Timeline of Europeans in America
The Timeline of the history of Europeans in America deals with the modern cultural development of the United States, Canada, Brazil and Argentina through Europeans.
- 1 Pre-History (40,000 - 7,000 BC)
- 2 History: Writing, Agriculture and the Aryan invasions (7,000 - 2,500 BC)
- 3 History: Greece, Rome, Celts and the Phoenicians (2500 BC - 400 AD)
- 4 Viking invasions and the Crusades (ca 400 - 1492)
- 5 Spain and Portugal (after 1492)
- 6 British, French, Germans, Dutch, and Swedes (after 1497)
- 7 Independence: North America
- 8 Independence: South America and Central America
- 9 See also
- 10 Bibliography
- 11 External links
Pre-History (40,000 - 7,000 BC)
- 30,000: Genetic evidence of European ancestorship found in American Indians DNA.
History: Writing, Agriculture and the Aryan invasions (7,000 - 2,500 BC)
- 7,000: Nordic type mummy found inside a grotto called the spirit cave, Nevada, USA.
- 7,000: Nordic type mummy found in the columbia river near Kennewick, Nevada, USA.
History: Greece, Rome, Celts and the Phoenicians (2500 BC - 400 AD)
- 2000 BC: Stone remains of a ceremonial site at North Salem, New Hampshire are remarkably similar to prehistoric European constructions. Recent research suggests North Salem includes an astronomical calender. Advocates of the theory that North Salem was built by American Indians have been unable to explain the rarity of Northern Indian tribes building with stone.
- 400 BC - 200 AD: Roman presence on the Canary Islands; the islands could have been used as a jumping spot into the new world.
- Some south and north American newsreports have told stories about Roman coins that where found in archeological digs.
- Carthage's Lost Warriors: New documentary suggests Carthaginians and Celts reached South America before Columbus. [1]
Viking invasions and the Crusades (ca 400 - 1492)
- 500 - 800: A Celtic monastic order called the Culdee could have reached North America when they tried to flee from the invading Norsemen. Medieval texts record a monk named Brendan making a voyage from what is now known as Ireland to an Island far to the West, this Island was later known as "St Brendans Isle". Tim Severn in 1976/1977 journeyed to Newfoundland in a small boat constructed as boats were probably made in Early Celtic Medieval times.
- 1000: Vikings reach Vinland (America).
Spain and Portugal (after 1492)
- 1492: Christopher Columbus reaches the Bahamas and call the island where he lands San Salvador.
British, French, Germans, Dutch, and Swedes (after 1497)

First Germans (therefore the first "German Americans") at James Fort (Jamestown), 1608
- 1497: The Anglo-Saxons or English land at Newfoundland.
- 1585: The English found the colonial area of Virginia on Roanoke Island.
- 1587: First English Child, Virginia Dare, is born in America.
- 1590: Roanoke Colony disappeared, all colonists lost.
- 1607: The English found the Jamestown Colony in Virginia.
- 1541: The French found the colonial settlement in Quebec.
- 1608: The first Germans arrived at Jamestown (James Fort) in October 1608. 1620 the next Germans arrived.
- 1614: The Dutch found the colonial area of nieuw Nederland (New Netherlands). 1626 the German Peter Minuit from the Duchy of Cleves (Holy Roman Empire) was named governor (succeding Willem Verhulst) with the seat of government in New Amsterdam.
- 1637: The Swedes, led by German Peter Minuit (ᛣ August 1638 as his ship sunk off of Saint Christopher Island), now working for the Swedish Skeppskompaniet (SK), founded the colonial area of Nya Sverige (New Sweden), now Delaware. The settlers were a mix of Swedes, Germans, Dutch, and Finns.
- 1683: The Germans founded Germantown (Pennsylvania German: Deitscheschteddel).
Independence: North America
- 1776, July, 4: United States becomes independent from Great Britain.
- 1867, October, 18: United States buy Alaska from Russia.
- 1964: Anti-White "Civil Rights Act" becomes law.
- 1965: new Anti-White immigration act.
- 1867, July, 1: Canada becomes independent from Great Britain.
Independence: South America and Central America
- 1804, January, 1: Haiti becomes independent from France.
- Europeans are massacred and driven from their homes. Haiti becomes one of the poorest nations in the world.
- 1810, July, 10: Colombia becomes independent from Spain.
See also
- Did the Norsemen Erect the Newport Round Tower? by Barthinius L. Wick
External links
- Atlantic Crossings Before Columbus by Frederick J. Pohl
- Europeans colonised America in 28,000 BC: Telegraph.co
- Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact: Wikipedia.org
Chapter 6: To The Ends Of The Earth - Lost White Migrations: White-history.com