German colonies
This is a list of former German colonies (German: Deutsche Kolonien) and protectorates (German: Schutzgebiete) established by Brandenburg-Prussia, the Habsburg Monarchy, and the German Empire.
Between 1884 and 1919 – until it was forced to renounce its claims under the Treaty of Versailles – the German Empire claimed colonial possessions overseas. In addition to “protectorates” in Africa (Togo, Cameroon, German South West Africa and German East Africa), this also included those in the Pacific (Samoa and German New Guinea with Micronesia) and in China (Kiatschou/Tsingtao).
In the colonial administrative authorities established far from the center of the German Empire and in the superior Imperial Colonial Office, administrative documents were created in accordance with the regulations applicable in the German Empire.
Brandenburg–Prussian colonies

These were colonies unsuccessfully settled by Brandenburg-Prussia (part of the Holy Roman Empire), since 1701 Kingdom of Prussia, and before the foundation of the German Empire in 1871.
- Groß Friedrichsburg (in Ghana), 1683–1718
- Arguin (in Mauritania), 1685–1721
- Whydah (in present Bénin), circa 1700
North America
These territories were held briefly under lease or occupation during the early European colonizations of the New World:
- Saint Thomas. Leased by Brandenburg from the Danish West India Company, 1685–1720.
- Island of Crabs (Krabbeninsel in German) (Caribbean, now US), Brandenburg annexation in the Danish West Indies, 1689–1693
- Tertholen (Caribbean), 1696. Occupation.
Habsburg Monarchy colonies
These were colonies of the Habsburg Monarchy (part of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation), since 1804 Austrian Empire, since 1867 Austria-Hungary:
- Banquibazar & Cabelon (1719/23–1744/50)[1]
- Nicobar islands (1778–1783)[2]
- Tientsin concession (1901–1917)
Imperial German colonies

These are colonies settled by and controlled by the German Empire from 1884 to 1919 which constituted the German Colonial Empire and were taken from Germany under the Treaty of Versailles in 1919.
The following were German African protectorates:
- German East Africa (Deutsch-Ostafrika):
- Tanganyika. In 1922 became a League of Nations mandate under the United Kingdom. In 1961 became independent and in 1964 joined with former British protectorate of the sultanate of Zanzibar to form present-day Tanzania
- Ruanda-Urundi (1885–1917) – present-day Rwanda and Burundi after Belgian mandate period
- Wituland (1885–1890) – since 1890 in Kenya
- Kionga Triangle – since 1920 (earlier occupied) in Portuguese Mozambique
- German South West Africa (1884–1915/1919; Deutsch-Südwestafrika) – present-day Namibia (except then-British Walvis Bay) and part of Botswana (Südrand des Caprivi-Zipfels)
- See also: Hottentot War
- German West Africa (Deutsch-Westafrika) – existed as one unit only for two or three years, then split into two colonies due to distances:
- Kamerun (1884–1914) – after World War I, separated into
- a British part, Cameroons, later split in half, with one part joining Nigeria and the other becoming part of modern Cameroon.
- Kamerun, Nigeria-Ostteil, Tschad-Südwestteil, Zentralafrikanische Republik-Westteil, Republik Kongo-Nordostteil, Gabun-Nordteil
- a French Cameroun, which became present Cameroon.
- a British part, Cameroons, later split in half, with one part joining Nigeria and the other becoming part of modern Cameroon.
- Togoland (1884–1914) – after World War I it separated into two :
- Kamerun (1884–1914) – after World War I, separated into
These were German colonies in the Pacific:
- German New Guinea (Deutsch-Neuguinea) (1884–1914/1919) and Micronesia (later incorporated into the German New Guinea)
- Kaiser-Wilhelmsland
- Bismarck Archipelago (Bismarck-Archipel)
- German Solomon Islands or Northern Solomon Islands (Salomonen or Nördliche Salomon-Inseln) (1885–1899)
- Bougainville Island (Bougainville-Insel) (1888–1919)
- Nauru (1888–1919)
- Marshall Islands (Marschall-Inseln) (1885–1919)
- Mariana Islands (Marianen) (1899–1919) – present-day Northern Mariana Islands
- Caroline Islands (Karolinen) (1899–1919) – present-day Federated States of Micronesia and Palau
- German Samoa (Deutsch-Samoa) (1899–1914) – present-day Samoa
German concessions in China, leased to it by the Imperial Qing Dynasty:
- Kiautschou Territory and Tsingtau (1898–1919)
- Occupied by Japan from Nov 1914.
- Returned to China by the Japanese in 1922.
- Certain rights only in Chefoo (c. 1870–1917)
- today called Yantai.
See also
Further reading
- Dr. Heinrich Schnee (de):
- German Colonization - Past & Future – The Truth About the German Colonies, London 1926 (PDF; at
- Unsere Kolonien (PDF)
- Die koloniale Schuldlüge, Knorr & Hirth, München 1924 (HTML)
- Die deutschen Kolonien vor, in und nach dem Kriege, Quelle und Meyer, Leipzig 1935
- Prof. Bruce Gilley: In Defense of German Colonialism – And How Its Critics Empowered Nazis, Communists, and the Enemies of the West, 2019
- German edition: Verteidigung des deutschen Kolonialismus, 2021
- See also Colonialism Reconsidered from Jesse Russell, 2022