Madagascar Plan
The Madagascar Plan was originally proposals by Poland to deport its Jewish population to the French island of Madagascar, located to the east of the African continent. This plan was subsequently resurrected by National Socialist Germany for Europe's Jews.
Polish Jews
The idea of deporting Poland's Jews to Madagascar was first proposed and investigated by the Polish government in 1937 who then entered into extensive discussions with their putative ally, France. A delegation to Madagascar from both governments included Jews. Naturally disagreements arose by such a motley crew over how many the island could accommodate etc., and with the affairs in Europe reaching a difficult phase a decision was shelved.
German Mandate proposal
Franz Rademacher, a lawyer, diplomat and Head of the Jewish Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the German government, resurrected this plan and proposed the deportation of European Jews to Madagascar in 1940, following the Fall of France.[1] In a Memorandum[2] regarding a possible German Peace Treaty with France, dated July 3rd. Rademacher referred to the German desire to get "All Jews out of Europe". This plan was called 'Referat D III':
- "In the peace treaty France must make the island of Madagascar available for the solution of the Jewish question, and must resettle the approximately 25,000 French people living there and compensate them. [No mention is made of the natives.] The strategically important Diégo Suarez Bay, as well as the harbour of Antsirane, will be German naval bases.......In addition to these, suitable portions of the country will be detached from the Jewish territory for construction of air bases. The portion of the island not needed for military purposes will be placed under the administration of a German Police Governor, who will be under the control of the Reichsfuhrer SS. In this territory Jews will otherwise have self-administration: their own mayors, police, postal and railway administrations, etc. The Jews will be jointly liable for the value of the island. Their former European assets [if any] will be transferred for liquidation to a European bank to be set up for the purpose. In so far as these assets are insufficient to pay for the land which they get and for the necessary purchase of commodities in Europe needed for developing the island, bank credits will be made available to the Jews by the same bank. Since Madagascar will only be a territory Mandated to Germany, the Jews who live there will not acquire German or any other county's citizenship but will be citizens of the "Madagascar Mandate". This arrangement will [also] prevent the possible establishment of a 'Vatican State' of their own in Palestine by the Jews, thus preventing them from using for their own purposes the symbolic value which Jerusalem has for the Christian and Mohammedan portions of the world. Moreover the Jews will remain in German hands as a pledge for the future good conduct of the members of their race in America. We can utilize for propaganda purposes the generosity which Germany shows the Jews by granting them self-government in the fields of culture, economics, administration, and justice, and can stress that our German sense of responsibility to the world does not permit us to give a race that has not had national independence for thousands of years an independent state immediately; for this they must still prove themselves to history."
On August 15th in a Memorandum by Martin Luther, the Director of the Department for German Internal Affairs, he stated that Hitler had told Otto Abetz, the German Ambassador in Paris, that "he intended to evacuate all Jews from Europe after the war".[3] The following day Rademacher forwarded to Luther a more extended elaboration of the Madagascar Plan, which had been worked out in the Reichssicherheitshauptamt and noted that the Plan had also been take up with the Foreign Minister by SS-Gruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich. A further Memorandum of Rademacher to Luther of August 30th indicated that the Madagascar Plan had been discussed with other German government departments.[4]
However, the plan was not viable while the war continued, due to the transportation difficulties.
According to politically correct history, the plan was replaced by the Holocaust. However, according to Holocaust revisionists, the plan was replaced by a plan to deport Jews to Poland/the occupied Soviet Union, and with a Jewish expulsion from Europe to occur after the war. See: World War II statements argued to support Holocaust revisionism.