Multiculturalism is a culturally and racially divided non-homogeneous "diverse" society. The alternative position is this:
- The ideal nation is one which (a) possesses characteristics distinguishing it clearly from others; (b) is free from external control, and sufficiently strong to maintain that freedom. One of the chief objects for which this freedom is required is the unrestrained enjoyment of the characteristics mentioned in (a); (c) acts as a single entity possessing interests and pursuing policies designed to promote those interests.[1]
It can be contrasted with several other strategies:
- Assimilation – Minority cultures adopt the culture of the majority.
- Integration – All cultures blend into a common culture including inter-racial marriage.
- Segregation – Partial separation.
- Separation – See also Black and White separatism.
Multiculturalism rejects the world's races and states that there are no major genetic or cultural obstacles to different human groups living together. It envisions a utopia where all groups live in harmony, but where it is possible to experience exotic foods, hear exotic music, see exotic clothing, etc.
It is not necessary to import an entire foreign population and keep their original culture intact in order to enjoy exotic foods, exotic music, etc. Such superficial aspects can (if they are actually positive contributions) be copied by indigenous businesses, without having to resort to mass immigration.
The fact that there are no culturally divided societies that are even remotely like the multicultural harmonious utopia should cause concern, but is instead ignored.
Most historical, non-socialist empires having many cultures have if anything practiced extensive segregation. The different cultures are usually allowed very extensive autonomy to manage their own affairs (including having separate law systems), as long as they pay taxes to the empire. The different groups to a large degree self-segregate from one another in the empire. Despite this, and the threat of large scale violence from the empire if there is unrest, there have often been inter-group conflicts and inter-group violence if different cultures co-exist in the same area.
Different cultures are often not compatible with one another. They may have customs and laws that cannot be reconciled with one another. Religions and socialist ideologies may demand that the whole world should in the end be converted to their own religion/ideology and that other views should be prohibited. Proponents of multiculturalism often implicitly think that such cultures will change their beliefs in order to be compatible with one another, but that is arguably assumed future assimilation/integration instead of multiculturalism. See Islamization and anti-Islamization: Opinion surveys of Muslims on surveys of Muslim immigrants finding other results than the declining support for fundamentalism often assumed by liberals.
Also, the mass migration to European countries is so large that Whites will soon become minorities and may then be forced to assimilate (assuming they are not forced into White flight or killed), rather than live in multicultural utopias.
Research on biological/genetic mechanisms related to racial genetic interests has found that different groups tend to feel more empathy for and favor their own group, which makes group conflict very difficult to avoid. This research also implies that assimilation/integration may not work unless the different groups are genetically similar. Thus, the different immigrant European groups to the United States could be assimilated/integrated, but this may not work with immigrant groups that are more genetically different.
Research on the effects of ethnic heterogeneity can be seen as research on the effects of multiculturalism or diversity more generally. It has found numerous and very negative effects.
Throughout the 1980s the United Kingdom's Conservative Monday Club pressure group attacked the idea of a multicultural society, calling for the abolition of the Commission for Racial Equality, a ban on further alien immigration, and generous resettlement provisions for those already here and prepared to leave the country. In 1991 the Monday Club stated that it stood "uncompromisingly for an end to Third World immigration and the removal of poisonous multiculturalism from school curriculums".[2] This position is continued today by the Traditional Britain Group.
The British Conservative Party Member of Parliament, John Townend, stated in August 1989 that "England must be reconquered for the English. They [Muslim immigrants] should go back from whence they came."[3] Another British Conservative Party Member of Parliament, Nicholas Budgen, stated in the House of Commons on 17 January 1990: "If mass immigration is not halted it will permanently and irreversibly change the nature of the British people."
In November 1999 British academic Dr. Frank Ellis stated "No successful society shows a spontaneous tendency towards multiculturalism or multiracialism. Successful and enduring societies show a high degree of homogeneity."[4]
In February 2011 the Prime Minister of Great Britain, David Cameron, also stated: "multiculturalism has failed".[5]
In October 2010 Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel said "multiculturalism has utterly failed."[6]
In 2018 the French nationalist leader and Presidential candidate, Marine Le Pen, stated: "Multiculturalism is slow death for the host culture".
Victor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary, stated in Summer 2022 that "we do not want race-mixing or to mix with non-Europeans".[7] “If one is involved in European politics, as I am, then today ‘Western values’ mean three things: Immigration, LGBTQ, and War. Moreover, the European Union rejects our Christian heritage”, the Prime Minister added. “It is managing population replacement through immigration, and it is waging an LGBTQ offensive against family-friendly European nations......This is where American friendship leads.”[8]
Twenty French Army Generals signed an open letter published on 21 April 2021 stating that due to the increasing non-European population in France that a civil war is coming.[9] That was followed on May 10th by a further letter from a large group of active soldiers, who have been deployed in Mali, Afghanistan and the Central African Republic. They have also patrolled the streets of France as part of the “Sentinelle” operation following terror attacks in recent years. They warned that the decline of France due to violence, Islamism, etc., will lead to civil war. Amongst issues which brought this to the fore were a recent series of attacks against police officers. One officer was killed during a drugs stop in Avignon and a police employee was fatally stabbed by a radicalized criminal in the town of Rambouillet. The soldiers were publicly supported by Marine Le Pen. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the Far-Left 'France Unbowed' party, said that the soldiers were “mutinous and cowardly” and would be purged from the army if he was elected president.[10]
Poland is Europe's least multicultural country and has been attacked for that by the European Union.[11] In June 2023 Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Europe is under attack [by immigrants], its borders unsafe. Commenting on the European Commission’s proposed migrant relocation scheme, under which EU members will have to accept an initial quota of 30,000 migrants from countries bearing the brunt of migration from the Middle East and Africa, he stressed that Poland is going to veto the initiative.[12]
In his book The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society (1991), Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., a former advisor to the John F. Kennedy and other USA administrations as well as winner of the Pulitzer Prize, states that a new attitude, one that celebrates difference and abandons assimilation, may replace the classic image of the melting pot in which differences are submerged in democracy. He argues that ethnic awareness has had many positive consequences to unite a nation with a "history of prejudice".
However, the "cult of ethnicity," if pushed too far, may endanger the unity of society. According to Schlesinger, multiculturalists are "very often ethnocentric separatists who see little in the Western heritage other than Western crimes." Their "mood is one of divesting Americans of their sinful European inheritance and seeking redemptive infusions from non-Western cultures." Schlesinger (1917–2007), historian, social critic, and public intellectual, also charged that ‘Afrocentrism’ isolated both African scholarship and people of African ancestry from the rest of humanity.
See Migration: Surveys on recent surveys, many of which include multicultural aspects.
See also

- Afrocentrism – Rejecting multiculturalism, especially white people
- Al-Andalus – Lacking any good example of a current multicultural utopia, supporters of multiculturalism have instead often claimed that Al-Andalus (medieval Islamic Iberia) was one, before being destroyed by White Christians.
- Cosmopolitanism – A concept different from and possibly contrary to multiculturalism.
- Cultural Marxism
- Diversity
- E pluribus unum
- Ethnopluralism
- Melting pot
- Monoculturalism
- No-go area
- South Africa – The "Rainbow nation".
- The Mantra
- The New Colossus
- White demographics
- White flight
- White separatism – Rejecting multiculturalism and ethnic heterogeneity more generally.
External links
- Multiculturalism and Marxism by Frank Ellis
- Multiculturalism and the War Against White America
- The claustrophobia of diversity by Robert Henderson
- The Challenge of "Multiculturalism" by Samuel Taylor
- Racial Diversity
- ↑ Nationalism, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Oxford University Press, 1939, p.261 – "The Nature of Nations".
- ↑ Monday Club News, January 1991, p.2.
- ↑ The Guardian newspaper, 29th August, 1989.
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