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Black Lives Matter terror and riots in Ferguson (Oakland)

A riot is a form of civil disorder characterized by disorganized groups lashing out in a sudden and intense rash of violence against people and/or property. While individuals may attempt to lead or control a riot, riots are typically chaotic and exhibit herd behavior. Riots often occur in reaction to a perceived grievance or out of dissent. They typically involve vandalism and the destruction of private and public property. The specific people/property to be targeted varies depending on the cause of the riot and the inclinations of those involved.


While jews and jewish lackeys in the news media may provoke a riot and attempt to lead or control a riot, riots are typically chaotic and exhibit herd behavior. For instance Jewish Bolshevik pseudo-revolutionary, Steve Schmidt, was beaten senseless and robbed by blacks in Ferguson while he was trying to encourage them to riot harder.[1]

White people almost never riot, and in contrast, protest--from peaceful picketing to a violent protest, but not riot. The difference is riots typically involve vandalism, looting, arson, and the news media making it worse. The specific targets are generally shops, cars, restaurants, state-owned institutions, police officers, and white people. When protests turn violent, it's a clash between protesters and the police, rather than looting, robbing, beating, and throwing jars of urine on[2] innocent people.

Rioting is mainly a negro behavior. White people occasionally riot after sports games or when stirred up by Marxist agitators, but rioting is a negro thing. For instance in August 2014 a white cop shot a black man in St. Louis and the blacks rioted for weeks. This same reaction to a negro shot by a cop has happened many times before such as in the Planet of the Apes riots. The Rodney King riots were similar but merely a police beating. In the same month of August 2014, a black cop shot a white man and white people peacefully protested.[3] Even the mulattoes in Palestine only peacefully protest and at most throw rocks, but they never do a full blown chimp out like negroes in white countries always are doing. Riots often occur in reaction to a perceived grievance or out of dissent. Historically, riots have occurred due to jews stirring up negroes to violence, by faking oppression such as in the George Zimmerman shooting of Trayvon Martin. Negro riots are usually considered race riots and white people are attacks as negroes hope for a repeat of Haiti's 1804 massacre.

Rioting, looting, and violence is a terrorist act. Negroes rioting is more of an expression of aggressive animal behavior rather than outrage over real oppression. They do not care about the reason for the riot, they just want to show the police, shopkeepers, white people, and everyone else that they are the boss of them. It's like an aggressive breed dog attacking people to exert dominance.[4][5] When word gets out that they were rioting on a completely fabricated outrage, the negroes will riot and loot harder angered that the truth got out.[6] During such riots, when white people believe there was a justifiable outrage for negroes to riot over, the whites will peacefully assembled and hold signs rather than race riot.[7] However the jews and jewish lackey whites (Antifa) will try to stir up the riot further, although these types were the ones who caused the riots in the first place.

Some rioters have become quite sophisticated at understanding and withstanding the tactics used by police in such situations. Manuals for successful rioting are available on the internet. These manuals also encourage rioters to get the press involved, as there is more safety with the cameras rolling. There is also more attention. Citizens with video cameras may also have an effect on both rioters and police.

Dealing with riots is often difficult task for police departments, and police officers sent to deal with riots are usually armed with ballistic shields and riot shotguns, mainly because of the larger spread of the shorter barrels. Police may also use tear gas and CS gas to stop rioters. Most riot police have moved to using less-than-lethal methods to control riots, such as shotguns that fire rubber slugs and flexible baton rounds to injure or otherwise incapacitate rioters for easy arrest.

See also
