Risiera di San Sabba

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Risiera di San Sabba is a building complex in Trieste, northern Italy, most known for being a transit camp during WWII and allegedly also being a small extermination Holocaust camp.

In September 1943, after the armistice between Italy and the Allies and Germany enforcing control over Italy, Odilo Globocnik was transferred to Trieste (his place of birth), together with some of the staff of Operation Reinhardt. In 1944, Risiera di San Sabba started to be used as a collection and transit camp, with most transports going on to Auschwitz.

The Holocaust revisionist Carlo Mattogno has criticized the allegations that the camp also partially was an extermination camp and has written that "The inventors of this legend were led by ideological motives: in order to balance the massacres committed by the Tito terrorists in Istria and Dalmatia – in 1945 thousands of Italians had been thrown, some of them alive, into ravines in the Karst Mountains. The political left was thus in desperate need of a “Nazi extermination camp on Italian soil”! The “evidence” adduced by orthodox Holocaust historiography for the existence of a gas chamber at the Risiera camp is more than far-fetched, the assertions as to the existence of a crematorium border on the ridiculous."[1]


  1. Carlo Mattogno. Inside the Gas Chambers—The Extermination of Mainstream Holocaust Historiography. https://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?main_page=1&page_id=26