The New York Times

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The New York Times is an influential newspaper governed by the Jewish Sulzberger family.


Leftist Wikipedia claims that it is held in high regard by (leftist) journalists. It has won 127 Pulitzer Prizes, instituted by the Jewish Joseph Pulitzer, more than any other newspaper. The Jewish far leftist and stated mainstream mass media critic Noam Chomsky is cited as praising it.

Wikipedia criticizes it for during WWII supposedly not being more openly pro-Jewish, possibly due to not wanting to give the impression of there being undue Jewish influence in United States mass media, a common accusation by National Socialist Germany during the war.

Wikipedia also criticizes the Jewish publisher Arthur Hays Sulzberger, since supposedly he argued "that Jews should be separate only in the way they worshiped. He thought they needed no state or political and social institutions of their own", despite that if pro-White supporters argue for such institutions or states for Whites, then they will likely be accused of "White supremacism".

Recently, The New York Times has been described as being in the midst of a “civil war” between older leftists and younger, newly graduated from higher education, more extreme leftists, one part of the Great Awokening.[1]


The New York Times was founded on September 18, 1851 by journalist and politician Henry Jarvis Raymond and former banker George Jones as the New-York Daily Times. The paper changed to The New York Times in 1857. The newspaper was originally published every day but Sunday, but during the Civil War the Times along with other major dailies started publishing Sunday issues.

The paper's growing influence was seen when, in 1870 and 1871, a series of Times exposés targeting Boss Tweed ended the Tweed Ring's domination of New York's city hall.

In the 1880s, the Times transitioned from supporting Republican candidates to becoming politically independent; in 1884, the paper supported Democrat Grover Cleveland in his first presidential election. While this move hurt the Times's readership, the paper regained most of its lost ground within a few years.

The Times was acquired by Adolph Ochs, publisher of The Chattanooga Times, in 1896. In 1897, he coined the paper's slogan, "All The News That's Fit To Print," interpreted as a jab at competing papers in New York City (the New York World and the New York Journal American) known for lurid yellow journalism. Under his guidance, The New York Times achieved international scope, circulation, and reputation.

The paper moved its headquarters to 42nd Street in 1904, giving its name to Times Square. It was here that the New Year's Eve tradition of lowering a lighted ball from the Times building was started by the paper. After nine years in Times Square, the paper relocated to 229 West 43rd Street. It remained there until spring 2007, and is now three blocks south at 620 Eighth Avenue. The original Times Square building, known as One Times Square, was sold in 1961.

During the next two decades, the Times used new technology to obtain news and deliver it to readers. In 1904, the Times received the first on-the-spot wireless transmission from a naval battle, a report of the destruction of the Russian fleet at the Battle of Port Arthur in the Yellow Sea from the press-boat Haimun during the Russo-Japanese war. In 1910, the first air delivery of the Times to Philadelphia began. The Times' first trans-Atlantic delivery to London occurred in 1919. Finally, in 1920, a "4 A.M. Airplane Edition" was sent by plane to Chicago so it could be in the hands of Republican convention delegates by evening.

In the 1940s, the paper extended its breadth and reach. The crossword began appearing regularly in 1942, and the fashion section in 1946. The Times began an international edition in 1946. The international edition stopped publishing in 1967, when it joined the owners of the New York Herald Tribune and The Washington Post to publish the International Herald Tribune in Paris. The paper bought a classical radio station (WQXR) in 1946.

Since the mid 20th century, it has also been promoting demographic genocide of the USA, however anti-immigration policies for Israel.[2]

See also

Exernal links
