Henri Roques

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Dr. Henri Roques

Henri Roques (b. 10 November 1920 in Lyon; d. 16 March 2014 in Colombes) was a French author, publisher and researcher of Huguenot descent who exposed the Myth of Pope Pius XII's complicity in the Holocaust.


His doctoral thesis made world-wide headlines in 1986 when, for the first time in the nearly eight-century history of French universities, a duly awarded doctorate was quickly revoked on French government's orders, after an outcry by the leftist-Jewish media in France. In a tightly argued dissertation, Rocques came to the stunning conclusion that the allegations of mass gassings of Jews made by SS officer Kurt Gerstein were groundless, and that the supposed Roman-Catholic coverup of this "slaughter" are false. He further concluded that postwar academics deliberately falsified key parts of the already tortured Gerstein testimony. His dissertation was eventually published by the Institute for Historical Review in book form under the title "The Confessions of Kurt Gerstein".[1]

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