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Nepotism is a noun which means giving undue favour by a holder of some kind of patronage or an employer or entrépeneur to relatives[1] or people of the same religion or bonds. It is most commonly used in relation to Jews, notorious for employing or engaging their own to the exclusion of non-Jews regardless of qualifications, wherever they may be. Hollywood is a renowned example.[2][3]

Examples of Jewish nepotism were rampant in Germany, where as late as August 26, 1936 the British Embassy in Berlin reported to the Foreign Office in London that "in 1931 out of 3,450 lawyers in Berlin, 1,925 were Jews. In Breslau the numbers were 285 and 192, and in Frankfurt-on-Main 659 and 432 respectively. In Berlin the number of Jewish doctors was 52%, while in most towns the average was 30%. Fifteen Jewish bankers are stated to have held 718 director-ships in banks and commercial undertakings. Of theatre directors, 50.4% were Jews. Although Jews formed only about 1% [in fact, only 0.7%[4]] of the total population, there was a widespread feeling that they blocked the approaches to all the leading positions in the State, monopolising them for themselves."[5]

The USA's legal and academic networks are also prime examples. Dr. Patrick Slattery gives one:

"US Supreme Court Judge Elena Kagan was helped considerably along the way by fellow Jews. Her senior thesis advisor at Princeton University was Sean Wilentz. She worked as a summer intern for Congressman Ted Weiss. She was later given a job as assistant press secretary for Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman. Her first clerk job was for Judge Abner Mikva. She was hired as a full-time tenure track professor by University of Chicago Law School Dean Geoff Stone at the age of 31. Four years later Stone gave her tenure. Shortly thereafter, Judge Mikva, who was at that time White House Counsel for Bill Clinton, brought Kagan into the Clinton administration. After Clinton left office, Kagan joined the faculty of Harvard Law School and in just two years was appointed Dean by Harvard President Lawrence Summers. Notice that all of these people who paved the way for her — Wilentz, Holtzman, Weiss, Mikva, Stone, and Summers — are Jewish.

One could say that what difference does it make, as long as she was qualified. Well, she did get good grades as a student, but how far should that get you? There were some objections to her getting tenure at the University of Chicago because "surprisingly for someone so prominent in academia, Ms. Kagan published very little." Her publishing track record had not improved much when she got her Harvard position. When Mikva brought her into the Clinton administration as Associate White House Counsel, she brought with her all of two years of experience practicing law. The article points out that when Obama appointed Kagan as United States solicitor-general, she had argued no cases in the US Supreme Court and had only recently become a member of its bar. And of course, until her appointment to the Supreme Court, she had never been a judge, and her opinions on the major issues of the day were a mystery. In the positions she has held, non-Jewish Whites account for less than half of the appointments made by Kagan." [6]

There is considerable nepotism at the BBC. See that page.

A more recent example or similarity to nepotism is positive discrimination whereby non-Europeans (non-Caucasians) are deliberately given positions which their qualifications or talents would not normally have afforded them. It is part of the Marxist and liberal assault on European societies everywhere.

See also


  1. Fowler, H.W. & F.G., (editors), The Concise Oxford Dictionary, 5th edition, Clarendon Press, Oxford UK, 5th edition, 1964, p.809.
  3. Shapiro, Ben, Primetime Propaganda, 2011, HarperCollins Publishers USA, ISBN 978-0--6-193477-3
  4. Encyclopaedia Britannica Year Book 1938 (for 1937), London, p.354.
  5. Medlicott, Professor W.N., Dakin, Professor Douglas, Bennett, Gillian, Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919-1939, Second Series, vol.xvii, HMSO London, 1979, p.175.