White Student Alliance

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White Student Alliance was founded in early 1970s and affiliated with the National Socialist White People’s Party (NSWPP). The NSWPP was the reorganized in January 1967 and was formerly known as the American Nazi Party. Other youth fronts for the NSWPP during this period were the National Socialist Youth Movement and the National Socialist Liberation Front. The White Student Alliance published a newspaper called The Racialist.[1]

Two early members of the White Student Alliance were long-time white nationalists David Duke and Don Black. In February 1971 Duke broke with the White Student Alliance and started the White Youth Alliance on the campus of LSU, but continued to publish The Racialist.

In breaking with the White Student Alliance David Duke was breaking with National Socialism and the Rockwellian path to White Victory in America. Upon his resignation, Duke sent the following letter to NSWPP headquarters in Arlington, Virginia and a copy to his father who perhaps influenced his son to reassess his position.

You know that I am totally dedicated to the survival of our race and Christian Faith, but I have told you that I cannot support the policies of National Socialism. Although Adolf Hitler was pro-White and anti-communist, he is to the racial movement as the Inquisition is to Christianity. Excusing his crimes by pointing out Soviet and [A]llied war crimes does not lessen his culpability for crimes that were committed, exaggerated or not. The truth is that whatever his motives, he was the greatest disaster ever to befall the white race. . . . I am sorry if my opinion will cause our friendship to be severed, but I must act honestly on my convictions in this matter.[2]

See also


  1. Contemporary Voices of White Nationalism in America, by Carol M. Swain and Russ Nieli, page 166.
  2. The Rise of David Duke, by Tyler Bridges, page 26. David Duke’s father saved his copy of the letter which Tyler Bridges obtained.