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Dr. Paul R. McHugh, former senior psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins Hospital and current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said transgender people are a “mental disorder” that needs to be treated, that sex reassignment surgery is “biologically impossible” and that people who promote sex reassignment surgery are cooperating with and promoting a mental disorder, CNS News reports. Dr. McHugh, author of six books and at least 125 peer-reviewed medical articles, spoke out in a recent commentary in the Wall Street Journal, explaining that transgender surgery is not the solution for people suffering from a “disorder of ‘assumption'” – the idea that their masculinity or femininity is different from what nature has biologically assigned them. He also reported on a new study showing that the suicide rate among transgender people who have undergone gender reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people. Dr. McHugh also pointed to studies at Vanderbilt University and the London Portman Clinic of children who had expressed transgender feelings, but in whom 70–80% “spontaneously lost those feelings over time.” The disorder of the transsexual person, Dr. McHugh said, is the person’s assumption that they are different from the physical reality of their body, their masculinity or femininity as assigned by nature. This disorder is comparable to a dangerously thin person suffering from anorexia who looks in the mirror and thinks they are overweight, McHugh said. This assumption that one’s gender exists only in the imagination, independent of anatomical reality, has led some transgender individuals to push for social acceptance and validation of their subjective personal truth, he continues. As a result, some states–California, New Jersey and Massachusetts–have passed laws prohibiting psychiatrists, “even with parental permission, from seeking to restore a transgender minor’s natural gender feelings,” he said. Transgender advocates don’t want you to know, Dr. McHugh said, that studies show that between 70% and 80% of children who express transgender feelings spontaneously lose those feelings over time. In addition, most of those who underwent gender reassignment indicated they were satisfied with the surgery, “but their subsequent psychosocial adjustment was no better than those who did not have surgery.” “And so at Hopkins, we stopped doing gender reassignment surgery because producing a ‘satisfied’ but still troubled patient seemed like an insufficient reason to surgically amputate normal organs,” Dr. McHugh said. A “sex change” is biologically impossible, McHugh said. “People who undergo gender reassignment surgery do not go from being men to women or vice versa. Rather, they become feminized men or masculinized women. Claiming it’s a civil rights issue and encouraging surgical procedures is really colluding with and promoting a mental disorder.”[1][2]

Transsexualism is the woke term for describing the mental and psychosexual disorder (gender identity disorder, politically correct as of 2013 "gender dysphoria"[3]) of an individual who identifies with a gender different from his or her own sex.


Transsexualism is often included within the broader category of "transgenderism", which is often used as an umbrella term for people who do not conform to typically accepted gender roles. It includes cross-dressers, transvestites, and people who identify as "genderqueer". Transsexualism according to this view refers to a specific condition in the transgender realm.

Transgender is argued to be independent of sexual orientation; transgender people may identify as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, etc; some may consider conventional sexual orientation labels inadequate or inapplicable to them. However, at least regarding activism there are associations with homosexuality, one example being the LGBT abbreviation and terms such as the LGBT community.


The Jewish sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld had an important role in creating the current politically correct views on transsexualism/transgenderism and how it should be treated.[4]

Increasing prevalence

An article 2018 stated that "the medical director for specialised services at NHS England [...] "We've got to be prepared to start thinking about designing a healthcare service that will allow somewhere around one to three per cent of the population at some point in their lives having a discussion about their gender," Based on current population estimates, this would mean 1.97m people in the UK using gender identity services", he said. [...] "referrals to adult services have increased by 240 per cent over the last five year period. "There are currently 7,500 adults waiting for an appointment with our services. No other specialist service has seen this growth, anywhere near. As a result there is absolutely not sufficient capacity in the system," he warned. [...] the age profile of people approaching services was getting younger. In one case study, the average age of patients referred to the Nottingham gender clinic, which treats people aged 17 and over, had dropped from 40 when it first opened in 1998 to just over 20 currently. [...] children and young people, said the organisation had experienced an "unprecedented" 100 per cent increase in referrals between 2015 and 2016."[5]


Many different causes of transsexualism have been proposed. Many are similar to those proposed for homosexuality, including causes such as changed sex hormone levels during development, such as by endocrine disruptors.

In 2018, a study concluded that "social and peer contagion" was a plausible explanation for "cluster outbreaks" and a high number of cases where the majority of children in a friendship group became "transgender-identified". YouTube videos and other social media were also argued to be involved. Unsurprisingly, the study was immediately attacked by transgender activists.[6][7]

In 2017, an English university rejected as "politically incorrect" an application for research on the increasing numbers of people who were changing gender and subsequently regretting this. The rejection occurred despite that the homosexual researcher had long backed transgender rights. "Some of those young women were saying they felt they'd made a mistake, but had been influenced by a kind of social movement ramped up by the internet. When I talked to colleagues about what I was finding, one said: 'I didn't think we were supposed to talk about that.' Discussion is being suppressed by a small, but vocal, minority in the LGBT community who seem to have an agenda to push the boundaries of trans rights whatever the cost. [....] Many of the younger people who present at gender clinics have a history of mental health issues such as self-harming, social anxiety, eating disorders and so on. They see transitioning as their panacea.' In addition, James says that the proportion of people attending gender clinics who are on the autistic spectrum is approximately six times higher than the general population. 'The activist line is, 'Oh that's because they're trans so if they weren't discriminated against and could just be themselves and transition they wouldn't have mental health issues.' That's far too simplistic. [....] Society is changing so rapidly that a lot of people feel uncertain of their place in it and they're looking for something. The fact is, the idea of trans identities is now being brought into the classroom and is all over the internet.'"[8]


Flag used by individuals who claim to be or support transsexuals

In the UK, a "Memorandum of Understanding" on how to handle transgender patients has been seen as censorship, which could in effect prevent the patients from being told that there could be mental health causes for their wish to transition and preventing the patients from being told that some later regret their transitions and try to reverse them.[8]


Transphobia is a word similar to homophobia and other "-phobia" words. It is a word which aims to associate criticisms with mental illness. It can be seen as a form of attempted guilt by association and name calling. The politically correct sources using the word, and related "-phobia" word, apply a double standard and do not use "-phobia" words as labels for criticisms of Whites, heterosexuality, Christianity, and so on.

Transsexualism as a disorder

Unlike homosexuality, transsexualism is classified as a psychiatric disorder, if it causes negative effects for the individual (Gender identity disorder/Gender dysphoria). Some transsexuals disagree with this. However, the status as a recognized psychiatric condition makes it possible to demand that socialized health systems should pay for often very expensive operations and other treatments, in order to alter and keep altered the body so that it matches the gender identification.

In 2014, a federal appeals court upheld a judge’s ruling that a transsexual inmate convicted of murder is entitled to a taxpayer-funded sex change operation, as treatment for her severe gender identity disorder.[9]

Changes in gender identity

A study following 109 boys who had gender identity disorder, between the ages of 3 and 12, found that only 12% continued to want to change gender, when followed-up at the average age of 20.[10]

Hormone treatments for transsexual children

Children transsexuals have been given hormone blockers to prevent them from experiencing the puberty of the gender they do no identify with and given hormone treatment to go through the puberty of the opposite gender. This has been criticized, since the gender identity often changes.[10]

Children and homosexual parents

As for homosexuals, there have been concerns regarding the well-being of children raised by transsexual parents as compared to heterosexual parents. A transsexual who identifies as a male may still use the female reproductive organs in order to have children.[11]

Use of segregated areas

Transsexuals (including transsexuals who have not had sex change operations) have demanded access to various areas that are segregated between the sexes (bathrooms, restrooms, locker rooms, changing facilities, and so on). This has in some cases been enforced by regulations and laws and despite the distress that this may cause for non-transsexuals.

2016 review

A large 2016 review stated that "The hypothesis that gender identity is an innate, fixed property of human beings that is independent of biological sex — that a person might be “a man trapped in a woman’s body” or “a woman trapped in a man’s body” — is not supported by scientific evidence. [...] Compared to the general population, adults who have undergone sex-reassignment surgery continue to have a higher risk of experiencing poor mental health outcomes. One study found that, compared to controls, sex-reassigned individuals were about 5 times more likely to attempt suicide and about 19 times more likely to die by suicide."[12]

The review also stated that "Children are a special case when addressing gender issues. In the course of their development, many children explore the idea of being of the opposite sex. Some children may have improved psychological well-being if they are encouraged and supported in their cross-gender identification, particularly if the identification is strong and persistent over time. But nearly all children ultimately identify with their biological sex. The notion that a two-year-old, having expressed thoughts or behaviors identified with the opposite sex, can be labeled for life as transgender has absolutely no support in science. Indeed, it is iniquitous to believe that all children who have gender-atypical thoughts or behavior at some point in their development, particularly before puberty, should be encouraged to become transgender."[12]

Gender ideology

Gender ideology is considered a totalitarian ideology pushed by a Cultural-Marxist cabal and foreign entities for the purpose of weakening, undermining, or destroying families as well as Western civilization. Gender ideology does not accommodate the reality of sex—the reproductive strategy of mammals including human beings.

The charge is not so much that the term gender ideology is unfair or inaccurate—which the AP suggests—but rather, that it doesn’t refer to anything at all. Yet clearly such an ideology exists and can be named. If thousands of people use a term to refer to the same set of related facts out in the world, then it both means something to them and has a referent. This is true no matter where the term originated, even if it’s hard for a random person on Twitter to formulate a tight definition on command. Anyone following politics in recent years already has some idea what “gender ideology” means and what it refers to. It gave us the Gender Unicorn. It inspires every new letter and symbol added to LBG in the Pride Month alphabet. It coaxes school districts to allow males who “identify as” females to compete in girls’ sports and use their bathrooms. It hypnotizes the media into pretending the man who won the decathlon in the 1976 Olympics is a woman. Gender ideology is the source of the belief that children can be born in the wrong body. It leads Californians to think that if a young girl feels anguish over her body, the doctors should not help her adjust to her body but should change her body and her surroundings—name, bathroom, pronouns—to conform to her “gender identity.” It fuels the spread of concepts like “gender identity”—including the many new supposed identities such as non-binary and pansexual—and the telling phrase “sex assigned at birth.” It inspires opaque proclamations like “transwomen are women.” It prompts the State Department under Joe Biden to fly the progress flag during Pride Month. It led Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to answer “I can’t…. I’m not a biologist” when she was asked “What is a woman?” during her Senate confirmation hearing to the U.S. Supreme Court.[13]

AB 1955 (California, July 2024)

The “SAFETY Act,” AB 1955, signed by woke California Democratic governor Gavin Newsom, legally forbids schools from adopting any policy that would force them to disclose “any information related to a pupil’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to any other person without the pupil’s consent.” Schools may not, as a matter of policy, inform parents of a child’s new gender identity unless the child volunteers her approval. The law also prohibits schools from punishing any school employee found to have “supported a pupil” hurtling down a path toward risky and irreversible hormones and surgeries. Critics state:

  • 1. Mimics the tactics of child predators by isolating children from their parents.
  • 2. Undermines parental rights and the parent-child relationship.
  • 3. Potentially puts children at risk by encouraging secret gender transitions without parental knowledge or support.
  • 4. Ignores growing evidence and international trends cautioning against pediatric gender transitions.
  • 5. Disregards public opinion, which largely supports parental notification in such cases.

Journalist and author Dr. jur. Abigail Shrier, who attended Columbia and Oxford University and earned a J.D. at Yale Law School, wrote the bestseller Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters in 2020. In an article from 18 July 2024 she writes:

The law effectively shuts down the local parents’ rights movement in California by eliminating its most important tool: the ability to organize at the community level to stop schools from deceiving them. No longer can families hope to convince their school boards to require schools to notify parents that their daughter, Sophie, has been going by “Sebastian” in class; that her teacher, school counselor, and principal have all been celebrating Sebastian’s transgender identity; that they’ve been letting her use the boys’ bathroom and reifying the sense that she is “really a boy.” It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the law supports the priming of minor children for a secret life with a new gender identity. This includes having school-aged children participate in sexualized discussions and make identity declarations with school faculty, which are often actively hidden from the child’s parents. Elon Musk called the law “the final straw” for families and announced his intention to move both SpaceX and X, two of California’s most prominent tech companies, out of the state as a result. “The goal [of] this diabolical law,” he tweeted, “is to break the parent-child relationship and put the state in charge of your children.” [...]
In California, instruction in sexual orientation and gender identity has been mandatory for all public school students K–12 since the passage of the Healthy Youth Act in 2016. Because such instruction typically occurs within the required “anti-bullying curriculum” rather than the sex education curriculum, parents cannot elect that their children opt out of what is, in practice, a full-bore indoctrination into gender ideology. When a child then predictably decides in class that she too may be nonbinary or transgender, this revelation will often trigger schools’ gender support plan, effectively a school-wide conspiracy to promote the child’s new name and gender identity without tipping off Mom and Dad. Official documents and emails and report cards are sent to parents to preserve the child’s birth name and pronouns, concealing the social transition from parents. [...]
The SAFETY Act would significantly stymie, if not eliminate, this local pushback to the increasingly unpopular practice of schools playing adoptive parents with other people’s children. (Although already, the Chino Valley Unified School District has filed suit against Newsom over this act.) The plain text of the California law claims that it merely prevents schools from adopting policies that “forcibly out” trans kids—as if confused fifth-grade girls are in the same position as closeted gay adults in decades past who risked arrest and firing for being outed. [...] Aurora Regino is a single mother in California who last year sued the Chico Unified School District for secretly pushing social transition on her then–11-year-old daughter. Regino told me that the “phobia” rationale seemed “ridiculous.” She added, “How is it not outing a kid if you’re telling an entire school that they’re a different sex? That’s outing right there. So everybody knows except the parents? That doesn’t really make any sense to me.” [...] Recent polling shows that voters across the political spectrum believe that schools should be required to inform parents if their children are using different gender pronouns at school than they are at home. [...] Until her daughter was socially transitioned behind her back, Regino had been a lifelong progressive Democrat. “Now, I’m a registered Republican,” she said.[14]


  • "Heterosexuals are the raisers of crops and children, homosexuals were the destroyers of culture."
  • “We are against the LGBT! Family is sacred to us – a strong family means a strong nation.” – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in May 2023[15]
  • “If you have mental disorders, you should seek treatment and not impose on people that you are the norm and everything has to go your way.” – Martina Šimkovičová, Slovakian Minister of Culture, towards the Rainbow Lobby, September 2024

See also

Homosexuality and
the Catholic Church
Homosexual marriage
LGBT pride parade

Further reading

External links

In German


  1. Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘mental disorder’; sex reassignment ‘biologically impossible’, 2019 (Archive)
  2. Also reported by iFamNews Germany, 2020 (Archive)
  3. The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published in 2013, replaced “gender identity disorder” with “gender dysphoria”.
  4. Magnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935). Gendernetwork.
  5. Nearly two million Britons expected to question their gender, health boss warns NHS
  6. Brown University in row with transgender activists over claims gender dysphoria spreading among children
  7. Rapid-onset gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults: A study of parental reports
  8. 8.0 8.1 How a psychotherapist who has backed transgender rights for years was plunged into a Kafkaesque nightmare after asking if young people changing sex might later regret it
  9. Federal appeals court upholds Mass. inmate’s right to taxpayer-funded sex change surgery.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Transgender kids: Painful quest to be who they are.
  11. The family where mum used to be a dad and dad used to be a mum. Aug 08, 2014. Daily Mirror.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Lawrence S. Mayer, "Preface," Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences, The New Atlantis, Number 50, Fall 2016, pp. 4-6.
  13. Jay W. Richards, Ph.D.: What Is Gender Ideology?, 2023 (Archive)
  14. Abigail Shrier: California’s New Law Lets Schools Keep Secrets from Parents, The Free Press
  15. ‘We’re against LGBT’: Erdoğan targets gay and trans people ahead of critical Turkish election