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Negro type from Upper Congo.jpg

Negro is a non-derogatory and correct racial description used to reference black people with African ancestry, although Australian Aborigines are also included in this racial group. The word negro means the color black in both Spanish and in Portuguese (from Latin niger), where English, German (Neger) and other languages took it from.


Around 1442 the Portuguese first arrived in Southern Africa while trying to find a sea route to India. The word negro, literally meaning 'black', was used by the Portuguese and Spanish as a description identifying the black Africans that they encountered. From the 18th century onwards the world's races were intensively studied and examined and the word negro became the accepted description of the black African race wherever they resided. Until the later 20th century negro was considered to be the correct English-language term for such people everywhere. It was, for instance, used in all official USA government documentation until the end of the century. However since the 1990s Liberals and cultural Marxists/socialists and the Human Rights industry decided it was a derogatory term and it has been banished in politically correct circles who prefer to identify people only by skin colours, thus denying race differences.


  • The great problem ahead of the United States is that of reducing the high differential birthrate of the inferior orders, for example, the hillbillies of Appalachia, the gimme farmers of the Middle West, the lintheads of the South, and the Negroes. So far no rational effort to grapple with it has been made. On the contrary, the prevailing political mountebanks have sought to put down a discussion of it as immoral: their aim has been to prosper and increase the unfit as much as possible, always at the cost of the fit. But this can't go on forever, else we'll have frank ochlocracy in America, and the progress of civilization will be halted altogether. The theory that inferior stocks often produce superior individuals is not supported by any known scientific facts. All of them run the other way. – Minority Report: H. L. Mencken's Notebooks, 1956
  • “My heart throbs anew in the hope that inspired by the example of Lincoln, imbued with the spirit of Christ, [America] will cast down the last barrier to perfect freedom. And I with my brother of blackest hue possessing at last my rightful heritage and holding my head erect, may stand beside the Saxon—a Negro—and yet a man!”Martin Luther King, Jr.[1]
  • These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again.[2]US President Lyndon B. Johnson

See also
