Immigration physical barriers

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Immigration physical barriers (often referred to more generally as border barriers/fences/walls) are physical barriers that attempt to reduce unwanted immigration, such as of illegal immigrants and "refugees" (who must physically enter another country before they can demand to be given asylum in that country, according to international conventions).

Such physical barriers may also serve other purposes, such as reducing drug and other forms of smuggling, with, for example, 80–95 percent of United States street drugs coming through Mexico, contributing to the increasing drug abuse.[1]

The most known barrier is likely the border barrier proposed by the former United States President Donald Trump.

Seldom mentioned and criticized in mainstream media is that extensive such barriers already exist in, for example, Israel.

Various border barriers have been argued to effectively reduce unwanted migration, including the limited fences already existing in the US.[2]

"Border barriers are the international norm. Only 25 percent of the world’s population live in countries that do not have a border fence or wall—something far more substantial and lengthy than a fence at a border check point. Ten percent of the world’s population live on islands with no land borders. Fully 65 percent live behind barriers. Only Western nations are condemned for building barriers, even though other regions are more likely to have them. As the graph below shows, East Asians, North Africans, South Asians, Middle Easterners, and Central Asians are all more likely than Europeans or the inhabitants of other majority-white countries to live behind barriers. Only Latin Americans and sub-Saharan Africans are less likely to live in countries with barriers. Nations that are unattractive to illegal immigrants do not build walls."[2]

African countries relatively attractive to immigrants, such as South Africa (compared to, for example, Zimbabwe) and oil-rich African countries, have started to erect immigration physical barriers.[3]

The condemnation of Western countries for border barriers is another politically correct double standard. A similar double standard is regarding repatriation.

Somewhat related physical barriers include those at gated communities. Countries and areas with intense ethnic conflicts have sometimes implemented extensive separation physical barriers within the country, where different ethnic groups live in close proximity. One current example is Iraq.

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See also
