Judea Declares War on Germany

The Pre-WWII anti-National Socialist Germany boycott, spearheaded by Jewish organizations, occurred between 1933 (starting soon after the NSDAP gained power) and World War II, when the Allies implemented more general embargoes (see also The World Wars and mass starvation). This often is considered the first declaration of war leading up to World War II.

On 12 March 1933, the "American Jewish Congress" announced a massive protest at Madison Square Gardens for 27 March 1933. At that time, the commander in chief of the organisation "Jewish War Veterans" called for an American boycott of German goods. In the meantime, on 23 March 1933, 20,000 Jews protested at New York's City Hall as rallies were staged outside the North German Lloyd and Hamburg-American shipping lines and boycotts were mounted against German goods throughout shops and businesses in New York City.
"Judea Declares War on Germany" was the headline of an article by the British newspaper the Daily Express on 24 March 1933. It was one part of the boycott – "The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany. The Jewish wholesaler will forsake his firm, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his commerce and the pauper his pitiful shed in order to join together [...]" – and associated demonstrations against National Socialist Germany. The text of the article used language such as "holy war" and "crusade". Excerpt from the evening edition:
- ALL Israel is uniting in wrath against the Nazi onslaught on the Jews in Germany. Adolf Hitler, swept into power by an appeal to elemental patriotism, is making history of a kind he least expected. Thinking to unite only the German nation to race consciousness he has roused the entire Jewish people to a national renaissance. The appearance of the swastika symbol of a new Germany has called forth the Lion of Judah, the old battle symbol of Jewish defiance. Fourteen million Jews dispersed through the world have banded together as one man to declare war on the German persecutors of their co-religionists. Sectional differences and antagonisms have been submerged in one common aim -- to stand by the 600,000 Jews of Germany who are terrorized by Hitlerist anti-semitism, and to compel Fascist Germany to end its campaign of violence and suppression directed against its Jewish minority. World Jewry has made up its mind not to rest quiescent in face of the arrive of medieval Jew-baiting. Germany may be called up to pay a heavy price for Hitler's antagonism to the Jews. She is faced with an international boycott in commerce, finance, and ministry. She may find herself in spiritual and cultural isolation, recoiling before the burning crusade that Jews of all lands are launching in defence of their brethren. The Jewish merchant prince is leaving his counting-house, the banker his board-room, the shopkeeper his store, and the pedlar his humble barrow to join together in what has become a holy war to combat the Hitlerite enemies of the Jew.[2]
Similarly, the Jewish newspaper Natscha Retsch wrote in 1933 that
- "The war against Germany will be waged by all Jewish communities, conferences, congresses... by every individual Jew. Thereby the war against Germany will ideologically enliven and promote our interests, which require that Germany be wholly destroyed. The danger for us Jews lies in the whole German people, in Germany as a whole as well as individually. It must be rendered harmless for all time.... In this war we Jews have to participate, and this with all the strength and might we have at our disposal."[3]
- "It was in direct response to this that the German government announced a one-day boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany on April 1 (1933). [...] The attacks on Germany did not cease. The worldwide Jewish leadership became ever the more belligerent and worked itself into a frenzy. An International Jewish Boycott Conference was held in Amsterdam to coordinate the ongoing boycott campaign. It was held under the auspices of the self-styled World Jewish Economic Federation, of which famous New York City attorney and long time political power broker, Samuel Untermyer, who was elected president. [...] Untermyer's inflammatory oratory called for a "sacred war" against Germany"".[3]
Samuel Untermyer added in a Radio Broadcast on WABC, New York, on 6 August 1933 (reported in the New York Times on 7 August 1933:
- "Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this sacred war should do so now and here. It is not sufficient that you should buy no goods made in Germany. You must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronises German ships or shipping [...] we will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends."
On the other hand, Zionists, only a minority of Jews at this time, argued somewhat differently.
- "The Zionist Association of Germany put out a telegram on the 26th of March rejecting many of the allegations made against the National Socialists as "propaganda," "mendacious" and "sensational." In fact, the Zionist faction had every reason to ensure the permanence of National Socialist ideology in Germany. Klaus Polkehn, writing in the Journal of Palestine Studies ("The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941"; JPS v. 3/4, spring/summer 1976), claims that the moderate attitude of the Zionists was due to their vested interest in seeing the financial victory of National Socialism to force immigration to Palestine. [...] Germany's response was a defensive – not an offensive – measure. Were that fact widely known today, it would cast new light on the subsequent events that ultimately led to the world-wide conflagration that followed. [...] For the Zionists, both the denunciations of German policies towards Jews (to keep Jews frightened), plus the reinvigoration of the German economy (for the sake of final resettlement) was imperative for the Zionist movement. Ironically, today the Zionist leaders of Israel complain bitterly about the horrific and inhuman regime of the National Socialists. So the fraud continues."[3]
Untermeyer also stated:
- "The Jews are the aristocrats of the world. From time immemorial they have been persecuted and have seen their persecutors come and go. They alone have survived. And so will history repeat itself, but that furnishes no reason why we should permit this reversion of a once great nation to the Dark Ages or fail to rescue these 600,000 human souls from the tortures of hell...."[3] See Holocaust demographics on the long-time use of "6" numbers for claimed Jewish suffering and possible causes for this.
In the USA: There is a feeling now prevalent in the United States marked by a growing hatred of Fascism, and above all Chancellor Hitler and everything connected with National Socialism. Propaganda is mostly in the hands of the Jews who control almost 100 percent of the radio, film, daily and periodical press. This propaganda is extremely coarse and presents Germany as black as possible; it is extremely effective as the public here is completely ignorant and knows nothing of the situation in Europe. ~ Polish Ambassador to Washington D.C., 1939.[4]
See also
- Causes of World War II
- International Jewry
- Germany Must Perish!
- Holocaust motivations: WWII camps
- Morgenthau Plan
- Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League
- Revisionist views on the causes of the World Wars
- The World Wars and mass starvation
Further reading
- The Jewish Question in Europe: The Causes, The Effects, The Remedies from La Civilta Cattolica, vol. VII, no. XIV. 1890 (Oct, Nov, Dec; English Translation, 1998)
- Alexi Drobychev (M.A., English Literature): Jewish-Communist Brainwashing Techniques, 2001
- Marián Magát: Židokracia, 2020
External links
- The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany
- A Program For The Jews And An Answer To All Anti-Semites by Rabbi Harry Waton
- Judea Declares War on Germany Dr. Fredrick Toben (1:15:20 Hrs)
- Judea Declares War on Germany: A Critical Look at the Holocaust and WWII
- ↑ Putting the American Jewish World online
- ↑ "Judea Declares War on Germany!" - Daily Express headline, March 24, 1933 (Archive I; Archive II)
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D: The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany – The Economic Boycott of 1933 (Archive)
- ↑ The German White Paper – the full texts of the Polish Documents, issued by the German Foreign Office with a Foreword by C. Hartley Grattan, published by Howell, Soskin and Company, New York City, 1940, p.29. These are some of the documents seized by the Germans after they occupied Warsaw the previous year.