National States Rights Party

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National States Rights Party
National States Rights Party.png
Political position White nationalism
American nationalism
Christian nationalism
Leader J. B. Stoner
Edward Fields
Country United States
Existence 1958–1987
Headquarters Knoxville, Tennessee
Birmingham, Alabama
Savanna, Georgia
Colours Red, white, blue

The National States Rights Party, also known as the NSRP, was an American White supremacist political party that found a minor role in the politics of the United States. The party was active from 1958 until 1987 and was mostly popular in the American South, although it did not advocate the recreation of the Confederacy. The group supported the group interests of White Americans, opposed Jewish cultural distortion and supported Christianity as the values of society. The two most notable figures associated with the party were J. B. Stoner and Edward Fields.


Founded July 1958 in Knoxville, Tennessee, the party grew out of the United White Party which was formed a year earlier. The National Chairman of the party was J. B. Stoner and the party produced a newspaper, The Thunderbolt, which was edited by Edward Fields.

On August 30 and 31, 1958 they held their National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. The party began to expand its operations and moved to new headquarters in Birmingham, Alabama in 1960. Supporters were soon kitted out in the party uniform of white shirts, black pants and tie and an armband bearing the thunderbolt version of the Wolfsangel. Thunderbolt itself gained a circulation of 15,000 in the late 1960s and the party became active in rallies across the United States. The Federal Bureau of Investigation targeted the NSRP under its COINTELPRO program.

When Adolf Eichmann was kidnapped and placed on trial in Israel, the NSRP established the Adolf Eichmann Trial Facts Committee.

The party saw its influence decline in the 1970s as chief ideologue Fields began to devote more of his energies to the Ku Klux Klan. As a result, in April 1976 U.S. Attorney General Edward H. Levi concluded an FBI investigation into the group, after it was decided that they posed no threat.

The 1980s saw the decline of the NSRP, beginning initially with Stoner being convicted for a bombing in 1980. Without his leadership the party descended into factionalism and in August 1983, Fields was expelled for spending too much time on the KKK. Without its two central figure the NSRP fell apart and by 1987 they had ceased to exist altogether.


We of the National States Rights Party believe in the Christian heritage of our people, the White Race and the Nation which the Whiteman created out of the wilderness of this continent . . .
We believe in the principles laid down by our forefathers in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights contained therein . . .
We will not allow the blood of our people to be polluted with that of black, yellow, or mongrel peoples . . .
All that is patriotic, good, clean, and decent springs forth from the foundations of our White folk . . .
We dedicate ourselves to the task of saving America and the White Race and the preservation of the pure blood of our forefathers, so that all future generations which come after us will be born as White children with a creative intelligence that will strengthen our civilized influence over the world for the good of all mankind.


  • 1958-June 1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana
  • June 1960-1964 the NSRP offices were located at 1865 Bessemer Road, Birmingham, Alabama.[1]
  • 1965 the NSRP headquarters moves to Savannah, Georgia

Groups that merged or were absorbed by the NSRP

NSRP leaders

1958 leadership

1964 leadership[4]

Other NSRP leaders

See also

External links
