Woke capital

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Woke capital or Woke capitalism are usually negative terms for "woke" for-profit individuals and organizations supporting political correctness. In addition, some of those who brand themselves as "non-profit" may in reality have for-profit motives, one argued example being the Southern Poverty Law Center.


The Dictatorship of Woke Capital - How Political Correctness Captured Big Business.jpg

There may be various motives for such support, including:

The owners or managers may promote political correctness for reasons other than profit:

  • They may actually believe that political correctness is correct.
  • As a form of virtue signalling beneficial for themselves, even if they covertly view the politically correctness as harmful for their organization and society more generally.
  • In order to support special interests, such as ethnic networking or minority groups believing mass immigration is beneficial for the own group, see for example Jews and immigration.
  • Managers may feel they have lower positions than they are entitled to and believe that this is due to some form of discrimination. See also Great Awokening on "elite overproduction".
  • See also Managerial state.

See also

External links