Mothers' Movement

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Mothers' Movement also known as the Mothers' Crusade began with the February 5, 1941 Mothers’ March on Washington, a collation of anti-war women who wanted the United States to stay out of World War II.


One leading and driving force of the movement was Elizabeth Dilling, an anti-communist and anti-Semitic researcher and author who once was indicted for sedition. After the march several of these women went back home a started their own national or regional Mothers organization. By one estimate five to six million women may have been involved with the Mothers' Movement.[1] As the war continued the Mothers' Movement sought a negotiated peace with the Axis Powers. Women’s Voice was a popular paper among the movement.


See also

External link


  1. American Women during World War II: An Encyclopedia, By Doris Weatherford, page 334