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Oliver Cromwell in A Genealogy of Anti-Christ by George Bickham the Elder, published by Charles Price (line engraving), early to mid 18th century

The Anti-Christ is primarily a Christian eschatological false Messiah although somewhat similar anti-Messiah figures also exist in Islam and Judaism.


The Antichrist is the false Christ that will, according to Islamic and Christian prophecies, rule the world for a period of limited duration in the future, before being defeated by Jesus Christ when He comes back to earth. In Islam, the Anti-Christ is called the Dajjal. Although the Anti-Christ/Dajjal is the personification of Satan, Jews will accept him as their Messiah and become his followers[1].

Before the actual Anti-Christ/Dajjal will appear, an Anti-Christ/Dajjal-system will be implemented, which will be the most evil and corrupt in history. This system shall promote everything that is evil (e.g. dissolution of family units and marriage, homosexuality, pornography, alcohol and drug abuse, adultery, usury, satanism). This will result in oppression, crime and unjustice, which will result in all kinds of suffering (e.g. famines, wars, rapes, massacres, etc.) on an unprecedented level. Many people who are afraid of the Anti-Christ's/Dajjal's power will join his ranks. The only people who are able to resist will be those with a very strong faith in a god.


  • "The self-elevation and self-deification of the mechanized animal is the final stage of human history, which can only be replaced by an intervention from above, by a messianic appearance. A characteristic of the antichrist is the unification of the world that takes place under him and the persecution of the true believers who do not want to worship him. [...] People still rarely risk their lives when confronting the adversary's henchmen, but times are changing. The perversion, brutalization, disinhibition and indoctrination with the satanic principle of "everything is permitted" carried out by the mass media [...] will have their effect and the multimedia arenas for the martyrs of the end times are already being built." — Martin Schwarz, in: Das dunkle Zeitalter und sein Ende
  • "Many Christians today are convinced that Christ will return in the very near future. If this is true, then the Bible’s prediction of the reign of the antichrist over a new world order is also about to happen. I believe the terrible depression and the devastating natural catastrophes that I described earlier in this book will propel the world into the coming one-world government far more rapidly than today’s most ardent proponent of a new world order would dare to dream about." – Marvin Moore, in: The Antichrist and the New World Order, 2013

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  1. "He (Ad-Dajjal) will be accompanied by seventy thousand Jews with crowns and swords", in: Dajjal the false Messiah by Ibn Katheer (2008), p. 31