Gustav Freiherr von Senden und Bibran

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Gustav Freiherr von Senden-Bibran
Gustav Freiherr von Senden und Bibran.jpg
Birth name Gustav Ernst Otto Egon Freiherr von Senden
Birth date 23 July 1847(1847-07-23)
Place of birth Gut Reisicht, Kreis Goldberg-Haynau, Province of Silesia, Kingdom of Prussia, German Confederation
Death date 23 November 1909 (aged 62)
Place of death Berlin, Province of Brandenburg, German Empire
Allegiance  Prussia
Wappen des Deutschen Bundes.jpg German Confederation
Coat of arms of North German Confederation.png North German Confederation
 German Empire
Service/branch Prussian war ensign after 1850.png Royal Prussian Navy
Kriegsflagge der Norddeutschen Bundesmarine (1867–1871).png Norddeutsche Bundesmarine
 Kaiserliche Marine
Years of service 1862–1906
Rank Admiral
Battles/wars German Danish War
Franco-German War
Awards Red Eagle Order
Prussian Crown Order
Black Eagle Order

Gustav Ernst Otto Egon Freiherr von Senden, since 1854 Freiherr von Senden und Bibran (also: Ernst Otto Egon Gustav; 23 July 1847 – 23 November 1909), was a German naval officer of the Royal Prussian Navy (German: Königlich Preußische Marine), the North German Federal Navy (German: Marine des Norddeutschen Bundes) and the Kaiserliche Marine, finally Admiral, Chief of the Imperial Naval Cabinet (Chef des Marine-Kabinetts) and Generaladjutant of Kaiser Wilhelm II.

Military career (chronology)

Gustav Freiherr von Senden-Bibran II.jpg
Gustav Freiherr von Senden-Bibran III.jpg
Castle Reisicht, family home of Senden-Bibran (Alexander Duncker collection).jpg
  • 7 April 1862 Seekadetten-Institut Berlin
    • His entrance exams were not outstanding, but his father knew Prince Adalbert of Prussia (1811–1873) since his youth. The mandatory equipment (500 Taler) and the annual allowance (240 Taler) were very expensive for the parents.
  • 7 April 1863 Training on board the brigg "Hela" in Danzig
  • Summer 1863 Training on board the sail frigate "Niobe"
  • October 1863 return to the Seekadetten-Institut Berlin
  • February 1864 Passed the exams to become a Officer Cadet (Seekadett)
  • 1864 German Danish War
    • February 1864 Signalkadett on board the aviso "Grille", flag ship of Prince Adalbert of Prussia
    • 31 March 1864 Signalkadett on board the steam corvette "Arcona", flag ship of Rear Admiral Eduard Jachmann
  • Autumn 1865 to 1870 Naval service on "Rover", "Grille" and "Renown" on trips abroad
  • 1870/71 Commandant of the captured river gunboat "Volontaire" during the Franco-German War
  • 1871 Büreau-Chef (Office Chief) of the Marine-Schule (Naval School) in Kiel[1]
  • 1872 Imperial Admiralty (Decernat I)
  • 1873 First Officer of the S.M. Yacht "Grille" under commandant Corvette Captain Ratzeburg
  • 1873/74 Watch Officer on board the cadet training frigate SMS "Niobe"
    • At the same time commanded to the Naval Academy (Marineakademie), II. Cötus
  • 1 October 1874 to 10 August 1877 Watch Officer (W.O) on board SMS "Hertha" (Arcona-Class)
    • The Hertha was on a long journey to East Asia and the South Pacific. One of the goals of this trip was to conclude, together with the German imperial consuls, most-favored-nation treaties of the German Empire with the Samoa and Tonga Islands. The Hertha became the place of signing for the friendship treaty between the German Empire and Tonga on 1 November 1876 in the port of Nukuʻalofa on Tongatapu.
  • 1877/78 Imperial Admiralty (Decernat III)
  • September 1878 to 8 November 1879 Commandant of the gunboat "Comet" stationed in Constantinople
  • 1879/80 Imperial Admiralty (Decernat II)
  • 1880 Leader of the I. Abteilung/Erste Werftdivision (First Shipyard Division) in Kiel
  • 29 August 1881 to 1883 First Officer of the cadet training ship SMS "Elisabeth" on a world tour
    • On 26 April 1883, Louis Karl Emil von Blanc inspected the cadet training ship SMS "Elisabeth" under Friedrich Hollmann and his first officer Freiherr von Senden-Bibran and praised officers and men for their outstanding service in East Asia.
  • 14 October 1883 to 16 March 1886 1. Adjutant of the Station of the North Sea in Wilhelmshaven
  • 17 March 1886 to 3 April 1888 Imperial Admiralty (Kommandoabteilung) under Captain at Sea Hans von Koester, later under Friedrich Hollmann
  • 4 April 1888 to 20 September 1888 Commandant of the armored frigate SMS "Bayern"
  • 21 September 1888 to 12 November 1888 Chief of Staff of the Naval Station of the Baltic Sea
  • 13 November 1888 to 31 March 1889 Commanded to the Military Cabinet (Militär-Kabinett)
    • Flügeladjutant of the Emperor
      • He became Naval Adjutant or Aide to Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1888 and in 1889 Chief of the German Imperial Naval Cabinet. In both positions he was very valuable for his ability to explain technical matters in a manner that the Kaiser could understand. In 1892 he became Konteradmiral and in 1899 Vizeadmiral. Senden-Bibran often came into strong conflict with army and civilian leaders over his naval building plans, but he often won his goals with the support of Kaiser Wilhelm II, who "had nothing but the Navy in his head." He made no secret of his goal of building a Navy which would wrest world economic and political power from the British. He was accused of having "delusions of grandeur" and little knowledge of the realities of world politics and power. His period of greatest influence was in the 1890, lessening after the triumph of Tirpitz. He was something of a "naval Éminence grise" to the Kaiser, with whom he had a standing appointment to meet on Tuesday mornings, either in Berlin or Potsdam. His power waned after the appointment of Admiral Tirpitz to the Imperial Naval Office in 1897, partly because he took the losing pro-Cruiser side in the debate within the government (and for the Kaiser's ear) over whether Germany should build a Cruiser Fleet or a great Battleship Fleet. In the controversy over where Germany should seek a base in the Far East, Senden-Bibran preferred Chusan, an island in the mouth of Hangzhou Bay.
  • 1 April 1889 to 7 July 1906 Chief of the Imperial Naval Cabinet (Chef des Marine-Kabinetts) in Berlin
    • 10 October 1892 With his promotion to Rear Admiral placed Admiral à la suite of the German Emperor and Prussian King
    • 20 June 1901 Generaladjutant of Kaiser Wilhelm II (until his death)
  • 7 July 1906 Retired and placed à la suite of the Sea Officers Corps (Seeoffizierskoprs)


Gustav was the seventh child of eight (two girls and six boys) would become adults.[2] Three further siblings died young. His father was Ludwig Ernst Freiherr von Senden (b. 8 September 1804 in Berlin; d. 30 August 1883 at Gut Reisicht), Rittmeister of the cavalry of the k. k. Armee (Austrian Empire), lord of the manor (Gut Nieder-Wittgendorf), Royal Prussian Chamberlain and Knight of Honour (Ehrenritter) of the Johanniter-Orden.[3]

His mother was Agnes Freiin von Kölichen genannt Freiin von Bibran und Modlau (b. 5 October 1812 at Gut Reisich; d. 12 July 1890 ibid), lady of the manor (Reisicht with Tammendorf and Birkflecht, but also Tschirbsdorf[4]). After the Barons of Bibran died out in the male line on 16 December 1828, a name and coat of arms association was applied for by father Freiherr von Senden with his wife Agnes and approved by Prussian Cabinet Order (preußische Kabinettsorder) on 20 November 1854.

Like his siblings, Gustav was taught at home by lectors until he was eleven years old, since March 1859, he attended the Realgymnasium and Gymnasium of the Vitzthum'sches Institut in Dresden. He learned to play the flute very well, but also the zither (gave that up in 1888). He loved to ride horses and later learned to ride a bicycle during a vacation in Belgium.[5]


Gustav Freiherr von Senden und Bibran never married, and dedicated his life to building a strong German Navy. He seemed, although, to have a long-lasting love affair with his French teacher Ida Reymond. His diary shows that he took lessons in French and English regularly for many years.


  • 7 April 1862 Cadett Aspirant (Cadet Candidate)
  • 7 April 1863 Voluntair Cadett (Officer Candidate)
  • 2 March 1864 Seecadett (Officer Cadet)
  • c. February 1867 Unterlieutenant zur See (2nd Lieutenant)
  • 31 August 1869 Lieutenant zur See (1st Lieutenant)
  • 17 February 1874 Capitän-Lieutenant (Lieutenant Captain)
  • 15 April 1880 Korvettenkapitän (Corvette Captain – Lieutenant Commander)
  • 18 September 1886 Kapitän zur See (Captain at Sea – Captain)
  • 10 October 1892 Konteradmiral (Rear Admiral)
  • 17 November 1899 Vizeadmiral (Vice Admiral)
  • 14 November 1903 Admiral

Awards and decorations

Gustav Freiherr von Senden und Bibran IV.png
Gustav Freiherr von Senden und Bibran, Rangliste 1909 (Nachtrag).png
  • War Commemorative Medal of 1864 (Kriegs-Denkmünze für 1864; KD64)
  • War Commemorative Medal of 1870–1871 (Kaiserliche Kriegsdenkmünze 1870/71; KD70/71)
  • Prussian Order of the Crown, 4th Class on 18 November 1879
  • Ottoman Medschidie-Orden (Medjidie-Orden), 3rd Class (TM3)
  • Knight of Honour (Ehrenritter) of the Johanniter-Orden on 18 February 1880
  • Prussian Long Service Cross for 25 years (Königlich Preußisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz)
  • Red Eagle Order (Roter Adlerorden), 4th Class on 18 January 1885
  • Prussian Order of the Crown (Kronenorden), 3rd Class
  • Japanese Order of the Rising Sun, 3rd Class (JVAS3/JV3)
  • Russian Order of Saint Anna (St.-Annen-Orden), II. Class (RA2)
  • Swedish Order of the Sword, Commander 1st Class (SS2a) on 27 July 1888
  • Danish Order of Dannebrog, Commander 2nd Class (DD2b) on 30 July 1888
  • Red Eagle Order, 3rd Class with the Bow (mit der Schleife)
  • House and Merit Order of Peter Frederick Louis, Ehren-Großkomturkreuz or Grand Commanders Cross (OV2a)
  • Order of the Redeemer (Greece), Commander (GE2b)
  • Order of the Crown of Italy, Commander (JK3)
  • Austrian-Hungarian Imperial Order of Leopold, Commander (ÖL2) in 1889
  • Ottoman Osmanie-Orden (Osmanije), 2nd Class (TO2)
  • House Order of Hohenzollern, Knight's Cross (HOH3)
  • Order of Leopold (Belgium), Officer (BL2b)
  • Danish Order of Dannebrog, Commander 1st Class (DD2a) on 29 June 1890
  • Royal Norwegian Order of Saint Olav, Commander I. Class with Star (NO2amSt/NO2a.mSt) on 2 July 1890
  • Italian Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, Commander (JMuL3/JM3)
  • Lippe House Order (Fürstlich Lippischer Hausorden), Cross of Honour (Ehrenkreuz) 2nd Class (LH.EK2/LH2)
  • Prussian Order of the Crown, 2nd Class on 1 January 1891
  • Order of the Lion of the Netherlands, Commander (NL2)
  • Order of the Star of Romania, Commander (StvRum2b/RumSt2b/RumSt3)
  • Württemberg Order of the Crown, Commander (WK2/WK2b) in 1892
  • House Order of the Wendish Crown (Hausorden der Wendischen Krone), Commander (MWK2b/MK2b)
  • Order of the Crown of Italy, Grand Officer (JK2)
  • Russian Order of Saint Stanislaus, 2nd Class with Star (RSt2mSt)
  • Albrechts-Orden of Saxony, Commander 1st Class (SA2a)
  • Italian Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, Grand Officer (JMuL2/JM2)
  • Red Eagle Order, 2nd Class with Oak Leaves and the Crown (RAO2mEuKr) on 27 January 1894
  • Schaumburg Lippe House Order, Cross of Honour 1st Class (SLH.EK1/SLHK1/SLH1) on 26 June 1894
  • Order of the Crown of Italy, Grand Cross (JK1)
  • Franz-Joseph-Orden, Grand Cross (ÖFJ1) in 1895
  • Swedish Order of the Sword (Schwertorden), Grand Cross (SS1) on 12 July 1895
  • Baden Order of the Zähringer Lion (Orden vom Zähringer Löwen), Commander's Cross I. Class (BZL2a/BZ2a) in 1895
  • Star to his Prussian Order of the Crown 2nd Class on 27 January 1897
  • Prussian Centenary Medal 1897 (Zentenarmedaille)
  • House Order of Hohenzollern, Commander's Cross (HOH2)
  • Bavarian Military Merit Order, Grand Commander (BMV2a)
  • Russian Order of Saint Anna (St.-Annen-Orden), 1st Class (RA1)
  • House Order of Hohenzollern, Commander's Star (Stern der Komture) on 15 June 1898
  • Jerusalemkreuz 1898
  • Order of Leopold (Belgium), Grand Officer (BL2a)
  • Silver medal affiliated with the Ottoman Order of Imtiaz (TNJmsM/TsM)
  • Gold medal affiliated with the Ottoman Order of Imtiaz (TNJmgM/TgM)
  • Ottoman Medschidie-Orden (Medjidie-Orden), 1st Class (TM1)
  • Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour (FEL2/FE2)
  • Royal Victorian Order, Honorary Grand Cross (GV1) on 23 November 1899
  • Prussian Order of the Crown, 1st Class
  • Order of the Iron Crown (Austria), Knight 1st Class (ÖEK1) in 1900[6]
  • House and Merit Order of Peter Frederick Louis, Ehren-Großkreuz or Grand Cross (OV1)
  • Russian Order of the White Eagle (RWA)
  • Red Eagle Order, 1st Class with Oak Leaves and the Crown (RAO1mEuKr)
  • Knight of Justice (Rechtsritter) of the Johanniter-Orden
  • Grand Cross of the Mecklenburg Order of the Griffon (MGrO1/MG1)
  • Albrechts-Orden of Saxony, Grand Cross (SA1)
  • Order of the White Falcon (Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach), Grand Cross (GSF1)
  • Friedrichs-Orden, Grand Cross (WF1)
  • Danish Order of Dannebrog, Grand Cross (DD1) on 3 April 1903
  • Italian Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, Grand Cross (JMuL1/JM1)
  • Red Eagle Order, Grand Cross with Oak Leaves and the Crown (RAOG.Kr.mEuKr)
  • Bavarian Military Merit Order, 1st Class (BMV1)
  • Hesse Order of Merit of Philip the Magnanimous (Verdienstorden Philipps des Großmütigen), Grand Cross with the Crown (HP1mKr) on 6 June 1905
  • House Order of the Wendish Crown, Grand Cross with the Crown in Gold (MWK1b/MK1b)
  • Order of the Redeemer (Greece), Grand Cross (GE1)
  • Military Order of Christ (Portugal), Grand Cross (PC1)
  • Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Wedding Commemorative Medal 1905 (Hochzeits-Erinnerungsmedaille 1905)[7]
  • Spanish Cross of Naval Merit, IV. Class or Grand Cross (SMK4)
  • Commemorative Badge for the Silver Wedding Anniversary in 1906 (Erinnerungszeichen zur Silbernen Hochzeit 1906)
  • Black Eagle Order on 7 July 1906
    • A short time later, he received the collar or chain (Ordenskette).



  1. Liste der Kaiserlichen Marine für 1871/72, p. 10 and p. 21
  2. Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Freiherrlichen Häuser, 1893, pp. 847–848
  3. Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Freiherrlichen Häuser, part 2, 1909, p. 758
  4. Güteradressbuch Schlesien 1873/Haynau-Goldberg
  5. Klaus Franken: Das Marinekabinett Kaiser Wilhelms II. und sein erster Chef Admiral Gustav Freiherr von Senden-Bibran, 2017, p. 47
  6. Hof- und Staatshandbuch der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie, 1908, p. 101
  7. Deutscher Ordens-Almanach, 1908, p. 1439