Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka camps
There are many similarities between the three alleged Holocaust camps Belzec (or Bełżec), Sobibor (or Sobibór), and Treblinka. They are therefore discussed together in this article. Many fantastic and absurd "witness" claims were made during the post-war decade leading to "official history" arguing that these camps were "pure extermination" camps; revisionists argue that they were transit camps.
The name Treblinka is today applied to two separate camps which were two kilometers apart. Treblinka I was a labor camp at a quarry. Treblinka II was the alleged extermination camp. "Treblinka" in this article refers to the Treblinka II camp unless otherwise stated.
- 1 Alleged killings of able workers
- 2 Argued transit, sorting, and hygienic camps
- 3 Operation Reinhard
- 4 Claimed numbers killed
- 5 Alleged killing methods
- 6 Corpses
- 7 Brief summary of some revisionist criticisms
- 8 Recent revisionist views on the fate of the Jews argued to be deported to the occupied Soviet Union
- 9 Individuals associated with camps
- 10 External links
- 11 References
Alleged killings of able workers
According to the standardized politically correct version, allegedly all Jews, able to work or not, were gassed immediately on arrival. This has been argued to be an absurd claim, considering that numerous documents state that the German industry was in constant and desperate need of manpower during the war and that many measures were taken in the labour camps (including Auschwitz) in order to maintain the work force and keep it in a condition fit for work.[1][2]
Argued transit, sorting, and hygienic camps
More detailed maps and air photos of Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka and revisionist arguments based on these can be found in Air Photo Evidence—World War Two Photos of Alleged Mass Murder Sites Analyzed (pdf version can be downloaded for free).
Examples are air photos which are argued to show no disturbed earth from mass graves, unobstructed views into camps from roads, and the presence of neighbors who would have witnessed exterminations.
Revisionists argue that the three camps were transit camps, located where people transported further east had to change train networks, since the Soviet Union used different railway tracks (broad gauge) than the rest of Europe. Hygienic and sorting measures done at the same time are argued to be the possible origin of various Holocaust horror stories.[2]
Jews are by Holocaust revisionists argued to have been sent from these camps to many different locations, both in the General Government and in the occupied Soviet Union. Sorting procedures in association with this at these camps (as well as at other Holocaust camps that were partially or exclusively transit camps) may have involved splitting up individuals from the same group and with these individuals never seeing one another again. This has been argued to have often been misinterpreted as that the other individuals were taken away in order to be killed.
Holocaust revisionist analysis of the statements of "Holocaust survivors" have shown that (contrary to the standardized politically correct version) several have stated that they, and hundreds of others accompanying them, transited through Treblinka without being killed, before going to other camps in the General Government.[3] Similar statements have been made by many Jews deported to Sobibor. Examples include "Cato Polak, deported on March 10, 1943, remained in Sobibór one or two hours and was then transferred to Lublin with 30 women and 12 men. [...] Sientje and Jetje Veterman, sent to Sobibór on April 6, 1943, were sorted out together with 28 other women for work and transferred to Trawniki with them. [...] Elias Alex Cohen, deported to Sobibór on March 17, 1943, spent only a few hours in the camp and was sent to Lublin with 35 other Jews. [...] Jules Schelvis writes that ‘in Sobibór, after the arrival of transports, the fresh work forces for Dorohucza’ were ‘selected.’ At Dorohucza, 5 km from Trawniki, was a labor camp where peat was cut. According to Schelvis, at least 700 Dutch Jews were transferred there directly after their arrival in Sobibór [...] Dorohucza was only one of many Jewish labor camps, which overlay the Lublin district like a dense network. Edward Dziadosz and Józef Marszałek count no fewer than 110 of them. [...] It is characteristic that nearly all the Dutch Jews, who had been transferred from Sobibór to another camp, returned home by way of Auschwitz-Birkenau; instead of being liquidated they survived even this ‘extermination camp'."[4]
Rudolf Göckel was a stationmaster who became a liaison between the Belzec train station and the Belzec camp. In this position, he would have had an excellent overview of the trains arriving at or leaving the camp. He described the camp as a transit camp.[1]
See World War II statements argued to support Holocaust revisionism and the entries for dates 17 March 1942 and 5 July 1943 on statements by German officials describing the camps as sorting and transit camps.
The Holocaust revisionist Germar Rudolf has written on hygienic procedures that these "explain why so many witnesses talked about delousing and showering procedures - that is, hygienic measures - during the interruption of their deportation, which today are falsely regarded as deceptive measures preceding the mass murder. The two Treblinka documents mentioned earlier (p.279) pointing at large-scale inmate showers support this just as much as do the witness statements collected by Hunt of former deportees who were transited through Treblinka (p.276). The mysterious steam chambers of Treblinka, which were probably nothing else but steam disinfestation chambers, could be explained that way, as could the statement by a Polish civilian who testified after the war that he was ordered to build a heavy furnace in the Belzec camp used to heat water, which was then led through a pipe into three chambers (Mattogno 2004, p.45). Finally, it would explain why SS Obersturmführer Kurt Gerstein, a hygienic expert, was ordered to the Majdanek and Belzec camps together with SS-Obersturmbannführer Professor Dr. med. Wilhelm Pfannenstiel, Director of the Hygienic Institute at the University of Marburg and hygienic adviser to the Waffen-SS. If you just open your eyes, the truth is easy to see: It all happened because the SS wanted to ensure that Jews deported to the east underwent some hygienic procedures at the border before being released into the eastern occupied territories."[3]
Train travel was at this time a major cause of spreading infestations/diseases such as lice and typhus (a major killer disease at this time). Various disinfestation/disinfection procedures at train stations were often used in order to counteract such spread. Typhus is especially common when individuals are in close proximity, as was the case for Jews in concentration camps/ghettos and on long train travels (often after having spent some time in camps/ghettos). Preventing spread of such infestations/diseases would have been important for reasons such as diseases in the camps/ghettos being a major cause of reduced labor and production.[5][6]
While Holocaust revisionists have rejected that the stated hygienic procedures were deceptive measures preceding mass killings, the hygienic procedures may possibly have had as a purpose to separate individuals from their property and to disinfest it as part of a plunder operation, as stated in the following section.
Operation Reinhard
The politically correct view is that Operation Reinhard is a code word for the systematic extermination of Jews in these three "pure extermination camps" in eastern Poland. Revisionists argue that various documents clearly show that the term refers to an operation that was about the collection and recycling of the property of Jews deported to the east. It is also argued it had nothing to do with extermination. The term is argued to have been applied also to collection and recycling in camps such as Auschwitz and Majdanek.[2]
Operation Reinhard has been argued to be named after Reinhard Heydrich. The correct name and etymology has been argued to be "Operation Reinhardt" after the Ministry of Finance official Fritz Reinhardt. "The basis for this error may lie in the fact that in some documents of the war period ‘Reinhard’ (without the t) appears as an alternate way of writing Reinhardt".[4]
An example of revisionist criticisms is that "the authentic Franke-Gricksch inspection report (which wasn’t discovered until 2010 [...] explicitly discusses the eastern program as a plunder operation, makes no reference to gassing [...] the top secret 1944 Globocnik report to Himmler along with its addendum also provides clear support for the interpretation that the AR system was primarily devoted to wealth seizure and includes an important note about “relocated persons” being given chits as a kind of assurance that “future compensation” would be rendered for their belongings "some day in Brazil or in the Far East". If the reference to “relocated persons” meant Jews – and there is a strong contextual reason to assume so, given the geographic presumption in the wording – then this addendum is difficult to reconcile with the notion that Jews were being systematically killed upon arrival at the camps."[7]
See also the article on Odilo Globocnik on the above mentioned report to Himmler on "Operation Reinhard".
Claimed numbers killed
These ludicrous numbers are taken from Lectures on the Holocaust:[2]
- 3,000,000 Wassili Grossmann (p.21)
- 2,775,000 Samuel Rajzman (p.96)
- 1,582,000 Ryszard Czarkowski (pps:37,106)
- 1,200,000 Franciszek Zabeki (p.186)
- 1,074,000 Rachel Auerbach (p.23)
- 974,000 Frank Golczewski (Benz 1991, p.495)
- 912,000 Manfred Burba (p. 104; Burba 1995, p.18)
- 900,000 Wolfgang Scheffler (p.101)
- 881,390 Yitzhak Arad (p.102)
- 870,000 Encyclopedia of the Holocaust (p.12)
- 731,600 – 800,000 Z. Lukaszkiewicz (p.26), Stanislaw Wojtczak (p.102)
- 750,000 Raul Hilberg (p. 12; Hilberg 1985, pps:893,1219.)
- 700,000 Helmuth Krausnick (p.100), Uwe Dietrich Adam (p.102)
- 200,000 – 250,000 Jean-Claude Pressac (p.108; Igounet 2000, p.640f.)
- 3,000,000 Rudolf Reder (p.47)
- 2,000,000 Witness Eugeniusz G. (p.48)
- 1,800,000 Eustachy Ukrainski and T. Chrósciewicz (both p.47)
- 1,000,000 Michael Tregenza (p.49)
- 800,555 Robin O’Neil (p.49)
- 600,000 Polish Central Commission (p.47), A. Rückerl (p.48), Y. Arad (p.49), W. Scheffler (Arndt/Scheffler 1976, p.122)
- 550,000 Tatiana Berenstein (p.48)
- 300,000 Minimal number of the Jury Court Munich (p.48)
- 100,000 – 150,000 Jean-Claude Pressac (Igounet 2000, p.640f.
- 2,000,000 Zelda Metz, Stanislaw Szmajzner
- 1,000,000 Nachman Blumental
- 800,000 Kurt Ticho, Ch. Engel and S. Engel-Wijnberg
- 600,000 Yuri Suhl
- 500,000 Ilya Ehrenburg, Wassili Grossmann
- 350,000 Erich Bauer, 1962
- 300,000 Léon Poliakov
- 250,000 Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Wolfgang Scheffler
- 200,000 Raul Hilberg
- 170,000 Jules Schelvis
- 110,000 Karl Frenzel, 1987
- 50,000 – 70,000 Karl Frenzel, 1966
- 30,000 – 35,000 Jean-Claude Pressac
- 25,000 – 30,000 Hubert Gomerski, 1950
Alleged killing methods
Carbon monoxide as alleged killing method
The killing method in all three camps is now alleged to have been carbon monoxide from engine exhaust. For Belzec and Treblinka, the position of "official" historiography is now that diesel engines were the murder weapons. For Sobibor, the engine type is ambiguous.[8]
The Gerstein Report is argued to have played an important part in this.
Regarding criticisms of diesel engines as murder weapons, see Holocaust material evidence: Gas vans and gas chambers using diesel exhaust.
Early claims of other killing methods
- Steam (see separate section below).
- Chlorine gas.
- Electricity.
- Machine guns.
- Mobile gas chambers.
- Poison gas, both fast and slow acting.
- Quicklime.
- Vacuum chambers. (Such chambers having ordinary masonry walls are technically impossible, since the walls would immediately collapse.)
- Zyklon B.
- Electricity. Compared to Treblinka, the diesel engine claims emerged relatively late, with there initially being more statements on electric currents, including cremation to ashes by electric current.
- Quicklime.
- Vacuum chambers.
- "New" alleged methods not already mentioned are non-gas chlorine and collapsible gas chamber floors, which discharged their load onto railway carts below.
Steam chambers claims at Treblinks
During the war and the early post-war period, many "witness" statements agreed that steam was used for mass killings at Treblinka. In 1945, the Communist Polish government even "conclusively proved" that the Germans operated these alleged steam homicidal chambers. The Communist Poles allegedly carried out "an onsite, physical examination of the steam chambers" and submitted an "expert report" with evidence to the Nuremberg Show Trials. However, these claims have now been completely abandoned, which is probably related to the realization that steam is not plausible as a mass killing method. As noted earlier, Holocaust revisionists argue that the steam claims by "witnesses" may be related to steam chambers being used for hygienic purposes.[3][9]
Regarding the trial of the senior SS officer Oswald Pohl (one of the Nuremberg trials), the revisionist Carlos Porter writes that the Gerstein Report was "extensively quoted in the Pohl Trial, where it was "proven" that Treblinka had 10 'gas chambers' (1553-PS) and 10 'steam chambers' (3311-PS) in the same camp at the same time."[10]
See also Holocaust convergence of evidence: Paul Grubach on steam claims.
See also The Black Book of Polish Jewry on steam and electrocution claims.
Gas chamber expansion claims at Treblinka
According to the standardized politically correct version, 694,000 individuals were killed during a four-month period before November 1942 at Treblinka in three gas chambers. In November 1942, an additional 10 larger gas chamber were added, but during the seven months afterwards, only 187,390 more individuals were killed. Holocaust revisionists argue that this means that the supposed gas chamber expansion was completely unneeded and was an additional invention added by "witnesses", since three gas chambers were not considered horrific enough.[3]
The claimed witnesses have given enormously varied and contradictory reports regarding what happened at these camps. However, the standardized politically correct version now alleges that the bodies from the mass killings were first buried, but were later dug up, in order to be burned on gigantic outdoor cremation pyres, and with the remains then re-buried in the camps.
See Alleged German conspiracy to hide the Holocaust and the section "Aktion 1005'"/"Sonderaktion 1005" on the alleged German conspiracy to destroy the corpses, which as one part included the alleged destruction of corpses at Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka. See also the section "Quotes" on Holocaust revisionist criticisms of that the alleged dates, when allegedly the bodies stopped being buried without burning, vary greatly for different camps: "it is incomprehensible that corpses were buried in Auschwitz up until September 20, 1942, and in Treblinka up to March 1943; it is similarly inexplicable that cremations in Sobibór are supposed to have begun in the summer of 1942, those in Belzec in the middle of December 1942, and those in Treblinka in March 1943. Or, to put it differently, we understand all too well: the witnesses of the different camps did not manage to get together to agree on an identical starting date for Himmler’s decision to eradicate all traces by cremation!"[1]
Normal concentration camps such as Buchenwald, for which no mass killings are alleged today, were equipped with crematoria for the disposal of the dead. (Obviously a camp the size of Auschwitz with over 200,000 inmates, the size of a city, would require at least three crematoria.) Revisionists have argued that it is absurd that there were no crematoria in the alleged "Operation Reinhard" extermination camps, where crematoria would have been far more urgently needed, if mass killings took place. Consequently, one and a half million corpses allegedly had to be burned with primitive manual means in the open air, nearly half a million of them in winter. The detainees charged with gathering wood are argued to have required more than 26 years to gather the necessary amounts.[1] Furthermore, when it turned out that the SS had bought too many cremation furnaces, all camps were asked if such cremation furnaces were needed there. No such need was indicated by anyone at Belzec, Sobibor, or Treblinka.[3]
The very large claimed numbers of victims from these camps would have left behind massive remains, since outdoor burning of the corpses on pyres would leave behind bones and bone splinters and also ash that must be disposed of. This arguably raises the question of why such very difficult digging up, burning, and then re-burial at the same place of massive remains were done, if the purpose was to conceal the mass killings. Furthermore, revisionists argue that many investigations have without success searched for these massive remains, using a variety of methods, including digging up sites where some witnesses claimed the remains were buried. Some such investigations do have found small amounts of human remains, which revisionists argue is compatible with the limited numbers who did die due to non-homicidal causes according to revisionists, but not with the massive numbers claimed by non-revisionists to have been killed. Such limited findings are argued to often be greatly misrepresented by non-revisionists.[2]
There are also other argued problems with the alleged pyres and mass graves, such as the areas reported by witnesses being too small to contain the claimed amount of remains, claimed burning and cleaning time is too short to be realistic, absence of expected findings on reconnaissance photos, nonsense statements about corpses being burned without any kind of fuel, and that for various reasons it being physically impossible to have had pyres of the size and description claimed.[2]
See also Holocaust material evidence: Corpses.
Holocaust revisionists argue that if assuming a politically correct claim of 870,000 corpses buried in the Treblinka camp, graves with a depth of 6 meters as alleged by witnesses, and a corpse density per cubic meter similar that of other WWII mass graves, then this implies the contradiction that the mass graves should have covered an area twice as large as the camp itself. If in addition counting the area required in order to store excavated soil and the area required as working space, then, contradictorily, an area five times as large as the camp itself would have been required.[3]
In 1943, the alleged earlier buried 870,000 corpses were said to have been dug up. They were then stacked into gigantic corpse heaps (having 30 corpse layers), with the corpse heaps being placed on 2 gigantic grills made of railroad tracks (grill length 30 meters, grill width 3 meters), and with there being deep trenches under the grills and the corpse heaps. The corpse heaps were then burned over huge bonfires placed in the trenches. Each corpse heap would have been 9 meters high without firewood or at least 26 meters with firewood between the corpses. The whole operation is alleged to have occurred in 122 days, implying that 3,625 corpses were burned on each grill each day.[3]
Regarding the fuel needed to burn the corpses, some "witnesses" have claimed that the SS developed a method for burning corpses without using any kind of fuel! Revisionists argue that this is impossible. Under ideal circumstances, certain fat parts of a corpse can burn slowly without additional fuel. If wanting to burn a whole corpse quickly, then massive amounts of fuel are needed. If it was possible to burn a whole corpse without fuel, then this would solve a major problem for India, which, due to the massive firewood requirement for funeral pyres, has almost completely denuded India of wood.[3]
If adding the firewood needed to actually burn the bodies and placing this between the stacked bodies, the corpse heaps would be over 26 meters high, equivalent to a 9-story house.[3]
The grills are also argued not to have been able to withstand the weight (163 metric tons due to the corpses and 571 metric tons due to the wood, per grill), especially as the large bonfires would have softened the metal.[3]
Revisionists argue that actually constructing a corpse heap with 30 corpse layers, with or without firewood (9 meters or at least 26 meters high), would have been very difficult, since there is no mention of cranes by witnesses. There is mention of excavators and even pictures of one, but the excavators are said to have been used only to remove bodies from the mass graves. Revisionists argue that the origin of the excavator story and pictures is likely that excavators were used at the nearby quarry labour camp (Treblinka I), where workers extracted gravel from a pit.[3]
Furthermore, the heaps are argued to have been just 3 meters wide, implying that it would have been very difficult to prevent them from collapsing to either side, especially as fires never burn evenly. Realistically, it would not have been possible to build a heap that is higher than it is wide.[3]
The above statements assume one burning on each grill each day. This is argued to be unrealistic, with large scale burning of cattle carcasses having shown that such large pyres burn and smolder for at least week before they can be removed.[3]
According to alleged "witness" Richard Glazar, the required wood was gathered by a wood-felling operation consisting of 25 wood cutters. According to revisionist calculations, hundreds of woodcutters would have been required to gather the necessary 140,000 metric tons of firewood. 280 hectares of [wet] wood would have been cleared of trees due to this operation, but there is no trace of this on air photos taken of Treblinka. Also missing is the massive amount of ash from the burning of the massive amount of firewood, which has been estimated to be equivalent to the entire camp area being covered with ash to a height of 4 meters.[3]
Both the Russians and the Poles conducted investigations in 1944 and 1945, without finding the alleged mass graves (or remains of the alleged gas chambers). This included digging up the sites where some "witnesses" claimed the mass graves where located.[3]
In 1999, ground radar and augur (for taking numerous soil core samples) were used to examine the entire Treblinka site, especially the alleged "mass graves" portion as well as the surrounding area, but did not find any remains, or even evidence that the ground had been disturbed.[11]
More recently, claims have been made of finding some remains by a team of researchers carrying out archaeological work at Treblinka for six years. Revisionists have argued that the claimed findings are dubious and insignificant. The more important and ignored result is instead argued to be that the extensive examination using modern technology was again unable to find the enormous burial pits stated in the political correct version.[12][13][14][15][3]
Marian Olszuk passed close by the Treblinka II camp every day, as he went to work at the quarry at Treblinka I. Also when he worked on the family plot, he was also right near the Treblinka II "extermination camp." The camp was small and practically devoid of trees or large shrubbery. As a result, the neighboring farm folk and passers-by could easily observe, through the barbed-wire fence, the prisoners and the guards, as well as the various buildings of a camp that is now said to have been "ultra-secret". Olszuk never noticed any signs of homicidal activities.[16] This despite the politically correct version of very large cremation and burial pits in the Treblinka II camp.
Forensic investigations were conducted in October 1945 and in 1997/1999. The last investigation drilled 2,227 core samples out of the soil, with these covering the whole camp site at five meter intervals. The investigation did find that the earth had been disturbed in 33 places. However, only 6 (0.3%) of the core samples contained limited amounts of human remains. These were in the form of thinly layered ashes, mixed with lots of sand and earth. The largest corpse layer was only 0.75 m thick. Realistically, Holocaust revisionists argue, this supports only several thousand people dying at camp. This is argued to be compatible with the few remaining documents on the camp, which are argued to describe it initially as a labour camp, with harsh conditions and deaths from various non-genocidal causes.[3]
The disturbed earth with no corpse remains is argued to likely be due to the documented activities of postwar treasure hunters, who searched for items such as jewellery, but who would not have been interested in removing skeletal remains or ash. No remains were found of the alleged homicidal gas chambers, which witnesses have claimed existed at the camp.[3]
During WWII and the post-war period, there were allegations of the manufacturing of human soap at Belzec. One notable propagator of this was the fanatic Simon Wiesenthal. These ridiculous claims are no longer mentioned in politically correct descriptions.[17][3]
A completely ridiculous corpse disposal method was stated in the fantasy book The last Jew from Poland (American title: The Promise Hitler Kept), described by the Jewish Virtual Library as "among the first authentic Holocaust accounts", with the following description allegedly based on the claims of Adolf Folkman: "The trains full of Jews would travel through a tunnel into the underground rooms of the execution place. There the Jews disembarked. [...] The naked Jews were brought into enormous halls. Several thousand humans at one time could fit into these halls. They did not have windows, and they were made of metal with a floor that could be lowered. The floors of these halls with thousands of Jews standing on them were lowered into a water basin below it – but only so far that the humans standing on the metal place would not be completely submerged. When all the Jews standing on the metal were submerged in water up to their hips a strong electric current was sent through the water. After a few moments thousands of Jews were dead. Then the metal floors were raised out of the water and on them lay the executed corpses. Another electric cable was switched on and the metal plate was turned into a crematory coffin, white-hot, until all corpses were burnt to ashes. Massive cranes then lifted the enormous crematory coffins and emptied the ash. Huge factory chimneys eliminated the smoke."[3][18]
Archaeological digs have been conducted twice, with the last ones occurring between 2004 and 2014. Mass graves have been found, but Holocaust revisionists argue that the published data does not permit a conclusion regarding the number of victims.[3]
The remains of a building allegedly containing homicidal gas chambers have been found, but Holocaust revisionists argue that this building is very different from the claims made by claimed "witnesses" regarding the alleged gas chambers and the building they were allegedly located in, such as regarding the number of gas chambers and the allegations made by most "witnesses" that the floors opened after the killings to discharge the corpses to spaces below. In the proximity is the remains of a well, which revisionists argue fits with the alleged gas chambers being actual shower rooms with real showers.[3]
One camp prisoner Leon Feldhendler declared that chlorine was a “death-gas” used at Sobibor. This allegation is rarely mentioned today, as being inconsistent with politically correct history. More frequently mentioned is a claim by Feldhendler that the bone remains resulting from the alleged outdoor cremations were crushed by hammers. Holocaust revisionist criticisms regarding "the enormous problems associated with crushing the charred teeth and bones of hundreds of thousands of victims into ash with hammers, were the charred bones and teeth of 200,000 to 250,000 victims. Imagine how long it would take the small number of Sobibor inmates who allegedly worked in the “gas chamber area” to manually crush into ash with hammers the millions of bones and teeth from these hundreds of thousands of victims! Holocaust researcher Dr.Thomas Dalton discussed the enormous problems in regard to the unburned bones and teeth of the corpses. The ash from the burnt corpses would have to be sifted every day for bones and teeth. Imagine how long it would take to find and smash millions of bones and teeth with hammers!'"[19]
Brief summary of some revisionist criticisms
A brief stated summary by Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf, and Thomas Kues of some revisionist criticisms is that:[1]
- There are no documents on the gassing of Jews in any of the “Aktion Reinhard” camps.
- There is no German order to exterminate Jews in these camps.
- There is no German order to build these camps as “extermination camps.”
- The archaeological investigations conducted by Polish authorities at Bełżec and Sobibór have found no trace of any homicidal “gas chambers.”
- It would have been impossible to bury the bodies of the alleged victims at Bełżec and Treblinka; some 281,200 and 654,800 bodies would have remained unburied in these two camps respectively. Hence the killing and burial of 434,508 persons at Bełżec and of 758,400 at Treblinka cannot have happened.
- For these two camps, the volume of ashes produced in cremating the claimed number of corpses would have exceeded the volume of the “officially certified” mass graves by 109% and 305%, respectively, while at Sobibór it would have occupied more than 50%. But these quantities find no confirmation in archaeology, and thus the claimed cremations cannot have taken place.
- In none of the three camps would it have been possible to acquire the quantities of wood needed to cremate the alleged number of bodies within the allowed time frame. To supply all three camps, the inmates assigned to this duty would have required 9,716 days, more than 26½ years! Hence the supply of such a quantity of wood cannot have occurred.
- Finally, the cremation of the alleged number of corpses would have been impossible within the asserted chronological limits and would have lasted for another 592 days. For this reason, the cremation of the alleged gassing victims cannot have occurred.
Recent revisionist views on the fate of the Jews argued to be deported to the occupied Soviet Union
- See Holocaust demographics and in particular the section "Revisionist views on the fate of the Jews argued to be deported to the occupied Soviet Union".
Individuals associated with camps
See Holocaust testimonial evidence on this topic in general.
- Alfred Franke-Gricksch - Author of the Franke-Griksch Report, with a recent discovery of the argued real report argued to contradict that these camps were extermination camps.
- Erich Fuchs
- Franz Stangl
- Gustav Wagner
- Jan Karski - Polish partisan/terrorist who wrote an influential Holocaust report.
- John Demjanjuk - Wrongly sentenced to death due to many "witnesses" wrongly identifying him as the camp guard "Ivan the Terrible".
- Kurt Gerstein - Alleged author of another influential Holocaust report.
- Reinhard Heydrich
- Wilhelm Pfannenstiel
Alleged prisoners
- Abraham Bomba
- Chaim Hirszman
- Chil Rajchman
- Eliahu Rosenberg
- Frank Stiffel
- Israel Cymlich
- Jankiel Wiernik
- Leon Feldhendler
- Oskar Strawczynski
- Richard Glazar
- Rudolf Reder
- Samuel Willenberg
- Thomas Blatt
External links
Holocaust Handbooks by Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf, and Thomas Kues
- Treblinka Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?
- Belzec—in Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research, and History
- Sobibór—Holocaust Propaganda and Reality
- The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt”—An Analysis and Refutation of Factitious “Evidence,” Deceptions and Flawed Argumentation of the “Holocaust Controversies” Bloggers
Article archives
- One Third of the Holocaust—A holocaust denial movie on the subject of Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec
- The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax
- The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf, Thomas Kues: The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt”—An Analysis and Refutation of Factitious “Evidence,” Deceptions and Flawed Argumentation of the “Holocaust Controversies” Bloggers; 2nd edition. Holocaust Handbooks.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 15: Germar Rudolf: Lectures on the Holocaust—Controversial Issues Cross Examined 2nd, revised and corrected edition.
- ↑ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 15: Germar Rudolf: Lectures on the Holocaust—Controversial Issues Cross Examined. Third edition.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf. Treblinka 'Extermination' Camp or Transit Camp?
- ↑ Typhus and the Jews
- ↑ High Frequency Delousing Facilities at Auschwitz
- ↑ Republican Party Animal, A Review
- ↑ Graf, Jürgen; Thomas Kues; and Carlo Mattogno. Sobibór: Holocaust Propaganda and Reality. Holocaust Handbooks. 2010.
- ↑ Convergence of Evidence, Reflections on the Irving/Lipstadt Affair
- ↑ NOT GUILTY AT NUREMBERG: The German Defense Case
- ↑ Treblinka Ground Radar Examination Finds No Trace of Mass Graves.
- ↑ Treblinka Archaeology.
- ↑ Smithsonian Red-Faced after “Treblinka Star of David Tiles” Shown to be Not Jewish At All.
- ↑ Questions for Caroline Sturdy Colls.
- ↑ Response to David Cole
- ↑ Treblinka: An Exceptional Guide
- ↑ Belzec—in Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research, and History
- ↑ Response to a Paper Historian
- ↑ The “Nazi Extermination Camp” of Sobibor in the Context of the Demjanjuk Case