East Asians

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Satellite imagery of Eurasia. The Himalayas mountain range in Asia (and the deserts and the mountain ranges bordering on the Himalayas) can be clearly distinguished.
Diagram showing genetic population clusters in Central and East Asia.

East Asians (also known as Mongoloids) are a major race inhabiting East and South East Asia. The Himalayas (and the deserts and the mountain ranges bordering on the Himalayas) is a partial barrier against genetic exchange, which has contributed to the races on either side genetically differentiating from one another, as often seen in various parts of Asia.


The term "East Asians" may alternatively only refer to a subgroup in this larger group, which includes the Chinese, the Japanese, and the Koreans. Another term for this group is "Northeast Asians". This group differs somewhat regarding physical traits and have a significantly higher measured average IQ.

East Asians form a cluster distinct from Indians and Central Asian Uyghurs (CN-UG in the diagram). Singaporeans are a mixed group, which is reflected in the diagram. The East Asians can in turn be divided into different smaller clusters, demonstrating a hierarchy with different levels.[1]

The Amerindians are often considered a separate major race. In, for example, the United States, there are very large differences between the groups regarding variables such as crime rates.

Physical traits

Eat Asian girl
Specific races
Ancient Egyptians
East Asians
Han Chinese
Sub-Saharan Africans

Richard Lynn writes in the book Race Differences in Intelligence regarding the Chinese, the Koreans and the Japanese that "The most distinctive features of East Asians are their straight black hair, flat nose, and yellowish skin color and the epicanthic eye-fold that gives their eyes a narrow appearance."[2] Regarding the Southeast Asians that he states that "the flattened nose and epicanthic eye-fold are less prominent".[2]

"The arctic peoples are the indigenous Inuit (formerly known as Eskimos) of Alaska, the north coast of Canada, and Greenland, the Aleuts of the Aleutian Islands, and the North Turkic and Chukchi peoples of the far northeast of Asia... ...They differ from the Amerindians and from the East Asians in that they are more highly cold adapted, with shorter legs and arms and a thick trunk to conserve heat, a more pronounced epicanthic eye-fold, and a nose well flattened into the face to reduce the risk of frostbite. The reason the Arctic Peoples have evolved into a distinctive race is that their ancestors were isolated from the East Asians by the Chersky mountain range in northeast Asia."
"The most distinctive features of Native Americans that distinguish them from East Asians are their darker and sometimes reddish skin, hooked or straight nose, and lack of the complete East Asian epicanthic eye-fold, although the inner eye-fold is sometimes present".[2]

See the article Race and morphology/physiology‎ and the "External links" section there regarding a much more detailed list of physical traits as well as regarding other characteristics such as "alcohol flush syndrome".

Intelligence and creativity

Although it is Europeans who have made most scientific discoveries and who achieved the industrial and scientific revolutions, the Chinese, the Japanese, and the Koreans (but not the other East Asians, including the Southeast Asians) have, according to Richard Lynn's reviews of worldwide IQ studies, on average scored somewhat higher than Europeans on IQ tests. Usually by approximately 5 points. In addition, they generally outperform Europeans in proxy measures for intelligence, such as SAT[3] and and PISA scores.[4] However, they lag heavily behind in intellectual and civilizational accomplishments compared with other high-scoring races, namely Europeans and Ashekenazi Jews. See the book Human Accomplishment. Lynn has explained this as East Asians likely having relatively lower average creativity. Lynn argues that this is supported by East Asians scoring lower on tests for the trait openness to experience.[5]. Also possible is the dysgenic pressures on European populations since the industrial revolution have lowered European intelligence to where it is now. Estimates for the purported drop in intelligence come out to the equivalent of about 8-15 IQ points in g since the mid to late 1800s.[6]

Proposed explanations for the lower creativity have included that the ideographic Asian languages curb abstract thinking and creativity, that Asian cultures, religions and educational systems have devalued and discouraged logical thinking, and/or a high degree of Asian conformism.[7]

Northeast Asians have a relatively higher measured non-verbal IQ, but a relatively lower measured verbal IQ. For Northeast Asians in Asia, according to one overview of studies that assessed both types of IQ, the mean visualization IQ is 108.6, while the mean verbal IQ is 101.4.[7]

See the article Other race differences regarding topics such as "Collectivism vs. Individualism/Tightness vs. Looseness" and "Visual memory".

See also

External links



  1. Yang X, Xu S, The HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Consortium (2011) Identification of Close Relatives in the HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Database. PLoS ONE 6(12): e29502. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029502 http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0029502
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Richard Lynn. Race Differences in Intelligence. 2006. Washington Summit Publishers.
  3. [[1]]
  4. [[2]]
  5. Richard Lynn, Race Differences in Intelligence, Creativity and Creative Achievement, Richard Lynn, Mankind Quarterly, Vol. 48, No. 3 (Spring 2008) pp. 299-309, http://www.mankindquarterly.org/spring2008_lynn.html
  6. Sarraf, Ali Mirsepassi. Modernity and Cultural Decline: A Biobehavioral Perspective. Springer, 2020. ISBN 978-3-030-32983-9.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Satoshi Kanazawa. No, It Ain’t Gonna Be Like That. 2006. Evolutionary Psychology. 2006. 4: 120-128 http://www.epjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/ep04120128.pdf