Nordic Resistance Movement
Nordic Resistance Movement | |||
![]() Insignia, a Tiwaz rune in an Ingwaz rune on green | |||
Political position | National Socialism | ||
Leader | Simon Lindberg | ||
Founder | Klas Lund | ||
Existence | 1997–present (Sweden) 1998–present (Norway) 2006 or 2007–30 November 2017 (Finland) 2016–present (Iceland) 2017–present (Denmark) | ||
Website |; (Danish); (Swedish); (Icelandic); (Norwegian); (Finnish) |
The Nordic Resistance Movement (Swedish: Nordiska motståndsrörelsen; NMR, Norwegian: Den nordiske motstandsbevegelsen; NMB, Danish: Den nordiske modstandsbevægelse; NMB, Icelandic: Norræna mótstöðuhreyfingin; NMH) is a National Socialist organisation. Aside from Sweden, it is represented and active in Norway, Denmark and Iceland. The organisation works both parliamentarily and extraparliamentarily.
The organisation advocates an immediate stop to mass immigration to the Scandinavian countries, and repatriation of people that are not of primarily Nordic descent. It also advocates Nordic self-sufficiency and withdrawal from the European Union and NATO. The organisation's news site is called Nordfront in Sweden and Denmark, and Frihetskamp in Norway.
The Nordic Resistance Movement has been banned in Finland, where its members reorganised by founding Kohti Vapautta! and Atomwaffen Division Finland "Siitoin Squadron" (AWDSS). It was designated as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist organisation by the US State Department in 2024.[1][2]
The organisation was founded as the Swedish Resistance Movement (Svenska Motståndsrörelsen) in 1997, but after growing larger in the rest of the Nordic region, the organisation changed its name to The Nordic Resistance Movement in 2015.
In 2017, the Finnish Police Board entered a lawsuit which urged the court to ban the Nordic Resistance Movement. The organisation states that
- "The Police Board do not wish to criminalize this political organization on grounds of some criminal activities it’s members have perpetrated, but solely because of the fact that the Nordic Resistance Movement’s political viewpoints is considered to not be in accord with 'good custom', which is specified to mean that the organization is in conflict with 'the views of the current time on morality and justice.' [...] Even those who do not sympathize with the Nordic Resistance Movement’s opinions ought to be worried over the actions of the police here. If the politicized Finnish Police Board gets their will through, then they will be able to ban all political opposition on the same phony grounds of being 'against good custom', even if the court would not deem them criminal in any other way. If the ban is passed in Finland there is also the risk that we will see similar abuse on freedom of speech in other Nordic countries.[3]
Later in 2017, the court banned the Nordic Resistance Movement in Finland. The ban was appealed and a request by the police for a temporary ban was turned down. In September 2018 the Court of appeal in Turku upheld the ban. In March 2019, the Supreme Court placed a temporary ban on the group. On 22 September 2020, the Supreme Court upheld the ban.
The Nordic Resistance Movement has praised Adolf Hitler, Oswald Mosley, Vidkun Quisling, Léon Degrelle and Corneliu Codreanu in their publications.
Citizenship is reserved for those with two parents who are Nordic citizens, and for those with a Nordic citizen parent and a parent of closely related peoples (defined as most Central and Eastern Europeans, and many Southern Europeans). An exemption (honorary citizenship) is made for those racial aliens who have truly excelled in the struggle for the freedom of the Nordic countries and peoples. Honorary citizenship is to have the same legal value as regular citizenship. Persons whose loyalty is judged to lie with a foreign power whose interests collide with the Nordic region can be deprived of their citizenship.
Point 1: Immigration
- Immediately stop mass immigration. Repatriation of the majority of all non-ethnic Northern Europeans or closely related peoples must begin as soon as possible. In the most humane way possible, they must be returned to their respective home countries or areas close to them.
- Introduce a total freeze on all non-Nordic immigration. This applies without exception at least until the repatriation process is completed.
- Significant strengthening of border control into the Nordic region. This is also necessary to stop crime and human trafficking across the country's borders.
- Create a state institute that can effectively judge the racial affiliation of people who have arrived in the North through immigration. The institute will use modern genetic methods to carry this out.
- Start the repatriation of the racially alienated people who are within the Nordic borders as soon as possible. This must be done in the most humane way possible so as not to cause unnecessary suffering. [Adopted, and racially mixed individuals with no real tie to their (other) homeland will not be forced to leave out of humanitarian and ethical concerns.]
- Secure the basic needs of the Nordic peoples before we spend our resources on other countries.
- Pursue a generous aid policy, if possible, for countries that follow the basic ethical rules of the new Nordic region.
- Provide humanitarian assistance in disaster areas and counter imperialism.
- Pursue a responsible immigration policy that does not risk damaging our Nordic racial composition.
- Grant asylum to people of our own race, who are persecuted in our world.[4][5]
Point 2: Take back control
- By all available means, in the long term, work to take back power from the global Zionist elite who have economically and militarily occupied large parts of our world.
- Spread information within the Nordic region so that the entire population understands in depth how the Zionists work to destabilise and divide.
- Globally spread information that sheds light on the Zionists' shady activities, so that more nations can take a stand and act.
- Build up and establish alternatives to all hostile infrastructure (companies, cultural institutions and so on).
- Prohibit anti-national and secret societies engaged in subversive activities.
- Ally with states and other actors who can be helpful in ruling this global world order.
- Ensure that an attack against the new Nordic region will immediately have fatal consequences for the enemy.[6][7]
Point 3: United North
- Together with the other Nordic countries [Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden], create a self-sufficient Nordic state with common defence, a common currency and central bank, and common overarching laws and regulations. This also means immediate withdrawal from the European Union and any other similar anti-national associations.
- Immediately leave NATO, the EU, the EEA and other similar anti-national associations.
- Unite the Nordic countries into one state.
- Ensure that the united Nordic region will be able to assert itself militarily, economically and culturally.
- Draft an all-Nordic constitution.
- Encourage local and regional self-governance in local matters.
- Highlight and strengthen Nordic culture, history and local characteristics.
- Have a Nordic self-sufficiency rate of over 100 percent.
- Have a vibrant countryside for meat and grain production.
- Introduce customs duties on imported goods that can be produced in the Nordic region.
- Create a developed modern basic industry that covers the needs of our people.
- Leave the current financial arrangement.
- Establish a state-controlled central bank with a monopoly on manufacturing money.
- Abolish the interest rate.
- Introduce a withholding tax on those who keep significant capital from circulation.[8][9]
Point 4: System of governance
- Introduce a strong state with distinct popular rule. Positions of responsibility will be assigned according to competence, and the state's aim will primarily be to ensure the people's preservation and work for its development and welfare. Freedom of expression must be extensive.
- Strive to give the word democracy back its original and rightful meaning.
- Abolish the monarchies. Strip the royal houses of their power and their economic and material advantages.
- Ensure that government employees are always selected based on competence and not based on class, family affiliation or personal ties (political nobility).
- Promote a culture where business leaders also look to competence, as well as the good of the whole people, when they hire people to positions of power.
- Elect an all-Nordic senate consisting of competent persons who throughout their lives have consistently distinguished themselves through merit in society for the good of the people.
- Let the senate choose a leader for the Nordic state, who can effectively and without bureaucracy, but with the senate's advice, make important decisions that concern the whole people.
- Create a popularly elected all-Nordic parliament that becomes the legislative power in society and the people's voice for the leader.
- Politicians must have normal salaries and other financial compensation. The driving force behind their motivation should not be financial desire. The motivation to be a member of parliament or senator must be based on an idealistic view and that you are really passionate about your people.
- Introduce a system similar to the Swiss direct democracy with decisive referendums.
- Let individuals in parliament, associations and popular movements have the opportunity to put forward important political issues. This as an alternative to today's political parties.
- Introduce a similar form of government at both local and regional level with a popularly elected mayor and local referenda.
- Repeal all racism and discrimination laws.
- Enact laws against anti-national, subversive propaganda and activities.
- Secure freedom of expression, assembly, association, demonstration and religion in the Nordic region.[10][11]
Point 5: Mass media
- Our mass media must be owned by citizens of the new Nordic region. Foreign and domestic media that act inimical to the people must be able to be banned. An overly concentrated ownership must be opposed.
- Create laws against anti-national propaganda. Make it possible for the state to expropriate media that act or have acted against the people.
- Ensure that only Nordic citizens are allowed to own Nordic media.
- Ban foreign media and organisations that spread anti-national propaganda in the Nordics, and classify these as foreign agents.
- Clean Nordic media. Journalists and others who have contributed to spreading anti-national propaganda must be banned from their work and carefully scrutinised before those with state approval are allowed to continue working in journalism.
- Initiate legal proceedings against those who have been particularly active in the anti-national propaganda. These individuals must be isolated from society.
- Distribute parts of the expropriated media to co-operatives and associations, and through government contributions work for diversity within the media world.
- Ensure that the majority of Nordic media is owned by the state, that is to say the people. State media must work for the people. Commercial media are allowed to work freely, but not carry out hostile or subversive propaganda against the people.
- Ensure that the principle of publicity, with the exception of source protection, should also apply to the media. Every individual citizen must have the opportunity to scrutinise those who are scrutinizing.[12][13]
Point 6: Nature
- Create a modern society in harmony with the natural order. Our animal welfare laws must emphasise ethics over profit. Nature and its resources must be used with reason and the future in mind. All rights must be protected.
- Push for tougher environmental laws.
- Invest in geoscience and be a leader in the development and use of renewable energy that will power homes, cars, industry, etc.
- Work for an eco-thinking to replace the materialistic "use-and-throw society".
- Collaborate internationally to implement this on a broad front.
- Abolish ritual slaughter as kosher and halal.
- Tighten the penalty framework for crimes against animals, such as animal cruelty.
- Ban painful animal experiments.
- Work for a healthy hunting and fishing policy where we take what we really need and adapt our way of life to nature and not the other way around.
- Extend protection for the endangered native species that, due to human influence, are decreasing in number every day.
- Work to create a vibrant countryside. Support small businesses that operate in the countryside, as well as decentralise community services such as schools, health, cultural, leisure and sports facilities.
- Stop the exploitation of Nordic forests. Forests, just like other natural resources, should not be used in a healthy society as an inexhaustible resource where maximum profit is the only goal.
- Combat the industrialisation of agriculture and animal husbandry. Strict ban on the use of genetically modified organisms (GMO), artificial fertilizers and pesticides.
- Ensure that children at an early age gain respect and understanding for nature and that they take a holistic approach to it. Children should grow up to be caretakers, not parasites, of nature.
- Promote and support agriculture and animal husbandry on a smaller scale. The more people who can support themselves with food, the better.
- Protect the common law and introduce it throughout the Nordic region.
- Make it clear that the common law does not only entail rights, but also duties. Damage to forest and land must be taken seriously, and there must be an obligation to report irregularities in nature.
- Forcefully combat illegal commercial exploitation of nature.
- Work for stronger laws that will benefit biological and geological diversity.
- Introduce measures to ensure that municipalities take the environment into account in cases where commercial interests wish to establish themselves in natural areas. Significant changes to the landscape must have permission from a central nature conservation authority.
- Take action against the alien species that have unnaturally established themselves in the Nordic nature so that their harmful effects on our native fauna is minimal.
- Fight "multiculturalism" and instead promote biological diversity for humans as well.[14][15]
Point 7: Community
- Introduce a National Socialist society where resources are distributed so that we take care of the whole people, both strong and weak, and where everyone is given the opportunity to reach their full potential. A social safety net must give citizens rights, but also duties. The state must control basic infrastructure of public interest as this requires greater responsibility than a company can handle. At the same time, entrepreneurship and the spirit of innovation must be encouraged.
- Give all able-bodied people a job.
- Create a new authority with exclusive responsibility for finding the right jobs for the right people.
- Make sure to create flexible pathways for people who need to be educated or retrained for their own and society's needs.
- Abolish unemployment benefits for those who absolutely do not want to work.
- Legislate duties and rights for employees and employers rather than allowing different industry-specific trade unions and employers' organisations to negotiate different individual terms.
- Create an authority that ensures cooperation between employees and employers, as well as protects their rights and obligations.
- Strive to introduce a six-hour working day.
- Give all citizens who are unable to work or be retrained, short-term or long-term, a grant that allows them to have a quality of life on an equal footing with those who work.
- Introduce free medical and dental care for all citizens. Regular basic health examinations must also be offered. This is to promote health and prevent ill health in time.
- Make sure that leisure and sports facilities that are considered beneficial to public health, the idea of national community or the education of the people are reduced in price according to income down to almost completely free of charge for those with lower incomes.
- Give the state power over public interests, rather than letting it rest in the hands of profit-hungry investors.
- Introduce customs duties for non-Nordic goods which can instead be produced in the Nordics.
- Subsidise organic, locally produced and environmentally friendly goods.
- Introduce tax breaks and other measures to make it easier for small, local entrepreneurs and businesses to compete with larger companies.
- Make it financially costly for companies that choose to move their production outside the Nordic borders.
- Make sure that the state and municipality always support local Nordic companies with healthy attitudes.
- Invest heavily in research that aims to improve public health, the environment, defence, as well as criminology that aims to prevent crime. Research that contributes to an increased understanding of the universe and the laws of nature must also be encouraged.
- Issue scholarships or other grants to private individuals who, on their own initiative, help advance public research.
- Create research and innovation centers where the state, universities and companies come together to educate and create a breeding ground for enterprising and intelligent citizens to participate and drive development forward.
- Pay a citizen's salary to promising artists, writers, composers, musicians, filmmakers and other culturally active people.
- Replace the school's "democratic" indoctrination with a National Socialist value base where character building, the concept of community and a great respect for nature and its laws are implemented from a young age.
- Introduce teaching hours for sports and place more educational time outside in the free nature, instead of teaching that which the majority of students actually have no real use for in real life.
- Introduce a division by level of knowledge already in secondary school.
- Reintroduce ordinal grades already from first grade, and strengthen teachers' authority.
- Ensure that the education already from upper secondary school becomes more vocationally and individually oriented, through increased practical work and contact with study counselors.
- Introduce a voluntary work service of at least six months of hard rough physical work. To gain access to the country's colleges and universities, as well as to be employed by the state, a requirement is introduced to have completed the work service with a passing grade.
- Encourage and facilitate Nordic men and women starting families and having children. This is through, among other things, financial support schemes and tax deductions for families with several children.
- Emphasise and exalt the traditional family between a man and a woman, as the ideal and natural.
- Strengthen the status of motherhood in society, and the role of the woman in society as the person most responsible for the well-being of the family without forcing women out of the labor market for the sake of it. The role of stay-at-home mother should be considered to be just as valuable as a traditional profession.
- Double the length of the parental allowance and raise the minimum compensation level to 100% of what the woman would have earned from gainful employment instead. All requirements for reservation days for the father are removed so that the woman can choose to stay at home with the child for the entire period.
- Offer free childcare if needed. Kindergartens must focus on outdoor activities to a far greater extent than now, and to a greater extent than schools.
- Increase child support and multi-child allowance.
- Prohibit quotas based on gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
- Ban homosexual marriage and adoption for homosexuals.
- Criminalise the gay lobby and other propaganda against natural constellations.
- Prohibit homosexuality in public spaces.
- Increase the national pension so that private savings are not needed. The term "minimum pension" will be unknown to future generations in the new Nordic region.
- Establish a state pension organisation where the elderly can still work for society on a voluntary basis.
- Manage the Nordic state's finances so that the common man will have a more positive view of paying taxes.
- Lower taxes at the same time as the public benefit, welfare and the social safety net are strengthened.[16][17]
Point 8: Defence
- Introduce general conscription throughout the Nordic countries and expand the military. Everyone who has completed their military service keeps their weapon and equipment. Every citizen should be able to contribute to the defense of the nation against external as well as possible domestic threats.
- Strengthen and modernise the military defence.
- Give women basic military training for a shorter period of time, but with the option to voluntarily undergo the same conscription as men.
- Make sure that both men and women are reminded and updated in their ability to defend the Nordic region after completing their service.
- Build up an offensive capacity to, if necessary, be able to intervene in our immediate area at short notice.
- Normalise the idea of life as a soldier and encourage military careers.
- Offer young boys and girls the opportunity to get to know the defense at an early age. This is through, among other things, study visits and other things, so that they can learn about and gain respect for soldier life.
- Give the combined Nordic intelligentsia ample funds for military research and development.
- Ensure that everyone who has served their military service can manage their service weapon in civilian life. The right must of course be revoked if the weapon is not handled in a responsible manner.
- Give citizens the legal right to emergency defense in their homes even with their military weapons.
- Expand the civil defense.
- Have the capacity to mobilize our military forces for disaster relief.
- Be prepared to be able to help the world around us in the event of a major disaster.
- Continuously train citizens in accident management.[18][19]
Point 9: Judiciary
- Introduce a rule of law where all citizens are equal before the law. Trained lawyers must judge in the courts. A people's court shall be established to prosecute serious cases of treason.
- Ensure that all citizens – regardless of their origin, political or religious opinion – have the right to freedom of expression, opinion and assembly and fair treatment in the court on equal terms. All citizens of the free Nordic region must be considered equal before the law.
- Prohibit discrimination and quotas in the workplace - so-called "positive discrimination".
- Abolish the laws on racism or incitement against ethnic groups. Laws that prohibit threats, violations, defamation, and the like can instead be applied to all citizens.
- Create a rule of law where the legislative power is separated from the executive power. In plain language, this means that the laws are established by a popularly elected parliament, but that these laws are then applied by independent courts and state administration without interference from other bodies.
- In accordance with the principles of the rule of law, abolish the current jury system. Only trained lawyers, not politicians, are allowed to judge in our courts.
- Ensure that authorities do not take ideological political positions within the framework of their exercise of authority. Public officials or civil servants may neither individually nor collectively allow political convictions to influence the performance of their work. An individual authority figure can of course privately take a political position if it is clearly outside the person's area of activity.
- In accordance with the creation of laws against anti-national propaganda, also ensure that the organisation of genocide against the Nordic people becomes illegal. This means that associations that actively work for mass immigration, racial mixing and other forms of genocide may be prosecuted.
- Establish a People's Court that deals with the serious cases of treason. All persons who, through their influence and position of power, have or will work to promote the ongoing genocide of the Nordic peoples will be examined by this court. Those who are sentenced by the People's Court and are deemed incapable of rehabilitation will also lose their citizenship.
- Take treason cases seriously. Those who, with foreign aid or other illegal means, attempt to place the country under foreign power commit a crime against the security of the nation and must be punished accordingly. Cases where those in power participate in secret meetings where decisions are made with outside interests and without public insight or knowledge are to be regarded as high treason.
- Create a society characterised by healthy values and community, which will lead to reduced crime.
- Protect personal privacy instead of creating a surveillance society.
- Increase the penalty for crimes against children, animals and our elderly as well as for serious sexual and drug crimes.
- Introduce the death penalty for particularly serious, reckless and gross crimes when guilt is truly considered to be proven beyond all reasonable doubt.
- Give those who have served their sentence the opportunity for a new life free from debt and complaints and with the skills and knowledge to be able to perform the work that awaits.
- Increase the proportion of open institutions with compulsory work.
- Place great emphasis on criminological research to prevent crime.
- Provide psychiatric care the resources it needs and make sure they actually treat their patients instead of prescribing happy pills.[20][21]
External links
- Official website - English
- Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement
- Nordic Resistance Movement Attends Memorial March in Bulgaria
- A United North
- ↑ Terrorist Designations of Nordic Resistance Movement and Three Leaders
- ↑ The New York Times - U.S. Designates Largest Neo-Nazi Group in Sweden as Terrorist Organization
- ↑ Campaign for Freedom of speech: Don’t ban the Nordic Resistance Movement
- ↑ Point 1 (in Swedish)
- ↑ Point 1 (in Norwegian)
- ↑ Point 2 (in Swedish)
- ↑ Point 2 (in Norwegian)
- ↑ Point 3 (in Swedish)
- ↑ Point 3 (in Norwegian)
- ↑ Point 4 (in Swedish)
- ↑ Point 4 (in Norwegian)
- ↑ Point 5 (in Swedish)
- ↑ Point 5 (in Norwegian)
- ↑ Point 6 (in Swedish)
- ↑ Point 6 (in Norwegian)
- ↑ Point 7 (in Swedish)
- ↑ Point 7 (in Norwegian)
- ↑ Point 8 (in Swedish)
- ↑ Point 8 (in Norwegian)
- ↑ Point 9 (in Swedish)
- ↑ Point 9 (in Norwegian)