South Africa
South Africa is the country at the southern tip of Africa. The total land area is 1,213,090 Km2 (468,376 sq. miles).[1]
In the 1911 Census, Europeans constituted 23% of the population. In 1950, the total population was just 13,921,934. By 2023, it had risen to 61,314.971 (including 1,539,756 immigrants since 1994). It is estimated that by 2050 the population will be 75,517,920. 66.7% of the population is urban.[2]
Under the post-WWII European governments South Africa practiced a form of racial segregation with the apartheid (separate development) system. This came to be intensely criticized by the world's Liberal-Left fraternity, notably after the 1960s. Following the abdication of the European Government in 1993 and the installation of a new native communist administration in 1994, this legislation was repealed.
Since 1994 under the African National Congress (ANC) Communist government there has been little actual societal change for the overwhelming majority of the African population. Since the random acts of ANC terrorism and murder in the later 1980s, until 2021, of the 5,044,000 European population in 1990, 611,532 white Europeans are said to have emigrated.[3]. In addition to this, just under a million white South Africans are also living abroad as 'expatriate workers', which forms the majority of South Africa's current "brain drain". The Europeans who have not left face continual open discrimination, persecutions, and murder - rarely mentioned in the politically correct Western media, who spent decades campaigning against them. Employment of white South Africans fell from 20% in 1995 to only 11% of their population by 2018.
South Africa today has one of the highest murder and rape rates in the world. Over 500,000 people have been murdered since the ANC government took over in 1994.[4]
- 1 History
- 2 Separate development
- 3 Post-apartheid South Africa
- 4 Politically correct silence on non-apartheid problems
- 5 Jewish influence and relations with Israel
- 6 Demographics and white flight
- 7 White dispossession and feared future anarchy, civil war, and/or white genocide
- 9 See also
- 10 Sources
- 11 External links
- 12 References

The first European to reach the Cape of Good Hope was the Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias on 12 March 1488, who named it the "Cape of Storms" (Cabo das Tormentas). It was later renamed by John II of Portugal as "Cape of Good Hope" (Cabo da Boa Esperança) because of the great optimism engendered by the opening of a sea route to India and the East.
The Dutch East India Company colonial administrator Jan van Riebeeck established a resupply camp for the Dutch East India Company some 50 km north of the cape in Table Bay on 6 April 1652, and this eventually developed into Cape Town. On 31 December 1687 a community of Huguenots also arrived at the Cape of Good Hope from the Netherlands, whence they had fled, to flee religious persecution in France.
The Dutch East India Company needed skilled farmers at the Cape of Good Hope and the Dutch Government saw opportunities to settle Huguenots at the Cape and had sent them there. The Cape Colony gradually grew over the next 150 years or so until it extended hundreds of kilometres towards the north and north-east. The Afrikaners/Boers are predominantly the descendants of the Dutch settlers.
During the Napoleonic Wars, the Dutch Republic was occupied by the French in 1795 and Great Britain occupied the Cape. They relinquished control in 1803 but returned and re-occupied the colony on 19 January 1806 following the Battle of Blaauwberg. The Dutch formally ceded the colony to the British in the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1814. The Cape was thereafter administered as the Cape Colony and it remained a British colony, becoming self-governing in 1872, until it was incorporated into the independent Union of South Africa in 1910 (now known as the Republic of South Africa).
Great Trek
The British started to colonise the eastern border of the Cape Colony, with the arrival in Port Elizabeth of up to 4,000 settlers in 1820. In 1834 they abolished slavery. The resentment that the Boers felt against English rule and the various social changes, as well as the imposition of English language and culture, caused them to desert the colony and trek inland en masse. This was known as the Great Trek, eventually forming the independent Boer Republics of Transvaal and the Orange Free State. They were conquered by Britain in the Boer Wars.
The World's Left attack
Racial segregation began early and this became known as the apartheid (in Dutch: 'separate') system. Following the abolition of segregation in the United States South Africa became the next target for the world's Liberal-Left, calling for the abolition of separate development of the races and one man-one vote for the entire population. Liberal and socialist governments world-wide now applied trade and economic sanctions on South Africa using as their tool the United Nations organisation. In addition the terrorist wing of the communist African National Congress began committing appalling atrocities and murders.
Elsewhere, the Portuguese were evacuating their African colonies which bordered South Africa and South-West Africa (a South African protectorate and former German colony) and civil wars broke out with active communist aid mainly from the Soviet Union and Cuba. The USA and Britain also told the European government of South Africa that if they stopped their support for the European government in Rhodesia the pressure and sanctions on South Africa would be lifted. So the South Africans abandoned Rhodesia to its fate, but nothing changed. With the fall of Communism and particularly the Soviet Union, this removed some fears both inside and outside South Africa of a (Soviet) Communist takeover, with the ANC having major ties to both Communism and the Soviet Union.[5] Eventually the various external pressures began to grind the European population down.
The End of European Government
Following further assurances (lies) by the same plutocrats, the South African government announced a referendum on ending apartheid for 17 March 1992. The referendum was limited to European South African voters,[6][7] who were asked whether or not they supported the negotiated reforms begun by State President F. W. de Klerk two years earlier, in which he proposed to end the apartheid system that had been implemented in 1948. The result of the election was a large victory for the "yes" side, which ultimately resulted in apartheid being abolished. The following year the government announced a general election for 1994 based upon the one-man-one-vote principal. Unsurprisingly these first multi-racial elections were won by the openly communist African National Congress (ANC) which has ruled the country ever since in a mire of corruption and chronic incompetence.
"As Prof. Giliomee makes clear, the Afrikaners were never defeated; they simply surrendered. [...] We may never know why the whites of South Africa — both the English and the Afrikaners — voted in a 1992 referendum to rewrite the constitution. Whites still had virtually complete control of the country, and the voters probably never expected their leaders to give up so much so quickly. As Prof. Giliomee puts it, “That [President F. W.] de Klerk and his negotiators would manage to retain so little despite a position of relative strength places a serious question mark over his leadership abilities.” [...] Softened by prosperity and demoralized by the disapproval of outsiders, they ceased to believe in themselves and surrendered without firing a shot."[8]
Separate development
European South Africans argue that the Bantu populations were often late arrivals with no land rights. More politically correct descriptions instead argues for a fantasy earlier role of Bantu populations. In addition, the Khoisan hunger-gathers/pastoralists who predated the agriculturalists were displaced and probably exterminated by the Bantu incomers.
The two primary motivations for implementing the apartheid system have been stated to have been fear of demographic swamping by the faster reproducing blacks (see the section on white demographics below) and secondly the belief that the segregation benefited all. The "friction theory" argued that contacts between the races would inevitably produce conflicts.[9] See also the article on Ethnic heterogeneity.
"The apartheid era was one of unprecedented prosperity for South Africa, and blacks benefited from that prosperity. From 1960 to 1980 their average disposable personal income grew by 84 percent, from 1033 to 1903 Rand (adjusted for inflation), and life expectancy rose from 38 years to over 60. The governing National Party spent more on education and medicine for blacks than previous governments."[8]
In 2002, 60 percent of South Africans said life had been better under apartheid.[10]
Post-apartheid South Africa

Various aspects of post-apartheid South Africa have been criticized.
- "The South African government estimates that there are 31 murders per 100,000 people per year. Or about 50 a day. That would make South Africa the tenth most murderous country in the world, outpacing Rwanda, Mexico, and both Sudans. And that’s using South Africa’s official estimates — outside groups put the murder rate 100 percent higher. Choosing not to trust the South African authorities is a safe bet — South Africa’s government, which has been led by Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress since the end of apartheid, is outstandingly incompetent and corrupt. [...] Think-tank theorist Leon Louw, who helped "defeat apartheid", calls the crime and corruption "a simple manifestation of the breakdown of the state. The government is just appallingly bad at everything it does: education, healthcare, infrastructure, security, everything that is a government function is in shambles." He adds — citing "anecdotal data" — that "most people don't bother to report crimes". It appears that South Africa is about the most dangerous place you can be outside a war zone."[11]
- "From the 1940s to the 1990s, life expectancy for blacks soared from thirty-eight to sixty-one years!”... Since the dawn of "democracy" in 1994, life expectancy has plummeted by nine years. Crime has reached crippling levels . . . and is certainly much higher than in the Old South Africa. . . . unemployment had jumped from 19 percent in 1994 (before ‘freedom’) to 31 percent in 2003 (after ‘freedom’), steadily rising until, in 2005, it stood at 38.8 percent."[12]
- "Today, South Africa’s economy is stagnant, with growth running at an annual rate of just 1.3 per cent. That matters a great deal because the economy needs to expand by at least 5 per cent every year if poverty and unemployment are both to fall. Instead, the number of people out of work has risen by 1.6 million since Mr Zuma won the presidency in 2009. Unemployment–even at the narrowest definition–now stands at 26 per cent. If you use a broad definition that includes people who are too demoralised to look for work, the jobless total rises to 36 per cent.... the electricity blackouts which have become routine in Johannesburg, the commercial capital. These are happening because old power stations have shut down, causing a wholly predictable loss of capacity. The government ignored the warning signs for a decade or more".[13]
- "Political assassinations are rising sharply in South Africa [...] In most cases, A.N.C. officials are killing one another, hiring professional hit men to eliminate fellow party members in an all-or-nothing fight over money, turf and power [...] The death toll is climbing quickly. About 90 politicians have been killed since the start of 2016, more than twice the annual rate in the 16 years before that [...] The government’s inaction reflects the A.N.C.’s inability — or unwillingness — to stop the internal warfare because it could expose the extent of corruption and criminality in its ranks, current and former party officials say."[14]
South Africa's race-based affirmative action program has been accused of causing unqualified people to be appointed to positions where their incompetence hit poor and vulnerable communities. One example being by contributing to sewer plant malfunctioning, which in turn has caused diseases and deaths.[15] In 2018, whites had become under-represented in the civil services, compared to their share of the population. Despite this, affirmative action policies in favor of blacks continued.
- "Clearly the targets for restitution in the public sector have long been reached and what is happening now is reverse racism."[16] See also Affirmative action: South Africa.
In 2009, four mainstream newspapers in South Africa published surveys, revealing that 74% of white citizens felt that they were being persecuted in South Africa for reasons of their race.[17]
Not just whites have been critical. Some Coloureds have complained of discrimination by blacks and stated a preference for the apartheid era, despite the discrimination then, since many aspects of society are stated to have functioned better.[18]
Large scale murders of whites, in particular in connection with organized attacks against isolated farms, have sometimes been described as a genocide. See South African farm attacks.
Politically correct silence on non-apartheid problems
The politically correct media and other politically correct organizations rarely criticized/criticize the problems with the anti-apartheid opponents and post-apartheid South Africa. One example is the torture/death camps run by the ANC during the opposition to the apartheid regime and that have been stated to have been much worse than prisons run by the apartheid regime.[19]
Another example is the terrorist Nelson Mandela who has been turned into a secular saint.
Jewish influence and relations with Israel
Still another controversial aspect is the role of Jews and Jewish influence, in both historical and current South Africa.
See the article on the Second Boer War and the external links there on Jewish influence on this war.
The Aliens Act, 1937 did not mention Jews, but is claimed to have been intended to stop Jewish immigration and increasing Jewish influence.
Some Jews have been argued to have played important parts in running and profiting from the apartheid system, while other Jews have been argued to have played important roles in creating and running the ANC and more recently in downplaying problems in post-apartheid South Africa.[11][20][21] See also Umkhonto we Sizwe on aspects such as (communist) Jewish influence.
South Africa and Israel for a time cooperated closely, for reasons such as both nations being isolated internationally.[22]
Israeli policies regarding Palestinians have very often been compared with apartheid. In 2014, "a parliamentary group expressed in a “Cape Town Declaration” their solidarity with the Palestinian people. Moreover they proposed new economic rules in support of the “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” (BDS) campaign that would have effectively ended economic co-operation with Israel. Predictably the Jewish community reacted like a hornets nest that had been poked with a stick. They hit out at “flagrant hijacking of the Parliamentary process by special interest groups”. Not surprisingly they managed to get the Cape Town Declaration watered down. But it was all a mischievous gesture that sputtered out. In reality the links between South Africa and Israel will not be ending anytime soon. After all, President Zuma needs Mossad to maintain the security system they built for his lavish presidential compound."[20]
Recently, after the Jewish population peaked in the 1970s during the apartheid system, there has been large-scale migration of Jews from South Africa.
Demographics and white flight
White flight | |||
- "It is also easily forgotten that in 1868 Whites were half the population and there were more Whites than Black Africans. [...] It took less than 150 years for Whites to go from half the population of South Africa to becoming an endangered minority making up less than 10% of the population."[11]
As noted above, one important reason for implementing apartheid was due to fear of being demographically swamped by faster reproducing blacks.
The ANC explicitly endorsed such views. "the ANC’s ‘Operation Production’ campaign which guaranteed young men who signed up to the ANC free sex with women members; while ANC women were forbidden the use of contraceptives. Women who refused to be forcefully impregnated or used contraceptives, were accused of being Apartheid agents, which was punishable by being burnt to death by the necklace".[23]
- "In the post-apartheid period South Africa’s government has virtually opened its borders. The result has been a torrent of people from the north: from Zimbabwe, especially, but also from Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique and Nigeria. [...] An estimated 10 to 15 million foreign Africans have poured into South Africa, swelling the shanty towns around all the major cities and towns."[24]
There is also large scale promotion of race mixing (typically a black man and a white woman) which can be seen as another method diminishing the white population.[24]
About 800,000 out of an earlier total population of 4 millions whites had left South Africa since 1995, according to one report from 2009 on white flight. The primary driver was fear of crime. Other causes included the South African farm attacks, affirmative action programs, mismanagement of the energy sector that has caused rolling brownouts, and worries about corruption and autocratic political tendencies. Also many people from other racial groups were expressing a desire to leave. Since many of those who leave are highly educated, this has caused shortages of skilled personal and fear of long-term consequences.[25]
In 2018, the Australian Minister of Home Affairs Peter Dutton said that his department was looking into methods that would facilitate the fast-tracking of visas for white South African farmers who want to relocate to Australia. He said they "deserve special attention" because of the "horrific circumstances" of land seizures and violence in South Africa and "because from what I have seen they do need help from a civilised country like ours".[26]
Later in 2018, "A delegation of 30 South African farming families has arrived in Russia’s farmbelt Stavropol Region, Rossiya 1 TV reports. The group says it is facing violent attacks and death threats at home. Up to 15,000 Boers, descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa, are planning to move to Russia amid rising violence stemming from government plans to expropriate their land, according to the delegation. “It’s a matter of life and death – there are attacks on us. It’s got to the point where the politicians are stirring up a wave of violence,” Adi Slebus told the media. [...] The farmers are prepared to make a contribution to Russia’s booming agricultural sector, according to Rossiya 1. Each family is ready to bring up to $100,000 for leasing the land."[27]
White dispossession and feared future anarchy, civil war, and/or white genocide
There have been frequent fears of South Africa developing similarly to Zimbabwe with dispossession of whites and collapsing agriculture and economy.
In 2017, South African President Jacob Zuma pledged to break up white ownership of business and land, increasing fears of developments similar to those in Zimbabwe.[28] In 2018, "The newly elected leader of South Africa's ruling ANC (African National Congress), Cyril Ramaphosa, has come out strongly in favour of a Zimbabwe-style land grab in the country, promising to confiscate white-owned farms without compensation. [...] also announced that the mandate of the country’s competition authority would be broadened to see white ownership of any business as “anti-competitive"".[29]
Later in 2018, the country’s National Assembly approved a proposal to change the constitution so land can be taken without giving any kind of compensation. A committee has a deadline of the end of March 2019 for a report on this.[30] However, South African President Ramaphosa has announced that a constitutional amendment is actually not needed, but would be pursued anyway. Regardless, some farms have already been given notices of seizures after the owners refused offers of one tenth of their value.[31]
The leader of the one of the parties supporting seizing lands, the "Economic Freedom Fighters", criticized an opposing party, stated that the party would attempt to remove a mayor from the opposing party because he was white, and stated that "We are cutting the throat of whiteness."[32] He later stated "we’ve not called for the killing of white people, at least for now. I can’t guarantee the future."[33]
"Black First Land First" is an even more radical party. The spokesperson has been reported to have made statements such that the existence of whites in South Africa being a crime, to have demanded expropriation of absolutely all white land, and to have stated that “I have aspirations to kill white people, and this must be achieved!”[34] Later in 2018, the president of the party was reported as stating "You kill one of us we will five of you. We'll kill their women, we'll kill their children, we'll kill anything we find in our way.' Mngxitama then beckons the crowd: 'For every one of them, we'll kill how many? And they chant back: 'Five,' Mngxitama repeats, 'For every one of them?' and they respond, 'Five.' This back-and-forth is repeated several times until Mngxitama continues his rant and even calls for the deaths of dogs and cats owned by white people. He says: 'We'll kill their children, we'll kill their women, we'll kill their dogs, we'll kill their cats, we'll kill anything.' Mngxitama has since claimed that these comments were taken out of context".[35]
Related fears are of a bloodbath/civil war developing if the increasingly unpopular ANC should lose an election but refuse to give up power due to the leaders fearing facing corruption charges.[36]
A white genocide has also been feared with the South African farm attacks seen as a beginning of this.
The Suidlanders is a group making extensive preparations for an emergency situation like major civil unrest. Warning signs of that this may occur soon include political instability, an acute water crises, an electricity grid in risk of collapse, a mining industry in risk of collapse, rising unemployment, no or little economic growth, and rising crime.[37]
In 2018, South Africa officially entered a recession, with agricultural output falling -29.2% in the second quarter.[38] In 2019, the economy contracted at an annualized 3.2% in the first quarter, for reasons such as crippling, lengthy power outages stemming from a government-owned electricity company that is nearly bankrupt. Furthermore, parts of the ANC wanted more control over and changed policy by the central bank, causing fears of runaway inflation (such as in Zimbabwe).[39]
Land ownership
A related issue is who own the land, complicated by many lands not being owned by individuals, but by organizations or communally. A politically correct claim is that blacks own only 4% of farms, but a 2017 survey stated that non-Whites own 26.7% of agricultural ground and control more than 46% of South Africa’s agricultural potential. Blacks already owned more than half of all agricultural land in two of South Africa’s most fertile provinces: the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal. White farmers’ ownership of agricultural ground had declined from 85.1% in 1994 to 73.3% in December 2016, for reasons such as buying lands from whites. Large areas of the land bought by the government had become underutilised or fallow.[40] This implies that the government already owns underutilised or fallow lands that could be given to non-Whites who wish to be farmers.
Also, already before recent demands,
- "Black South Africans already have access to land restitution. The Restitution of Land Rights Act entitles all people and communities who had land forcibly taken from them to have it returned or to be given compensation. According to the World Bank, by 2016 more than 80 percent of claims were finalized, and 90 percent of the time claimants chose compensation."[31]
Thus, most such claims have already been settled and most preferred other forms of compensation than to be given land.
Furthermore, "The 17 million people who reside in the former homelands, a third of the population, are mostly subsistence farmers working tiny plots on communal land. Critics of ANC land policy say that instead of seizing farmland from whites, such households should be given title deeds, turning millions into property owners. Reformers in the ANC have signalled their support for such a policy. Former president Kgalema Motlanthe, who headed a panel of inquiry into the land issue, described traditional leaders as 'village tin-pot dictators.' Tribal chiefs were not amused, and warned the ANC in July to exclude territory under their control from its land reform drive. The Zulu King evoked the Anglo-Zulu war and the spectre of conflict over the issue."[41]
- “These people, when you want to hit them hard, go after a white man. They feel terrible pain because you have touched a white man. We're cutting the throat of whiteness. We will kill white women, children, and their pets.” – South African politician Julius "Juju" Sello Malema, black anti-white racist and advocate of white genocide
- "Why do you allow this, @CyrilRamaphosa? This is a major political party in the South African parliament and their leader is calling for genocide of white people. Immediate sanctions for Malema and declaration of him as an international criminal!" – Elon Musk,, 9 February 2025
See also
- Legum, Colin, Africa: A Handbook to the Continent, Anthony Blond Ltd., pubs., London, 1961.
External links
- South African Apartheid: a case study on the effects of European colonialism in Africa
- Race, Politics, and Crime: South Africa’s Warning to the United States
Article archives
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Did Economic Sanctions Help End Apartheid in South Africa?
- ↑ 1992: South Africa votes for change BBC News
- ↑ Elections in South Africa African Elections Database
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 The White Nation of Africa
- ↑
- ↑ The End of South Africa
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 A South African White Ethnostate
- ↑ Apartheid South Africa: Reality vs. Libertarian Fantasy
- ↑ South Africa’s Long Walk to Decline
- ↑ Hit Men and Power: South Africa’s Leaders Are Killing One Another
- ↑ South Africa’s Black Empowerment ‘Killing Babies’
- ↑ White People Forced Out of Civil Service
- ↑ White Refugees from Third World Barbarism: The Case of South Africa, Part 1
- ↑ In New S. Africa, Some in ‘Coloured’ Community Nostalgic for Apartheid
- ↑ White Refugees from Third World Barbarism: The Case of South Africa, Part 1
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 A blind eye to murder of Whites in South Africa
- ↑ The role of Jews in South Africa since 1948
- ↑ A Deal with the Devil: The Strange Case of Israel and South Africa
- ↑ White Refugees from Third World Barbarism: The Case of South Africa, Part 2
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 An African Planet? Part II
- ↑ Fleeing From South Africa, Newsweek, Scott Johnson February 14, 2009
- ↑ Australian home affairs minister to consider fast-tracking visas for white South African farmers
- ↑ ‘A Matter of Life & Death’: 15,000 White South African Farmers Seek Refuge in Russia, Report Says
- ↑
- ↑ South African president-in-waiting wants to ‘confiscate white farms without compensation’
- ↑ ‘Your Time Is Up’ South Africa Sets Date for white Farmer Land Grabs — March 2019
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 South Africa Land Seizures Begin, Economic Decline Accelerates
- ↑ 'We are cutting the throat of whiteness' – Malema on plans to remove Trollip
- ↑ Malema: 'We Have Not Called For The Killing Of White People... At Least For Now'
- ↑ White existence is a crime, says BLF spokesperson
- ↑ Black South African politician urges followers to 'kill whites', saying: 'We will kill their children and their women'
- ↑ Zuma will trigger a 'bloodbath' if the ANC loses in 2019 – Zakes Mda
- ↑ Here we will simply place the evidence before you and let you decide for yourself.
- ↑ UPDATE 3-South Africa in recession for first time since 2009; rand slumps
- ↑
- ↑ Who owns SA’s land?
- ↑ South Africa withdraws white farmland redistribution bill six days after Trump warned he was closely studying the situation