New World Order
The expression New World Order (NWO) usually refers to an argued emerging exploitative world government and various related forms of harmful globalization.
The phrase is today often claimed to always refer to a secret conspiracy theory similar to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (by a wide variety of conspirators), but that is not necessarily how the phrase has been used (see below). Supporters of globalization or a world government have often stated so openly.
The phrase "new world order" is in itself unspecific and has been used in various ways. After the First World War and Second World War, it was used by individuals such as Woodrow Wilson and Winston Churchill to refer to the changed political situation and the emergence of new globalist institutions, such as the League of Nations and the United Nations.
William Luther Pierce has stated that
- "The truth of the matter is that the New World Order people ultimately aim to create a New World Population of serfs for their global plantation, a homogeneous population of coffee-colored serfs --- a population of docile, predictable, and interchangeable serfs -- and they definitely don't want any large reservoir of White people anywhere who might rebel".[1]
An example of a somewhat different usage is
- "The United States is, itself, a product of the fall of the Old World Order. The Old World Order, as far as government is concerned, was comprised of the Christian monarchies which ruled by "divine right" after the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the sixth century. The term "New World Order" pertained to an ideal world which was allegedly to develop on the ashes of the Old Order after no powerful monarchs ruled in Europe. The American Revolution was a relatively benign manifestation of a revolutionary movement against that Old Order. This movement bore its most bitter fruit in the 19th and 20th centuries. This revolutionary movement, whatever its merits once were, has been hijacked by the enemies of our race and nation."[2]
Christian Zionists, such as Pat Robertson in his book The New World Order (1991), have sometimes criticized influential individual Jews, sometimes including them in conspiracy theories, such as regarding a New World Order, but regarding such Jews emphasized their implied non-Jewishness, such due to some form of deviance from religious/Orthodox Judaism, while ignoring such Jews otherwise promoting Jewish ethnic interests.[3] See also Christian Zionism.
As a derogatory label
In politically correct sources, the term may be used as a derogatory label for claimed absurd theories, which may explain why it is used in, for example, the leftist Wikipedia to label various theories only vaguely associated with a world government, such as deep state theories. See also Deep state theories and "conspiracy theories".
- I do not believe much in the limited idea of an international police force which is to be merely a sort of super-force over a large number of national armies, navies and air forces. We believe that it is necessary to get rid of all national armies, navies and air forces and to substitute an international police force for it. You have to go the whole way. We ought to envisage the creation of an international police force as a deliberate attempt to build up a World State. — Clement Attlee, 13 December 1933, later Labour Party Prime Minister of the United Kingdom[4]
- Americanism is a splendid method of depoliticization. The Jews have used jazz and movies, magazines and smut, gangsterism and free love, and every perverse desire, to keep the American people so distracted that they pay no attention to their own fate. Even in politics, they are no longer influenced by the head, only by what is under the belt. The Jews would not be Jews if they did not want to apply such tested methods to the entire world. Nearly every nation in the world faced or is facing the need to combat Americanism, a generally pleasant retreat to a barbaric lack of culture. Americanism is not merely a moral-cultural form of degeneration, nor can it be combated by nonpolitical means. It has already been defeated when one digs it up by its roots and sees there plainly the words: “Made in Israel.” — The Danger of Americanism, Das Schwarze Korps (Official Weekly of the SS), 14 March 1944
- Today's races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. The main representatives of the brain aristocracy: of capitalism, journalism and the literate are Jews. The superiority of their spirit predestines them to become a main factor of the future nobility. — Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, spiritual father of the EU, freemason of the Humanitas Lodge, Vienna
- We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent. — James Warburg, 17 February 1950, before the United States Senate
- "The self-elevation and self-deification of the mechanized animal is the final stage of human history, which can only be replaced by an intervention from above, by a messianic appearance. A characteristic of the antichrist is the unification of the world that takes place under him and the persecution of the true believers who do not want to worship him. [...] People still rarely risk their lives when confronting the adversary's henchmen, but times are changing. The perversion, brutalization, disinhibition and indoctrination with the satanic principle of 'everything is permitted' carried out by the mass media [...] will have their effect and the multimedia arenas for the martyrs of the end times are already being built." — Martin Schwarz, in: Das dunkle Zeitalter und sein Ende
- "Many Christians today are convinced that Christ will return in the very near future. If this is true, then the Bible’s prediction of the reign of the antichrist over a new world order is also about to happen. I believe the terrible depression and the devastating natural catastrophes that I described earlier in this book will propel the world into the coming one-world government far more rapidly than today’s most ardent proponent of a new world order would dare to dream about." – Marvin Moore, in: The Antichrist and the New World Order, 2013
See also
- Cosmopolitanism
- European Union
- Globalization
- Multiculturalism
- Populism
- Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi
- United Nations
External links
- Review of Kerry Bolton’s “Revolution from Above” at Occidental Observer
- Christian Zionism as a Parasitic Ideology
- ↑ William Luther Pierce. The New World Order. American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 24, 1999.
- ↑ The History and Significance of the New World Order
- ↑ Christian Zionism as a Parasitic Ideology
- ↑ The NWO: Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories. Western Spring. Retrieved on 14 March 2013.