Immigration is the movement of people from one nation-state to another (of alien populations into the natural homelands of others whose native people's natural rights, religion, heritage and culture then risk being being adversely affected or even submerged). While human migration has existed throughout earth's history, immigration implies long-term permanent residence (and often eventual citizenship) by the immigrants: tourists and short-term visitors are not considered immigrants (see expatriates). However, seasonal labour migration (typically for periods of less than a year) is often treated as a form of immigration. The International Integration and Refugee Association estimated 190 million international migrants in 2005, about 3 percent of global population. The other 97 percent still live in the state in which they were born, or its successor state. The Middle East, some parts of Europe, little areas of South East Asia, and a few spots in the West Indies have the highest numbers of immigration population recorded by the UN Census 2005.
The modern idea of immigration is related to the development of nation-states and nationality law. Citizenship of a nation-state confers an inalienable right of residence in that state, but residence of immigrants is subject to conditions set by immigration law. The nation-state made immigration a political issue: by definition it is the homeland of a nation defined by shared ethnicity and/or culture, and in most cases immigrants have a different ethnicity and culture. This has led to social tensions in many developed countries. Illegal immigration refers to immigration across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. Under this definition, an illegal immigrant (or illegal alien) is a foreigner who either illegally crossed an international political border, be it by land, sea or air, or a foreigner who legally entered a country but nevertheless overstay their visa in order to live and/or work therein.

The immigration of non-Europeans into Europe has led to a veritable colonisation. The term ‘immigration’ ought to be criticised as insufficient and replaced with the term ‘colonisation’ — this is the gravest historical phenomenon to beset Europeans since the fall of the Roman Empire. In this political and ideological struggle, we ought not to rely on the words of our adversaries, but instead impose our own concepts by constantly saying: "We don’t welcome alien immigrants".
- Mass immigration is about to tear apart British society. Nobody voted for mass migration; taxpayers have had no say in it; and everybody has been told that they must accept it. It is simply wrong. ~ Nigel Farage, British politician & broadcaster, 31st May 2024.[2]
Hungary has rejected alien immigration, placing it at odds with the pro-immigration European Union.[3]
In April 2021, about 1,000 French servicemen and women, including some 20 retired generals, put their names to a letter published in a mainstream magazine. It blamed "fanatic partisans" for creating divisions between communities, and said Islamists were taking over whole parts of the nation's territory.
It warns French President Emmanuel Macron, his government, and parliamentarians of "several deadly dangers" threatening France, including "Islamism and the hordes of the banlieue" – the impoverished immigrant suburbs that surround French cities. The signatories go on to blame "a certain anti-racism" for splitting up communities, and seeking to create "racial war" by attacking statues and other aspects of French history.[4]
Mass immigration
Mass immigration refers to the unchecked immigration of non-Europeans to Europe and to North America since 1945. Mass immigration is often represented as something that is similar to a natural phenomenon: nothing can be done to cause it or to stop it and when it happens, the only thing one can do is to manage the movement of people across borders as smoothly as possible. However, in reality the mass immigration seems to have been purposefully implemented. This follows for example from the post-war treaties with counties like Turkey and Morocco, the offering of economic rewards to immigrants, and many other incentive measures taken after 1945.
Throughout Europe therefore numerous politicians have criticized the mass immigration. In the Netherlands, for example, Hans Janmaat was one of the first politicians who who resisted against this type of invasion.
Most people do not realize that Jews are the driving force behind mass immigration and demographic genocide.[5] Those pushing mass immigration would never give up their home or their job to immigrants but they are fine with the majority of white people losing their homes and jobs to immigrants.
For an analogy: Let's say a person lives in a home and it becomes infested with rats and mice. The vermin eat and adulterate all the person's food. They soil the home and spread disease. When there is no food, they bite the person in his sleep. They also chew wires and gas lines causing fires to be put out. And does the person call an exterminator? No, he says, "Oh rats and mice. Humankind has oppressed you in medical experiments for so long. I apologize for being a racist."
Mass immigration is also used as genocide by the spread of disease. At the US-Mexico border, the border patrol lets illegals in without quarantining the ones with horrible diseases. In Africa when ebola runs rampant, African countries are allowed to close their borders due to the disease but white countries must keep their borders open.[6]
Difference between immigrant and invader
An immigrant goes to a new land because they like the new country, their people, and their culture. An immigrant learns the language and tries to become part of society.
An invader hates the new country, their people, and their culture. An invader goes to a new land for reasons such as to plunder it for money, women, forced religious conversion, etc. An invader refuses to assimilate and often does not learn the new language. An invader goes in mass with lots of other invaders.
For example, someone might love Japan so much, they're considered Wapanese and sooner or later they move to Japan and get a job teaching English. In contrast: In the USA, with the mass immigration of people from Latin America, these immigrants come in and they do not wave the United States flag or express patriotism. But rather they wave the Mexican flag, they shun American traditions, and promote their own countries in their new ones, never showing even a liking toward the USA and yet coming en mass for money. If these hundreds of millions of people in Latin American countries who want to come to the USA were actually fans of the country, they would be emulating its ways in their own country, including learning English (in the same way fans of Japan learn Japanese) and Latin America would shift from Latin America to additional English-speaking American countries.
For example, migrant blacks demand to take over the governments of areas they're migrating to.[7]
Comparisons with the animal kingdom
In nature, when animal species relocate from their native continent and migrate to another continent where they're not supposed to go, extinctions take place. This has happened when man has brought species across continents, when humanity itself has crossed continents, and when nature has merged landmasses such as when North and South America merged several million years ago, allowing large mammal predators of the north to come down and make the large avian predators of the south extinct.
In the USA, nonwhite immigrants gain jobs at twice the rate of Americans who aren't immigrants. As a comparison for the animal kingdom, if one animal species is able to survive better than its competitor, its competitor will go extinct.[8]
See also
- Colonisation
- Demographic genocide
- Immigration physical barriers
- Magic dirt
- Multiculturalism
- Race and crime: Immigration and crime
- Refugees
- Repatriation
- White demographics
- Migration Period (Germania)
- Hargreaves, Alec G., editor, Immigration in Post-War France, a Documentary Anthology, Methuen Educational Ltd., London, 1987.
- La Colonisation de l’Europe, L’Æncre publishers, Paris, 2001.
- Murray, Douglas, The Strange Death of Europe, Immigration, Identity, Islam; Bloomsbury, London etc., 2017.
- ↑
- ↑ The Daily Telegraph, London,
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ By Rex Weiner Published June 26, 2013
- ↑ Africans Close Borders to Stop Ebola
- ↑ UK: Blacks Demand to Take Over the Government in Areas They are Colonizing
- ↑ Immigrants Gain Jobs at Twice the Rate of Americans