Operation Paperclip

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The Third Reich had many original inventions which the USA and Soviets copied and claimed they invented.

Operation Paperclip was the USA's looting of National Socialist Germany for technology documents, technology remnants, and c. 1,500 scientists and their assistants after World War II. The US Joint Chiefs of Staff officially established Operation Overcast (operations "Overcast" and "Paperclip" were related, and the terms are often used interchangeably) on 20 July 1945, with the dual aims of leveraging German expertise for the ongoing war effort against Japan and to bolster US postwar military research. The operation, conducted by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), was largely actioned by special agents of the US Army's Counterintelligence Corps (CIC). Many selected scientists were involved in the Nazi rocket program, aviation, or chemical/biological warfare. The Soviet Union in the following year conducted a similar program, called Operation Osoaviakhim, that emphasized many of the same fields of research.


The Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the same group who fabricated the war propaganda the United States used to bash the Greater German Empire which the general public is still being filled with today. Another US agency, the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) also took part. Besides obtaining the technology, the other purpose of Operation Paperclip was to deny German scientific knowledge and expertise to the USSR,[1] the UK,[2] and the German people themselves.

The US would send elite soldiers in to raid for documents and materials behind enemy lines, sometimes in Soviet territory, and sneak material out. The scientists involved, which there are many, were allowed to avoid execution if they worked for their enemy. To give you an example of some of the material that was collected by Operation Paperclip, right at the end of the war, Wernher von Braun and his team had begun designing multistage rockets capable of reaching the United States. They also had plans for a space station, the classic circular sci-fi space station, and on this, they had a huge sunlight collector, a mirror that was designed to focus sunlight down on the Earth as a kind of death ray. There were all these wild ideas coming out of that team that turned it into a very valuable coup for the United States.

Ultimately, it was von Braun who built the Saturn Five rocket that took people to the moon. The German protype plane developed in 1945 called the Horten Ho 229 was turned into the United States's stealth bomber. It even included stealth technology, for instance Reimar Horten said he mixed charcoal dust in with the wood glue to absorb electromagnetic waves (radar), which he believed could shield the aircraft from detection by British early warning ground-based radar that operated at 20 to 30 MHz (top end of the HF band), known as Chain Home.[3][4][5] Various other Horton aircraft with similar designs exist.[6][7] Operation Paperclip also allowed the The Manhattan Project to get a working fission bomb after previously only failed designs by jewish scientists who had left Europe a decade or two earlier. And once the USA got the bomb, jews Julius and Ethel Rosenberg working for the US government transmitted the secret to the jewish government of the Soviet Union.


Main article: Robert Oppenheimer

After the first USA atomic detonation on 16 July 1945, in the Trinity test in New Mexico, Oppenheimer quoted the Hindu Bhagavad Gita: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." This is because the Hindu Mahabharata had a weapon called the Brahmastra and even more powerful called the Brahmashira, which resemble modern atomic bombs.

Since Oppenheimer knew the USA got the method for making a working atomic bomb from the Germans in Operation Paperclip, and since the Third Reich had taken many expeditions to India seeking lost secret knowledge, Oppenheimer seemed to have believed that the Germans may have obtained the secret from ruins in India.

See also

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