National Socialist German Workers' Party
National Socialist German Workers' Party – NSDAP | |||
![]() ![]() An eagle of the Reich (Reichsadler) looking over its left wing – with an oak leaf wreath surrounding a swastika in its claws – was the emblem of the NSDAP. In 1935, the NSDAP’s emblem became the German state’s emblem. The national eagle, in contrast although, looks over its right wing. | |||
Political position | National Socialism | ||
Leader | Anton Drexler (1920–1921) Adolf Hitler (1921–1945) Martin Bormann (1945) | ||
Country | Germany | ||
Existence | 1919–1945 | ||
Headquarters | Brown House, Munich, Germany | ||
Colours | Black, white, red (German: Schwarz, Weiß, Rot) |
The National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated NSDAP, officially NSDAP.), was a National Socialist party in Germany between 1920 and 1945. Its predecessor, the German Workers' Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; DAP), existed from 1919 to 1920. The NSDAP gained power in 1933 which marked the end of the Weimar Republic and the beginning of National Socialist Germany which lasted until the end of World War II. Adolf Hitler was the party leader during most of this time period. The NSDAP and National Socialism were banned in Germany and Austria after the war.
The NSDAP and National Socialist Germany are depicted extremely negatively in politically correct historiography. Revisionists have disputed various aspects of this.
The NSDAP grew out of smaller political groups with a nationalist orientation that formed in the last years of World War I. In the early months of 1918, a party called the Freier Ausschuss für einen deutschen Arbeiterfrieden (Free Committee for a German Workers' Peace) was created in Bremen, Germany. Anton Drexler, an avid German nationalist, formed a branch of this league on 7 March 1918, in Munich. Drexler had been a member of the militarist Fatherland Party during World War I, and was bitterly opposed to the armistice of November 1918 and to the Jewish bolshevistic revolutionary upheavals that followed in its wake. In 1919, Drexler, together with Gottfried Feder, Dietrich Eckart and Karl Harrer, established the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German Workers' Party, abbreviated DAP). This party was the formal forerunner of the NSDAP, and became one of many völkisch movements that existed in Germany at the time.
The völkisch movements were a collection of political groups formed in the wake of Germany’s defeat in World War I, which believed that the sole cause of defeat was the collapse of the home front and the alleged failure of many Germans to support the war effort. They deeply rejected the Treaty of Versailles.
Like other völkisch groups, the DAP advocated the belief that Germany should become a unified "national community" (Volksgemeinschaft) rather than a society divided along class and party lines. This ideology was explicitly judeo-critical from the start – the "national community" would be "judenfrei" (free of Jews) because of the well known disorganizative, corruptive and bolshevistic Jewish activities. The DAP was clearly opposed to the Jews-created SPD, and particularly to the even more Jewish-Bolshevistic newly-formed Communist Party of Germany (KPD). Members of the DAP saw themselves as fighting against "Bolshevism", though they also claimed to be a working-class party.
Although officially called a political party, the DAP was a tiny group with less than 60 members. Nevertheless, it attracted the attention of the after-war Jewish saturated German authorities, who were suspicious of any organization that appeared to have subversive tendencies. A young corporal, Adolf Hitler, was sent by German army intelligence to investigate the DAP. While attending a party meeting, Hitler got involved in a heated political argument and made an impression on the other party members with his oratory skills. He was invited to join, and, after some deliberation, chose to accept. Among the party’s earlier members were Rudolf Hess, Hans Frank and Alfred Rosenberg, all later prominent in the Third Reich.

The party leader Adolf Hitler (55th member of the DAP and the seventh member of the party’s central committee.) had absolute power (Führerprinzip). In 1934, the Chancellery of the Führer (Reichskanzlei) was created. Below it was at first the Staff of the Deputy Führer, headed by Rudolf Hess from 1933 to 1941, and then the Party Chancellery headed by Martin Bormann. The Leadership Corps of the NSDAP comprised the sum of the officials of the party. It was divided into seven categories:
- The Führer, supreme and only leader who stood at the top of the party hierarchy. His successor designate was first, Hermann Göring, and second, Rudolf Hess.
- Reichsleiter, made up the Party Directorate (Reichsleitung). Through them, coordination of party and state machinery was assured. A number of these Reichsleiter, each of whom, at some time, was in charge at least one office within the Party Directorate, were also the heads of party formations and of affiliated or supervised organizations of the party, or of agencies of the state, or even held ministerial positions. The Reichsleitung may be said to have represented the horizontal organization of the party according to functions. Each office within the Reichsleitung of the NSDAP executed definite tasks assigned to it by the Führer, or by the head of the Party Chancellory (Chef der Parteikanzlei), who in 1945 was Martin Bormann and before him, Rudolph Hess. It was the duty of the Reichsleitung to make certain these tasks were carried out so that the will of the Führer was quickly communicated to the lowliest Zelle or Block. The individual offices of the Reichsleitung had the mission to remain in constant and closest contact with the life of the German people through the subdivisions of the NSDAP organization, in the Gaue, Kreisen, and Ortsgruppen.
- Gauleiter, of which there were 42 within the German Reich in 1945. A Gauleiter was the political leader of the largest subdivision of the State. He was charged by the Führer with political, cultural, and economic control for the good of the people.
- Kreisleiter, the political leaders of the largest subdivision of a Gau
- Ortsgruppenleiter, the political leaders of the largest subdivision of a Kreis consisting of several towns or villages, or of a part of a larger city, and including from 1500 to 3000 households.
- Zellenleiter, the political leaders of a group of from 4 to 8 city blocks or of a corresponding grouping of households in the country.
- Blockleiter, the political leaders of from 40 to 60 households
There were a number of formally independent but affiliated organizations such as the German Labour Front which replaced the various trade unions of the Weimar Republic. The controlled party organizations (Gliederungen der NSDAP) actually constituted the party itself, and substantially the entire party membership was contained within these organizations:
- SA (Sturmabteilungen).
- SS (Schutzstaffeln).
- NSKK: NS Motor Corps (Kraftfahrkorps)
- HJ: Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend including BDM)
- NS Women's Organization (Frauenschaft)
- NS German Students' Bund (Deutscher Studentenbund)
- NS University Teachers' Bund (Deutscher Dozentenbund)
There were additional affiliated organizations (Angeschlossene Verbaende der NSDAP). Among these were included the following:
- DAF-German Labor Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront)
- NS Public Welfare Organization (Volkswohlfahrt)
- NS War Victims' organization (Kriegsopferversorgung)
- NS Bund for, German Technology (Bund Deutscher Technik)
- German Civil Service (Reichsbund der deutschen Beamten)
- NS Physicians' Bund (Deutscher Ärztebund)
- NS Teachers' Bund (Lehrerbund)
- NS League of Legal officials (Rechtswahrerbund)
A third group of organizations was officially Known as supervised organizations (Betreute Organisationen der NSDAP). These included the following:
- German Women's Work (Deutsches Frauenwerk; DFW)
- German Students' Society (Deutsche Studentenschaft)
- NS Bund of Former German Students (Altherrenbund der deutschen Studenten)
- Reich League German Family (Reichsbund Deutsche Familie; RDF); founded 1922 as Reichsbund der Kinderreichen Deutschlands zum Schutze der Familie (RDK)
- German Communal Congress (Deutscher Gemeindetag)
- NS Bund for Physical Exercise (Reichsbund für Leibesübungen)
According to the official party designations, there was a fourth classification known as Weitere Nationalsozialistische Organisationen, and in this category the following organizations appeared:
- RAD: Reich Labor Service (Reichsarbeitsdienst), at one time subordinate to the Reich Labor leader (Reichsarbeitsführer)
- NSFK: NS Flying Corps (NS-Fliegerkorps), which was subordinate to the Reich Minister for Aviation
Subordinate to the party leader were the Reichsleiter ("Reich Leader[s]"). Unlike a Gauleiter, a Reichsleiter did not have individual geographic areas under their command, but were responsible for specific spheres of interest. Organizationally, the Führer stood at the apex of a hierarchy. Directly below him were several Reichsleiter Italic text(“Reich leaders”) with various portfolios, such as finance, propaganda, foreign policy, and law, as well as Reichsführer-SS|Reichsführer]] Heinrich Himmler, head of the unified police system. Each Reichsleiter was in charge of a broad area of responsibility in the party. Hitler originally established the rank of Reichsleiter on 2 June 1933 and appointed 16 individuals to that rank. Subsequently, a further 6 individuals were appointed to the rank between 1933 and 1938.
- Max Amann, Head of the Party Publishing House, Eher-Verlag
- Martin Bormann, Head of the Party Chancellery
- Philipp Bouhler, Head of the Chancellery of the Führer of the NSDAP
- Walter Buch, Chairman of Untersuchungs- und Schlichtungsausschuss (USchlA), the Supreme Party Court (Oberstes Parteigericht der NSDAP)
- Ricardo Walther Oscar Darré, Head of the NSDAP Agrarian Office
- Otto Dietrich, Reich Press Chief of the NSDAP
- Franz Ritter von Epp, Head of the NSDAP Office of Colonial Policy (Kolonialpolitisches Amt)
- Karl Fiehler, Chief of the NSDAP Main Office for Municipal Politics
- Hans Frank, Chief of the NSDAP Legal Office
- Wilhelm Frick, Leader of the NSDAP parliamentary bloc in the Reichstag
- Joseph Goebbels, Reich Propaganda Leader of the NSDAP
- Wilhelm Grimm, Chairman of the Second Chamber of USchlA, the Supreme Party Court (Oberstes Parteigericht der NSDAP)
- Rudolf Hess, Deputy Führer
- Konstantin Hierl, Leader of the Reich Labor Service (RAD)
- Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer-SS and Head of the German Police
- Adolf Hühnlein, Korpsführer of the National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK)
- Robert Ley, Reich Organization Leader of the NSDAP and Head of the German Labor Front
- Viktor Lutze, Chief of Staff of the Sturmabteilung (SA) 1934–1943
- Ernst Röhm, Chief of Staff of the Sturmabteilung (SA) 1931–1934
- Alfred Rosenberg, Chief of the NSDAP Office of Foreign Affairs
- Baldur von Schirach, Reich Youth Leader (Reichsjugendführer) of the Hitler Youth (HJ) until August 1940
- Franz Xaver Schwarz, Reich Treasurer (Reichsschatzmeister) of the NSDAP
Also directly responsible to (and selected by) the Führer were many territorial leaders (43 in Greater Germany) known as Gauleiter (“district leaders”). Party leadership over geographic areas consisted at the top of the Gauleiters, who had authority over large geographical areas termed Gaue (singular Gau). From the Gauleiters extended downwards positions encompassing county, city, and town leaders. They were originally just regional divisions of the party, but took over most competencies of the state administration in their respective areas. They were subordinate only to Reichsleiter and to the Führer himself.
Result in the German elections
Date | Votes | % | Seats |
May 1924 | 1,918,300 | 6.5 | 32 |
December 1924 | 907,300 | 3.0 | 14 |
May 1928 | 810,100 | 2.6 | 12 |
September 1930 | 6,409,600 | 18.3 | 107 |
July 1932 | 13,745,000 | 37.4 | 230 |
November 1932 | 11,737,000 | 33.1 | 196 |
March 1933 | 17,277,180 | 43.9 | 288 |
Aims of the NSDAP
- Important measure of human value is the belonging of a human by blood somewhere (racial awareness).
- Each race, also the white one, has a right to an own country and own leadership.
- Nations accept each other and value each other.
- Members of a nation value each other.
- A national socialist man refuses parasitic and nation destroying liberalism and communism.
- Communists and liberals should be rescued (from their political fallacy), if possible for the nation.
- The will of the nation is incorporated in the leader, whom must be obeyed.
- A social people state must be created, leaded by its own elite.
World-wide National Socialism
According to the above, in each country of the earth, independent of color and nationality, any person can be a national socialist, who follows the national socialist principles. For example, a Mongolian in Mongolia, Non-Whites in South America, a Negro in Africa, if they follow the National Socialist goals, are National Socialists. National Socialism is by no means reduced to any single race. The only exception is a Jew: A Jew can not be a National Socialist. He is per definition an enemy of the blood-country-people concept.
In fact, the first National Socialist was the person, who realized, how much he loves his country and people.
Party composition
General membership The general membership of the National socialist Party, known as the Parteimitglieder, mainly consisted of the urban and rural lower middle classes. 7 % belonged to the upper class, another 7 % were farmers, 35 % were industrial workers and 51 % were what can be described as middle class. The largest occupational group were medical doctors.
When it came to power in 1933 the National socialist Party had over 2 million members. Once in power, it attracted many more members and by the time of its dissolution it had 8.5 million members. Many of these were nominal members who joined for careerist reasons, but the party nevertheless had an active membership of at least a million, including virtually all the holders of senior positions in the national government.
Military membership National socialist party members with military ambitions were encouraged to join the Waffen SS, but a great number enlisted in the Wehrmacht and even more were drafted for service after World War II began. Early regulations required that all Wehrmacht members be non-political, and therefore any National socialist party member joining in the 1930s was required to resign from the National socialist Party.
This regulation was soon waived, however, and there is ample evidence that full National socialist Party members served in the Wehrmacht in particular after the outbreak of World War II. The Wehrmacht Reserves also saw a high number of senior National socialists enlisting, with such figures as Reinhard Heydrich and Fritz Todt joining the Luftwaffe, and Major Ronald von Brysonstofen of the Waffen SS, as well as SS-Gruppenführer Karl Hanke, who also served in the Wehrmacht until 1941.
Student membership In 1926 the NSDAP formed a special division to engage the student population, known as the National Socialist German Students' League (Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund; NSDStB).
Paramilitary groups In addition to the NSDAP proper, several paramilitary groups existed which "supported" National Socialist aims. All such members of these paramilitary organizations were required to become regular National Socialist Party members first, and could then enlist in the group of their choice. A vast system of National Socialist party paramilitary ranks developed for each of the various paramilitary groups.
The major National socialist Party paramilitary groups were as follows:
- Schutzstaffel (SS): Protection Squadro
- Sturmabteilung (SA): Storm Detachment
- Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps (NSFK): National Socialist Flyers Corps
- Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrerkorps (NSKK): National Socialist Motor Corps
- Deutsches Jungvolk (de)
- Hitler Youth
- League of German Girls
After 1945
With the unconditional surrender of the German Wehrmacht on 8 May 1945, the Allied occupying powers declared the NSDAP dissolved and illegal by Control Council Proclamation No. 2 on 20 September 1945. On 10 October 1945, the NSDAP and all its branches were officially banned by Control Council Law No. 2 of the Allied Control Council[1].
All of the party's assets were confiscated and confiscated. In the Nuremberg show trial, the NSDAP and its leadership corps were declared an alleged “criminal organization”[2].
In the Federal Republic of Germany, any advertising for the NSDAP through writings, words or signs remained prohibited,[3] which is of course in no way compatible with the alleged freedom of expression.
See also
- 25 points
- Munich Putsch
- National Socialism
- Nuremberg rallies
- National Socialist Germany
- Hauptarchiv der N.S.D.A.P.
- National Socialist Germany revisionism
Further reading
- Hitler, Adolf: Mein Kampf (1925, various editions and reprints)
- Videla, Carlos: National Socialism – Its Principles and Philosophy[4] Sanctuary Press Ltd, 2020, ISBN-13 978-1912887651
- Zakal, Daniel: National Socialism – Our Struggle,[5] Zakal Publishing, 2020, ISBN 978-0578790411
- Organisationsbuch der NSDAP, Zentralverlag der NSDAP, München 1943
External links
- The National Socialist Party in Third Reich Germany, Himmler Talks with an American Journalist
- Badges of Honor of the NSDAP (Ehrenzeichen der NSDAP)
Article archives
- ↑ Control Council Law No. 2, 10 October 1945
- ↑ Judgement of the International Military Tribunal Nuremberg, 1 October 1946
- ↑ Criminal Code of the Federal Republic of Germany, § 86a
- ↑ Since the postwar period a truthful and transparent approach to National Socialist ideology has always remained elusive. The most common approach is to pass off National Socialism as a movement without ideological substance, which merely reacted to events, took advantage of political upheavals and, in some mysterious way, hypnotised the masses with the hysterical rhapsody of anti-Semitism. Thus National Socialism has been stereotyped as a creed as baseless as it was incoherent. This book seeks to shed light on the principles and philosophy of National Socialism, and what it meant to the millions of Europeans who gave their lives to its ideals and creed. Contrary to popular opinion, Hitler’s and the National Socialist ‘Worldview’ was not based on ‘anti-Semitism’ – the Jewish question was at best a minor irritant to the Third Reich – it had nothing to do with ‘mysticism’ or the ‘occult’, and it certainly did not promote the idea that the people of Germany were a ‘Master Race’. The National Socialist Worldview was based on far deeper and timeless principles which existed long before the creation of the Third Reich, and which will remain long after mankind has ceased to exist. Seventy years of lies and simplifications must be left behind in order to understand the principles that underpinned National Socialist ideology. This book is an invitation to those adventurous and nonconformist spirits who dare to examine pages censured by official historiography. Uncovering the ideological foundations of National Socialism, with a free spirit and an open mind, will be an enlightening and rewarding adventure.
- ↑ "Dive deep into the Ideology, philosophy, and worldview that changed the world in 1933 and still does to this day! Ask yourself this: Can you really trust the information that you are receiving from your Governments, Universities, or Influencers? Can you believe everything that your teacher or professors say is correct? Do you honestly trust your national news networks to tell the honest truth and even the brutal truth? If you said "No" or "Maybe" or even "I don't really know". How can you trust what you've been told in your History class? This book is a must-read for those wanting to gain a more thorough understanding of German National Socialism and the creator, leaders, and followers. This book is for everyone and anyone even those who hate us without having the real truth about us from us. Delve into the key people who forged National Socialist German Policy and understand the foundations of National Socialism and its ultimate understanding of the universe. Find the answers to many questions and myths people have about National Socialism and Adolf Hitler. You do not want to miss this opportunity to read our side of the story and have no distortion of the facts. The real truth about us and what we believe. The victors write the history books and you have been fooled."