Trans-Ocean News Service

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Trans-Ocean News Service also Transocean News Service and Trans Ocean News Bureau was a wireless European news agency headquarter in Berlin, Germany. During the National Socialist period the news agency provided articles to small papers in South America, Asia and some of the 178 German language papers in the United States for free or at a nominal rate. Transocean was largely subsidized by the German government.[1]

The agency was founded in 1914 in response to Britain’s cutting of transatlantic cables to Germany during the First World War. Transocean presented itself as an independent news agency and not an official government run institution like German News Agency (Deutsches Nachrichtenburo). Trans-Ocean became active in the US in August 1938 with the arrival of Manfred Zapp from Germany. In 1941 before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the US ordered the closure of Transocean and the withdrawal of German nationals connected with it.

Trans-Ocean News Service offices in the US were located at 341 Madison Avenue, New York City.

Criminal case

  • Foreign Agents Registration Act: United States v. Transocean News Service, et al., (D.D.C. March 11, 1941) (Manfred Zapp and Guenther Tonn)

See also
