Black supremacism
Black supremacism is an ideology based on the belief that blacks are superior to other races, especially whites, and therefore should control or rule these races.

As is the case for White supremacism, groups and individuals that have been labelled as "black supremacist" by politically correct sources may actually advocate views such as black separatism. In a broad sense, some forms of black privilege and advocacy for such privileges for blacks, but not for some other group(s), may be seen as black supremacism. This would make black supremacism very widespread.
In South Africa, there are influential black individuals and groups supporting views such as subjugation and genocide of Whites. One example being that African National Congress leaders have sung the song Kill the Boer. Another example is members of a black South African student organisation calling for genocide of all White men in South Africa.[2] Such views may be involved in the ongoing South African farm attacks and mass killings of Whites in South Africa.
Furthermore, the African National Congress in South Africa, and other even more radical political parties in South Africa, may today possibly be considered to be officially black supremacist, demanding and implementing policies that Whites should not be allowed to own land and with Whites discriminated in various ways.
African Pygmies are often enslaved by black Bantus. In association with the wars in Congo, there have been cannibalism, rapes, and mass killings of Pygmies. Aspects of Rastafarianism and black liberation theology have been seen as black racism/supremacism. However, in politically correct descriptions (such as by the SPLC), black supremacism is limited to only a few organizations. Many of these have been accused of being anti-Semitic, which may possibly be related to why these particular organizations have been labelled as black supremacist. Such organizations include:
Types of claimed black supremacy
Militant black organizations

The Black Panther Party was a black supremacist organization established to intimidate White Americans into surrendering their power, land and civil liberties to communist influences. This organization was founded in Oakland, California, by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in October 1966. The New Black Panther Party (NBPP), whose formal name is the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, is a U.S.-based black power organization founded in Dallas, Texas in 1989.
The NBPP attracted many breakaway members of the Nation of Islam when former Nation of Islam minister and spokesman Khalid Abdul Muhammad, who takes a stance of anti-Semitism and anti-white racism, became the national chairman of the group from the late 1990s until his death in 2001. The NBPP is currently led by Malik Zulu Shabazz, who is also known for his anti-Semitic views, racism and extremist hate speech.[3]
The "Organization Us" is a black nationalist group in the United States founded by Ron Karenga in 1965. It was a rival of the Black Panther Party in California. The Panthers referred to the organization as the United Slaves, a name never actually used by members of US but which is often mistaken for the group's official name.
The Black Panthers and US had different aims and tactics but often found themselves competing for potential recruits. The Federal Bureau of Investigation intensified this antipathy, sending forged letters to each group which purported to be from the other group, so that each would believe that the other was publicly humiliating them. This rivalry came to a head in 1969, when the two groups supported different candidates to head the Afro-American Studies Center at the University of California, Los Angeles. On 17 January 1969, a shooting between the groups on the UCLA campus ended in the death of several people, including Alprentice "Bunchy" Carter.
In 1971, Karenga, Louis Smith, and Luz Maria Tamayo were convicted of felony assault and imprisoned for allegedly assaulting and torturing two women members of US, Deborah Jones and Gail Davis. A 14 May 1971, article in the Los Angeles Times described the testimony of one of the women:
- "Deborah Jones, who once was given the Swahili title of an African queen, said she and Gail Davis were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothes. She testified that a hot soldering iron was placed in Miss Davis' mouth and placed against Miss Davis' face and that one of her own big toes was tightened in a vise. Karenga, head of US, also put detergent and running hoses in their mouths, she said. They also were hit on the heads with toasters."
At Karenga's trial, the question of his sanity arose. A psychiatrist's report stated the following: "This man now represents a picture which can be considered both paranoid and schizophrenic with hallucinations and illusions, inappropriate affect, disorganization, and impaired contact with the environment." The psychiatrist reportedly observed that Karenga talked to his blanket and imaginary persons, and believed he'd been attacked by dive-bombers.[4]
He was sentenced to one-to-10 years in prison on counts of felonious assault and false imprisonment. In 1971, the organization went dormant while Karenga was in prison. After his release in 1975, he revived it, and created the African-American holiday, Kwanzaa.
Black separatism
Black separatists demand that blacks and whites should form two independent nations, many white separatists agree wholeheartedly. Additionally, some black separatists seek to return to their original cultural homeland of Africa, however, considering the social realities, these figures can now be considered extremely low. Black separatists generally think that black people are hindered in a "white-dominated society", propagate themselves in public as "oppressed victims" in order to derive benefits from this status. Black separatist organizations, for example the violent "Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge", are often declared "hate groups" and malicious anti-white agitators by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
- The ISUPK has no comment about them, other than, they label us as a hate group because we love our people. We don't call white people the devil because they're white. We're basing this on a history, a well-documented history of the acts committed against us on this earth. That has to be understood: This isn't a color thing with us. The word 'devil' simply means deceiver. That's all it means. … This is why we refer to the white man as the devil, because of the lies. And again, because of the acts committed against us. The fact of the matter is, our people don't want to separate from this system. They're comfortable here. They've learned how to accept, for lack of a better word, the bullshit. And the bullshit has become the norm. It's normal to have a cousin that got killed by another black man … a little girl that is at the strip club, shaking her behind, for our people to be on crack cocaine. Especially with Obama in office, what that did to our people was give them a false idea of inclusion in this society, or in this system. Then the smack in the face came, and here's Trump. The exact opposite of what Obama was. For the record, Obama is not one of our people either. [...] Should that idea, would it be better suited if black people exercised that school of thought with themselves and white people exercised that school of thought with themselves? … Everything else has been tried. With integration, every time you see a cop killing a kid, you're seeing the result of integration, that's all you're seeing. So actually, integration has brought forth murder. That's the truth. Because let me hit you with this, just to bring in the Asian camp: They're separate. They are. They have their own vicinity, they follow their own culture, they even have their own streets. Right now. Right down the street, they have their own streets and their own language. They cater to themselves. Christ said to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. We understand the necessity of defense. Of defending ourselves. We're not going to take up arms against the state, we're not going to take up arms against anybody. We're not going to go attack anybody. We're here to gather our people. – Natazar Ha Ahsh, January 2018[5]
Race hustling
Race hustler or race baiter is a term coined to describe those individuals of a particular race who project themselves into the media spotlight as spokespersons whenever there is an alleged racial incident which involves their race, useing unscrupulous or fraudulent methods to gain personally from these alleged incidents (woke capitalism), victimizing blacks and promoting hate and division under the guides of activism.[6] Exact definition may be unclear, as the term is absent in all ordinary dictionaries.
- Such an attitude speaks for itself. It is a hangover from slavery when the Negro had to depend on the master for everything necessary for his well-being. At the same time, it proves that no "Proclamation of Emancipation" is capable of freeing those who do not wish to be free. The Negro intelligentsia, by far and large, is physically free but mentally slave. After nearly a century removed from chattel slavery, they are unwilling and incapable of throwing off their slave psychology. Reds and political charlatans of all shades, aware of this fact, find the Negro intellectual easy prey. [...] Already, under the guise of "struggling for Negro rights," they have created all the explosive material for racial violence by making impossible demands, resisting sane and just decisions, opposing compromise and adjustment and demanding that everything must be done forthwith or not at all. They have no love for their own people. They have no love for America. Naturally, they get the Kremlin's support and approval. Feeling frustrated and inferior, they run to communism and civil disobedience in their folly. They play Moscow's game and they deserve whatever red reward that is due them. – Manning Rudolph Johnson (1908–1959)[7]
The use of the word "Hustler", included as a part of the term, also implies that these individuals exploit a racial situation to serve their own interests. This term has been used to describe the Reverends Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Syracuse University professor Boyce Watkins.[8][9] Race Hustlers are also referred to as race-baiters and victimization pimps, but "black America is waking up to the race hustlers", according to Gothix in 2021, an American YouTuber well-known for her political commentary videos.[10]
Academic marxism
Racism, to a marxist black supremacist, means anything that stands in opposition to the economic and political interests of black Americans. If the economic and political interests of black people are better served by robbing white people, then anyone who stands in the way of robbing white people is a racist. This is the entire philosophical base for affirmative action and reparations.[11]
Kamau Kambon
At a panel called "Hurricane Katrina Media Coverage" held at Howard University Law School on 14 October 2005, which was broadcast in its entirety on C-SPAN, Kamau Kambon said:
- "The only solution in my estimation is to exterminate white people."
Black supremacist politicians
Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick at the 51st annual "Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner" (2006), a major NAACP fundraiser that drew 10,000 people, was quoted as saying:
- "On behalf of the city of Detroit, I say Bring it on! If you want a fight, there is one waiting for you right here. There will be affirmative action here today, There will be affirmative action here tomorrow and there will be affirmative action in our state forever."[12]
Organized Religion
Black Muslims
In the 1930s, the Nation of Islam emerged, coming to prominence during the 1960s, when virulently racist minister Malcolm X became a spokesman for the negro muslim movement. The group's founders, "Master Fard" Muhammad and Elijah Muhammad, preached the Doctrine of Yakub, which held that the Original Man was an "Asiatic black man." White people, it contended, were "grafted" from black people 6,000 years ago by an ancient black scientist named Yakub.
Black liberation theology
The modern American origins of contemporary black liberation theology can be traced to 31 July 1966, when a group of 51 black pastors, calling themselves the National Committee of Negro Churchmen (NCNC), bought a full page ad in the New York Times to publish their "Black Power Statement," which proposed a more aggressive approach to combating racism using the Bible for inspiration. People of this faith commonly believe that Jesus Christ was a negro.
Black theology turns religion into sociology, and Jesus into a black Marxist rebel. While making statements against whites and Asians, it promotes a poor self-image among blacks, and describes the black man as a helpless victim of forces and people beyond his control. Black theology calls for political liberation instead of spiritual salvation.
Fundamentally, it is not Bible-based, Christ-honoring theology from this critical viewpoint. Black theologists use the language of "economic parity" and references to "mal-distribution" as nothing more than channeling the views of Karl Marx. James Cone, Cornel West and Rev. Jeremiah Wright have worked to incorporate Marxist thought into the black church, forming an ethical framework predicated on a system of oppressor class versus a victim much like Marxism.[13] The National Review has criticized black liberation theology, saying,
- "A scarcely concealed, Marxist-inspired indictment of American capitalism pervades contemporary 'black-liberation theology'...The black intellectual's goal is to "aid in the destruction of America as he knows it."
Such destruction requires both black anger and white guilt. The black-power theologian's goal is to tell the story of American oppression so powerfully and precisely that white men will
- "tremble, curse, and go mad, because they will be drenched with the filth of their evil."
In the preface to his 1970 book, A Black Theology of Liberation, Wright wrote:
- "There will be no peace in America until whites begin to hate their whiteness, asking from the depths of their being: 'How can we become black?'"
Black supremacy disguised as civil rights
The "Southern Poverty Law Center" is a self described civil rights law firm that aggressively combats white nationalism by stifling their first amendment rights of freedom of speech, press and association by using lawsuits in civil courts against outspoken White Nationalist organizations. These lawsuits are intended to financially destroy such groups by convincing racially-mixed juries to bring multi-million dollar judgments against the organizations for the independent actions of individual members.[14]
Former NAACP executive director Ben Chavis joined the Nation of Islam, calling it a vehicle to resurrect black people. Chavis is an ordained minister of the United Church of Christ, and his move may complicate Nation of Islam goals of building ties to black Christians.
Benjamin Chavis, an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and a former leader of the denomination's "Commission for Racial Justice", says he has joined the Nation of Islam, led by Louis Farrakhan. "l am affirming that the God who called me into the Christian church is the same God who is calling me into the Nation of Islam," Chavis said February 23 in Chicago.
Since leaving his position as executive director of the NAACP under a cloud of controversy in August 1994, Chavis has been a key Farrakhan aide, helping to organize the 1995 Million Man March in Washington and the 1996 Holy Day of Atonement rally in New York. Chavis, 49, made his announcement at the Nation of Islam's annual Saviours' Day gathering, which attracted 6,000 people to the University of Illinois at Chicago campus. Saviours' Day is an annual celebration honoring the Nation's founder, W. Fard Muhammad, and his sucecssor, Elijah Muhammad, who turned the Nation into a national force within the American black community.[15]
The Black Crusaders
The "Black Crusaders" are an anti-white group of black politicians and celebrities that are trying to over-run the United States government and establish an all-black America. Members of this group include: Colon Powell, Oprah Winfrey, convicted rapist Bill Cosby and the late Sammy Davis Jr. Rumors have it that Davis Jr. found the group with sponsorship by his Jewish Zionist masters, but its origins are sketchy due to the little amount of information available.
The FBI created disruption programs directed to neutralize "black nationalists organizations." Agents were instructed to undertake actions to discredit these groups both within "the responsible Negro community" and to "Negro radicals," also "to the white community, both the responsible community and to `liberals' who have vestiges of sympathy for militant black nationalists simply because they are Negroes..."
A 4 March 1968 memo from J. Edgar Hoover to FBI field offices laid out the goals of the COINTELPRO - Black Nationalist Hate Groups program: "to prevent the coalition of militant black nationalist groups;" "to prevent the rise of a messiah who could unify and electrify the militant black nationalist movement;" "to prevent violence on the part of black nationalist groups;" "to prevent militant black nationalist groups and leaders from gaining respectability;" and "to prevent the long-range growth of militant black nationalist organizations, especially among youth." Included in the program were a broad spectrum of civil rights and religious groups; targets included Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, Eldridge Cleaver, and Elijah Muhammad.
A top secret Special Report 5 for President Nixon, dated June 1970 gives some insight into the motivation for the actions undertaken by the government to destroy the Black Panther Party. The report describes the party as "the most active and dangerous black extremist group in the United States." Its "hard-core members" were estimated at about 800, but "a recent poll indicates that approximately 25 per cent of the black population has a great respect for the BPP, incuding 43 per cent of blacks under 21 years of age." On the basis of such estimates of the potential of the party, counterintelligence operations were carried out to ensure that it did not succeed in organizing as a substantial social or political force.
Another memorandum explains the motivation for the FBI operations against student protesters: "the movement of rebellious youth known as the 'New Left,' involving and influencing a substantial number of college students, is having a serious impact on contemporary society with a potential for serious domestic strife." The New Left has "revolutionary aims" and an "identification with Marxism-Leninism." It has attempted "to infiltrate and radicalize labor," and after failing "to subvert and control the mass media" has established "a large network of underground publications which serve the dual purpose of an internal communication network and an external propaganda organ." Its leaders have "openly stated their sympathy with the international communist revolutionary movements in South Vietnam and Cuba; and have directed others into activities which support these movements."
Apologist perspective
Many black supremacists and their non-negro supporters consider black supremacy acceptable because of its message about Black self-respect, Black self-sufficiency and Black economic improvement.[16] Cornel West, professor of Religion at Princeton University, describes in his essay "Malcolm X and Black Rage" black supremacy as a phenomenon that developed to counter white supremacy. He comments:
- "The basic aim of Black Muslim theology -- with its distinct Black supremacist account of the origins of white people -- was to counter white supremacy. Yet this preoccupation with white supremacy still allowed white people to serve as the principal point of reference. That which fundamentally motivates one still dictates the terms of what one thinks and does — so the motivation of a black supremacist doctrine reveals how obsessed one is with white supremacy […]."
Melanin theory
Several black supremacists justify supremacist assertions with purported qualities of melanin based on distortions of scientific fact and speculation. This contention is known generally as the "Melanin Theory". The central idea of the Melanin Theory is that the levels of melanin in dark skin naturally enhance intelligence, emotional, psychic and spiritual sensitivity in addition to physical prowess. Most scientists consider Melanin Theory a pseudoscience and that it has no credibility in mainstream medicine or science.[17]
Blacks or blacks
Afrocentrism, Afrocentricity or Africentrism is a pro-black ideology emphasizing the claimed suppression of the importance of blacks in various historical events. The myth was invented by Molefi Asante, as a way to "escape Eurocentrism and its extensions", by looking at the world from an African standpoint against all actual facts, thereby forging a distinctive view of the world by reconstruction, the basic function of all myths.
- Afrocentrism, also called Africentrism, cultural and political movement whose mainly African American adherents regard themselves and all other Blacks as syncretic Africans and believe that their worldview should positively reflect traditional African values. The terms Afrocentrism, Afrocology, and Afrocentricity were coined in the 1980s [...] Afrocentrism argues that for centuries Africans and other nonwhites have been dominated, through slavery and colonization, by Europeans, and that European culture is at best irrelevant—and at worst diametrically opposed—to efforts by non-Europeans to achieve self-determination. For this reason, according to Afrocentrism, people of African descent need to develop an appreciation of the achievements of traditional African civilizations; indeed, they need to articulate their own history and their own system of values.[18]
See also
External links
- Yes, Virginia (Dare), Black Supremacism Really Is A Thing
- All You Need to Know About White People
- A Land of Their Own
- ↑ Terry Crews defends 'Black supremacy' tweet, calls out Joe Biden's 'you ain't Black' comment, USA TODAY, 2020
- ↑ ‘White men you must die’ say South African blacks at Overvaal school, 2018
- ↑ Malik Zulu Shabazz
- ↑ The Story of Kwaanza, 2001
- ↑ A Black Separatist Leader Explains Why He Wants Out of America: “The Bullshit Has Become the Norm”
- ↑ Steve King: 'Race Hustlers' Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton Trying to 'Monetize' Ferguson Unrest
- ↑ Color, Communism, and Common Sense - Manning Johnson
- ↑ The Wright Cost of Anger
- ↑ Fox's O'Reilly takes on SU's Cantor over prof's comments
- ↑ Black America Is Waking Up To The Race Hustlers
- ↑ Preferences Forever?
- ↑ Looking at Obama and black liberation theology
- ↑ The Southern Poverty Law Center. An organization you can trust?
- ↑ Ben Chavis joins the Nation of Islam, 1997
- ↑ Eliminate The Black Supremacy That Divides Our Community by Akindele Akinyemi
- ↑ Melanin, afrocentricity, and pseudoscience
- ↑ Afrocentrism, Encyclopædia Britannica