily Scholey Lauder (1925-1977)[12], an artist[13] and linguist. Gregory Lauder-Frost's family are classic ex-pats, being born, married, and buried across four continents. Gregory himself was born at Merewether in New South Wales where his father was employed at the time. He is the great-nephew of Sir Harry Lauder[14] the famous Scottish vaudeville entertainer who raised vast sums for the war effort during The Great War.[15] Sir Harry and his next brother Matthew (GLF's great-grandfather) were very close[16], marrying sisters and being Best Man at each other's wedding.[17] In December 2019 Y-DNA tests of GLF's fourth cousin, David Lauder (b.1954) matched those of James, son of the artist Kenneth Scott Lauder (d.2004)[18], a proven descendant of Robert Lauder of The Bass (d.June 1576)[19] proving the assertion by Sir Harry Lauder's grandfather John Lauder (d.1888 in Leith Hospital) that their family were descendants of the Lauders of Bass.[20]

Lauder-Frost has represented the Lauder family on numerous occasions at public events.[21][22] On 28 July 1987 he and his 2nd cousin, Mrs Elizabeth Lauder Hamilton, were guests of the Lord Provost of Edinburgh who hosted a luncheon at the Edinburgh City Chambers to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of Sir Harry Lauder receiving the Freedom of the City. Saltire/BBC2 TV (Scotland) aired a documentary Something About Harry on 30 November 2005, during which GLF was interviewed at length. His junior education was abroad, senior and tertiary education in England. He read Modern History at Oxford (BA (Hons). A Certified Public Accountant (1975), throughout 1975-76 he was employed with EMI Ltd., in London, in 1977 the NHS, 1978 the Medical Research Council (both for fixed term annual contracts) and then from Feb 1979 to Feb 1992 again with the NHS. He was also a company secretary, company director, and supply lecturer in Modern History at several colleges for three decades. He was for seven years Publications Officer and Secretary-General of the International Monarchist League where the retiring incumbent of the latter post, Kenneth Hay, B.E.M., described him as having an "active mind and restless energy, who has edited the Newsletter and Policy Papers with success".[23]

GLF at the Commonwealth Day service, Westminster Abbey, 8 March 1976. (PA photo)

In February 1995 GLF was almost killed in a serious accident between his car and a 40-ton truck. He was hospitalised for a month.[24]


Conservative Party

Steward's Conservative campaign rosette for Nicholas Scott MP in the 1979 General Election (courtesey of GLF)
Kensington old town hall (centre)

At the beginning of August 1976 Gregory Lauder-Frost moved from Wimbledon to 13 Collingham Road, South Kensington[25] (he remained in this constituency for a decade) and joined the Conservative Party at Chelsea, then later at Berwickshire & Roxburghshire, and also, later, Westminster Constituency Associations, and remained a Party member until 1995 when he lapsed. He was engaged in mutual aid at several General Elections. During the 1979 General Election he canvassed for Nicholas Scott, M.P., although he later attacked Scott for not representing his constituents’ views in Parliament.[26] He also campaigned for Monday Club MP, Victor Goodhew, at St Albans, and again for his successor, Peter Lilley, in 1983. He was a delegate to most national, and Scottish, Conservative Party conferences up to and including 1991.

GLF was Secretary of the Courtfield Ward of the Chelsea Association and sat on the latter's Executive Committee. In February 1981 James Arbuthnot M.P., (then a councillor) wrote proposing that GLF’s name be put forward as a councillor for the South Stanley Ward on Kensington and Chelsea Council. At the selection meeting GLF expressed his opposition to council housing which, he said, should be either sold to tenants or converted into housing associations and detached from local government. The Leader of the Council, Nicholas Freeman, belittled his views and as a result he was not selected as a candidate. The final straw came for GLF the following year, with Freeman ordering the 3 a.m. Sunday demolition on June 11 of the century-old Italianate Town Hall, the second oldest building surviving in Kensington High Street, the day before it was due to be Listed by the government. [27] GLF wrote to Freeman calling this a “grotesque act of vandalism which demonstrates that you have no concept of what conservatism actually means”.[28] He was then asked to leave the Ward Committee. Eventually leaving Chelsea Association, he joined in 1986 the Roxburgh and Berwickshire Association local to his Scottish home in Berwickshire, and was subsequently invited to become a Patron. As such he served on their Executive Committee, and their CPC until 1993.

Freedom Association

Gregory Lauder-Frost was an early member of Norris McWhirter's Freedom Association (then called the National Association for Freedom). He had regular letters in their newspaper, The Free Nation, including one on the August 5, 1977 condemning living standards in the Soviet Union following his visit there, and took part in the large NAFF meeting at Kensington Town Hall on the April 6, 1978. He was invited to McWhirter’s Memorial Service on October 7, 2004, at St. Martin-in-the-Fields, where he was observed sitting with Lord (Jeffrey) & Lady Archer in the pew directly in front of Margaret Thatcher.[29]

Conservative Monday Club

He first came into contact with the Conservative Monday Club at a meeting in Oxford of the Society of Individual Freedom which was calling for the repeal of the Race Relations Act, which was being addressed by three leading members of the Club. He joined the Club's Young Members Group in late 1976, and sat on several policy committees, notably the Club's influential Foreign Affairs Committee of which he was Chairman 1987 - 1992. He was twice elected the Club’s Political Meetings Secretary (1989 – 1992 incl.) with a seat on the Executive Council.[30] In 1990 he unsuccessfully challenged the incumbent, David Storey, as Chairman of the Club. In his election statement to members GLF stated: "The Monday Club must live up to its reputation as the radical 'conscience of the Tory Party'. Serious policies to encourage voluntary repatriation of non-Europeans presently in Britain are needed if we are to preserve our national identity and culture. We must leave the EU, preserve our national sovereignty, and ban the ANC and all other terrorist organisations from Britain. Tougher penalties for violent crime; restore qualified juries; support proposed law reforms; restore capital punishment."[31] In September 1990 he was obliged to state publicly that "the Monday Club has no connexions whatsoever with fascist groups or the BNP."[32] About this time he became Chairman of the Club’s Finance Committee

Monday Club Executive 1991. L to R: GLF, Hon.Denis Walker, Sam Swerling, Dr.Mark Mayall.

On April 4, 1991, the London Evening Standard carried a front-page article where, interviewed on behalf of the Club, GLF attacked the proposed appointment of media junky and thrice-married-before-40 Janet Street-Porter as the BBC's Head of Arts and Culture. The media enthusiastically took up this debate and the following day Club MP John Carlisle (d.Feb 2019) also said she should not be appointed.[33] Street-Porter did not get the job. At the Conservative Party’s 1991 Conference Lauder-Frost and Dr. Mark Mayall, now Chairman of the Monday Club, addressed a Club fringe meeting on October 9 on the subject of "A Traditional Britain".[34] GLF was cited in a 2011 biography of John Bercow MP, who had been an active member of the Monday Club, as saying that "over 100 members of parliament (both houses) have passed through the Monday Club and they can't all have been raving right-wing the media has moved further to the Left, the description of the Club has been moved further to the Right, yet the Club position is really quite static and so if they were lunatics in the year 2000 they must have been lunatics when (Club MP) Julian Amery was a cabinet minister."[35]

Foreign Affairs

In 1977 & 1978 he visited Rhodesia and all of Southern (excludes Angola & Congo) and East Africa, and from 1977-1992 incl., was annually in the Soviet Union & Eastern Bloc. He was numerous times in the USA and in 1987 revisited India. In 1988 he was elected, briefly as Secretary, then Chairman, of the Club’s influential Foreign Affairs Committee[36], subsequently visiting numerous countries and organisations. In the Spring of that year he was in Munich meeting with Franz Josef Strauss, Leader of the Christian Social Union, the Premier of Bavaria. On October 10, 1988 he organised a major Club dinner with his friend Count Nikolai Tolstoy as guest-of-honour.[37] Tolstoy was then engaged in a major libel case over his book The Minister and the Massacres. In June 1989 Lauder-Frost presided at the Club’s South Africa Dinner, its guest-of-honour being Dr. Andries Treunicht, leader of the Conservative Party of South Africa.[38][39][40]

CDU Party poster calling for rejection of Germany's post-1945 borders and the reunification of all Germany.

Lauder-Frost denounced the Anglo-Irish Agreement as "disgraceful" and called for the restoration of the Death Penalty as a sentencing option for terrorists.[41] With the imminent demise of Communism in Eastern Europe, the Club was spurred into action regarding the outstanding (since 1945) German Peace Treaty and wrote to all Conservative Party MPs "taking a non-nonsense line of German reunification. Charging Mrs Thatcher with culpable ambiguity on this subject, Gregory Lauder-Frost, Chairman of the Club’s Foreign Affairs Committee, slams the 'bogus Polish claims on eastern German provinces'. The Club demands the restoration of the German borders 'as they were on January 1, 1938'"[42], a position that Germany's CDU party had maintained since the end of World War II. Between April 24-29, 1990, GLF was in Hong Kong, Canton and coastal provinces in Red China on a special visa, and also Portuguese Macau, on a fact-finding trip.

On January 11, 1990 he presided at the Club’s Russia Dinner at the Grosvenor Hotel given in honour of its guests, the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess Wladimir, the heir to the throne of Imperial Russia.[43][44][45] In October 1991 GLF was in the first British political delegation, including Andrew Hunter, M.P., Roger Knapman, M.P. (then Parliamentary Private Secretary to the UK Armed Forces Minister and later a M.E.P.), and Count Nikolai Tolstoy, to Croatia, to observe their war of independence against the Serbs.[46] Meetings were also held with the Croatian Government, and President Franjo Tudjman, and a report given to the British Foreign Office and Margaret Thatcher.[47]

An opponent of the European Union, which he terms the “New Soviet Bloc”, on November 3, 1990, The Sun, reporting on an anti-EU demonstration in Trafalgar Square, London, where GLF was taking a prominent part, cited him as saying "in ten years the Palace of Westminster could be a museum." A decade later, Mikhael Gorbachev also called the EU the new European Soviet.[48] GLF chaired a capacity Monday Club anti-EU meeting with Enoch Powell during the Conservative Party Conference on October 8, 1991.[49][50] The event was filmed and featured on BBC TV's Newsnight.


Lauder-Frost was not a member of the Monday Club's Immigration & Race Relations Committee (chaired in the 1980s by Harvey Proctor, M.P., followed by Jonathan Guinness (3rd Lord Moyne)) but fully supported the Club's firm position on alien immigration. On 10 October 1989, at the Conservative Party Conference, Guinness chaired a fringe meeting organised by the Young Monday Club, advertised as The End of the English? – Immigration and Repatriation. The other speakers were MPs Tim Janman and Nicholas Budgen.[51]

In October 1990 GLF stated in the Daily Telegraph "Most of the refugees [to Britain] are economic migrants, and the government should deport them as soon as possible, just as they are deporting Vietnamese economic migrants from Hong Kong!"[52] That year he addressed a packed Monday Club fringe meeting at the Young Conservatives’ Conference at Torquay opposing immigration into Britain from Hong Kong.

On Oct 9, 1991, his letter, alongside that of Peter Lloyd, Home Office Immigration Minister, on Asylum Seekers, was published in The Times. GLF stated: "I would like to see the strictest possible entry to Britain for those of other cultures and countries. Why, for instance, were Marx and Lenin, purveyors of evil, allowed to come here? Why do we accept people here from all over the world? Are we always the nearest 'free country'?" In early December he was asked for the Club’s position on immigration and he repeated that it continued to support the 1970 Conservative Party General Election Manifesto promising to halt immigration and encourage assisted voluntary repatriation: "we should be making them an offer they could hardly refuse", adding "it bodes ill for the future to sit around making excuses for them to stay here." He cited a questionnaire circulated to all Tory MPs by Antony Messina, Professor of Political Studies at Tufts University, Mass., the majority of whom indicated they supported voluntary repatriation.[53]

Lauder-Frost voluntarily resigned from the Monday Club on May 31, 1992 due to legal difficulties arising from his divorce, & custody battle covering two continents and seven years duration.[54][55]

Western Goals

AVR Smith, Carl Werth (Conservative Party head in Natal), Dr. Andries Treurnicht (Leader of the South African Conservative Party) and Gregory Lauder-Frost.

In 1989 Gregory Lauder-Frost became a Vice-President of the conservative and anti-communist Western Goals Institute, a post he held until it was wound up in 2001. On the weekend of the August 12/13, 1989, he was, with AVR Smith, Stuart Notholt, and Michael McCrone, in the WGI delegation attending a huge (estimated at 20,000 people) anti-communist demonstration at Moln, near the East German border.[56] He wrote two controversial articles which appeared in the group's newspaper, European Dawn in Sept 1989, condemning the bicentennial anniversary celebrations of the French Revolution, and attacking the West's constant appeasement and betrayal of Europe to communism. On September 25, 1989, he was at the dinner given by Western Goals at Simpson’s-in-the-Strand in honour of their guest, Alfredo Cristiani, President of El Salvador,[57][58] whom the press reported GLF as saying was "in the front line against communism". On March 19, 1990, at Birkbeck College, London University, he led the winning team in a debate opposing the anarchist motion "This House believes the State should be abolished", chaired by Harold Wilson's biographer, Ben Pimlott. Between 2-13 July 1990 he attended, with Observer status, the 28th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in Moscow. Following that he (with Clive Derby-Lewis, AVR Smith, and others) was a member of the WGI delegation to the World Anti-Communist League 22nd General Conference in Brussels, Belgium on 23 July 1990, when the delegates resolved that the organization should be renamed the "World League for Freedom and Democracy" (WLFD).[59]. In 1990 and 1991 he was part of the WGI delegation who met with Jean-Marie Le Pen for discussions in London.

Although GLF retired in 1992 from most political activities, he retained his Vice-Presidency of the WGI, and was, in September, a guest speaker against foreign ownership of the British media, at a Clarendon Club meeting of 300 people in London, organised by the historian David Irving. The Observer published a false story on September 22 claiming Irving had addressed the subject of the Holocaust, saying it was a myth. In January 1994 GLF was again in Africa and Zimbabwe for the first time in 15 years where, he said, "things had gone visibly downhill".

In the Berwickshire News and East Lothian Herald of June 16, 1994 he had a long explanatory letter attacking the decision to twin Duns, in Berwickshire, with Zagan (Sagan), now in Poland. He argued that it was a completely German town before 1945 with the local lord being a Duke from an ancient family; that its population was completely and brutally dispossessed/murdered by Communists and that the present inhabitants occupied stolen homes and lands: "This is wrong……It was a mistake to twin Duns with a town in a disputed area (province) with such a horrific history." The following year he called for "witch-hunts" of traditionalists within the Conservative Party to cease, and for "the party to return to its original philosophies".[60] On February 2, he was gravely injured in a road accident in Berwickshire, and was hospitalised for the rest of that month. He nevertheless managed, sporting an eye-patch, to preside at the Western Goals Institute’s Annual Dinner at the Grosvenor Hotel, London, on March 1, addressed by Peter Robinson, the Ulster Democratic Unionist Party MP.[61]

On April 30, 1996, during the debates about what to place on the vacant equestrian plinth in Trafalgar Square, he called in the Evening Standard for the equestrian statue of General Charles Gordon (who fought and died fighting Muslim fanatics) which had formerly stood in the centre of Khartoum, and which since 1960 languishes in the courtyard of the Gordon School at Woking in Surrey, to be placed upon it. He renewed his call for Gordon’s statue to be removed there in 2008.[62]

In March 1997 GLF sent a letter of fraternal greeting, on behalf of the Institute, to the annual congress of the Front National (FN) at Strassburg which was read by Jean-Marie Le Pen to the delegates from the podium.[63] M. Le Pen later went on to come a good second in the French Presidential Elections in 2002.

In May 1997, GLF lambasted the Liberal-left of the Conservative Party in the Daily Telegraph, accusing them of being responsible for the party losing the 1997 General Election.[64] He later wrote, prophetically, "The time has come for radical, but civilised, action before our country is no longer recognisably British, or goes bankrupt, or both."[65] Later the same year he criticised governments for only supporting Jewish claims to property appropriated during World War Two saying "surely if western powers had any morality they would bring pressure to bear on non-compliant governments to restore all property robbed from their owners by communist regimes."[66]

Arguing that "Scottish Independence should be resisted" GLF attacked what he called "divisive bigotry and class war prejudices." He added: "we need balanced people (MSPs) who truly believe in a traditional Scotland which will remain also within Great Britain."[67]

Lauder-Frost has consistently argued: "I am convinced that there will never be unity amongst Europeans unless the problems of the past are properly and fully addressed instead of it all being 20th century Allied propaganda and false victors' history. People need to understand where things have gone wrong, and why, and unless they have access to truth we're going nowhere. This is why the liberal-left and Marxism triumphs. The liberals give us the lies and the Marxists the unidentifiable warped versions. The fanatical-lunatic-nationalists don't help either. We need to try and create a level playing field of facts rather than opinions, and keep the USA out of our affairs."[68]

Traditional Britain Group

Gregory Lauder-Frost, Lord Sudeley & Roger Scruton, 20 Feb 2015.
Delegates at the AfD's Berlin conference, April 2019. GLF is 4th from left.

Founder of this group[69] in 2001, GLF co-edited and wrote for their Newsletter and now for their website blog, and has presided at the annual TBG Dinners whose guests of honour included: the folk-hero Tony Martin, Simon Heffer, Francis Fulford of Great Fulford, Gerard Batten, MEP (UKIP), Dr.Frank Ellis, the academic, Philip Claeys MEP for the Vlaams Blok (Flanders), and Jacob Rees-Mogg, Conservative Party MP. GLF’s Letters-to-Editors are well known: on February 20, 2003 in The Scotsman he robustly criticised the SNP’s proposals for what they euphemistically called "land reform"; on July 19, 2003 in The Times attacking the Fabian Society’s ‘report’ on the monarchy; on October 4, 2005 in the Daily Telegraph, written on behalf of the TBG, opposing the proposed admission of Turkey to the European Union. As Vice-President he continues to play a positive role in the TBG assisting the next generation of radical conservatives. He was interviewed twice by the BBC on August 4 (Newsnight) and 5th (Radio 5 Live) where he condemned the Labour Party's nomination of Doreen Lawrence for a Life Peerage as "totally without merit" and supported the TBG's traditional conservative position to financially encourage aliens in the UK to return to their natural homelands.[70] On February 20th, 2015, he introduced the famous author and philosopher, Professor Roger Scruton, to a packed TBG evening meeting in Mayfair, London. At the beginning of April 2019 he and TBG committee member Andrew Moffatt were delegates to the German AfD party's three-day conference in Berlin on Preserving European Civilisation, Culture and Values.[71]

The Left

Throughout 1991 Lauder-Frost and the old Monday Club were consistent targets for vilification by the press.[72][73][74] [75][76] In early December The Guardian (famously described by Lord Beaverbrook as "a communist newspaper"[77]) deliberately published where he was employed[78], resulting in a very large left-wing demonstration outside his office on December 13, leading to his suspension from work.[79][80][81] He said that he had "been a victim of a trial by the media."[82] Deciding his position "had become untenable" after "this witch-hunt" he resigned his post on New Year’s Day after 13 years.[83]

Media attacks have continued, however, continuously, almost universally by Communists, Marxists and other Far-Left journalists. In particular the communist "anti-fascist" magazine Searchlight, The Independent newspaper (which has now ceased printing paper copy) and the Daily Mirror have in recent years continually smeared and libelled him.

Other activities

An admirer of the late G.K. Chesterton and Britishness, GLF frequently criticises United States influence in the UK and throughout the world. He opposes liberal-libertarian economic policies, as well as the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq and the parallel war of attrition for over a decade in Afghanistan. This has distanced him from today’s younger neo-conservative sympathisers, who are heavily influenced by the economic views of Milton Friedman and by Thatcherism, which he refers to as "Manchester Liberalism". He was a Fellow of the Royal Commonwealth Society from 1971 until 2008, and between 1987-1992 incl., he was also a member of the famous Travellers’ Club in Pall Mall, London,[84] his proposer for membership being the famous archaeologist, author[85] and former Minister in the British Palestine Government[86] Stewart Perowne[87]. Until November 2013 he served as a charity trustee for twelve years, two of them as Vice-Chairman, on the committee of the the Berwickshire Civic Society; and is a member and former Trustee (sometime Hon.Treasurer) of the Scottish Record Society, a charity which publishes rare manuscripts.

He sat on the Foulden Mordington & Lamberton Community Council[88] for 20 years, and was elected Chairman for five of those, standing down at their AGM in June 2019 being the end of another term; he is a charity trustee for community playing fields and their facilities.

He is also an active & professing Christian and was elected to serve, in London, on a ministerial selection committee, and later as a member of his local Parochial Church Council (2018-2019).


In June 1992 he was charged with false accounting involving £8,670. He pleaded guilty. This sum was, however, repaid before he was actually charged. He said in court that he needed to 'borrow' this money because of the six-figure legal and other costs involved in his divorce and custody battle which had lasted seven years. He was sentenced in November serving 10 months in Ford Open Prison, a former Royal Naval Air Station, generally used for very minor offenders. During the sentencing hearing the Crown Prosecution Service said they believed that other discrepancies totalling £110,000 could be laid at his door. This was denied. Mr Justice Marr-Johnson asked if the CPS had audited accounts to present to the court and they replied they did not. He then said he would therefore not take this claim into consideration and refused restitution. GLF's barrister told the court that the legers had such discrepancies year in year out. Lauder-Frost was fully rehabilitated in November 2002, it being an offence thereafter to mention this matter in public outside a courtroom[89], although the newspapers and others have deliberately continued to publicise it to this day, as if it were a Life Sentence, a clear breach of United Kingdom law.

In July 2019 Lauder-Frost was fined £300 under so-called 'Hate Crime' legislation for a debate held on Facebook social media during which he stated that European civilisation was superior to others. Although he did not say anywhere that he hated other races, the Sheriff described him as "a racist" citing Webster's Dictionary (!) in his judgement.


Gregory Lauder-Frost is well known in the world of family history and has been a trustee of genealogical charities. A member of the Society of Genealogists (since 1977), he was a guest at the Domesday 1086 - 1986 National Committee Dinner on December 16, 1986. He was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in Scotland on 9 October, 1989 and remained a Fellow until 2024 (35 years). A member of the Scottish Genealogy Society, Edinburgh, since 1981, he sat on their governing council (2002-2019) and edited (2004 – 2007) their 70 year-old journal The Scottish Genealogist. He served as their Chairman Feb 2015-July 2019.[90], and represented the Society at the funeral of William D. H. Sellar, the former Lord Lyon King of Arms of Scotland, and the Society's former President, at Edinburgh on 23 February 2019.[91]

He became a member (1994) and sat on the governing council of the Borders Family History Society 2005-2019, and was Acting Editor in 2005-2006 of their Magazine and Hon. Secretary May 2014[92] to May 2019 when he retired at their AGM. He was an early member of the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy and has contributed to their journal Foundations. He was featured in a 'Roots' magazine supplement to Glasgow's Sunday Herald on November 14, 2004.

Lauder-Frost was an invited guest at the launch of Burke’s Landed Gentry - The Kingdom in Scotland in 2001. His name also appears in the "Acknowledgments" for his work in the famous Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, (107th edition, 2004), and as one of the subscribing patrons to the publication of the books Restoring Scotland’s Castles (edited by Robert Clow, Glasgow, 2000), Lord Crawford’s Armorial (2008) and The Armorial of Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount(2018)[93] both edited by Alexander Maxwell Findlater, Edinburgh, where GLF is also credited for his patronage and his contributions. In addition he was a Patron as well as an advisor to The Heraldry of the Bishops of Scotland by David M. Bertie, Edinburgh, 2018[94]. He is also a member of the Heraldry Society of Scotland, and was responsible for obtaining the grant of Arms in 2008 to the Foulden Mordington & Lamberton Community Council[95].

His ancestral political pedigrees go back centuries: he is a descendant of the Plantagenets, notably from the King Edwards, through numerous lines of his ancestry, but importantly through Ann Calthorpe, wife of Sir Robert Drury, Knt., (d. 1536) of Thurston & Hawstead, Suffolk, a Privy Councillor and Speaker of the House of Commons, whose London town-house stood in Drury Lane. His paternal grandmother's Savage family were lords of numerous manors in Worcestershire and Warwickshire,[96], her grandparents marrying at Inkberrow, Worcestershire, where there is a Savage chapel, in August 1854.[97] In 2003, having successfully proved his lineage, he was admitted a Life Member of the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne (number 2104). He has authored numerous genealogical essays published in various journals and magazines, notably The Scottish Genealogist and the Borders Family History Society Magazine.

His book Campaigning with the Scots 1054-1654 was published on 5th November 2019.[98]


Gregory Lauder-Frost in 2000.

Gregory Lauder-Frost has appeared in a variety of TV programmes, including: BBC's Newsnight 21/2/90, opposing Labour MP Alice Mahon’s support for Communist insurgents in Central America and again on 8/10/1991 with Enoch Powell on the EU; RTV (on Ulster problems – Theresa Gorman MP on the panel); Sky TV News (10/9/90) on the possibility of the restoration of the monarchy in Russia; Central TV Live (Birmingham 9/11/90) with Stuart Millson & Gary Bushell on 'the press'; BBC's Kilroy 25/01/91, on working mothers; BBC’s Bookmark programme "Dostoevsky’s Travels" 9/10/91; in Channel 4's "White Tribe debate" (2000); BBC's Weakest Link (Nov 2003); BBC Scotland's programme Something About Harry [Lauder] (30/11/05) and again in the BBC 2’s programme The Planners (21/02/2013) and on BBC Newsnight (8/8/2013) opposing Doreen Lawrence's Life Peerage and on voluntary repatriation of immigrants. He has also been on Any Answers (BBC Radio 4) where he attacked the warped portrayal of the Monday Club on the earlier Any Questions programme by presenter Nick Clark and the panellists who, he said, "obviously know nothing whatsoever about it". On the 9th August 2013 he was aggressively interviewed at length on BBC Radio 5 by Vanessa Feltz on the 'Lawrence affair'.

Some political articles by GLF

  • “Legacy of Betrayal” - an analysis of western appeasement towards communism in the 20th century, and
  • “1789 - Something to Celebrate?” – an attack on the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution. Both articles in European Dawn, the newspaper of the Western Goals Institute, London. September 1989. (1789 was reprinted in the Monarchist League Newsletter, Autumn 1989. "Legacy of Betrayal" was translated & republished in the Bulgarian politics & history magazine Avi-Tohol, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1996, No.6).
  • The Betrayal of Bulgaria - an assessment of that country & its monarchy this century and how the West betrayed Bulgaria before and after World War II. “The Monarchist League - Policy Discussion Paper”, Summer 1989. (This essay was translated and reprinted in the Sofia newspaper Democracy).
  • The Right Way Forward - an analysis of the state of the nation and conservatism in Great Britain. An opinion paper published by the Western Goals Institute, London, 1994. (Translated, edited and republished in the Bulgarian magazine Avi-Tohol, Sofia, 1996, no.6).
  • "Time to get out of NATO", a brief analysis, in a Western Goals Institute General Election Political Briefing Paper, London, April 1997.
  • "Christianity and the Millennium", a critical analysis, a Western Goals Institute Political Briefing Paper, London, January 1998.
  • "Martyrs?" On the new statues in Westminster Abbey. In a Western Goals Institute Political Briefing Paper , London, September 1998.
  • "Nationalism" and "British Art?" Both in a Western Goals Institute Political Briefing Paper, London, February 1999.
  • "Withdraw from the EU Now!"compares the history of “States’ Rights” before the American Civil War with what could happen to the UK in a Federal Europe; and 
*"The 'Conservative' Party". Both in a Western Goals Institute Political Briefing Paper, London, Winter 1999.
  • "National Identity", in a Traditional Britain Political Briefing Paper, London, June 2001.
  • "The Tragedy of Conservatism Today", in the Traditional Britain Newsletter, London, September-October 2002.
  • "The Enemy Within", in the Traditional Britain Newsletter, London, 2003.
  • "Lest We Forget" - examples of Western appeasement of communism and terrorists. Traditional Britain Newsletter, London, Winter 2005-06.
  • "Christianity and the Millenium Revisited" on the Traditional Britain Group website blog.[99]
  • "Get with the Programme" on the Traditional Britain Group website blog, November 2012.[100]
  • "The BBC Newsnight Scandal" on the Traditional Britain Group website blog.[101]
  • "Modern Life and Loneliness" on the Traditional Britain Group website blog. April 2013.[102]
  • "The Daily Telegraph and the UKIP Smear Campaign" on the Traditional Britain Group website blog 30th April 2013.[103]
  • "Decline and Fall" on the Traditional Britain Group website blog, 2013.[104]
  • "The Erosion of Our Institutions and Constitutional Freedoms on the Traditional Britain Group website blog.[105]
  • "The Great Betrayal" on the Traditional Britain Group website blog.[106]
  • "The EU in 2015", on the Traditional Britain Group website blog, 14th July 2015.[107]
  • "Where to now for Real Conservatives?", on the 'RightOn' website.[108]
  • "Non-British Values", on the Traditional Britain Group website blog, November 2015.
  • Numerous contributions to the political website Katehon[109].
  • Address to the AfD conference in Berlin on preserving European Civilisation, Culture and Values, April 2019. [110]
  • "Born Here?" - An attack on civic citizenship. Feb 2021.[111]
  • "Non-British Values" - on the falsehoods today being presented as having always been the case.[112]

His book Guardian of the Tory Conscience - The 30 crucial years of the Monday Club 1961 – 1991/2, is expected to be published in 2025 after years of preparation. His book Imperial Economics (1980) on the finances of the British Empire is long out of print.

Monarchist articles

  • ’’The Monarchy in Russia: the religious foundations’’ - a summary of his lecture given in Kensington, London on the 12th November 1987.[113][114]

The following essays all appeared in The Monarchist League Newsletter, London:

  • ’’Romania’’ - an assessment of the modern monarchy. Spring 1989.
  • ’’Italy’’ - an assessment of the modern monarchy. Autumn 1989.
  • ’’Zita - Empress of Austria, Queen of Hungary’’ - an obituary. Autumn 1989.
  • ’’Albania’’ - an assessment of Albania under King Zog. Autumn 1990.
  • ’’China’’ - an assessment of the ancient Chinese monarchy to the late 19th century. January 1992.
  • ’’China - The Last Years of Empire’’. June 1992.[115]


  • ’’Church and Emperor’’ – on authorities and claimants to the Russian throne. [116]
  • ’’The Imperial Navy’’ and also
  • ’’Monarchy and Russia’’. Both in Hakahyne, London. Summer 1990 edition.
  • ’’The Essence of Monarchy’’ - transcript of the lecture delivered by Gregory Lauder-Frost at the European Monarchist Congress at Warsaw, 8 - 9 December,1990.[117]
  • ’’Romanian Essays and Notes’’ (Editor only) - a booklet published by the Monarchist League, London, February 1991.


  • ’’The Daily Telegraph’’ 10th Feb 1984, Court & Social page.
  • ’’The Daily Telegraph’’ 17th May 1986.
  • ’’The Daily Telegraph’’ 28th November 1986, on illegitimacy.
  • ‘’Evening Standard’’, London, 14th April 1989, Monday Club affairs.
  • ’’The Guardian’’ 23rd May 1989, Monday Club elections.
  • ’’The Daily Telegraph’’ 6th June 1989, South Africa Dinner.
  • ’’The Daily Telegraph’’ 13th July 1989, Institute of Journalists Reception.
  • ’’The Guardian’’ 23rd August 1989, Diary.
  • ’’The Daily Telegraph’’ 14th Sept 1989, on monarchies.
  • ’’The Redbridge Extra’’ (Essex) 3rd Oct 1989 “Monarchy is best, Tories told”.
  • ’’Tribune’’ 25th August 1989, Tory Conference.
  • ’’Searchlight’’ December 1989.
  • ’’The Daily Telegraph‘’12th January 1990, p16.
  • ’’The Independent’’, 13th January 1990.
  • ‘’Evening Standard’’, London, 10th October 1990, “Londoner’s Diary”.
  • ’’The Sun’’ 27th March 1991, p.15. “Tories attack BBC”.
  • ’’The Berwick Advertiser’’ 14th December 2006, under ‘People and Affairs’.
  • ’’Berwickshire News’’ 21st January 2009.
  • ’’Edinburgh Evening News’’ 2nd May 2013 under ‘History in the Making’.
  • ’’Who’s Who in Scotland’’ 2017, Carrick Media, Ayr. ISBN 978-0-9565748-0-0.


  1. ’’The Daily Telegraph’’, 15th June 2001, where he said “I have been a Conservative all of my adult life”.
  2. ’’Primrose League Gazette’’, August 1977, p.16.
  4. ’’The Monarchist League Newsletter’’, Spring, 1990, p.2.
  5. ’’New Statesman & Society’’ magazine, June 7, 1991, front cover and article.
  6. Roamin' in the Gloamin, by Sir Harry Lauder (autobiography), London, 1928 (reprinted1976), p.28-9. ISBN 0-7158-1176-2
  7. The Scottish Genealogist - "The Ancestry of Sir Harry Lauder (1870-1950)", Edinburgh, June 2006, vol.LIII, no.2, pps: 74-87. ISSN 0330-337X.
  8. Wallace, William, FSA Scot.,Harry Lauder in the Limelight, Lewes, Sussex, 1988.
  10. Wikitree
  11. See his Death Certificate where he is described as such by his brother Raymond, the informant.
  13. Exhibited at the 1967 Mattara Festival Art Exhibition, Newcastle, New South Wales
  14. Wallace, William, Harry Lauder in the Limelight, Lewes, West Sussex, 1988.
  15. Rowe, Frank H., Citizen Lauder, Toronto, Canada, 1918.
  16. Portsmouth Evening News (England), 22nd April 1933, p.6.
  17. Lauder, Sir Harry, Roamin' in the Gloamin' (autobiography) London, 1928, p.69.
  20. Lauder, 1928, p.28.
  21. The Portobello Reporter, Autumn 2001 edition.
  22. The Sentinel (newspaper), Stoke-on-Trent, 4 October 2007, p.47.
  23. The Monarchist League Newsletter, Spring, 1990, p.2, it was Kenneth Hay's final report. He died 22 September 1992 following a heart attack.
  24. Berwickshire News 9 Feb 1995.
  25. The Genealogists' Magazine March 1979 vol.19, No.9, p.328, where this address is given.
  26. ’’The Daily Telegraph’’, May 20, 1982, Letters.
  28. Kensington & Chelsea Council Leaders' correspondence archives.
  29. ’’The Independent’’ 7th May 7, 2006:
  30. ’’Monday Club News’’, January 1991.
  31. Monday Club internal elections circular to members.
  32. City Limits magazine, August 30 – September 6, 1990, letters.
  33. Daily Mail
  34. Monday Club News, August/September 1991
  35. Friedman, Bobby, Bercow – Rowdy living in the Tory Party, London, 2011, pps: 38 & 172, ISBN: 9781906142636-HB
  36. Tribune newspaper, August 25, 1989, article on "The Right"
  37. ’’The Daily Telegraph’’, October 27, 1988, Court & Social page.
  38. The Daily Telegraph, June 6, 1989, Court & Social page
  39. The Independent, June 6, 1989, Court & Social page.
  40. West Africa magazine, June 26 – July 2, 1989, p.26.
  41. The Sun newspaper, September 23, 1989, p.7.
  42. The Independent on Sunday, March 4, 1990, "Club uber alles".
  43. The Daily Telegraph, January 12, 1990, Court & Social page.
  44. The Independent, January 13, 1990, leading article.
  45. The Sunday Telegraph, January 14, 1990, "Old Russia" article.
  46. Evening Courier, Halifax, Yorkshire, October 11, 1991.
  47. The Times, May 11, 1992, letters.
  48. Speech in London, March 23, 2000.
  49. Monday Club News, August/September 1991.
  50. "Enoch Powell on Europe", Monday Club Media Press Release, October 8, 1991.
  51. Conservative Party Conference Handbook 1989.
  52. The Daily Telegraph, October 9, 1990.
  53. ’’The Guardian’’, December 6, 1991.
  54. The North Jersey Herald & News, February 9, 1991, front page article.
  55. The Record, New Jersey, February 11, 1991, "Custody case".
  56. Hamburger Abendblatt, August 14,1989.
  57. ’’The Daily Telegraph’’, September 26, 1989, Court & Social page.
  58. ’’The Times’’, September 26, 1989, Court & Social page.
  59. City Limits, London, August 9 – 16, p.8.
  60. Evening Standard, London, January 4, 1995.
  61. The Times, Court and Social page, March 2, 1995.
  62. The Daily Telegraph, Saturday, June 28, 2008.
  63. The Independent, March 31, 1997
  64. The Daily Telegraph, May 5, 1997.
  65. The Times, February 25, 2004.
  66. Evening Standard, London, December 9, 1997, "State theft’s other victims".
  67. The Berwickshire News & East Lothian Herald, March 4, 1999.
  70. Conservative Party General Election Manifesto 1970.
  72. The Observer, February 24, 1991
  73. The Guardian, January 29; December 6, 1991.
  74. Mail on Sunday, February 3, 1991.
  75. Searchlight, June 1991, "Monday Blues".
  76. New Statesman magazine, June 14, 1991, "Notebook".
  77. Crozier, W.P., edited by A.J.P.Taylor, Off The Record - Political interviews 1933-1943, London, 1973, p.259.
  78. Hammersmith Chronicle, December 19, 1991
  79. The Daily Telegraph, December 16, 1991.
  80. Nursing Times, December 16, 1991.
  81. Hammersmith Chronicle, December 19, 1991, "Senior boss has escaped being sacked by an internal disciplinary hearing."
  82. Hammersmith Free Paper, December 19, 1991, "Race Row Boss Stays".
  83. Health Service Journal, February 27, 1992, p.12.
  84. Travellers’ Club Membership List booklet 1992
  85. The Life and Time of Herod The Great by Stewart Perowne, London, 1956.
  86. Mandate Days - British Lives in Palestine 1918-1948 by A. J. Sherman, London, 1997.
  87. Club membership records
  89. Rehabilitation of Offenders Act
  90. The Scottish Genealogist", March 2015, vol.LXII, no.1, ISSN 0300-337X
  91. The Scottish Genealogist, Edinburgh, March 2019, vol.LXVI, no.1, p.32.
  92. Borders Family History Society Magazine, June 2014, issue 85, ISSN 0268-5701
  93. 2 vols, ISBN 978-1-9999794-1-6
  94. ISBN 978-1-9999794-0-9
  95. Berwickshire News, January 21, 2009
  97. GRO Births, Deaths & marriages for England & Wales.
  113. ’’The Daily Telegraph’’, November 13, 1987, Court & Social page.
  114. Hakahyne, Journal of the Russian Monarchist League, London. No.2, Winter 1987 edition.
  115. ’’Monarchist League Review Paper’’, London, June 1992.
  116. The Spectator magazine, London, 3rd February, 1990
  117. Pro Fide Rege et Lege magazine, Warsaw, Poland, 1991, edition no.10.