Islamization and anti-Islamization

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Islamization is the process of a society's shift towards Islam, which is opposed by anti-Islamization.

Islamization in Muslim countries

Percentages of the populations who are Muslims in different countries.
     Countries where sharia applies in full, covering personal status issues as well as criminal proceedings.     Countries where sharia applies in personal status issues (such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and child custody).     Countries with regional variations in the application of sharia.     Countries and members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation where sharia plays no role in the judicial system.
Laws affecting the right of an individual to leave his or her religion by birth or previous conversion, or the right to convert to another religion of his or her choice.

There has been a long-term trend towards increasing Islamization in many majority Muslim countries and areas, as well as other related trends, such as the division between Shia and Sunni Islam becoming increasingly important.

One explanation is the large scale support by oil rich Muslim countries (such as Saudi Arabia) of their version of fundamentalist Islam and Islamization in both majority Muslim and non-majority Muslim countries and areas. One example is supporting religious schools teaching their version of fundamentalist Islam. Islamist terrorists have deliberately targeted Muslims from other Islamic denominations and their holy places in order to cause strife and religious radicalization. They have also targeted critics of Islam and Islamization.

Another cause is the support for Islamists given by countries such as the United States (such as in Afghanistan in support of Islamists fighting against the Soviet Union) and Israel (in order to divide the Palestinians). Islamic fundamentalists have also been helped by the "regime changes" or attempted such, involving the secular regimes in countries such as Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Western support for Israel and interference in Muslim countries (such as military interventions associated with mass deaths and mass destruction) have caused resentment, with (militant) Islam seen as an opposing force.

The failures, real and only perceived, of early Arabic secular nationalism, which was often influenced by Communist thinking regarding how to build a society, is another contributing factor. The ongoing leftist propaganda against the Western civilization (and leftist, biased descriptions of slavery, colonialism, racism so on) has made it unattractive as a model and sometimes hated. See also Islamo-leftism.

Liberals often assume that economic development and related developments will be associated with increased secularization and liberalism. This has not happened in the many oil-rich and wealthy Muslim countries. A dramatic opposite example is that economic development and an attempted political liberalization in Iran was not followed by the implementation of a liberal democracy, but instead by the implementation of a theocracy. In other countries, when democratic elections have been held, they have often been won by religious fundamentalists.

The so-called Arab Spring, which liberals expected would cause the implementation of many liberal democracies, has had outcomes such as civil wars with major Islamist participation or elections won by religious parties. In Indonesia, the country with the world's largest Muslim population, Islamists have been stated to gain influence, govern at the local level in some areas, and to have gradually implementing their social agenda.[1] Even Turkey, a long-term (forced) secular country, has recently moved towards increasing religious influence.

Religious civil wars

One effect of the Islamization in Muslim countries is contributing to what are at least partially religious civil wars, with the divisions between the different sides and their external supporters often following religious lines.

Persecution of non-Muslims in Muslim countries

Another aspect of the Islamization in Muslim countries is increasing persecution of non-Muslims, including large-scale killings, rapes, and destruction of churches. For example, "when secular dictators fall — Saddam in Iraq, Qaddafi in Libya, and attempts against Assad in Syria — persecution of Christian seems to rise as a grassroots byproduct. Today, Iraq is the eighth worst nation in the world in which to be Christian, Syria is fifteenth, and Libya seventh. Under dictators, these countries were significantly safer for religious minorities."[2] In some countries, non-Muslims are officially discriminated and treated as second-class citizens. Yet these large-scale persecutions, in some cases with unofficial or official approval by Muslim governments, are rarely mentioned in the politically correct Western media, which instead focuses on politically correct stories of "Islamophobia" and in comparison very rare (or nonexistent) persecutions of Muslims in Western countries.


In 2003, a leading Saudi government cleric and author of the country's religious curriculum stated that slavery was part of Islam. Other Islamists have more recently advocated or implemented slavery in some areas. Also critics of Islam have argued that slavery has a strong support in Islamic writings.[3][4][5][6][7]

Islamization in Europe

The Pew Research Center projected in 2017 that the Muslim population of the European Union would rise from 4.9% (the level as of 2016) to somewhere between 7.4% and 14% by 2050. The low figure assumed no net Muslim immigration, while the high figure assumed a high level of immigration. The highest projected level for any country was 31% in Sweden under the high immigration scenario. Levels in many Eastern European countries were projected to stay at or below 1%.[8]

Even the highest of these projections may be far too low, considering the recent increased mass immigration to Europe and considering that around 1/4 of population of the Middle East and North Africa want to emigrate, according to surveys. See White demographics.

A religious group need not have majority support from the voters in country in order to gain influence. Even small religious parties can have great influence, especially if controlling the balance of power in a parliament, as demonstrated by, for example, ultra-Orthodox parties in Israel. Furthermore, ethnic/religious minorities often self-segregate to particular areas, potentially giving them large influences over local elections and politics, possibly long before this happens at the country level.

Opinion surveys of Muslims

A 2013 study found that 2/3 of studied Muslim immigrants to Europe and their children stated that Islamic sharia law was more important to them than the laws of the country in which they lived. Nearly 60% of the Muslims interviewed rejected homosexuals as friends and 45% said Jews cannot be trusted. Instead of declining as often assumed by liberals, fundamentalist support was increasing sharply and just as widespread among younger Muslims as among older Muslims.[9][10]

The author of the study, the Dutch sociologist Ruud Koopmans, says that "comparisons with other German studies reveal remarkably similar patterns. For instance, in the 2007 Muslime in Deutschland study, 47% of German Muslims agreed with the statement that following the rules of one's religion is more important than democracy, almost identical to the 47% in our survey that finds the rules of the Koran more important than the laws of Germany."[9]

Other surveys in surveyed majority-Muslim and minority-Muslim countries have found that significant minorities support suicide bombings, violence in defense of Islam, terrorism, and not reporting terrorists to the police.[11]

Surveys have found sometimes majority support in some countries for sharia as basis for law, killing those leaving Islam, stoning adulterers, and floggings and amputations as punishment.[11]

Honor violence has also had significant support in surveys.[11]

Results from various surveys in Britain on British Muslims have been described as stating that:[11]

  • 62% do not believe in the protection of free speech.
  • 58% believe insulting Islam should result in criminal prosecution.
  • 68% support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam.
  • 61% want homosexuality punished.
  • only 7% think of themselves as British first (81% say ‘Muslim’ rather than ‘Briton’).
  • 31% identify more with Muslims in other countries than with non-Muslim Brits.
  • 11% find violence for political ends acceptable.
  • up to 52% believe a Muslim man is entitled to up to four wives.
  • 51% believe a woman cannot marry a non-Muslim. Only 51% believe a Muslim woman may marry without a guardian’s consent.
  • 1 in 10 support killing a family member over “dishonor”.
  • 1 in 5 young British Muslims agree that ‘honor’ violence is acceptable.
  • 28% want Britain to be an Islamic state.
  • 40% want sharia in the UK.
  • 40% of British Muslim students want sharia.

A 2014 article stated that

In 2013, the Pew Research Center held face-to-face interviews with 9,000 Muslims in 11 countries in the Middle East and South Asia. A median 16 percent of those interviewed said suicide bombings or other violence against civilians are “sometimes” or “often” justified “to defend Islam from its enemies.” In Egypt, for example, 25 percent said suicide bombings and similar attacks in defense of Islam are at least sometimes justified. […] Pew also asked Muslims what they thought of al Qaeda. A median of 13 percent had at least somewhat favorable views of the terrorist organization. […] Many Muslim immigrants and their descendents living in the United States are probably unwilling to admit to a pollster that they have extreme views, but some are openly fanatic. In 2011, a Pew survey found that 1 percent of Muslims in America think suicide bombings and other violence against civilians is “often” justified, 7 percent say it is “sometimes” justified, and 5 percent say it is justified, but only “rarely.” Five percent of US Muslims also view al Qaeda at least somewhat favorably. In addition, 6 percent say there is a great deal of support for extremism among Muslims in America and 15 percent say there is a fair amount of support. […] Liberals typically excuse bad behavior by blaming it on poverty and a lack of education. A recent survey of British Muslims, however, found that “people in education and high earners were more likely to support radical acts.” Also, Muslims who were born in Britain were more likely to sympathize with terrorist acts than Muslims who had immigrated.[12]

Comparisons to Christian fundamentalists

A 2013 study stated that "These findings clearly contradict the often-heard claim that Islamic religious fundamentalism is a marginal phenomenon in Western Europe or that it does not differ from the extent of fundamentalism among the Christian majority. Both claims are blatantly false, as almost half of European Muslims agree that Muslims should return to the roots of Islam, that there is only one interpretation of the Koran, and that the rules laid down in it are more important than secular laws. Among native Christians, less than one in 25 can be characterized as fundamentalist in this sense."[13]

Furthermore, it has been argued that "The Koran is said to be the literal, infallible word of God, so all good Muslims are fundamentalists in the Christian sense. Islam sees no distinction between government and religion, and seeks to regulate every aspect of life." Also, the Koran has been argued to support warfare against non-Muslims, while the New Testament has been argued to be more pacifist.[14]

A 2018 study found that human rights in a country was associated positively with average country IQ, but more important was religion, with human rights positively associated with percentage Christians, but negatively associated with percentage Muslims.[15]



Taqiyya "is an Islamic juridical term whose shifting meaning relates to when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie. A concept whose meaning has varied significantly among Islamic sects, scholars, countries, and political regimes, it nevertheless is one of the key terms used by recent anti-Muslim polemicists."[16]

The Sharia provides a tactic called Al-Taqqiya that allows Muslims to lie in order to deceive their enemy, who is usually the Kafir or Disbeliever. ‘Taqiyya’ means lying. Muslims are allowed to lie under 3 circumstances according to the Quran. 1. To escape from harm, 2. To please wives or to avoid upsetting them, 3. The most important – Muslims are allowed to lie in order to make unbelievers accept Islam.[17]

Critics have argued, for example, that “moderate” clerics who seek subsidies and favors from Western governments are sometimes practicing taqiyya.[14]

Adjusting the legal system to sharia

"The Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof, BGH), Germany’s highest court of civil and criminal jurisdiction, has ruled that a new law that bans child marriage may be unconstitutional because all marriages, including Sharia-based child marriages, are protected by Germany’s Basic Law (Grundgesetz). [...] German courts are increasingly deferring to Islamic law because either the plaintiffs or the defendants are Muslim. Critics say the cases — especially those in which German law has taken a back seat to Sharia law — reflect a dangerous encroachment of Islamic law into the German legal system. [...] Although polygamy is illegal in Germany, the judge ruled that the two wives must share the pension, in accordance with Moroccan law. [...]
Judge Christa Datz-Winter refused to grant the divorce. She quoted Sura 4, Verse 34 of the Koran, which justifies “both the husband’s right to use corporal punishment against a disobedient wife and the establishment of the husband’s superiority over the wife.” The judge was eventually removed from the case. [...] a court in Düsseldorf ordered a Turkish man to pay a €30,000 ($32,000) dower to his former daughter-in-law, in accordance with Sharia law. [...] a court in Munich ruled that a German widow was entitled to only one-quarter of the estate left by her late husband, who was born in Iran. The court awarded the other three-quarters of the inheritance to the man’s relatives in Tehran in accordance with Sharia law.[18]

Crime associations

See Hate crime:Terrorist statistics and Race and crime: Culture/subculture.

Islamic views have been argued to contribute to crimes against various groups, such as women and non-Muslims, due to views on, for example, domestic violence and warfare against non-Muslims. Furthermore, is has been argued that Islam heightens the sense of difference between the in-group (fellow Muslims) and the out-group. Non-Muslims are outsiders and thus legitimate targets for acts that would be considered wrong, if done against Muslims.[19][14]

Net fiscal contribution to public finances by immigrants associations

A 2017 study stated that net fiscal contribution to public finances by immigrants in Denmark was associated positively with higher average IQ of the country of origin and negatively with higher Muslim percentage of the population of the country of origin. "A plausible hypothesis is that countries with more Muslims send more Muslim immigrants, and that Muslims immigrants have values that are disharmonious with those of people living in Western countries (see e.g. Koopmans 2015). The disagreements over preferred policies cause significant outgroup antipathy resulting in crime against the native population and reduced willingness to integrate into the host country’s customs."[20]

Muslims immigrants and social outcomes associations

A 2020 study stated that "We examined regional inequality in Belgium, both in the 19 communes of Brussels and in the country as a whole (n = 589 communes). We find very strong relationships between Muslim% of the population and a variety of social outcomes such as crime rate, educational attainment, and median income."[21]

Non-Islamic practices

Islam has been stated to be wrongly accused of supporting practices such as female genital mutilation and honor killings, which are common in some Muslim and non-Muslim countries.

However, this does not remove the problem with such practices by immigrants from such countries.

Islamic and non-Islamic practices, average IQ, and other argued associations

Some Islamic practices, and some non-Islamic practices common in some Islamic countries such as cousin marriages (see Inbreeding depression and outbreeding depression), have been argued to decrease IQ, or to possibly do so, argued to cause effects that may be non-hereditary or be hereditary (dysgenic).[22][23]

However, some such practices and other practices associated with Islam has been argued to possibly caused effects such as increased group cohesion, which may be advantageous in conflicts with more individualistic groups and contribute to the Islamization.[24]

Anti-Islamization movements

Types of opponents

Opponents of Islamization can be atheists/agnostics, religious non-Muslims, and Muslims opposing perceived negative forms of Islam. Some Muslims may support Islamization of a society, if this is done according to the particular variant of Islam that is supported, but oppose Islamization if this is not the case. Also many non-religious ideologies and movements likely oppose aspects of Islam, such as that the legal system should be based on sharia (the Islamic legal system).

Opinion surveys on Muslim immigration

A 2017 survey of more than 10,000 people from 10 European states found that an average of 55% agreed that all further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped, 25% neither agreed nor disagreed and 20% disagreed.[25]

Surveys in 2017 of Americans found that pluralities or majorities supported a temporary ban on immigration and travel from seven majority-Muslim countries. A survey on a ban on Muslim countries in general found a dead heat between opponents and supporters.[26][27]

Anti-Islamization as a recent movement in the Western world

A recent movement in the Western world, related to the recent mass immigration of Muslims and changing White demographics, is the emergence of a movement having anti-Islamization as a main goal. This includes also several new anti-immigration and anti-Islamization political parties which have gained increasing support. These parties are often much larger than traditional White nationalist parties.

This movement often also supports race denialism and anti-racism and actively censors and expels those accused of expressing any "racist" views. Possible reasons for this include genuine anti-race beliefs, a desire to avoid guilt by association with "racism", and many Western countries having "hate speech" laws that are much stricter on race than on religion.

The movement often strongly support Jewish and Israeli interests, opposes anti-Semitism, and actively censors and expels those accused of expressing any anti-Semitic views. Possible reasons for this include the same one as stated for race and that there are some Jews who are an influential part of or support the movement. See also Jews and immigration.

Regardless, the movement is often despite this being accused of being (crypto)-racist/fascist by opponents, in part as a form of guilt by association. Another guilt by association tactic is by labeling the movement as Islamophobic.

However, it is possible that the movement and organizations within them movement have support from individuals who have more "radical" views than the official views (such as racial views), but who support the movement as this being "safer" and less controversial than supporting more radical organizations. Another possibility is that such individuals think that the movement is more radical than it actually is, due to biased media descriptions.

In Europe, anti-European Union views are often also supported and in particular those seen as allowing mass immigration of Muslims and Islamization.

Counterjihad movement

The Counterjihad movement is one part of the above mentioned anti-Islamization movement in the Western world. It tends to associated with more extreme theories, such as Islamist terrorists having support from Islamic writings or the Muslim Brotherhood having a large influence and being involved in conspiracies.


Eurabia (from Europe + Arabia) is a term that in some politically correct sources, such as Wikipedia, is described as only referring to a conspiracy theory, coined by the Jewish Bat Ye'or (pen name of Gisele Littman) in the early 2000s and described in her 2005 book Eurabia: The Euro‐Arab Axis. The supposed conspiracy is allegedly led by French and Arab powers, to Islamize and Arabise Europe, undermining an alignment with the U.S. and Israel.

There have been statements by some European leaders on promoting Muslim immigration to Europe (especially previously, before the large-scale immigration and consequent effects did occur) and statements by some Muslim leaders on conquering Europe by immigration and consequent demographic changes, but as these statements are openly stated and not illegal, this is not a conspiracy theory.[28]

Furthermore, today the term "Eurabia" often refers not to a conspiracy theory, but instead refers to the Islamization of Europe, regardless of cause(s). Thus, the Wikipedia description is in practice often a straw man. See also White genocide conspiracy theory regarding a similar tactic.

Anti-anti-Islamization movements in the Western World

As Islamic groups have gained increasing political influence in the Western countries, critics have argued that national and international Islamic organizations are increasingly putting pressure on Western politicians to gradually criminalize criticisms of Islam and Islamization.[9]

Methods such as accusations of "Islamophobia" and "hate speech" against individuals are also used. "In a representative study in Germany, over half of the people surveyed admitted to not daring to criticize Islam or Muslims publicly".[9]


Some (far) leftists in effect support Islamization, see Islamo-leftism.

See also

External links


Article archives


  1. Why are more Indonesians favoring Shariah?
  2. 215,000,000 Christians Persecuted, Mostly by Muslims
  3. Saudi sheik: 'Slavery is a part of Islam'. 11/10/2003 at 5:00 PM. WND.
  4. Islamist Calls for Slavery's Legalization. Nov 7, 2003, updated Nov 28, 2013.
  5. Nigerian ‘Sex-Slaves’ Disrupt Obama Narrative on Islam. Raymond Ibrahim.
  6. Muslim Cleric Urges Poor Women to Become Sex-Slaves. Raymond Ibrahim.
  7. Slavery and Sex Slavery. TheReligionofPeace
  8. "Europe's Growing Muslim Population". Pew Center.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Europe: Islamic Fundamentalism is Widespread. December 16, 2013 at 5:00 am.
  10. Six Country Immigrant Integration Comparative Survey (SCIICS). WZB Berlin Social Science Center.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Muslim Opinion Polls: A ‘Tiny Minority of Extremists’?
  12. Muslim Immigration and the West
  13. Europe: Islamic Fundamentalism is Widespread
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 The Islamic Threat
  15. Human Rights: Why Countries Differ
  16. Mariuma, Yarden. "Taqiyya as Polemic, Law and Knowledge: Following an Islamic Legal Term through the Worlds of Islamic Scholars, Ethnographers, Polemicists and Military Men." The Muslim World 104.1-2 (2014): 89-108.
  17. Al-Taqqiya: The Tactic of Deception
  18. Germany: New Law Banning Child Marriage Declared Unconstitutional
  19. The Return of Fear. Peter Frost January 17, 2015. The Unz Review.
  20. Emil O. W. Kirkegaard. Net fiscal contributions of immigrant groups in Denmark and Finland are highly predictable from country of origin IQ and Muslim%. Open Quantitative Sociology and Political Science. 2017.
  21. What Happened to Brussels? The Big Decline and Muslim Immigration
  22. The Comparison of Mean IQ in Muslim and Non-Muslim Countries
  23. Will Islam Will Prove That Demographics Is Destiny?
  24. Why Islam Is Both Weak and Powerful
  25. What Do Europeans Think About Muslim Immigration?
  26. First Muslim Ban Poll Finds Americans Support Trump Order by 7-Point Margin
  27. ost Support Temporary Ban on Newcomers from Terrorist Havens
  28. Are Cassandras Fated Only to Talk to the Wind?