The Northlander
The Northlander (NL) was the publication of the Northern League for Pan-Nordic Friendship (1958–1969).
The publication was first edited by Roger Pearson, later by E. L. Anderson (pseudonym for Willis Carto). In June 1958, The Northlander merged with another nationalist newsletter, World Review, published by Peter Huxley-Blythe, who had been part of a faction of young dissidents who broke away from Mosley at the end of the 1940s and associated themselves with Francis Parker Yockey in the short-lived European Liberation Front.
- A monthly review of pan-Nordic affairs
- A Review of Nordic Affairs (June–July 1959)
- A Cultural, Non-Political Journal Devoted to Pan-Nordic Friendship (c. 1963)
- A Cultural, Informative Journal Devoted to Pan-Nordic Friendship (c. 1965)